Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 312 Killing like crazy!


I only heard Ye Feng speak at this moment.

The whole person's expression also became more solemn.

Because what the old poisoner said was right.

The other party must have been targeting them when they first came in.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to form an encirclement in such a short period of time.

It has to be said that these wolves are really highly intelligent soul beasts.

I don’t know what level of soul beast the leader belongs to.

Is it fifty thousand years, eighty thousand years, or even one hundred thousand years!

If there were such a group of wolves in a hundred thousand years, today's wave would really be a bit of a big deal.

This is troublesome and exciting enough. I originally thought I could eat rabbit meat to fill my stomach. Now it seems that I am going to feed these wolves this time. Xiao Fengfeng, why don't you go behind and hide first.

Ju Douluo shrugged and then looked in the direction of Ye Feng.

Although on the surface he was prepared to fill the bellies of these wolves, as a ninety-five-level super Douluo, if he let go and did it, these wolves could really make the opponent bleed into rivers, let alone other people besides him. There is an old poison that uses poison.

The opponent's jade phosphorus snake venom is not fun.

For some soul beasts that are not immune to poison, this guy is simply equivalent to a god of death.

It seems that these wolves should be normal wolves rather than mutant wolves. In this case, the toxin of the old poison can also come in handy.

But these wolves come in groups after all, and there seem to be thousands of them at present.

He did not doubt Ye Feng's strength, but after all, the other party was the person in the team who needed protection the most, and it would be hard to explain if anything went wrong.

Suggest the other party to hide behind.

This will prevent you from being harmed by wolves.

Old Papi, you'd better hide aside and let us come here!

Dugu Bo said to Ye Feng.

If something happened to Ye Feng and he returned home, his granddaughter Dugu Yan wouldn't be able to scold him as an old man to death?

Furthermore, Ye Feng was his savior. He knew this and should go first!

After all, how could he let his savior rush upward?

I said, old poisonous uncle Juhua, do you all treat me as a useless person? Besides, where can I retreat to?

Ye Feng looked at the pairs of eyes floating in the air behind him and shrugged helplessly.

In this current situation, it is more appropriate for everyone to join forces.

If he retreats, the song will definitely end in disgrace.

After all, the pack of wolves will definitely pick the lone person first.

Although he runs fast, he may not be able to outrun him.

Especially when you don't know the opponent's specific strength, what if a hundred thousand year old soul beast rushes out of the darkness?

To be honest, if he goes all out, using the Blue Silver Emperor soul bone and the golden-winged roc soul bone skill of flying in the wind, he can definitely run away.

However, he was afraid that there was a hundred thousand year old soul beast squatting in front of him where he couldn't notice it.

Then this is troublesome.

He has no confidence that he can outrun a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Especially ferocious and fast beasts like wolves.

Furthermore, if everyone unites together, Uncle Juhua and Lao Poison can help them defend the rear even if they attack themselves from the front.

Avoid other injuries.

Old Papi, you said it yourself. If you are bitten by a wolf, don't blame me for not reminding you. You can't complain in front of Yan'er then!

At this time, Dugu Bo spoke.

Old Poison, what the hell are you talking about???

Ye Feng was in a state of confusion when he heard this sentence.

What do you mean by not complaining in front of Yan'er?

It seems like they have some kind of relationship, and it's a very close relationship.

But now he doesn't have this kind of relationship at all, okay?

This old poison really is.

You two are still giggling and want to be eaten by the wolf to fill your belly? Come on, old poison, you also remember the agreement between us!

Ju Douluo has been summoned by his martial spirit.

Then he directly attacked the group of wolves in front of him.

Don't look at Ju Douluo, who usually looks like a sissy ladyboy.

If this makes him anxious, he will not let anyone go easily, including the soul beast of course!


The wolf also began to become violent, and then charged up and rushed towards the three people.

court death!

These wolves formed a large encirclement, which was slowly shrinking at the moment.

Ye Feng's divine light condensed and the bloodthirsty demon sickle attacked!

He released his soul power without any courtesy, and then slashed at the wolves.


However, after a fight, the wolf behind actually gave way automatically.

Suddenly, a snow-white wolf appeared in front of Ye Feng.

The other party also had a bright red scar on his face, and his eyes were also bright red.

He looked very angry.

I don't know if the other party's eyes are natural, but the scars on his face were not caused by him.

Rather, it seemed that the other party was fighting with other soul beasts out of nowhere.

Because this scar has been like this for about ten or twenty days. Although it is bright red, it has healed a lot.

Ah wu——

I saw the other party howling!

Then he stared straight at Ye Feng with an extremely ferocious expression, looking as if he was going to tear him into pieces!

Old Papi, you have to be careful. You can call me if you need it!

Dugu Bo naturally noticed the wolf behind him.


At this moment, a wolf covered in explosive fur saw the right moment and quickly pounced on Dugu Bobo's back, and saw the sharp claws clawing fiercely at Dugu Bobo's back.

But Dugu Bo is also a titled Douluo after all.

He easily dealt with these 60,000-year-old wild wolves, and at the same time, he still had time to remind Ye Feng.

After all, Old Poison underestimated this group of savage wolves, so his reaction was still a little slow.

Old poison, take care of yourself first!

Seeing Dugu Bo being surrounded by several wolves, Ye Feng immediately replied.

Because just after Dugu Bo killed the 60,000-year-old wolf, a dozen 60,000-year-old wild wolves attacked in his direction, including an 80,000-year-old gray wolf.

Deep in the Star Forest, they attacked so fast and fiercely that they seemed to cut off the green light on Dugu Bo.

A bunch of beasts, I think you are tired of living!!

Dugu Bo is known as the best poison soul master in the world.

Of course that was before Ye Feng appeared.

But this does not prevent him from using his poisonous energy!

At this moment, a green poisonous gas was released from Dugu Bo's body.

Then, as if the Jade Phosphorus Snake had received some order, it sprayed a large amount of poison from its mouth.

The wild wolf, which was so fast just now, became sluggish at this moment.

Then they all fell to the ground and foamed at the head.

Hmph, you bunch of beasts, go to hell!

Dugu Bo said to him coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Because during the siege just now, a corner of his clothes was actually torn.

The second soul skill, light body protection!

Ju Douluo on the other side also used his second soul skill and soul power, and golden lights appeared in the sky surrounding his entire body.

Then it directly pierced the wolf's body.

All the wolves around him fell to the ground instantly.

Old Poison, your poison gas is so bad that it took you so long to kill these wild wolves, unlike me, who killed them with one blow!!

At this moment, Ju Douluo spoke with a playful attitude.

Then he released a strong electric wave that scared the wolf back several meters away.

Oh, why are you so happy! Isn't it just killing wolves? Look at me!

Dugu Bo moved at this moment.

Then he transformed into a butcher and rushed directly into the pack of wolves.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of wolves were killed in less than half a minute, and the ground was covered with wolf bodies.

Come on! Let's see who kills more!


Only a loud bang was heard.

A huge hole appeared in the ground, and the wolves were desperately struggling to get away from the shock wave.

But it was still swallowed directly in the next breath.

Not even a wail.

Do you think I'm afraid of you, a shemale?

After Ju Douluo's voice fell, Dugu Bo spoke directly.

Without hesitation, he also released his eighth soul skill.

The eighth soul skill, time freezing!

Anyway, there were stamina pills, so he wasn't worried.

Furthermore, this soul skill combined with the ninth soul skill can easily destroy a city.

It is enough to eliminate these old wild wolves!

The ninth soul skill, jade phosphorus divine light!!

Dugu Bo used the ninth soul skill at this moment.

At this moment, his body became completely transparent, releasing a terrifying corrosive poison.

Hundreds of wolves around him fell to the ground.

And wolves that were less than 60,000 years old turned into a pool of pus and blood.

Shemale! Okay, whoever kills the fewest people today is the human demon! The eighth soul skill, Gate of Holy Light!!

When Ju Douluo heard this, he gritted his teeth and released his eighth soul skill! !


Dugu Bo looked like a ghost, with soul rings rising from the ground one by one.

The seventh soul skill, the true body of Qi Rongtian Ju's martial soul!

Not to be outdone, Ju Douluo directly released his martial spirit avatar to coordinate with the eighth soul skill Holy Light Gate just now.

In just a few breaths, I saw them going crazy.

One by one, they rushed desperately.

There were originally hundreds or thousands of wolves, but now there were nearly five or six hundred corpses on the ground.

In other words, half of them were gone.

There are even some wild wolves that are 70,000 to 80,000 years old.


Ye Feng was very confused when he saw this scene.

All I can say is that he is a good guy and can be compared here.

But these two guys got themselves into trouble by competing.

Ye Feng looked particularly helpless as he saw the wild wolves surrounding him attacking him one by one.

Why? The reason is simple.

Because these wolves all know that the one with yellow light and the other with green light is the strongest.

Avoid the edge if you can.

And those two were killing each other like crazy, so Ye Feng naturally became the perfect candidate to take over.


I don’t know if he is giving orders.

After this cry sounded, all the wolves attacked in the direction of Ye Feng.

Everyone is scrambling!

The first soul skill, tearing the sky!

The first soul skill is released.

The next second, the Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe released several blade energy.

The wolves were split apart one by one.

The second soul skill, Cang Long Destroys the World!!

The second soul skill then condensed.

I saw bursts of dragon roars coming from the bloodthirsty demon sickle.

This soul ring is taken from the nine-thousand-year-old beast Canglong. The soul skill Canglong can destroy the world. It can be attacked or defended. If you defend, you can use the Canglong Shield, and if you attack, the Canglong can destroy the world.

Great power!

With a dragon roar, the Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe was thrown out with a wave, and then transformed into a blue dragon to harvest the lives of these wild wolves!

not good!

Ye Feng was shocked.

He saw a wolf approaching from behind!

Canglong disappeared instantly.

The fourth soul skill, three seconds of deadly poisonous sickle!

The Bloodthirsty Scythe returns.

Ye Feng was holding a magic sickle, which was filled with black aura.

That's poison.

A poison a hundred times more deadly than the old poison.

Wherever he was contaminated, these wild wolves howled.

Naturally, the fifth soul ring, the Hellfire of the Red Flame Snake, must also be arranged.

The whole forest was filled with the aroma of burnt meat.

Although his attack power is not as good as Titled Douluo.

But his soul skills benefit from high damage.

Unless you are particularly strong in combat and can be immune, you may suffer a lot.


Like a white horse passing through the gap.

The gray wolves had been stopped before.

Either dead or injured and losing the ability to fight.

But the wolf with the scar on its face broke through all Ye Feng's attacks as if nothing happened.

At this time, the close body has already opened its bloody mouth!

It seemed like he was going to bite his head off in the next second!

The sixth soul skill! Cold cicada and ice sickle, snow covering thousands of miles, ice shadow monster!!


The entire surrounding area was condensed into ice.

The white wolf that rushed over turned directly into an ice sculpture.


Ye Feng's ice was centered on himself. The closer it got to him, the colder it became. The wolves in the distance howled wildly.

They didn't seem to expect that this young man was so powerful.

Xiao Fengfeng is great. He actually killed so many wild wolves, and there was even a snow-white 80,000-year-old white wolf that was frozen by you!

Ju Douluo felt the ice forming behind him at this moment and said to the smiling Ye Feng.

The opponent's combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.


Dugu Bo said.

It's bad luck for them if they run into us.

Ju Douluo patted the wolf hair on his body.

Just went crazy.

These wolves, who were originally hunters, showed fear in their expressions when they saw them.

There are actually thousands of them. Let's get out of here quickly.

After a rough count on the ground, Ye Feng found that there were thousands of wolf corpses.

But just now I looked around and there were so many pairs of eyes.

The number of wolves was probably not more than a thousand as I had initially estimated, but probably several thousand.

If it's this amount, it's better to move to another place quickly.

Because these guys might come after them at any time.

Xiao Fengfeng, although I agree with the decision to leave here, but since I have made a bet with the old poisonous man, at least we have to calculate who kills more and who kills less. This won't take too much time.

Ju Douluo said.

Don't forget about Juhuaguan. You have two fewer wolves than me.

Dugu Bo spoke to him at this moment.

I'm two less than you, how is that possible?

Ju Douluo looked unhappy.

The wolves I kill are different from the wolves you kill. I think you can tell. It's not very obvious!

Dugu Bo pointed at the ground and said.

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