Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 160: Liu Erlong's bone age

   Chapter 160 Liu Erlong's Bone Age

   "My name is Ning Rongrong, the martial spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and the spirit power level is thirty-one. Hello everyone. We will be classmates from now on." During dinner, Ning Rongrong took the initiative to introduce himself. "You can all call me Rongrong."

   She said in a greasy voice with a sweet smile on her face.

   Yun Xiaofeng won't be fooled by her. Knowing that he is the little witch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

   Duguyan also knows Ning Rongrong's character. After all, like her, she is also a girl favored by Dugu Bo.

"I know you, the little witch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. My name is Duguyan, and Dugubo is my grandfather. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. And we've also become classmates." Duguyan faced Ning Rong in the same way. Rong smiled.

   She also knew about Ning Rongrong's robbery last time, but now that her father and grandfather were both present, she was too embarrassed to tell what happened.

   Then she blushed and nodded like Dugu Yan, expressing her gratitude for not telling her father and grandfather.

   "As for my level of spirit power, it is currently at level 47, the Martial Spirit Biphosph Snake Emperor." Dugu Yan finished with a faint smile.

   Then both Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo looked confused.

   The two of them did some research before they came to Tiandou Royal Academy.

   Duguyan's martial spirit is clearly a phoenix snake, with a spirit power level of 38. Why did the martial spirit suddenly evolve, and then the spirit power level soared so much.

"Hello, Rong Rong, my name is Ye Leng Leng, Martial Spirit Nine Heart Begonia Emperor, and the spirit power level is the same as Yanzi, which is also forty-seventh level. We are all auxiliary departments, you can also call me Leng Leng." Ye Leng The same cold smile. Facing Ning Rongrong,

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo are not calm now.

   Ye Leng Leng also conducted investigations before.

   Level 35, Martial Spirit Nine Heart Begonia.

   But this suddenly became very scary.

  Ning Fengzhi thought that he must make Rongrong have a good relationship with them, maybe their family's martial spirit could also evolve into the emperor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

   "The emperor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda should be the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

   "Our two brothers, Wuhun Xuanwu Turtles, currently have a spirit power level of 39. Defense-type spirit masters. My name is Shi Shi, and my brother's name is Shimo."

   "You fart, you are the younger brother."

   "You just fart, I'm your brother."

  The two brothers began to quarrel over who is the older brother.

   Yun Xiaofeng was stunned by this operation. Are these two the same thing? Why didn't he find out before?

   "Shut up, you two bastards!" Duguyan opened the mouth and the two of them shut up instantly, giving everyone a silly smile.

   "My name is Yun Xiaowu, I'm Xiaofeng's child bride, my martial spirit is a rabbit, and my spirit power level is fifty-three!" Xiaowu guessed that Ning Rongrong might be the tenth concubine of Xiaofeng's family.

   So she was very polite to Ning Rongrong! The same face with a very cute smile.

   "Fifty, fifty-three?" Ning Rongrong was dumbfounded.

   "How old is the little girl this year?" Ning Fengzhi guessed that Xiao Wu was at least sixteen or seventeen years old!

   "I'm the same age as Brother Xiaofeng? We both graduated from elementary school together." Faced with Ning Fengzhi's question, Xiao Wu answered directly without any concealment.

"Under the age of fourteen, the spirit power level is fifty-three. This is a monster! No, monsters can't compare! Shrek Academy's trash is also worthy of being called a monster. It is clearly a group of people. Rubbish."

  Ning Rongrong felt hit.

  Ning Fengzhi's heart was twitching.

   Ning Fengzhi calmed down when he heard that Xiao Wu's surname was Yun.

   He also knew that all this was due to Yun Xiaofeng! Let her practice hard,

   If Ning Fengzhi knew that all of Yun Xiaowu's spirit rings had been absorbed over the age limit, I wonder if he would have a heart attack.

   "Yun Xiaoqing, Wuhun Nether Spirit, with the same spirit power level as Xiao Wu, I'm brother Xiaofeng's concubine. Because I'm the youngest." Zhu Zhuqing's introduction was short, capable, and shocking.

  Ning Rongrong heard that Zhu Zhuqing said he was young. Then he looked down at his slightly bulging little chest. Then she wanted to cry. This is so bullying!

   She is the one with the lowest cultivation level and the smallest chest.

  Ning Rongrong knew about Zhu Zhuqing's identity. After all, when he was in the hotel outside the Star Dou Forest, Zhu Zhuqing called the divorce agreement on Dai Mubai's face!

"Bai Chenxiang, Martial Spirit Swifttail Swallow, spirit power level 36. Hello, Rongrong." Bai Chenxiang's brief introduction made Ning Rongrong a little relieved, and finally she was no longer like Xiao Wu. As perverted as a kitten.

"Rongrong, hello, my name is Jiang Zhu, I am a thirty-fifth-level spirit power, and I am from the Healing Department. I am the young master's maid." Jiang Zhu is a lovely girl. Similarly, Ning Rongrong is normal. One is very cute!

   Liu Erlong felt embarrassed when she heard this.

   cast an apologetic look at Jiang Zhu.

  Jiangzhu replied to Liu Erlong's irrelevant expression,

   After all, it is a good thing to be able to study at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

   "My name is Liu Erlong, a level 79 soul sage, and the young master's maid," Liu Erlong said unwillingly, she really didn't plan to be a maid.

   "The killing horn of the Golden Iron Triangle?" Ning Rongrong didn't know, but that doesn't mean Ye Xiaorou and Ning Fengzhi didn't know!

   Today's Liu Erlong is at least in his forties, but he has an appearance that doesn't match her age!

   After all, Liu Erlong has not reached the title Douluo yet!

   "How on earth does Liu Erlong take care of his skin, so tender?" Ye Xiaorou, who is also a woman, although she looks very young, she has reached the title Douluo realm after all!

"The golden triangle has become a thing of the past. From now on, there will be no more golden triangles on the mainland." Liu Erlong asked Ye Xiaorou. Dude, I am totally disappointed.

  Especially when he said that when Tang San was still a child, if Liu Erlong wasn't just injured because of the drop, then everyone in Shrek Academy would have to die except for Flender.

   "That, sister Erlong, I want to ask you, how do you maintain your skin so well?" Ye Xiaorou didn't care about the Golden Triangle at all,

   What she cares more about is how Liu Erlong changed his appearance so young.

  Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi were obviously more interested in Yun Xiaofeng.

   Liu Erlong asked Ye Xiaorou's question, and stretched one of his slender hands in front of Ye Xiaorou, motioning him to touch the bone age.

   Ye Xiaorou was a little unclear, but her fingers were still on Liu Erlong's wrist joints.

   "Oh, how is it possible, how is it possible," Ye Xiaorou touched Liu Erlong's bone age, and instantly stood up from the stool covering her mouth!

   Because of Liu Erlong's situation, the shock to her was too great. So big that she couldn't believe it at all.

  Sword Douluo, Ning Fengzhi, and Ning Rongrong all looked at Ye Xiaorou with curious eyes. They wanted to know what Ye Xiaorou had detected!

   (end of this chapter)

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