Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 161: Xiao Wu: Zhuqing, okay

   Chapter 161 Xiao Wu: Zhuqing, okay

   Regarding Liu Erlong's bone age, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo couldn't inquire. After all, Ning Fengzhi wasn't even their own. Even though Ning Rongrong is currently studying in the Royal Fighting Team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

  Ning Rongrong suddenly saw the soul tools on the wrists of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

   Then she understood.

   No wonder she looked so familiar to Yun Xiaofeng before!

   "Captain Xiaofeng, may I ask what your martial spirit is!" Ning Rongrong's glutinous voice began to ask.

   Yun Xiaofeng looked at Ning Rongrong, and found that Ning Rongrong was staring at Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu's wrists.

   Then, Ning Rongrong showed a playful smile on her fair and rosy face.

   Yun Xiaofeng knew that he couldn't hide the fact that he was a stocking robber.

   "Yeah! Little Demon King, uncle hasn't seen your spirit yet!" Ning Fengzhi also found it interesting.

   He already knew that Yun Xiaofeng was the guy who robbed Ning Rongrong.

   Now that Ning Rongrong found out, he just wanted to add fuel to the fire.

   "Little Demon King, your martial spirit can't be a sword!" Sword Douluo's words gave Yun Xiaofeng a divine assist!

   "Well, it's still Sword Douluo Huiyan! It's really a sword. Well, it's getting late, everyone, rest early. Good night!" Yun Xiaofeng knew that there were many mistakes in what he said.

   Running away is the kingly way,

   As for his mother-in-law's question about Liu Erlong. He has a lot of inventory in Yandan.

After    finished speaking, Yun Xiaofeng immediately went back to his dormitory at the training ground.

   "Hehe, robber in stockings, you can't escape from Miss Ben's palm!" The corner of the little witch's mouth evoked a wicked smile.

   This smile made her father Ning Fengzhi's mouth twitch unconsciously. He always felt that maybe sending Ning Rongrong to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to study was not a very good thing.


  In the lounge of the training ground, after Yun Xiaofeng escaped, everyone went to rest without chatting for a long time.

  Liu Erlong arranged Ning Rongrong to Ye Lenglen and Duguyan's dormitory. As for Sword Douluo, Ning Fengzhi could just find two unoccupied dormitories.

   At night, Liu Erlong and Jiang Zhu shared a dormitory.

   "Jianzhang, will you blame me?" Liu Erlong put a pillow on his back.

   Half leaning on his body, he looked at the descendant on the bed next door, who was taking off his coat and preparing to sleep.

   "Teacher Erlong, what do I blame you for!" Jiang Zhu Mengmeng blinked and looked at Liu Erlong.

  When Liu Erlong looked at Jiang Zhu's cute big eyes, she lost her temper instantly.

   "The old lady thinks that I have lost you, and I will be a servant girl for the little snakeskin. You will resent the old lady. Can you stop being cute here?" Liu Erlong said a little frantically.

   "Mr. Erlong, I didn't blame you! Didn't you lose too?" Jiang Zhu once again used her cute eyes to make Liu Erlong realize the power of being cute!

   "Ah! The old lady is going crazy." Liu Erlong roared, took off his shoes, turned on the bed, and got into the quilt alone and fell into autism!


   "Button, button, button, brother Xiaofeng, are you asleep?" There was a knock on the door of Yun Xiaofeng's room.

   The voice of a rogue rabbit came out of the door!

   "Little rabbit, little cat, come in." Yun Xiaofeng just used the field to sense it a little, and then knew the two people outside the door.

  Xiao Wu with long wet hair walked in holding hands with Zhu Zhuqing.

   "Isn't your hair dry?" Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xiao Wu's wet black hair. said angrily.

   Kitty's long hair is dry!

   "Brother Xiaofeng, please help me with it." Rogue Rabbit said coquettishly.

   "Okay. Okay, sit over here!" Yun Xiaofeng patted the bedside and motioned for the little rabbit and kitten to sit over!

  Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing both sat beside Yun Xiaofeng's bed.

   Kitty said, "Ning Rongrong is the first concubine!"

   She already had a great sense of crisis in her heart.

   She is the princess of the Zhu Family of the Star Luo Empire.

   But the way their family nurtures the next generation is really not something that people came up with.

   She sometimes thinks that even a soul beast is just like that!

  If it wasn't for Zhu Zhuyun who was chasing her and being rescued by Yun Xiaofeng. At this moment, she estimates that the grass on the grave is a few meters high!

   "What's the matter! Kitty." After helping Xiao Wu dry her hair, Yun Xiaofeng sat directly between the two women.

   stretched out the salty pig's hand and put the kitten around her waist, and then let the kitten's head rest on his shoulder.

  Zhu Zhuqing is always a hot figure suitable for wearing bodysuits. If she were to wear a skirt, she would lose the beauty of Zhu Zhuqing's hot body!

   "Did you miss your family?" Yun Xiaofeng slowly moved up the hand that had been around the kitten's waist. In the end, it was placed on the fragrant shoulder of the kitten.

   The little rabbit was very sensible today, and was wrapped around her waist by a hand of Yun Xiaofeng. She was leaning on Yun Xiaofeng's shoulder, enjoying that unparalleled sense of security!

   She lost her mother's company when she was a child.

  Although he is accompanied by Da Ming and Er Ming. But it's not a mother's love after all.

   Later, when she went to primary school at Notting College, from that time on, Yun Xiaofeng was an indispensable person in her life.

   She is a soul beast, so even if Yun Xiaofeng has more concubines, she will always love Yun Xiaofeng! That kind of unwavering commitment.

   "Xiaofeng, will you abandon me in the future?" Zhu Zhuqing felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart since Ning Rongrong arrived today. She was afraid, she was afraid that one day Yun Xiaofeng would be like that **** Dai Mubai.

   "Fool, what are you thinking about?" Yun Xiaofeng thought something happened!

   "Kitty, look into my eyes!"

   At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing is no longer a cold kitty, she is now more like a poor little girl who hides and licks her wounds after being injured.

   A pair of helpless big eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng's eyes like the stars and the sea.

   "Little cat, I will never abandon you in my life, unless I die!" Yun Xiaofeng's words were decisive! There was no hesitation.

   "Oh, oh, oh," Zhu Zhuqing used her delicate red lips to print before Yun Xiaofeng had finished speaking.

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't react.

   Xiao Wu next to him never thought that Zhu Zhuqing is usually quite cold! What's up today!

   "Zhuqing? What's wrong with you today!" Xiao Wu leaned her head on Yun Xiaofeng's shoulder, she asked curiously!

   "Ah! Xiao Wu, you are here too! What a coincidence!" Zhu Zhuqing was so embarrassed at this moment.

   Just now she was a little forgetful.

   ignores the existence of Xiao Wu.

  What a coincidence.

   "Zhu Zhuqing, you are going too far! Brother Xiaofeng's room where I came with you. You actually thought I wasn't there!" The rogue rabbit was ignored, she was not happy!

   "Oh, oh, I'm sorry, Xiao Wu." Zhu Zhuqing said apologetically to Xiao Wu!

  Yun Xiaofeng smirked.

   He was very uncomfortable at the moment.

   "Don't laugh. I'll scratch you if you laugh again!" Zhu Zhuqing blushed. She was stunned by her actions just now.

   She herself never thought that she was so fierce. so active.

  Yun Xiaofeng hurriedly moved Xiao Wu's head that turned to Zhu Zhuqing while pretending to be angry.

   When Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu's smiling face and turned around, her face turned red with anger!

   "Okay, Xiao Wu, you actually pretended to be angry and still laughed at me. See I won't scratch your itch today." After Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, he rushed towards Xiao Wu.

   "Zhu Zhuqing, I was wrong. I was really wrong. Brother Xiaofeng, please help!" Xiao Wu quickly raised the white flag and surrendered under Zhu Zhuqing's offensive!

   "Okay. Let's stop making trouble, it's time to sleep." Yun Xiaofeng hurriedly asked the two girls to truce! Don't let them get too excited.

   "Xiaofeng, can you want me?" Zhu Zhuqing leaned on Yun Xiaofeng's side, her delicate red lips whispered in Yun Xiaofeng's ear in a voice that only two people could hear!

  Yun Xiaofeng glanced at Xiao Wu, who took off her clothes and got into the quilt with only one head looking at her. Then he also whispered in Zhu Zhuqing's ear: "Little cat, it's not good yet!" Yun Xiaofeng said, and shook his head very bitterly!

   "Anyway, I have a hard time, but it's almost time. When the time comes, my young master will make sure you are all taken care of. Tsk tsk!"

   Yun Xiaofeng really doesn't know how to tell Zhu Zhuqing!

   He couldn't say that if I wanted you now, it would be equivalent to killing you!

  【Dog host, I didn’t expect you to have self-knowledge! If you want kittens now, prepare to be sentenced to death. 】

   "I'm so ruthless?"

  【The kitten is still so small, you actually want to start, are you still human? 】

   "Master System, you won. Your whole family won so much."

  【It seems that you are not very convinced! Then face the wind! The enhanced version of Crazy Thunder Tianwei arrives in ten seconds! 】

   "…………Master System, you can kill me."

   At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes began to move down from Yun Xiaofeng's face.

   Chest, stomach, belly, and down.

   "Could it be that Xiaofeng is like Xiangxiang said, can't he? But if he can't, how can he marry so many wives?"

"What are you thinking? We're both still underage. Even if I want your body, we'll have to wait until you're an adult. Okay, hurry up and go to bed." Yun Xiaofeng guessed that she was sure after seeing Zhu Zhuqing's eyes. Not thinking about the good.

   After hearing what Yun Xiaofeng said, Zhu Zhuqing felt relieved. Because she also knew that the breaking of a soul master before he was a minor would have an impact on her own cultivation!

  Zhu Zhuqing then took off his jacket and got into Yun Xiaofeng's bed!

   As soon as Zhu Zhuqing entered the bed, the rogue rabbit started to act like a demon!

   "Zhuqing, why are you here!" said the rogue rabbit.

   "Xiao Wu, you rascal. Go to sleep." Zhu Zhuqing growled in a low voice!

   "Tsk tsk!" Xiao Wu also showed an intoxicated expression.

   "Okay, kitty, rogue rabbit, go to sleep." Yun Xiaofeng slept directly between the two.

   As soon as Yun Xiaofeng lay down, the rogue rabbit and the kitten snuggled into his arms, and then the two women slowly closed their eyes.

   "Tsk tsk, it seems that the system master has been merciful once today, but he forgot to discharge it!"

   (end of this chapter)

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