Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 174: Hundreds of thousands of viewers scolded mother

   Chapter 174 Hundreds of thousands of viewers scolding mother

   "The Fourth Ring of Ten Thousand Years, what's the situation." The audience in the audience was shocked. It's true that the Fourth Ring of Ten Thousand Years is black.

When    Duguyan's fourth spirit ring appeared, tsk tsk, the scene was full of exclamations.

   At this moment, Yu Tianheng was dumbfounded.

  Why, why is Duguyan's fourth spirit ring black.

   He couldn't stand Dugu Yan's strength.

   He could not accept this reality.

  Ning Fengzhi was also dumbfounded. He knew Duguyan's spirit power level, but he had never seen him show his spirit ring.

   The fourth spirit ring of such a special Duguyan has reached more than 10,000 years.

   Start and win.

   Dugu Bo was in the crowd at the moment, enjoying the exclamation of hundreds of thousands of people, as if his granddaughter's ten thousand year spirit ring had something to do with him.

   In the lounge of the Imperial Fighting Team, Ning Rongrong stood up when she saw Duguyan's spirit ring.

   "How can the fourth ring of ten thousand years be possible?" Ning Rongrong's exclamation made Xiao Wu feel that she was making a fuss.

   "Don't make such a fuss, it's just the fourth ring of ten thousand years." Ning Rongrong didn't know that Xiao Wu's second ring started the year before.

   Ye Leng Leng is also the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   It wasn't that Ning Rongrong was making a fuss, it was Duguyan's spirit ring matching that scared her.

  There is no one in the records of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who is the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   Actually, Xiao Wu knew that Tang Yuehua's fourth ring also started in ten thousand years.

   Yunyun's fourth ring is even more outrageous, it is directly red.

   Until now, no one knew the color of Yun Yun's spirit ring.

   Otherwise, more than 10,000 people will be scared to death.

   "Emperor Biphos, the fourth ring of ten thousand years, this is Poison Douluo's relative." At this moment, the spirit master who knew more about the forces on Douluo Continent began to take small notes. This girl is not something they can provoke in the future.

After the two brothers   Stone showed two yellow and one purple soul rings, the basalt turtle possessed them.

   protects Princess Xueke.

   Bai Chenxiang directly possessed her martial spirit and flew to Doudou's side.

  The host of Doudou is a little confused at the moment.

   "Isn't this a fighting spirit? What are you doing here with me?"

   Doudou muttered in a low voice.

   But after Bai Chenxiang heard it, she smiled and said, "Host, I'm here to cheer for my brother Xiaofeng."

   "Come on, come on, but you are like this, I always feel that you are coveting my host position." Doudou said nervously,

   You must know that her job is very well paid, and she is also protected by the Heaven Dou Empire and Spirit Hall.

  Xueke, Bai Chenxiang, Shitou two brothers, Dugu Yan all have their soul rings lit up.

  The host said: "Captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, don't you show your spirit ring?"

   "It's not bright anymore, lest the golden retriever on the other side say I bullied him." Yun Xiaofeng meant by saying that he wanted Yun Xiaofeng to brighten his soul ring and fight him, so Davis would probably be scared to pee. Fuck you too,

After listening to Yun Xiaofeng's words, the host of   Doudou felt that this guy was too crazy.

   "Little cat, you don't need soul skills, right?" Yun Xiaofeng whispered to Zhu Zhuqing.

   After all, Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit has evolved, and there is still the existence of the domain, and he has also learned the Jiuyin White Bone Claw that Yun Xiaofeng passed on to her.

   "I don't want to light up my soul ring either, after all, it's too ostentatious, let Big Sister Yanzi bear it." Zhu Zhuqing didn't light up his soul ring either.

   Because of the fourth ring of Duguyan alone, it is already scary.

   If Zhu Zhuqing brightened his spirit ring again, he wouldn't be able to scare people to death.

After    Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other, they both smiled knowingly. Because Ning Rongrong was also in the Imperial Fight Team.

   The most confused is Xue Qinghe.

Because she had seen Yun Xiaofeng's fourth ten thousand year ring, she suddenly discovered that Duguyan was also a ten thousand year spirit ring, so if the other girls in the team were all ten thousand year spirit rings, then Yun Xiaofeng's identity was worthy of him. I doubt it,

   Her 40,000-year spirit ring was only promoted to the 10,000-year-old by her taking the immortal grass that the stocking robber gave him.

   When everyone on the stage thought that Dugu Yan was the main force of the team, Yun Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing still didn't show their martial spirits and spirit rings.

  The students of the Royal Academy of the Star Luo Empire, when they saw Dugu's black soul on the stage, their brains were already buzzing.

  Davis, looking at Duguyan's ten thousand years fourth ring, he suddenly felt that his team's all four ring soul sect was not fragrant.

   "Golden Retriever, you succeeded in angering me today." Seeing Davis' ruthless face, he thought that this guy dared to speak rudely to his second wife.

   "Miss host, is it time to start!"

  Yun Xiaofeng glanced at Doudou who was in a daze in midair. He had some understanding of Doudou falling into a state of dementia. After all, Duguyan's 10,000-year-old fourth ring shocked the hundreds of thousands of people present.

   After being shouted by Yun Xiaofeng, the host also came back to his senses: "I'm really sorry, the captain of the Huangdou team, the shock of your players' fourth ring of ten thousand years is too great."

   "I can understand." Yun Xiaofeng really can understand.

   The Shrek Six Monsters and Yu Xiaogang in the audience were the most active.

  Tang San was even more looking forward to it.

   If Shrek Academy has mastered this method of leapfrog absorption of spirit rings. Then they will cultivate a wave of very powerful talents,

   In the future, they will fight against Wuhun Temple, and their father and son will be more confident.

   The look in his eyes at Yu Xiaogang was a little weird at this moment.

   For some reason, he always felt that his teacher was half a pot of water. Kind of like a liar.

   Yu Xiaogang didn't have any. Noticing Tang San's eyes.

   At this moment, his eyes have been fixed on the fourth ring of Wannian at the foot of Duguyan.

   He really wanted to know how this leap-forward way of absorbing spirit rings came about.

   When he arrived like this, the spirit ring of his junior three was two yellow, one purple and one black. What a shock!

   "No, I have to ask Duguyan to make the matter of absorbing spirit rings by leaps and bounds public. This is good for the spirit masters all over the world." Yu Xiaogang was so excited that he didn't want it.

   He felt that with his theoretical invincibility in the spirit master world, Duguyan should tell him, um, he would definitely tell him.

   "The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Royal Fight Team, the Star Luo Empire Royal Academy Star Luo Team, the friendly match between the two sides has officially started." After she finished speaking, she retreated to the empty seat to the side and stood up.

   Bai Chenxiang felt bored and played around.

   Anyway, the purpose of her soul battle is to fly, so it is enough not to let the people of the Royal Academy of the Star Luo Empire have a chance to catch her.

   "This team member, you don't want to fight me for a job!" Dudou looked at Bai Chenxiang with some vigilance, both in terms of appearance and figure, she was much stronger than her white pigeon martial arts!

   "Don't worry, Miss Doudou, I'm not interested in your position as host. This is just a task given to me by brother Xiaofeng." Bai Chenxiang also smiled sweetly at Doudou.

   After resolving the worries in Doudou's heart.

  Doudou started her official explanation of the fighting spirit.

   "Captain of the Star Luo Empire, after Davis possessed the White Tiger Martial Spirit, the first ring and the third ring under his body flashed a bit respectively, and he should be about to release these two spirit abilities."

   "And his goal is to be the most handsome captain of the Royal Fight Team.

   But the captain of our Emperor Fighting Team doesn't show his spirit and his spirit ring is unknown, so how does he plan to fight! "

The host of   Doudou explained the situation at the scene to the more than 100,000 people who had been watching the battle.

   "Could it be that this kid still has his own soul skills." Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other, and their hearts were shocked.

   Liu Erlong heard Sword Douluo's conversation,

   I thought of the powerful Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and the place where Yun Xiaofeng's claws grabbed her plump part. A pretty face immediately turned red.

The attitude of    Huangdou team is very obvious, and only Zhu Zhuqing and Yun Xiaofeng are ready to defeat the first team of Star Luo team!

   "The five of you are behind, and Zhuyun and I will deal with these two." Davis' purpose is also very simple, that is to bully your back row.

   "Tsk tsk, Davis, the captain of the Royal Academy of Star Luo Empire, didn't expect you to be so shameless. Since you want to be like this, then I will let you feel what despair is!"

   After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, it was as if an invisible big bowl was buckled on the stage of fighting spirits!

   "Yanzi releases poisonous mist, don't add poison!" Yun Xiaofeng ordered.

   Dugu Yan's spirit possessed, and a large green python appeared in the field. Then the poisonous mist begins to be released.

   In the domain of Yun Xiaofeng, the poisonous fog can't get out at all!

   The entire Dou Soul Stage is like a transparent glass bowl that holds the people on the Dou Soul Stage in it.

   There are two soul masters in the Xingluo Empire worthy of Yun Xiaofeng's attention, that is, the two soul masters of the mirror spirit, their soul skills are too strange.

   At this time, the people on the Battle Soul Stage seemed to be covered by a jade bowl.

   everyone outside can't see,

   But someone was eager to see what was going on inside,

   "Purple Demon Eyes!" Tang San was that kind of voyeuristic demon. He couldn't find out what was going on on stage. So I wanted to use the Tang Sect's stunt that I thought could penetrate obstacles to spy.

   Yet his eyes turned purple.

When the    mental power just came into contact with the emerald-colored barrier on the Battle Stage.

  Tang San's brain seemed to be hit by a big hammer.

   "Ah!" He rolled on the ground with his head in his hands.

   For Tang San's murderous behavior, no one would pity him.

  Yu Xiaogang quickly helped Tang San up and let him sit on the seat and have a good rest!

   He knew that Tang San's mental strength was weak, so he couldn't penetrate the barrier at all. If Tang San was forced, he would be seriously injured.

   Mental damage is not as simple as physical damage.

   It's easy to become an idiot.

   This was only Tang San who used his Purple Demon again and again to spy on other people's secrets. If it were someone else, he would have been killed earlier.

   On the stage of the big fighting spirit that was buckled by the big jade-colored bowl.

  Doudou looked confused,

   She can't even see what's going on inside, so she can't help it!

   All the big guys in the stands stood up!

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, the two bad old men, looked at each other and smiled, this young man named Yun Xiaofeng gave them more and more surprises!

   "Domain, combined with the poisonous mist, can actually block everyone's sight. But now the 100,000 viewers are going to be scolding mothers!"

   (end of this chapter)

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