Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 310 Once it comes, it will be a sword, a mountain, a sea of ​​fire!

But after thinking about it, this is not a bad result.

At least there wasn't a fight.

Furthermore, the other party also promised me that if he encounters a problem and comes to the Star Dou Forest, he can let him solve it.

I believe Tang Hao would have to take a detour when facing the Azure Bull Python.

This is equivalent to giving yourself a guarantee.

It was enough for Ye Feng to get this unexpected gain from coming here today.

After all, it is also a soul beast from the inside.

It is obviously not appropriate to hunt other soul beasts that are also soul beasts.

I will slowly verify the authenticity of what you said. You can also take this black horn pendant. If you are in danger, you can use this black horn. Of course, the range is within the scope of the Star Dou Forest. The deadline I won’t let you die until I verify it.”

Azure Bull Python looked at Ye Feng.

Haha, interesting.

Ye Feng laughed when he heard this sentence.

Also, I hope this is between the two of us.

As the Azure Bull Python spoke, it released a ray of light that enveloped Ye Feng.


Ye Feng said with a smile.

He originally thought this was a matter between the two of them.

The light lasted like this for about two minutes, and then slowly dissipated.

The two of them talked for a while in this light.

No one knows what they talked about.

Except for the parties involved.

What's going on with this old bastard now?

At this time, Dugu Bo seemed a little confused.

We were talking, and then suddenly we were enveloped in a ball of light.

The most important thing is that this light is opaque.

But I have to say that this other party's courage is really amazing. He can actually have such a peaceful conversation with the Azure Bull Python, and his whole person is still intact.

You must know that the green bull python is a giant python several hundred meters tall.

Even the Titans are afraid of each other.

And this old guy looked calm.

I even skinned the green bull python inside, which I admired.

I don't know, old poisoner. Anyway, the two of us should be ready to fight at any time. If anything goes wrong, you and Xiao Fengfeng can run away first and I will break up the rear.

Ju Huaguan said to him at this moment.

His whole person seemed to have made a firm determination.

Oh, is it so??

When Dugu Bo heard this sentence, he looked very unbelievable.

That's natural!

Ju Douluo nodded.

However, at this moment the light dissipated.

Ye Feng walked directly out of the lake.

The whole person has a very leisurely attitude.

Old Papi? You came out without any problem??

Dugu Bo, who was worried, looked surprised when he saw Ye Feng.

The other party actually came out intact.

And it's like nothing happened.

Why, old poison, do you really want something to happen to me?

Ye Feng looked at Dugu Bo's appearance and asked with an angry attitude.

What the hell, how could I hope that something would happen to you? I'm just surprised at what's happening now.

Dugubo shrugged slightly and said.

It's okay. It's settled. We can now enter the core area of ​​the Star Forest immediately.

Ye Feng said to Dugu Bo.

Not only was the deal settled, but there was also an unexpected surprise.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with this one.

Is the deal settled? Now you can enter the Star Dou Forest immediately??

When Ju Douluo heard this sentence, he looked at Ye Feng with a very incredible attitude.

That expression far surpassed that of Dugu Bo.

Yes, you can go in immediately.

Ye Feng nodded.

Hey, you are such a weirdo!

Dugu Bo took a moment and spoke.

Humans, I can give you a chance to enter the core area, but I can remind you that the core area is very dangerous, and no matter what happens, I will not be responsible. If you plan to regret it now, it is still too late.

Suddenly at this moment the voice of the Azure Bull Python rang out, its huge eyes staring at everyone.

The Titan ape on the side felt completely incredible.

The eldest brother actually agreed to let the other party enter the core area.

Has it forgotten that the core area is a secret?

There is definitely no such thing as regret. Just let us in.

Ye Feng showed a smile.

Unexpectedly, Tian Qing Niu Python actually went through a set of procedures.

Then are you two sure you want to go in with him? I solemnly declare that the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest is completely different from ordinary areas. There are many powerful soul beasts, and they may even die directly if you are not careful.

At this time, the Azure Bull Python set its sights on Ju Douluo and Dugu Bo, wanting to see if they were really going to get involved.

Since this old bastard dares to go in, what do I, Dugu Bo, have to fear?

Dugu Bo said directly to him at this time.

No turning back.

Because his life was saved by Ye Feng.

Now that the other party wants to break into this very dangerous core area, he naturally has to go in too.

Either for himself or for his granddaughter.

Because once something unexpected happens to Ye Feng, Yan'er will definitely blame him as an old man for the rest of his life.

Okay, what about you.

The Azure Bull Python who only heard this moment looked towards the direction of Juhuaguan in front of him.

Old Juhua, you don't dare to go in, right? If you don't dare to go in, tell us in advance. We can understand you. After all, some males gradually become feminized over time and lose their courage.

Dugu Bo looked at Ju Douluo with a smile.

Because the other party did not express his position at this time, but seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

Although Ye Feng on the other side did not look in the direction of Ju Douluo, he was still waiting for the other party's answer.

It's definitely dangerous inside.

If Ju Douluo wanted to leave, it actually didn't matter to him.

After all, everyone has their own bottom line.

One of the big reasons for calling Uncle Juhua in the first place was that he hoped that the other party could resist the Azure Bull Python's attack here, so that he could escape and directly enter the core area.

Now there is no need to conflict with the Azure Bull Python in this place, and the other party is even willing to assist them in entering the core area.

If the other party plans to back down at this moment, he can continue with the next plan.

In short, after passing this threshold, Uncle Juhua is no longer necessary.

Of course, of course I have to go in, otherwise the soul bone of Xiao Fengfeng would be yours.

Juhuaguan said at this moment.

He was just thinking about something.

Since I agreed, I will naturally come.

Otherwise, how could he explain to the young master?

The young master knew that he followed Ye Feng to the Star Forest, and because some areas of the Star Forest were too dangerous, he left first. If something unexpected happened to Ye Feng inside, he would probably have to face the pursuit of the entire Spirit Hall.

Although on the surface the relationship between the young master and the Pope is not very good, after all, the two sides are related by blood.

Furthermore, Wuhun Palace can now be divided into two forces.

One group is the top elders who serve as the master of the temple, and the other group is the soldiers led by the Pope.

The former is Qian Daoliu and the latter is Bibi Dong.

Of course, the two forces support each other on the surface, but in fact the two forces have branches.

And the young master is the mediator in between.

Because one is the other person’s grandfather and the other is the other person’s mother.

After all, blood is thicker than water. If you really want to leave Ye Feng here this time, how can you be better off in the future?

Not to mention a level 95 Super Douluo.

Even level ninety-seven is useless.

Those two are both level 99 Extreme Douluo.

How to put it this way, you can crush him with one hand and reach the ends of the earth. As long as the opponent wants to chase him, he will definitely be able to chase him.

So from the moment he took on this task, he couldn't back down.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead.

Oh, I thought you, an anus shemale, were afraid of death.

When Dugu Bo heard Ju Douluo's response, he immediately said with a sneer.

Old poisonous creature, who are you calling a ladyboy?

Ju Douluo immediately became angry when he heard this.

What he hates most is when people call him a shemale, especially a chrysanthemum shemale.

This is simply his reverse scale!

Why are you not convinced? Do you have the ability to compete?!

Dugu Bo looked at Ju Douluo.

Do you think I'm afraid of you, a dead snake?

Ju Douluo's soul power surged.

Uncle Juhua, Old Poison, this is not a place for quarreling. In fact, if you want to compete, it's not too late to go in and compete. You can even compete to see who has the most blood after killing the hundred thousand year soul beast and who is the strongest.

Ye Feng saw the two of them arguing again and said to them immediately.

Okay, how about the two of us go up together when we encounter the soul beast, and see who has the weakest attack, and whoever shrinks back is the human monster! Old poison!

Ju Huaguan looked at Dugu Bo.

He is a level ninety-five titled Douluo.

His attack power is stronger than the opponent's.

So don't panic at all.

He is already thinking about the scene when he used the shemale to taunt each other.

Come on, come on!

Dugu Bo was not to be outdone.

Who is he afraid of when he has stamina pills?

Moreover, the pervert Lao Papi has also developed the latest version of the physical strength pill.

This pill is much more effective than the old pills.

And the number was increased to three times!

The old stamina pill can only be used twice, twice a day is the limit, but this latest version of the stamina pill can be used three times a day.

Three stamina pills poisoned, soul beast? Beat it until it doesn't even recognize its mother.

Since you all decided to go in, I'll let you go.

All I could see was a strong light bursting out from the Azure Bull Python at this moment.

Then there was an additional door in front of them.

This is?

Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo were both surprised.

What kind of magical method is this?

This is the door for you to enter the core area. Pass through here and you will be able to enter the core area. But I still impatiently remind you that there are many soul beasts in this core area, and there are even some that are nearly a million years old. It’s best for you humans not to provoke soul beasts, and just stay at the outermost edges. Those soul beasts also become more powerful as they go deeper.”

The Azure Bull Python said to him at this time.

It was not worried about these two titled Douluo, but he was a little worried about this young man with a confident face.

This is the person who predicts the future.

If he died, his fate would probably not be changed.

Although he said he didn't believe in the previous future predictions, he believed almost half of them.

Because when I saw those, I felt a resonance deep in my soul.

It's like really experiencing it firsthand.

So it has to be cautious about these things.

And it doesn't want to sacrifice itself to a human.

Okay, thank you, Senior Tianqing Niubo, let's go in first.

Ye Feng did not expect that the Azure Bull Python would still be impatient with his instructions, and immediately thanked him.

This snake, bah, this python is okay.

Oh, they are bull pythons, bull-headed pythons.

Just remember what I told you and remember the agreement between us.

Azure Bull Python said to Ye Feng.

In fact, the two sides had a few words when the shadow was shrouded just now.

These are also the most critical sentences.

rest assured.

After speaking, Ye Feng was the last one to enter the doorway.

The Azure Bull Python saw this surge of power, and then the shuttle door completely disappeared.

Ho--, brother, why did you put them in?

The Titan ape on the side made a sound at this moment, and the whole thing seemed to be very incomprehensible.

Indeed, it really didn't understand why his eldest brother would put these three people in the core area.

This is completely breaking the rules.

Besides, wouldn't it be equivalent to committing suicide if these three humans entered?

The hundred thousand year soul beasts there are not as rare as they are here.

One hundred thousand year soul beasts can be seen everywhere inside.

There are even hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years!

Furthermore, what if these humans know that there is such a place and try to find a way to get in next time?

They are not safe here anymore.

Don't worry, I will take care of everything.

The Azure Bull Python replied in animal language.

Soul beasts have their own language, just like humans have their own language.

the other side.

Ye Feng and the others arrived at the deep area of ​​the Star Dou Forest very slowly.

Hey, why did Xiaofengfeng disappear?

Ju Douluo looked behind.

There was a glimmer of doubt in his eyes.

Old Papi, how will we get out when this door disappears? Isn't it the Azure Bull Python that wants to trap us here? But it doesn't look like it!

Dugu Bo looked at Ye Feng.

I was extremely confused.

If the Azure Bull Python wanted to trap them here, it would not have stopped them from entering just now.

But now the door that lets them in is locked again, and they don't know what kind of magical operation this is.

Don't worry, the door will open automatically when the time comes.

Ye Feng said.

In fact, the black jade horn given by the Green Bull Python that day was the key to opening the door.

It would be great if it can open automatically. Suddenly I found that the trees here are so lush, and each one is very tall.

This is a forest.

Some of the trees can now be considered truly towering trees.

Didn't you realize, old poisoner, that there is so much soul energy here? One day of training here is as scary as two or three days outside. I really don't understand Xiao Fengfeng, how did you get over that difficult bone?

Ju Douluo asked Ye Feng very doubtfully.

The Azure Bull Python can actually talk to the other party, what kind of freak is this!

Simply incredible!

I also want to know.

Dugu Bo also looked very curious at this moment.

He just thought about it for a long time without thinking clearly.

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