Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 290: Ma Xiaotao

   Chapter 290 Ma Xiaotao

   "Nineteen years old, six-ringed Soul Emperor cultivation base? How did you cultivate?" Bibi Dong heard about Ma Xiaotao's cultivation base, and stood up from the stool in an instant.

   She looked nervously at this fierce, outrageous, yet extremely sexy, red-haired Ma Xiaotao in front of her. Asked about Yun Xiaofeng.

   "It's not a big deal, right, I'll be able to break through to the Soul Emperor after a while." Yun Xiaofeng spread his hands and said strongly that he was about to break through the Soul Emperor. Isn't it just six spirit rings?

   "Xiao Tao, eat slowly, no one will take it from you." Yun Xiaofeng wiped the oil from the corners of Ma Xiaotao's mouth.

   "Well, I'm a little hungry." When Ma Xiaotao spoke, she didn't forget to stuff chicken thighs into her mouth.

   "It really is a woman with a fierce stomach. She doesn't get fat by eating like this." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Ma Xiaotao's fierceness, and looked at him so straightly.

   "Does it look good?" Bibi Dong's voice sounded softly in Yun Xiaofeng's ear.

   "Well, oh, it's alright, just not as good-looking as Miss Sister." Yun Xiaofeng said in general, and suddenly came back to his senses.

   This special young lady and Xue Qinghe are still beside him.

   "Crack." Bibi Dong was angry, what did this guy Yun Xiaofeng say, he seemed to have seen his own ferocity. It's time to hit.

   Yun Xiaofeng was lightly patted on the head by Bibi Dong.

   He doesn't care either.

   "Lao Xue, how are you, Crown Princess." Yun Xiaofeng is going to negotiate with Xue Qinghe next.

   "Is she willing? Does she know my identity? Will she help me keep a secret?" Xue Qinghe looked at Yun Xiaofeng with a solemn expression.

   "Sister, I will." After Xue Qinghe finished speaking, Ma Xiaotao took over the topic.

   "You, you, how did you know." Xue Qinghe was puzzled. How did Ma Xiaotao know her identity?

"Junior Brother Xiaofeng won't have a boy with him alone. That's what the master told me." Ma Xiaotao's shocking words made Yun Xiaofeng suspect that even if Ma Xiaotao's so-called master was not Wu Qingying, It has nothing to do with that tiger girl.

   "You just rely on this?" Xue Qinghe was stunned, Ma Xiaotao was looking for a powerful reason.

   But if you think about it carefully, Yun Xiaofeng seems to be really like this.

   "Well, otherwise." Ma Xiaotao was still eating delicious dishes at the table.

   "Then are you willing to be me as a princess? Of course you know that my true identity cannot be revealed." Xue Qinghe asked expectantly.

"Yeah, Junior Brother has the final say. I'm all from him anyway. If you guessed correctly, so are you guys. Then everyone is a family, so there's no problem at all." Ma Xiaotao looked at Qian Renxue, and then said again. He looked at the demure Bibi Dong. Then he shook his head, didn't care at all, and continued to eat the delicious dishes on the table.

   Yun Xiaofeng secretly thought to himself, Ma Xiaotao's divine assist was so perfect.

   "How is it, Lao Xue, how is it now. I've solved your urgent needs." Yun Xiaofeng's eyebrows twitched. Facing the Xueqing River.

   "Well, thank you. Tomorrow, I will report to the old man like Xueye about the establishment of a concubine." Qian Renxue really did not expect this matter to be solved by Yun Xiaofeng so easily.

   "Then Lao Xue, let me discuss something with you." Yun Xiaofeng rubbed his palms, feeling a little excited.

   Qian Renxue was a little puzzled, why is this guy crazy. "Tell me, what's the matter."

"Since I have helped you with the matter of the Crown Princess, can you write a letter to your mother and your grandfather to go back and marry Phoenix Douluo to me. You also know that she is already my sixteenth concubine. "Yun Xiaofeng said as he stretched out his salty pig's hand to wrap his arms around Bibi Dong's slender waist.

   I just experienced Bibi Dong's soft waist.

   "Get off, get off, get off," Qian Renxue got up immediately, grabbed Yun Xiaofeng's clothes and rushed outside her prince's residence.

  Qian Renxue really didn't expect that Yun Xiaofeng would have a heartless heart towards her mother.

   "Xue Qinghe, why are you like this? You don't recognize people when you put on your pants. I won't take you like that." Yun Xiaofeng's words almost made Qian Renxue's angel really angry.

   If it wasn't because her true identity was exposed, it might cause a war between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall. She really wanted to fight Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, get out of here," Qian Renxue almost roared out.

   Ma Xiaotao and Bibi Dong in the room looked at each other, neither of them had any intention of stopping them.

   In Ma Xiaotao's eyes, she is Xiaofeng's junior brother, and in Bibi Dong's eyes, she has already regarded her as Yun Xiaofeng's sixteenth aunt. Because this matter is not only related to her happiness, but also to her divine examination.

   Regarding the news of Death, she had already asked the ghost to ask the lousy old man Qiandouliu after he went back.

  God test, she is also afraid of being deceived.

   Remembering that Rakshasa is not a liar god?

  In the original work, he was ahead of Qian Renxue by so many years, Tang San needless to say, when Bibi Dong took the divine test, Tang Doudou wasn't even a cell.

   So she needs to be more cautious.

  ・・・・・The guards watched as Yun Xiaofeng was dragged out by Xue Qinghe with his clothes.

   "Haha, His Royal Highness is doing beautifully. This guy has a long oily head and powdered noodles, and he looks so good-looking. His skin is better than that of a woman. At first glance, he is not a serious person. It's good to drive it out."

   "His Royal Highness is domineering, yes, that's how it should be. Otherwise, the fact that His Royal Highness likes male **** can't be hidden."

   "In this way, who would dare to say that His Royal Highness likes male sex. Anyway, I don't believe it."

   "I don't believe it either."

   "It's all for Lao Tzu to patrol, you don't have to work." The captain of the guard drew everyone's attention back in one sentence.

   "What are you looking at? I've never seen a handsome guy." Yun Xiaofeng said very unhappily when he passed by the patrolling guards.

   "Well, I've seen it, I've seen it, was the son driven out by His Royal Highness?" The patrolling guard poked Yun Xiaofeng's sore spot.

  Yun Xiaofeng won't start killing anyone just because of the patrolling guard's words.

   "My young master tells you something, your highness is going to appoint a prince concubine. You are busy during this time." Yun Xiaofeng gloated.

  His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is going to appoint a Crown Princess, so the hard times for this group of guards will come.

   "What you said is true, that's great. His Royal Highness has appointed a concubine, which means that the rumor that His Royal Highness likes male **** is false." The guards did not show a bitter expression,

   But what is the matter with the happy look on the guard's face when such a special prince gets married.

  Yun Xiaofeng said he didn't understand.

   shook his head, since he was kicked out by Qian Renxue, let’s go back to Yuexuan today, and come back tomorrow.

   (end of this chapter)

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