Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 313 A hundred thousand year soul beast!

This shouldn't be the case. How is it possible? I clearly remember that I killed more than you, but when I look back, you kill more than me. This is so abnormal!

At this moment, Ju Douluo was seen looking very depressed.

He clearly remembered that he had killed more of these wild wolves than Dugu Bo, but looking at it now, it seemed that he had indeed killed a little less than the other party.

There's no need to ask why. You must be old and your eyesight is dim. Besides, can your attack compare to my poison?

Dugu Bo spoke at this moment.

Although targeted attacks are not enough.

But Dugu Bo is still very strong against group attacks like these soul beasts.

After all, if you are contaminated with your own poisonous gas within a certain range, you will die!

There isn't even an iota of leeway.

Old poisonous man, who do you think is older? It's obviously you who is older, okay! Besides, what's so proud of your poisonous energy!

When Ju Douluo heard this, he replied with an angry attitude.

This is a true reflection of my age. It's not like some people who have white skin and tender flesh but are actually full of old bones inside.

Dugubo shrugged.


Juhuaguan got a little angry when he heard this sentence.

What is this all about?

Okay, just be your shemale, you like this title anyway.

Dugu Bo smiled playfully.

Ha, I like you, uncle! Besides, how did you win without any idea? This method is unfair!

Seeing Dugu Bo's arrogant posture, Ju Douluo suddenly looked disdainful.

However, the opponent's poison gas is indeed a weapon of mass destruction.

This time it was a miscalculation.

But if you calculate it carefully, this is indeed not fair.

After all, the opponent attacks with group damage, one large area at a time, and although Stimulus also has group attack skills, it is not as fast as Dugu Bo.

It would be okay if the difference was larger.

But just these two made him quite depressed!

Of course I know how I won. It was through strength. It's not like some people are cheating when they lose.

After Ju Douluo finished speaking, Dugu Bo immediately responded. Although the other party was a shemale and had a higher level than him, he was not afraid of anyone who was talking to him.

I'm talking about old poison, Uncle Juhua, you two can really chat as soon as you meet. These wolves seemed a little unwilling just now. I think we should leave first.

Ye Feng was quite helpless at this time.

Uncle Juhua and Dugubo are also true.

They quarreled as soon as they met.

To be precise, it makes a fuss as soon as it stops.

I don’t know where these two guys get their energy.

It's better not to give in, and I wouldn't be willing to look at the proud faces of some people!

Ju Douluo said.

He looked like he was trying to compare with these ghosts.

Okay, old chrysanthemum, some things are just destiny.

Ju Douluo shrugged slightly at this moment.

Get out of here!

After Dugu Bo's voice fell, Ju Douluo rolled his eyes.

This is no time for joking. We have to leave quickly. Those wolves are coming.

Ye Feng's expression suddenly became serious at this time.

Because he had already felt the breath of those wolves.

The other side seems to be gathering.

Xiao Fengfeng, didn't we just beat them away? Are we still afraid of these wild wolves?

Juhuaguan said he didn’t understand.

Because they had already beaten these wild wolves away just now.

Now if the other party comes over, they can just beat him away. What Ye Feng is worried about at this moment is really hard to figure out.

Old Papi, are there more wild wolves this time than last time?

Dugu Bo also asked Ye Feng at this time.

There was a doubtful look in his eyes.

He has been following Ye Feng for some time.

Knowing that the other party would never be so serious under normal circumstances.

Something must have happened to make the other party so serious.

What is that.

The other party's perception ability is slightly stronger than theirs.

At this point they can't feel anything for the time being.

I don't know what Ye Feng noticed.

There are a lot of them. There are dozens of the white 80,000-year-old white wolves just now, and you have to deal with a lot of 80,000-year-old gray wolves.

Ye Feng said.

It was precisely because of the large number that he thought of evacuating quickly.

If you leave now, it's still too late.

It would be troublesome if we delayed for a while longer.

The white one just now actually has dozens of them, and there are also gray 80,000-year-old wolves??

Dugu Bo was stunned when he heard this.

This is too unbelievable. Did they hit a wolf's den today?

How else could it be so?

Outside, on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, they encountered only a few hundred wolves at most.

Just now there were thousands of wolves.

After they killed thousands of them, there were still so many.

This is not what a wolf den is.

Yes, it is conservatively estimated that there are about eighty 80,000-year-old wolves. As for 50,000-, 60,000-, 70,000-year-old wolves, it is hard to estimate. There are probably more than 2,000 wolves.

Ye Feng nodded.

There is no need for him to lie to everyone about this.

After all, everyone is now a grasshopper tied to the same thread.

If something happens, we have to cool down together.

So many? This is indeed a bit tricky!!

Dugu Bo's expression also became serious.

After all, eighty 80,000-year-old wolves plus thousands of 50,000-70,000-year-old wolves can be so terrifying that you can even think about it with your toes.

Old Poison, what are you worried about? When the time comes to use mass-destructive soul skills again, they will just be floating soul rings one by one.

Ju Douluo said.

There was confidence on his face.

After all, Ju Douluo is a level ninety-five super Douluo.

Normally, people of his level can deal with spirit beasts that are 90,000 years old and nearly 100,000 years old. Naturally, he is not worried about these 80,000-year-old soul beasts.

Just dodge well when the time comes and then kill them one by one.

As for those 50,000 to 60,000-year-old wolves, it is equivalent to using this kitchen knife to rush into the wild vegetable garden.

Kill a large area randomly!

Can Uncle Juhua deal with it?

Ye Feng was a little surprised.

That's natural! For our ninety-five-level Super Douluo, these are just minor problems!

Ju Douluo smiled confidently.

Okay, then we will defend here, and one of the 100,000-year-old Wolf Emperor will be handed over to Uncle Juhua.

Ye Feng looked towards Juhuaguan.

If the opponent could deal with the 100,000-year-old Wolf King, then they wouldn't have to run away today.

Because those 80,000-year-old wolves and ordinary wild wolves should be able to work together with the old poison.

Now the trouble lies with that 100,000-year-old Wolf King.

That stuff is the toughest thing.

It is estimated that these wolf soldiers and wolf generals suffered serious losses just now, so they went back to invite this big boss.

But if Uncle Juhua is confident, then they will fight!

No panic at all! !

Ah? Xiao Fengfeng, what were you talking about just now? Tens of thousands of years?

Juhuaguan, who was smiling confidently just now, looked at Ye Feng.

One hundred thousand years.

Ye Feng replied.

The Wolf King of 100,000 years??

Ju Douluo's eyes widened when he heard this sentence.

What the hell?

Is there any mistake.

One hundred thousand years? ?

Yes, a hundred thousand years ago, Uncle Juhua, didn't you agree to come down just now?

Ye Feng looked at Ju Huaguan who looked shocked and asked.

Old Papi, the 100,000-year-old Wolf King? Are you sure you're not mistaken?

Dugu Bo also looked at Ye Feng with an incredible attitude.

To be honest, they have never seen a hundred thousand year old wolf.

Spirit beasts that are one hundred thousand years old are very rare outside.

At most, it is the King of the Forest, the Titan Giant Ape.

Later we also saw the Azure Bull Python, known as the overlord of the forest.

Xiao Fengfeng, are you sure? Why can't we detect each other's traces?

Ju Douluo came back to his senses and looked at Ye Feng to wonder if this was true.

If it's true, then why can't they feel each other's presence? This is too weird.

Normally, as titled Douluo, they should be able to detect the presence of hundred thousand year old soul beasts around them, but now they can't detect anything.

Well, even if the old poisonous person can't notice him, he should be able to notice it.

After all, he is a level 95 Super Douluo.

Although Lao Poison's current combat ability is comparable to his own, things like perception ability are accompanied by level improvements. Lao Poison is not a pervert like Ye Feng, and the other party's perception ability is much weaker than his own.

Why couldn't he notice it?

If you notice it, there will be no hope for us to leave. Uncle Juhua, please tell me, can you withstand a hundred thousand year soul beast? If you can, then I will decide to absorb the soul ring of this hundred thousand year soul beast. , too lazy to look for it.”

Ye Feng looked at Ju Douluo.

Generally speaking, super Douluo have trump cards.

What if Uncle Juhua also has some trump card?

So Ye Feng decided not to underestimate Uncle Juhua.

Xiao Fengfeng, do you mean that the three of us will deal with that hundred thousand year old soul beast together or just me alone?

Ju Douluo looked at Ye Feng's expression and asked.

Of course you are alone, Uncle Juhua. After all, there are so many wild wolves that are 80,000 and 60,000 years old. If we only attack the 100,000-year-old Wolf Emperor, we will probably be torn into several pieces by these guys!

Ye Feng said directly to him.

Uh..., how could I possibly do this! I'm not a god, I'm a human being!!

After Ju Douluo heard this sentence, he rolled his eyes and looked at Ye Feng.

Is he crazy to deal with the 100,000-year-old Wolf King alone?

Even if you bring the old ghost here, it will be very risky, let alone him alone.

Old Papi, this chrysanthemum cannot stand upright by itself. It is best for us to go to level 36.

Dugu Bo spoke at this moment.

He is very clear about the fighting strength of Juhua Pass.

One person dealing with a 100,000-year-old soul beast is undoubtedly asking the other person to die directly.

The other person probably thought he was just a wild wolf from 50,000 to 80,000 years old, so he said those words.

In fact, he thought that was the case just now.

In the end, who would have thought that there was a wolf king that was 100,000 years old.

Why don't you run away and stay here to die?

Then let's go!

Ye Feng nodded.

So the three people directly released their soul skills and left.

Ye Feng even used his soul bone skills.


However, just a few breaths after they left, a wolf appeared in the area where they were originally.

It was a snow-white wolf with golden stripes on it.

It looks like an ancient inscription.

The other party howled, and suddenly all the wolves in the forest began to roar.

There was unprecedented anger in that voice.

Good guy, luckily we ran fast!

Of course they heard the wolf's voice.

If he had been in that place just now, he might have been directly besieged by these wolves now.

Don't be too happy, these guys don't seem to be planning to let us go.

Ye Feng was slightly focused at this time, and then spoke.

Are they chasing us?

Dugubo asked.


Suddenly a snow-white light and shadow appeared.

Along with the moonlight, the other person's body exuded an aura that seemed to be integrated with the bright moon.


When Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo saw the huge creature that suddenly appeared in front of them, they immediately looked very surprised.

call out!

The Wolf King pounced directly in the direction of Ju Douluo.

What the hell, why are you looking for me so well??

Ju Douluo felt helpless at this moment.

How come this wolf king who is so good is looking for me?

The one who killed the most wolves just now was obviously the old man with the green light next to him.

Can you find the right target and attack again?

This makes it easier to accidentally injure others.

One hundred thousand year soul beast!!

Dugu Bo looked at the white wolf that was emitting red light, and his whole body suddenly showed a very strange attitude.

It's really a hundred thousand year soul beast.

But they have been running for a while. How did the other party find them so quickly? This is too abnormal!

Still caught up.

Ye Feng sighed helplessly.

If they had acted faster before, there would still be hope.

It seems that there is not much hope now.

After all, the other party has already caught up.

I want to run now, but can I escape?

Xiao Fengfeng, old poisoner, come here and help!

I could only hear Ju Douluo shouting at this moment.

A hundred thousand year soul beast is attacking him alone now, how can he withstand it?

Do not call for help immediately.

Otherwise, I don’t know how I will die.

Soul Bone Skill, Medusa's Gaze!

Ju Douluo directly released his strongest soul bone skill, Medusa's Gaze.

After all, what is in front of him is a hundred thousand year soul beast.

If you want to deal with a soul beast of this level, the soul skills you need to unleash must be above the martial soul's true body to be able to withstand it.

Otherwise, it would be basically as useless to the other party as scratching an itch.

The fifth soul skill, the fire of hell!

A fiery red snake is wrapped around Ye Feng's bloodthirsty demon sickle.

Then he waved and attacked the Wolf King.

The fire of hell is endless.

There is a natural suppression of these soul beasts.

Although the two sides have passed the gathering round, everything is still in a flash of lightning at this moment.

Under the continuous attacks, the Wolf King temporarily gave up his plan to kill Uncle Juhua.

Xiao Fengfeng, what should we do now? I feel a pack of wolves in the distance gathering towards here!!

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