Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 311 A fatal gift from the Star Dou Forest!

At this time, the two of them looked expectantly, waiting for Ye Feng to give an answer, with straight eyes.

They really wanted to know what method Ye Feng used to convince Tianqing Niu Python.

During the private chat before, both parties were shrouded in special soul power, so that the people standing outside had no idea what was being said inside.


At this moment, Ye Feng did not expect that both of them looked so interested.

Xiao Fengfeng, stop being so pretentious. How on earth did you convince that hundred thousand year old bull-headed python?

Ju Douluo spoke again.

His face was full of curiosity.

It's simply unbelievable that he would listen to a level 70 human being.

That bull python was not easy to deal with. A powerful titled Douluo was once persuaded to retreat. How did he do it?

However, there are some things that I have to praise. Ye Feng has made great progress after not seeing him for a long time.

Not only has his soul power increased by seventy levels, but his negotiation ability is also extremely strong!

Facing opponents who are many times more powerful than him, he can still face danger without fear.

You can even negotiate terms and then enter the area you want.

Not even a single soldier was wasted.

Following the other party to the Star Dou Forest this time was indeed not in vain.

Make a note of this path, and if you have the chance to become an Ultimate Douluo in the future and need soul bones, you can come in and find a soul beast to kill.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

“I’ll keep this matter a secret for now, and I’ll tell you after this period of time has passed.”

Ye Feng said with a smile.

Of course some things cannot be explained too clearly.

Especially now that Xiao Wu's identity has not been completely exposed.

If it is too clear, the other party may even be overtaken by someone.

That would be more of a loss than a gain.

Because if anything happens to Xiao Wu, the two hundred thousand year old soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest will definitely be out of control.

Sure enough, you old bastard knows how to hide it!

Dugu Bo knew that Ye Fengfeng was hiding it.

Ever since I met this guy, he seemed to be a mysterious black hole, and I couldn't see or understand him clearly.

But this is also a reflection of the opponent's ability.

In this way, I can develop Qingfeng Tower with peace of mind in the future.

After all, the opponent can even handle giant beasts like the Azure Bull Python, so what else can they not handle?

The pursuit of Wuhun Palace?

Even if there is really a pursuit from Wuhun Palace, I believe this guy will definitely be able to save the day.

Why are you still worried about this?

He just kept developing Qingfeng Tower.

Then show it up when necessary, becoming this old bastard's strongest shield or trump card.

Xiao Fengfeng, you are too outspoken. We are all going out with you to hunt soul beasts and hide this little thing. But since you don't want to say it, then don't say it, but you have to tell us what happened between Da Ming and Er Ming. What is it?

Ju Douluo asked at this time, his eyes full of doubts.

Because they had heard before that the Azure Bull Python had changed a bit after Ye Feng said this name.

Then he was willing to talk to Ye Feng.

The entire process is silent.

So he wanted to know what the Great Ming and the Two Mings were.

Okay, old chrysanthemum, why are you so annoying? This old chrysanthemum has already said that the matter is a secret. Why do you, old chrysanthemum, still ask so many questions? Don't forget what we are here for. We are here to find souls. It belongs to the beast, and the opportunity is rare, don’t let this little trouble affect the soul beast, distinguish the priorities!”

When Dugu Bo heard this, he immediately spoke.

The whole attitude was reprimanding.


Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo with a question mark on his face.

What, did I say something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?

Dugu Bo asked angrily.

Old Poison, when will it be your turn to teach me a lesson? I will definitely be the first one to obtain the soul bone then. Get out of here!

Ju Douluo said to him angrily, feeling arrogant since the opponent won last time.

It seems that he is always against himself.

The most important thing is that the other party obviously wanted to know what happened, but he still pushed himself out and was caned. It was shameful!

I told you, old chrysanthemum, don't go too far! Don't let me beat you all over again!

Dugu Bo said angrily.

Hmph, you think I would be afraid of you, an old poisoner. It was just an accident last time!!

Ju Douluo said while clenching his fists.

Okay, let's continue on our way.

At this moment, Ye Feng spoke.

Continuing to pull it off will only make it more troublesome.


The two of them each snorted coldly.

That expression seemed to be saying that if it weren't for Ye Feng's sake, today would have been impossible.

The world finally became quiet at this moment.

call out--

However, before it was quiet for a while, a voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

The three of them looked around quietly and became alert.

Everyone, be careful.

Ye Feng said.

There are dangers everywhere in the depths of the Star Forest, so you must be cautious.

Otherwise, I don’t know how anyone died here.

Xiao Fengfeng, don't worry. Old Poison and I are both Titled Douluo. Besides, you are also equivalent to a Titled Douluo. I believe the three of us can still hold up in this situation!

Ju Douluo said with a smile to Ye Feng.

Don't listen to this old chrysanthemum. No matter what, you have to take care of yourself, Lao Papi.

Dugu Bo's expression was solemn.

The entire forest also became extremely quiet at this moment, as if it had entered a state of stillness.

The three of them all had the same gaze, staring at a big tree in the distance.


At this moment, a figure emerged from a big tree behind the forest.


A rabbit actually appeared.

When Dugu Bo saw this scene, his eyes were full of doubts.

The rabbit was eating carrots.

Of course, I don’t know where to find radishes.

Anyway, he looked like he was enjoying himself.

It's just a rabbit. Lao Duwu and Xiao Fengfeng are making too much fuss. Do you want to eat roast rabbit? I remember that Lao Duwu's cooking skills are pretty good.

Ju Douluo looked at the rabbit in front of him and said with a smile.

Then the whole person looked in the direction of Dugu Bo with a playful look.

Just in time for a late night snack.

After all, this wild rabbit meat still tastes good.

Old Juhua, after hearing what you said, are you planning to catch a rabbit for us as a midnight snack?

It was early in the morning.

I saw Dugu Bo looking towards Ju Douluo.

He asked with a slightly different expression on his face.

As long as you, the old poisoner, are willing to grill the meat, it doesn't matter if I catch a little rabbit. You can easily catch it.

Ju Douluo said.

Although the rabbit in front of him looks a bit old, he is still a super Douluo after all. A rabbit is simple.

Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite confident as a chrysanthemum. Then I have to take a good look at the hunting ability of this legendary elder of Wuhun Palace. Just don't turn around and capsize in the gutter.

Dugu Bo smiled with a strange expression, and his whole person looked like he was sitting and waiting.

Oh, you old poisoner, don't be sarcastic. I will catch this rabbit in three seconds! Whoops -

With that said, Juhuaguan took action.

The soul light in his body is released.

The rabbit in front of him was a ten thousand year soul beast. If he didn't use his soul skills, it would be impossible to catch him within three seconds.

By the way, this is the first time I have the opportunity to eat a 60,000-year-old hare. I don't know how it tastes.

The rabbit weighs about five or six pounds.

It was a perfect late-night snack for the three of them.

But this is a 60,000-year-old rabbit. The other party is familiar with this forest and the age is so high. If Uncle Juhua wants to catch the other party, it will still take a lot of effort. Three seconds is probably a bit difficult.

Ye Feng looked in the direction of Ju Douluo at this time.

I want to know how the other party can catch this rabbit in three seconds.

Old Papi, do you think this is a 60,000-year-old rabbit spirit?

Dugu Bo looked at Ye Feng as if he were a monster.

Juhuaguan has not interacted with the other party.

How did the other party determine the year of the soul beast so accurately?

Normally, the age of a soul beast can only be judged based on the soul light released by the other party.

For example, it is white under a hundred years, yellow light under a hundred to a thousand years, and purple light under a thousand to ten thousand years.

After ten thousand to one hundred thousand years, there will be black light.

For more than 100,000 years, it is red light.

In other words, we can only make a rough estimate.

He just took a look and saw that there was a black aura about this rabbit spirit. It should belong to a soul beast that was ten thousand years old.

But this old Papi can actually judge tens of thousands of years completely!

This is simply unbelievable!

Isn't that why you tease Uncle Juhua, old poisoner?

Ye Feng asked Ju Douluo immediately when he saw his expression of surprise.

What the other party just said must be based on the fact that he knew that this rabbit spirit was difficult to deal with.

Why does the whole thing still look like it's uninformed?

I only know that this rabbit should be a ten-thousand-year soul beast. A ten-thousand-year soul beast, especially a rabbit with a fast reaction speed. It will definitely not be that easy for a strong-attack Yin Douluo claw like Juhuaguan. There may be something behind this tree. There is a rabbit hole, and you will suffer a lot if you are afraid of it for three seconds.”

Dugubo shrugged.

However, he did not expect that this was actually a 60,000-year-old hare.

In this case, it will not only be a bit of suffering, but it will be useless even if it is suffered.

What? Disappeared??

Ju Douluo appeared behind Hare at this moment. Just when he was about to catch him, Ju Douluo looked confused.

The other party actually disappeared.


Dugu Bo also noticed this scene at this moment, and he was slightly surprised.

It is estimated that if the year is higher, it will be possible to teleport. Now at best, the speed exceeds the limit.

Ye Feng is also paying attention.

But the opponent's skill is really not teleportation.

This should be its innate ability.

Just run fast.

Especially with such a familiar opponent.

The other party knows where to burrow into.

Uncle Juhua met such an opponent for the first time and obviously suffered a loss.

Old Juhua, is this what you have at your fingertips?

Naturally, the old poisonous creature would not let go of this opportunity when Ju Douluo was embarrassed, so he shouted in a teasing manner.

What's the rush? This rabbit is just faster!

Ju Douluo said angrily.

I didn't expect that this was actually a hare that was over 50,000 years old.

Normally, few rabbits outside can live for ten thousand years.

Even thousand-year-old ones are extremely rare.

I never expected to randomly encounter a hare that is over 50,000 years old here.

Just now, he just thought it was a ten-thousand-year-old hare.

As for the ten-thousand-year-old hare, it can be said that it is simple and easy for him to catch it.

It just so happens that I have never eaten a ten thousand year old hare.

It's just right to use it as an appetizer as a late night snack.

As a result, I never expected that this was actually a fifty thousand year old soul beast.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Why he can determine the year of the soul beast is based on how rich the opponent's soul power was when he escaped.

It can also be understood as the strength of the opponent when releasing his talent skills.

Really? Then we have to continue watching your performance.

It had nothing to do with him, he just stood up and even laughed at him.


Ju Douluo was shuttling.

This rabbit spirit is very flexible. If the opponent is not running on the surface, he will burrow into the underground cave.

Ju Douluo felt a little helpless.

In the end, only soul skills can be released.

Originally, he didn't want to release his soul skills.

But the opponent is a soul beast that is over 50,000 years old, and its innate skill is speed.

It's simply not feasible for him to use conventional methods.

If this continues, this old poison will make him laugh to death!

On the other side, Ye Feng's expression was solemn.

He observes what's going on around him.

After practicing the Chaos Art, his entire senses were actually greatly improved.

It has even completely surpassed Uncle Juhua and Old Poison.

No! Uncle Juhua, come back quickly!

I only heard Ye Feng speaking at this time.

Xiao Fengfeng, don't worry, I'll be back soon. We'll eat six pounds of hare as a midnight snack tonight!

Ju Douluo, who only saw this moment, spoke.

The other person held up the rabbit ears and looked very satisfied.

There was a very happy smile on his face.

Suddenly, in the next second, Ju Douluo's entire expression changed as if he were flipping through a book.

Something is wrong!

Dugu Bo stood up immediately.


At the same time, a sound of wolf howling sounded.

Damn it, it's not like we encountered a pack of wolves!

Ju Douluo immediately returned to his position quickly.

Every rabbit here is 60,000 years old.

The wolf is better than the rabbit.

If it was a wolf, they had nothing to worry about, it could be dealt with completely.

But what if the opponent is a pack of wolves.

This is a very scary thing!

Even a titled Douluo would not dare to face a pack of wolves that are over 60,000 years old.

It's a pack of wolves, and they have surrounded us.

Ye Feng said.

If there is anything that is most common in the forest, besides snakes, it is wild wolves.

And snakes are still creatures that act alone.

This is not the case with wild wolves, they are completely social animals.

If you go out hunting, it will be very scary to be swarmed.

In particular, they will also cooperate between teams.

But when did they form a siege on them?

Ye Feng felt a little incredible.

Old Papi, it seems these guys have been targeting us earlier.

Dugubo also felt that there were wolves around him.

He immediately opened his mouth and said.

The gifts given to them from the depths of the Star Dou Forest are so precious!


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