Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 292: ultimate happiness

   Chapter 292 Extreme Happiness

"Captain, are you so stupid? You really arranged the ultimate happiness for Yu Xiaogang." Yueguan had nothing to do today. After wandering around Wuhun City, he went to Wuhun Palace. Look at Yu Xiaogang that dog in the cell.

   After arriving in the cell, the picture he saw was a bit unsightly, but it was in contrast to what he imagined.

  I saw Yu Xiaogang being stripped naked and tied to a stigma. The whole person lost about ten pounds, and it was only a few days.

   There were about thirty enchanting women around him, also half-covered.

   It's just that the martial spirits of these women are very strange,

  It is either the acacia ape, or the martial spirit like the lecherous snake.

  Yueguan is also very clear that these women have all developed in the direction of evil soul masters. Then they were caught by the Spirit Hall, and a group of people who will be sent to the Slaughter City soon.

   Yu Xiaogang's state at the moment is already very weak.

   These women are all crazy.

The moment    saw Yu Xiaogang, it was like a mouse seeing corn, with green light in his eyes.

   I can't wait to take Yu Xiaogang as my own. Yu Xiaogang, who is tied to the pillar of the prison, feels a headache now just thinking about it.

  I don't think,

   But these women still had no plans to let him go, and were teasing him all the time.

   "Ah, Elder Yueguan, didn't you say you made Yu Xiaogang feel extremely happy?" The prison head was taken aback by Yueguan's serious face and scolding words.

  Although the prison guard was very unhappy, Yueguan was an elder after all. Titled Douluo. He can't be bothered.

"Look at Yu Xiaogang's current state, how long can he be cleaned up by these women, and you must not let these women kill him. Otherwise, His Majesty the Pope will have to hack you to death." What Yueguan said was true. Judging from the content of the information that Qian Renxue sent back to Qian Daoliu, the young lady should have tortured Yu Xiaogang. The so-called extreme happiness should be the opposite. Why is this prisoner so blind.

   But Yueguan also knows that as long as he doesn't kill Yu Xiaogang, he can do whatever he wants, but judging from today's state, Yu Xiaogang is such a rhythm that Jin Jing will die every minute.

"Well, what Elder Yueguan said is, let Yu Xiaogang rest for a few days before continuing?" not unreasonable.

   "Did I tell you to give him a break?" Yue Guan didn't understand, this gangster is really stupid.

   "I don't know what Elder Yueguan has ordered." The prison head is very clear that Yueguan should have his own ideas, but he is just pretending to be deep.

Sure enough, Yue Guan thought about it a little and said to the prison head, "You can change Yu Xiaogang to a higher-end room with better meals. Nutrition needs to be kept up, and you can also assign him a professional healing spirit master. Since he has been drained by so many women, and there is not a drop left, then find him the same number of men and supplement Yu Xiaogang. In the past two months, you will take care of me. In short, Yu Xiaogang can't die, you understand."

   "Uh, the little one understands." The prison head nodded in understanding, although he didn't understand what Yueguan said now to find the same number of men to supplement Yu Xiaogang, then he could ask other jailers.

"Well, it's good to know, then this seat will go back first. I'm optimistic about you. Don't let me down, and don't let the Pope down." The head speech said earnestly. At the same time, he stretched out his white palm and patted the head of the prison on the shoulder.

   "Well, it's pretty solid." Yue Guan left after taking pictures of the prison boss. ,

   It was just the words he left that made the prison head shudder.

  Yueguan left, and the prison head began to think about what Yueguan told him before about how to make Yu Xiaogang feel extremely happy.

"Captain, what's the matter with you? After Elder Yueguan left, I saw you in a sullen mood. I was thinking of dying." A prince with a short head, dark skin, and a height of about 1.8 meters The man showed his upper body and had a strong body. He sat beside the prison head and asked with concern.

   "Oh, Zhang Long, I was thinking about what Elder Yueguan said just now, asking the same number of men as Yu Xiaogang to supplement him." The cell leader saw that it was Zhang Long. He didn't tell him directly without avoiding suspicion, because the two are good brothers.

   "Captain, this matter is familiar to us prisoners. Otherwise, how can I arrange this matter?" Zhang Long suddenly recommended himself.

   He is quite good at taking care of people like Yu Xiaogang who don't deal with Spirit Hall.

Isn't    just looking for thirty men to engage Yu Xiaogang? Zhang Long caught this matter. too easy.

   "Oh, really?" The prison head looked at Zhang Long very seriously.

   "Otherwise, when we watch it together, it will definitely be an eye-opener for you, the head of the prison." Zhang Long felt that he was quite interested in having the head of the prison watch with him and let him clean up Yu Xiaogang.

   After all, he is the son of the suzerain of the last three sects, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect. He plagiarized the documents of the Wuhun Temple, and then sorted it out and said that it was his theoretical invincible master Yu Xiaogang.

   Thinking about Zhang Long, I feel that the thief has a sense of accomplishment.

   He felt that he had to tell his brothers about this in the future, so that he could boast for several years.

"Okay, Zhang Long, you are really my lucky star, but you can't let Yu Xiaogang die, otherwise we may die. After all, the Pope himself greeted him." He was still a little scared.

"You can rest assured on this point. At most, Yu Xiaogang will not be able to poop, and it will not kill him." Zhang Long already knew what the task that Elder Yueguan had arranged for the prison head was. Don't you just ask Yu Xiaogang to add it?

  Zhang Long is going to let the criminals caught by Wuhundian satisfy Yu Xiaogang.

   "Then I'll find a healing spirit master first. You go and arrange thirty male criminals first." The prison head still remembered Yueguan's words, asking a healing spirit master to be a nanny for Yu Xiaogang.

   "Well, well, let's go. I'll arrange it too." Zhang Long smiled at the prison head. He also had to make arrangements. After all, although there were quite a few prison cells in the Spirit Hall of thirty strong men, it still took some time to find them all.

   Douluo's Little Dance Reborn



   (end of this chapter)

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