Chapter 173 The Host

  Welcome to Tiandoucheng Dadou Soul Arena. I am today's host, Doudou,

  A lady Doudou with a flying martial arts white dove spread a pair of pure white wings, and after flying around the No. 1 fighting soul platform, she stood on the top and started to announce,

   "Because this fighting spirit is a friendly exchange between the Star Luo Empire Royal Academy Team and the Heaven Dou Empire's Royal Academy Royal Fight Team.

   So today our Heaven Dou Empire, His Majesty Xue Ye, also came in person. Everyone welcomed His Majesty Xue Ye with the warmest applause. "

After    finished talking, the atmosphere of the scene rose.

   After all, ordinary audiences, even some nobles at the scene, have never seen a living emperor.

  The Great Emperor Xue Ye sat amidst the applause of the crowd, and everyone at the scene could see his position.

   "The Heaven Dou Empire welcomes the Star Luo Empire to come and have friendly exchanges with us.

   This fighting spirit, no matter what the result of the match, will be recorded in the annals of the Heaven Dou Empire. "

   Xue Ye said so. Then the Stone brothers were simply too happy.

   This is a good opportunity to follow their captain's name and go down in history.

   "Hey, I don't know how the two fools Yu Tianheng and Oslo are doing now." Thinking about it now makes it funny. Such a good Heaven Dou Royal Academy actually had to give up voluntarily.

  The two brothers Shishi were so terrifying that they almost died of laughter. The two brothers have now reached the thirty-ninth level of spirit power. Maybe after the game is over, it will be level 40. They can be said to be looking forward to the Fourth Ring of Ten Thousand Years.

   "I have invited Sect Master Ning of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School," his words caused a frenzy of applause again.

   Ordinary people may not know what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School means, but as long as it is a soul master, the applause is clapping.

  Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the most wealthy sect in the whole continent, the wealth of the entire sect combined is comparable to the treasury of the two great empires.

  Ning Fengzhi walked to Emperor Xueye and sat down on a stool behind him.

   Then he pressed his hands in the air and smiled kindly at the audience.

   Sword Douluo sat on the seat behind Ning Fengzhi.

"Sect Master Ning is the No. 1 auxiliary spirit master in the whole continent. Can Sect Master Ning tell us, you are more optimistic about which of the two teams will win." Flying in midair, holding the microphone of the Soul Guidance Device. Ning Fengzhi blinked mischievously.

   "No matter what the result of the game is, this seat only hopes that the two teams will play with style and style."

  Prince Xue Qinghe sat in a similar position to Ning Fengzhi, and the two guarded Emperor Xue Ye,

   The leader of the Star Luo Empire sat next to the Tiandou Imperial Academy, and Qin Ming and Liu Erlong also sat there. Although the location was not as eye-catching as Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi, it was still seen by others. Especially the students of Shrek Academy.

   When Tang San saw Liu Erlong sitting on the seat of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, his teeth gnashed,

   He would never forget that when Liu Erlong, a female tyrannosaurus, nearly beat him to death when he was in Tuocheng.

   But today, Baba was away and went to Sunset Forest. If he was there, he would definitely ask Baba to take care of Liu Erlong.

   Actually, Tang Ritian is more fortunate that he is not here today. If he dares to attack Liu Erlong today, then it will be his death.

   "We welcome our team members below. Some students from the Royal Star Luo Empire Squadron are invited to enter the arena." Dugget waved his wings in midair and shouted loudly through the microphone.

   Davies was blond at the moment, with the back of his head, walking at a pace that he did not recognize, but his face was swollen like a pig.

   Yun Xiaofeng knew when he saw Davis' appearance, and it really was this guy. As he guessed.

  Since you dare to tease my wife, then this young master will molest your fiancee today.

   "The next one to appear is our Tiandou Royal Academy students, uh, so handsome." Doudou forgot that she was still holding the microphone at the moment.

   "Uh, I'm sorry, all the audience, I am indeed impressed by the handsomeness of the captain of the Tiandou Empire Royal Academy team. I believe some audiences are like me, please forgive me for my mistakes."

   apologized earnestly.

   It’s just that the audience all looked at Yun Xiaofeng,

  A white robe.

   The skin is quite fair, which is comparable to the modern little fresh meat.

   The six people behind him are also, and this is the team uniform of the Royal Fighting Team.

   When Xueke appeared in the Great Soul Arena, Emperor Xue Ye's eyes almost popped out.

   Then he looked at Xue Qinghe next to him, hoping he could explain it to himself.

   "Father, don't be impatient. My son promises that the imperial battle team will win." Xue Qinghe almost patted his chest to promise.

   "If you lose, this emperor will ask you." Emperor Xue Ye gave Xue Qinghe an angry look.

   "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this kid Qinghe is right." Ning Fengzhi smiled at Emperor Xue Ye. Then said.

   Zhu Zhuqing was recognized by her sister the moment she appeared. It's just that Zhu Zhuyun didn't call her, apparently for some purpose. The two sisters looked at each other.

   Zhu Zhuyun saw hatred in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes. The hatred was obvious.

   Looking at the team uniforms of the Tiandou Royal Academy Royal Fight Team, especially the clouds embroidered on the team uniforms. The audience at the scene thought it was so beautiful.

   The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Royal Fight Team, Yun Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing, stood in the front row. Obviously it does damage.

The two brothers   Stone stood behind Yun Xiaofeng and the two of them.

   Next are Xue Ke and Bai Chenxiang, but Dugu Yan is surrounded by the four of them.

   "The golden retriever opposite, are you teasing my wife today? My young master told you, you are finished." Yun Xiaofeng stared at Davis on the opposite side.

   Hearing Yun Xiaofeng calling him Golden Retriever, and thinking that he slapped a beautiful woman today and was beaten up, Davis had a bad feeling.

   I feel like I'm going to suffer today.

   "It seems that the captain of our Royal Fight Team can't wait to rush over and beat the captain of the opposite Star Luo Empire Royal Team. Wow, there's no way these two are having a bad time."

   With a gossip face in the air, Yun Xiaofeng really wanted to fly up, grab her, press her on the ground and spank,

   "Host, hurry up, or I'll hit you.?" Yun Xiaofeng directly threatened the host. This kind of thing has never happened before.

  Doudou thought Yun Xiaofeng was particularly interesting.

   "The two teams are ready to brighten their spirit rings and their martial spirits." After another half-circle in the air, Doudou said to the two teams.

   "Xiangxiang, you and Xueke flew to the sky to watch the play." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Bai Chenxiang nodded to Yun Xiaofeng and said, "Okay, brother Xiaofeng."

   "That, brother Xiaofeng, I can't fly." Xueke almost knocked Yun Xiaofeng to the ground in one sentence.

   "Isn't your Wuhun a dumb goose?" Yun Xiaofeng was puzzled, Wuhun stone birds, she actually said that she couldn't fly.

   "I don't know either, maybe my spirit is too fat.?" The corners of Xueke's mouth also twitched.

  Her spirit won't let her fly, it's really none of her business.

   Yun Xiaofeng was also drunk when he heard such a shocking explanation.

   "Graphite, Shimo, you two protect Xueke. Yanzi listened to the command and asked you to release the poison before releasing it. I'm going to clean up the golden retriever on the opposite side today." Yun Xiaofeng was really angry today. Davies dares to molest his Yuehua wife,

   (end of this chapter)

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