Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 172: Yun Xiaofeng wants to lift the table

   Chapter 172 Yun Xiaofeng wants to lift the table

   "So kitty, have you ever wondered why she did this to you?" Yun Xiaofeng put his arm behind Kitty's head. Tighten her head to his side.

   "I just want to kill me, and then no one will compete with her. Hmph, this woman is very bad." Zhu Zhuqing obviously had a deep prejudice against her sister.

   "Little cat, then let me ask you, have you been able to save yourself from danger every time. Then you were targeted by her in various ways, and then nothing happened?" Yun Xiaofeng said.

  Xueke sat up suddenly. Said: "I know."

   "What do you know, stupid goose. Lie down, really." Yun Xiaofeng said to the startled Xue Ke.

"Brother Xiaofeng, didn't you say just now that Sister Xiaoqing's sister tried everything possible to kill her? But every time she saved the risk. There are a lot of things going on here." Xueke felt that she instantly became a little clever ghost.

   "Sister Xiaoqing, let me ask you, how much older is your sister than you? What level has your soul power cultivation reached now?" Xue Ke felt that her thoughts were extremely clear at the moment.

"She is five years older than me. When I was over twelve years old, her spirit power level seemed to have reached the level of the spirit sect. I was a great spirit master at that time," Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xueke with a confused expression. I don't know how Xue Ke will analyze it.

   "Well, then your sister definitely didn't want to kill you, so she did it on purpose." Xueke's analysis Yun Xiaofeng secretly praised her.

   "Impossible, that woman is very bad. How could she not want to kill me, I guess she would like to tear me to pieces now." Zhu Zhuqing would not believe Xueke's analysis if she was beaten to death.

  Yun Xiaofeng is thinking about how to solve this matter,

   After all, when he saw Zhu Zhuyun chasing and killing her, he really did not kill her. Otherwise, the kitten estimates that the grass on the grave is a few meters high.

   "Why is it impossible, those words are written like this." Xue Ke started her well-founded source.

  Yun Xiaofeng listened to the corners of his mouth twitching,

   "Stupid goose, watch less of those things that are not suitable for children in the future. Those are all teaching bad children." Yun Xiaofeng immediately criticized Daoxueke.

   "I'm not a child, I'm an adult. And I'm going to marry you soon." Xue Ke looked at Yun Xiaofeng with wide eyes.

   "Well. Hee hee" Xue Ke took the opportunity to kiss Yun Xiaofeng on the cheek.

   "But I still think that woman really wants to kill me." Zhu Zhuqing didn't believe much in Xueke's analysis.

   Because she thought it was a little too weird.

   If it is as Xueke said, then what is the purpose of Zhu Zhuyun?

   "Sister Xiaoqing," Xueke shouted shyly,

   "Well, what's the matter, Xueke." Zhu Zhuqing was a little stunned when Xueke suddenly shouted.

   "That, that is, can I touch you?" Xueke's words made Yun Xiaofeng not calm, and Zhu Zhuqing was not calm either.

   "Go to sleep, hurry up, or I'll beat your **** into eight pieces." Yun Xiaofeng threatened Xue Ke.

"Okay, go to sleep, Xueke, don't learn from that hooligan Xiao Wu." Zhu Zhuqing smiled, then closed her eyes and started to sleep. She was going to beat her sister in her best state, and she would go out. gas over the years.

  The next day, the weather was not very good and it started to rain lightly.

  Tiandoucheng. on the street.

   "Have you heard? Yesterday, the Royal Academy of the Star Luo Empire came to provoke our Heaven Dou Empire's Royal Fight Team. I wonder if our Heaven Dou Empire Royal Academy can win."

"Yesterday they first challenged the team called Shrek Academy, but Shrek Academy was beaten by the Star Luo Empire Royal Team like a grandfather beating a grandson. I heard that Shrek Academy also has a prince who fled from the Star Luo Empire. , was beaten miserably, tsk tsk, you don't know how miserable it is,"

   "What the hell, you seem to know how miserable you are,"

   "Uh, well, I actually don't know. It's just that I heard people say that it's hard to recover if you don't have a month in bed."

   "It's a bit ruthless, I just don't know what it will be like to fight with our imperial battle team today."

  Tiandoucheng can hear the news of a round of fighting spirits of the two teams,

   After all, this matter is already in a secret contest between the two countries.

   Anyone with a discerning eye can guess that this is the provocation of the Star Luo Empire.

   Heaven Dou City's big battle field is not like a small Soto City,

  Today, the fighting spirits of Huangdou and Xingluo were arranged on the main fighting spirit platform in the center of the battle arena.

   On the Huangdou team, Yun Xiaofeng brought the team, and all the members of the Huangdou team came. Of course, some people will definitely not be able to get on the Dou Soul Platform.

   But this is not enough, Yunyun of Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua, Yun Xiaomao. also came. It's just that they were in the lounge.

  Although Yun Xiaofeng admits that he has seen the world, he watched hundreds of thousands of viewers watch. He couldn't help feeling that he didn't know how many people would curse his mother in this fight.

  Yun Xiaofeng led the team into the rest room of the Imperial Fighting Team.

   smiled and said to the two beauties in the rest room, "Wife Yuehua, Wife Yunyun, good morning."

   "Good, you're tall." Tang Yuehua stood up and faced Yun Xiaofeng with a head-scratcher.

   "Hee hee, what's wrong with Yuehua's wife today?" Yun Xiaofeng suffered a brain break, but he was not angry, but felt that his Yuehua wife was in a bad mood.

   and asked Yun Yun next to him,

   Yunyun smiled indifferently and shook her head, indicating that she did not want to say anything.

   "Miaomiao, tell me, did that **** offend my Yuehua wife?" Yun Xiaofeng felt that something must have happened. And Yun Yun felt that there was no need to tell Yun Xiaofeng about this trivial matter.

   "We were molested by a blond man on our way here, and then Sister Yun Yun beat the man up, and then... we came here."

   At this moment, Yun Xiaofeng wanted to lift the table, "What does it look like, is there anything special about it. I really want to kill this young master to fulfill him."

   Yun Xiaomiao said: "That person seems to be from the Star Luo Empire, because he is wearing the costumes of the Star Luo Empire."

   "Okay, okay, okay, I haven't beaten them, yet I dare to come to trouble me. It seems that the people of the Star Luo Empire don't really want to live anymore."

   Mocking his wife, it seems that the Star Luo Empire team is going to let him destroy a few today.

   "This is a fighting spirit, you don't need to kill, understand?" Tang Yuehua was afraid that Yun Xiaofeng would kill everyone in the Xingluo Empire. In that case, the Xingluo Empire would definitely be destroyed.

  If this is the case, it is estimated that wars will continue between the two countries. It is the common people who suffer.

   "Everyone who doesn't need to participate is waiting in the lounge, Xiao Wu, especially you. Just stay by Yun Yun's side, you know?" Yun Xiaofeng fondly patted the rogue rabbit's head.

   The seven players in the Huangdou team today are a strange combination. The difference between the highest spirit power and the lowest spirit power in the team is more than 20 levels.

   To participate in the competition, after all, it is still this kind of battle between empires. Still very strict.

  Every player on the team has to go through a bone age check, and the current requirement is that they should not be over 24 years old.

  Because of next year's Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Tournament, it is impossible for this team to disband.

   At this moment, six of the Shrek Seven Devils were in the stands.

   The so-called master Yu Xiaogang was also in the stands. He wanted to record the situation between the Emperor Fighting Team and the Star Luo Team, so that it would be easy to analyze in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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