Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 159: mud rabbit

   Chapter 159 Mud Rabbit

  Ning Rongrong looked at the training ground of about one square kilometer. Inside the training ground, Zhu Zhuqing was crawling forward with his **** pouted on the ground, crawling forward like a loach. There was barbed wire on her back very close to her. If you are not careful, the clothes on the back will be scratched, and then the skin will be scratched.

   And Xiao Wu was carrying a huge log and doing squats in the quagmire. The whole person is like a mud rabbit.

   Bai Chenxiang was running with the two brothers Shitou.

   Ye Leng Leng and Dugu Yan are crossing obstacles. All carry weight. The descending plant is also, but her load is significantly less.

  Qin Ming is fighting against Liu Erlong. The attacking method of punching to the flesh gave Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi a violent aesthetic. Of course, the one who was beaten was always Teacher Qin Ming.

   Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were both stunned by such a fresh training method.

   This is all-round training.

   "Little Demon King, aren't you afraid of leaving dark wounds on them?" Ning Fengzhi asked. This kind of training method is good, but it is easy to leave dark injuries to the body.

   "Uncle Ning, you are just a decoration for my mother-in-law." Yun Xiaofeng gave a little arrogance.

  Ning Fengzhi thought for a second, yes, there is a titled Douluo from the Healing Department, he is a bull.

  What's so special, the only titled Douluo of the healing system in the entire continent is a bull!

  Yun Xiaofeng took the three behind him to the lounge of the training ground.


"Well, this is Yun Xiaodie, my eighth concubine, this is Rou Anran, and my ninth concubine. I don't need to introduce these two. I believe you all know each other." Yun Xiaofeng introduced to Ning Fengzhi first. Ah Yin and Rou Anran.

   Then he said to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

  A Yin said to Yun Xiaofeng that his auntie, Rou Anran, and his auntie Tai Ning Fengzhi were already numb.

   After all, for the little devil king who dared to call Yuexuan's Limit Douluo Yunyun's wife, he was already immune.

   But for Ye Xiaorou and Ye Qi, the two of them were twitching at the corners of their mouths. After such a long time, they made several sisters for their precious daughters.

   Yun Xiaofeng is the rhythm of heaven.

   "Fengzhi has seen Senior." After all, Ning Fengzhi was only a Soul Saint, and he had to salute when he saw Titled Douluo.

   "Sect Master Ning is very polite, please take a seat." Ye Xiaorou said.

  A Yin and Rou Anran didn't understand how Yun Xiaofeng brought people here, but they didn't ask much.

   Both of them believed that if Yun Xiaofeng did this, then there must be his purpose.

   "By the way, mother-in-law, what about the poisonous old man?" Because Yun Xiaofeng asked Duguyan to inform Dugu Bo to let him come to the Huangdou team. Yun Xiaofeng believed that he would not ignore the words of his precious granddaughter.

  Yun Xiaofeng called Dugu Bo the poisonous old man. Ye Xiaorou didn't care about this. After all, Dugu Bo didn't care. But it's good to call her mother-in-law.

  Ye Qi had Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi at the moment, he didn't like to call Brother Yun Xiaofeng, so he kept his mouth shut.

   He also had a severe headache when he thought of the scene where he fell sworn to Yun Xiaofeng after drinking too much.

   "Yanzi's grandfather broke through the ninety-sixth level in the retreat room." Ye Xiaorou said with a gentle smile to Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Senior Poison Douluo broke through the ninety-sixth level?" Ning Fengzhi seemed to have heard something incredible.

   Sword Douluo reacted the same way.

  Because both of them knew that Dugu Bo's talent would almost reach the top when he reached the title Douluo.

   But it’s been a long time since I met Dugu Bo, and I suddenly broke through to the ninety-sixth level.

   This is to scare them to death.

   Poison Douluo would definitely be the weakest in a duel.

   But in group fights, Dugu Bo can definitely say that he alone can destroy everyone below the title Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School,

   Facing Ning Fengzhi's unbelievable question, Ye Xiaorou just smiled and nodded lightly.

   "Okay, Uncle Ning, calm down." Yun Xiaofeng said.

   "How can you make me calm down? A person whose talent reaches the top of a Title Douluo, but now has to break through to the existence of a ninety-sixth-level Super Douluo. That's right." Ning Fengzhi was very restless in his heart.

   Calm down the hammer.

   Now he just wants to ask how Senior Poison Douluo can improve his cultivation talent.

   "Well, by the way, Xiaodie, An Ran, give you two months off, go back to your hometown, and come back as soon as possible. During this month, Sword Douluo and Sect Master Ning will both be bodyguards in the academy."

   Yun Xiaofeng knew that Ah Yin and Rou Anran wanted to go back and have a look.

   Ah Yin wanted to see the Blue Silver King, and Rou Anran wanted to go back to the Lake of Life to see the Han Han on both sides of Daming Erming.

   The two women with veils looked at Yun Xiaofeng with tender eyes. nodded.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng, Xiaodie and I will come back as soon as possible. Just go back and see how the younger generation is doing now." Although Rou Anran heard Xiaowu tell him about the Lake of Life, because of the existence of Yun Xiaofeng, more A soul beast was guarding where, but she still wanted to go back and have a look.

   Yun Xiaofeng smiled at them both.

   After all, these two women are his.

   "Pay attention to safety." Yun Xiaofeng believes that if he encounters danger, his system will notify him, and he will immediately let the system transfer his Yunyun wife.

   "Yes." Both of them nodded. For the two of them, even if they meet a demigod-level expert, they can escape. Unless it is the **** of the gods who shoots himself.

   But if the **** of the gods dares to do it himself. Then Yun Xiaofeng will definitely destroy the entire God Realm.

   Even if he can't now, but he is a man with a big wife and is afraid of a hammer.

   Rou Anran and Ah Yin left Tiandou Royal Academy and went directly to the Great Star Dou Forest.


   Today's training task is completed.

   First, a rabbit covered in yellow mud came into the training room.

   Xiao Wu just arrived at the door and saw Yun Xiaofeng, and then teleported and hung on Yun Xiaofeng's body.

   Xiao Wu, who was covered in mud, kept rubbing against Yun Xiaofeng with the mud from her body.

   "Rogue Rabbit, so many people are watching, come down quickly." Yun Xiaofeng held Xiao Wu's buttocks with one hand, and the other closed the rabbit ears that stroked Xiao Wu.

   Xiao Wu is not shy. Rubbing against Yun Xiaofeng's face with her muddy face,

   As if he didn't rub your face with mud, he felt uncomfortable.

   "I don't, Brother Xiaofeng." Xiao Wu didn't do it, she hadn't acted like this for a long time.

   Yun Xiaofeng was rubbed in the mud by Xiao Wu.

   But he didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

   And I feel very happy.

   Because the more Xiao Wu relies on him, the happier he will be.

   "Cough, I'm sorry, Uncle Ning, my Xiao Wu is like this, don't worry about it." After that, she kissed Xiao Wu's forehead.

   fed Ning Fengzhi and all of them a mouthful of dog food.

   "The ninth spirit ability, healing." Ye Xiaorou's bright red spirit ring flashed from under her feet, and then a petal of the martial spirit in her hand flew into Xiao Wu's body.

   In this way, all of Xiao Wu's injuries have recovered as before, and there will be no hidden injuries at all.

   "Xiao Wu, go and wash up, you see you are covered in mud, there are guests here." Yun Xiaofeng saw that it was almost time, so he asked Xiao Wu to wash up first, otherwise this rogue rabbit was covered in mud.

   "Okay, Brother Xiaofeng." Xiao Wu nodded. "Thank you godmother." At the same time, Xiao Wu also wanted to thank Ye Xiaoju.

   Ye Xiaorou smiled softly at Xiao Wu. Shaking his head, he didn't speak.

   Looking at Xiao Wu, his eyes were full of love.

  Then who entered was Liu Erlong.

   It's just that she was still dragging something in her hand.

   If Yun Xiaofeng hadn't looked carefully, he would have hardly noticed that she was dragging Mr. Qin Ming.

"I'm going, maid, you are dragging Mr. Qin Ming?" Let alone Yun Xiaofeng, even if the ninth spirit ring still shocking Ye Xiaorou is Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, who are 100,000-year-old spirit rings , all felt so cruel.

   Qin Ming's whole body was broken at this moment.

  If Qin Ming's parents were still alive and appeared in front of him, it is estimated that his parents would not know him.

   is totally inhuman.

   Ye Xiaorou also twitched at the corners of her mouth.

   Liu Erlong's toughness once again refreshed her three views.

   "Qin Ming asked me to beat him like this, don't look at me." Liu Erlong said. After all, everyone looked at her with some fear, and she felt that it was necessary to explain.

  Ning Rongrong thought to himself, "Could this teacher Qin Ming have a tendency to be abused?"

   "That mother-in-law, hurry up and rescue it." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Qin Ming's miserable state. Geez, it's really too bad.

   "You can't die yet, wait until they all finish training. Come in and save them." Ye Xiaorou said, Yun Xiaofeng had nothing to say.

   But he also looked at the situation, Qin Ming was indeed not in danger.

   He decided that after Qin Ming was cured, he would ask Qin Ming what he thought.

   He believed what Liu Erlong said, so he, like Ning Rongrong, doubted whether Teacher Qin Ming had a tendency to be abused. You must know that Qin Ming's current combat power can't beat Xiao Wu.

   Soon everyone who was training at the training ground returned to the training room.

   Duguyan came back and looked at Qin Ming who was lying on the ground, and then looked at Liu Erlong with a bewildered expression. Then the corners of the mouth twitched.

   Ye Leng Leng returned to the training room and saw Qin Ming lying on the ground speechless to the extreme.

   When Zhu Zhuqing returned to the training room, Yun Xiaofeng first handed her a cloak to cover her beautiful back. After all, the clothes are torn.

  Bai Chenxiang and Shitou two brothers and descending strains. Returning to the training room, he saw Qin Ming lying on the ground. Shaking his head helplessly,

   "A sin."

   In this way, Yun Xiaofeng naturally thought that it was Qin Ming who begged for abuse himself, and was beaten like this by Liu Erlong.

   "The ninth spirit ability, heal." Ye Xiaorou used the first spirit ability of her ninth spirit ability again. The petals of the nine-hearted begonia quickly fell on the bodies of everyone they participated in the training today.

   Qin Ming's body, who was lying on the ground, began to heal the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   After a while, Qin Ming's wounds all healed.

   is jumping up and down again.

   But he also thought to himself. In the future, if he tries to provoke Liu Erlong again, he will live stream upside down to wash his hair,

   He now understands that provocation of the female Tyrannosaurus rex is really bad.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty Haitang." Qin Ming thanked Ye Xiaorou,

   Then Qin Ming found that everyone present was looking at him with a look that wanted to know why he was hurt so badly.

  Qin Ming said generously: "Actually, I was the one who took the initiative to provoke Teacher Liu and got beaten up. This has nothing to do with Teacher Liu. In fact, Teacher Liu is still very gentle."

   "Well, Mr. Qin Ming, what you said is very good. My bed-warming maid is really gentle. She will practice with you every day starting from tomorrow." Yun Xiaofeng finished.

   "duang", Qin Ming passed out.

   (end of this chapter)

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