Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 309 This skinning is really outrageous!

Da Ming and Er Ming could only stay silently in the Star Forest.

Looking forward to Xiao Wu's return.

It's a pity that when the other person comes back, he becomes someone else's family and has nothing to do with them.

To be honest, Ye Feng thought these two guys were quite miserable before.

Are you threatening me again?

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Daming's entire voice turned cold again.

If you interpret this as a threat, then let's call it a threat, but I once again declare that I just want to go in and find a suitable soul beast to serve as a soul ring, and I have no other excessive requirements.

I only saw Ye Feng talking to him at this moment.

Human, why do you have to go in? The core area inside is so dangerous that you might never come out again.

I heard the Azure Bull Python asking at this time.

Being able to talk to him like this without being humble or silent, it seems that another powerful soul master has appeared in mankind.

Maybe he is not outstanding now, but in a few years this person will definitely be the best in the entire continent.

After all, ordinary super Douluo don't have this courage.

Unless it is a human level ninety-nine extreme Douluo.

That's my business, so I don't want your concern, Senior Azure Bull Python.

Ye Feng said directly to him.

If you can enter the core area to hunt the soul beast through dialogue, this is the method with the least loss.

And with strong methods, he could only ensure that he entered it alone.

Dugu Bo and Uncle Juhua were so afraid that they stayed outside dragging the two soul beasts.

But it is still very difficult for him to find or even kill a hundred thousand year soul beast in the core area by himself.

Even if he has two one-minute elixirs and a substitute in his hand.

Still need the help of Old Poison and Uncle Juhua.

Unless you are lucky enough to encounter that kind of hundred thousand year soul beast with extremely weak combat power.

For example, the Tianmeng obtained by Yu Hao, the son-in-law who was harmed by Tang San before.

But this kind of thing is hard to come by.

Humans, I can let you in, but there is one thing I don't understand. There are obviously many soul beasts outside. Why do you have to enter a place with such a high risk factor? Is this the so-called genius experience of your human race? ?Looking for some difficult places?”

At this time, the Azure Bull Python asked.

It really doesn't understand.

If this is the stubbornness of a genius who wants to enter such an area to find soul beasts to survive, then it has nothing to say.

Because I want to find a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Only Ye Feng spoke at this moment.

Ten, one hundred thousand year soul beast?

Upon hearing this, the Azure Bull Python looked very shocked.

Is he crazy? This is.

Yes, but there are only three soul beasts that are over 100,000 years old outside the entire Star Dou Forest. There are too few targets to choose from.

Ye Feng answered directly.


The Azure Bull Python's eyes were even more shocked!

Looking at Ye Feng in front of him, it was as if he was looking at a monster, which was full of disbelief.

A normal human soul master would say that there is a hundred thousand year old soul beast in the Star Dou Forest.

And that one hundred thousand year old soul beast is the Titan Ape.

Because in the past few years, the other party has been trying to gain a sense of presence outside.

Few people know they exist.

Therefore, many soul masters think that they are just a legend.

Some extremely powerful soul masters who are at the pinnacle of humankind know that there are two soul beasts that are over 100,000 years old in the Star Dou Forest.

One is a Titan and the other is himself.

It is the Minotaur recorded in human legends.

However, now this human actually told him that there were three hundred thousand year old soul beasts in the entire Star Dou Forest!

Unbelievable! Incredible! !

Because this is not fake, this is real!

There is indeed a soul beast here that is over 100,000 years old.

Not even the Titan Giant Ape knows about this, only he has heard of it.

Legend has it that there is a sleeping soul beast in the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

This soul beast is called Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

The other party is also the most precious treasure in the soul beast world.

Because the other party can provide years for the soul beast.

To put it simply, you are a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, and if you accidentally encounter a hundred-thousand-year-old Tianmeng, you can completely absorb the other person and transform it into your own power.

So that you won't have to go through a long time to advance.

Therefore, it can be said to be the panacea of ​​the soul beast world.

It's a pity that once the other party fell into a deep sleep, he disappeared without a trace and had no breath at all.

And it may even be one hundred thousand years, five hundred thousand years, or one million years!

This human being actually knows that there is a Tianmeng here, which is incredible.

As for whether it was possible that the other party was talking about other spirit beasts, it could only say that it was impossible.

The gatekeeper beast that enters the true core area of ​​the divine throne has not even released a soul beast inside.

Because they must pass through this lake in order to come out.

Everything is under its control.

There can't be any loopholes at all.

As for the natural formation of 100,000-year-old soul beasts outside the Star Dou Forest, this basically does not exist.

As the apparent overlord of the Star Dou Forest, he is fully aware of how many high-level soul beasts there are outside.

There was no promotion at all.

Isn't it? I think you should understand, after all, it has been sleeping.

Ye Feng said.

Huo Yuhao was at the outskirts of the forest at the beginning.

So he guessed that Tianmeng should be sleeping somewhere in the periphery.

It's just that no one knows where the other person is.

As for why he wanted to tell this matter, he just wanted to test whether the Azure Bull Python knew about the other party's existence and at the same time add some mystery to himself.

Now it seems the effect has been achieved.

Once the sense of mystery is established, I believe that the Azure Bull Python will not dare to act rashly for the time being.

If it were only restricted by Xiao Wu's affairs, it would be too thin to be honest.

Some things still have to be straightened out.

Human, who are you? How do you know it exists?

The Azure Bull Python looked at Ye Feng with an incredible attitude.

I can't see through it. To be honest, I can't see through it at all.

The other party is obviously just a soul emperor.

How on earth did he know these things?

Not only do I know its existence, I also know what the final fate of you and Titan will be.

Ye Feng continued.

What's our fate?

The Azure Bull Python looked very surprised.

Do you want to know?

Ye Feng showed a smile.

Oh, how can a human being predict our fate? It's ridiculous.

At this moment, I saw Ye Feng's voice fell and the Azure Bull Python spoke with a very cold attitude.

It is disbelief.

Because this sounds so incredible.

If it's normal, you two will eventually sacrifice for one person. Of course, you don't have to believe that this is your freedom.

Ye Feng said.

Sacrifice for humans? How ridiculous! How is this possible!

Tian Qing Niu Python became even colder when he heard this sentence.

Whether in the core area or in the outer area, they are all the best among the hundred thousand year soul beasts, and they have an unprecedented arrogance in their bones.

How is it possible to sacrifice for a human being?

Do not believe?

Ye Feng smiled even more playfully.

How can you believe such ridiculous words!

Azure Bull Python spoke.

It's not that I don't believe it, it just sounds ridiculous.

Then let's see what happens to you two!

Suddenly Ye Feng's whole body floated up.

The next second, a strong light emitted from his palm.

Soon this light enveloped him.

What happened? What is Xiao Fengfeng doing??

Just now I could see two people in the barrier.

But there is no sound.

It is not known what they were talking about.

As a result, suddenly a ray of light emitted from Ye Feng's palm shrouded the two of them together.

Now they could see nothing.

Ju Huaguan suddenly felt very puzzling.

I don’t know what Xiao Fengfeng wants to say to this hundred thousand year soul beast.

I'm not sure, but I feel that look in his eyes is very familiar. He can't be skinning me, right?

Dugu Bo swallowed his saliva.

They could not hear the sound of this conversation, but Dugu Bo could see the expressions of Ye Feng and Azure Bull Python.

From Ye Feng's eyes, Dugu Bo actually read a very familiar feeling of skin peeling.

Hope is an illusion.

Otherwise, this skinning is really outrageous!

Time passed quietly, and the white light enveloped the barrier for ten minutes.

Then it slowly dispersed.

The first thing that comes into view is a huge cow head.

That's the Azure Bull Python.

I don't know what the other party saw at this time, but those huge bull eyes were filled with unprecedented inconceivability.

Do you believe what I said now?

Ye Feng looked at the azure bull python in front of him with a smile.

【Ding! System gold coins-2000w. 】

Of course that's the surface.

His heart ached to the extreme.

Because this wave cost him 20 million gold coins.

Sure enough, money power is not something that can be used casually. It can cause serious harm to one's body or lead to bankruptcy.

Of course, it was Ye Feng's impromptu idea to show Azure Bull Python what he would become in the future.

It would be a pity that these two guys would be sacrificed to Tang San as soul rings.

If you can directly win them into your own camp, this is a good choice.

After all, this is a powerful battle force!

This, this is impossible, is this really my future?

The Azure Bull Python panicked.

It's a bit unbelievable.

But everything looks so real that one cannot believe it.

Yes, if normal development continues, both you and the Titan Ape will be sacrificed.

Ye Feng said.

Who is the boy in blue and why would I sacrifice to him?

There was no sound just now, it was just played once in fast forward.

So at this time, Azure Bull Python had no idea who the man in blue clothes was in that clip.

Is he the flower picker who kidnapped the flower that you have been caring for for so long?

Ye Feng said after thinking for a while.

Xiao Wu's lover? Impossible, how could she like humans!

Upon hearing this, Azure Bull Python said immediately.

She wasn't supposed to like humans.

Because her mother was killed by humans.

She just went to the human world to experience it. After the experience came back, how could she like humans?

And it was actually sacrificed to his love rival in the end.

Absolutely ridiculous!

Anyway, I've said everything that needs to be said. Today, I'll let you see your future with your convenience. Believe it or not.

Ye Feng shrugged slightly at this time and said.

Of course, the system does not yet have the ability to deduce other people's futures.

Ye Feng integrated those fragments based on the memories in his mind.

After a while of processing by the universal system, a future prediction can be obtained.

Of course it is more expensive.

Twenty million gold coins at a time.

It's almost too expensive to take off.

Although these things are integrated by oneself and not really deduced, they are actually very close to each other.


The Azure Bull Python looked as if its soul had been extracted.

It really didn't expect that it would end up like this.

It has been working diligently for so long.

Of course, in the end, he did hold on to the gate. No human being discovered the real core area, but he also died.

He even offered sacrifices to others as soul rings.

It is unwilling! !

If you want to change your fate, I can help you, but you need to pay a certain price.

Ye Feng looked at the Azure Bull Python.

He knew what the other person was thinking at this moment.

So now it’s time to open your own chips.

What price?

Azure Bull Python asked Ye Feng tentatively.

It cannot believe everything.

He still needs a while to digest the scene just now.

Promise me three things.

Ye Feng said.

three things?

The Azure Bull Python was slightly surprised when he heard this.

The other party brought this up without thinking about it.

It thought it was an excessive request.

For example, asking for Er Ming's life or something like that.


Ye Feng nodded.

If he takes action, the probability of saving the Azure Bull Python is actually very high.

If this condition is not too much, I can agree to it, but you have to tell me who you are?

Azure Bull Python looked at Ye Feng.

This man is so mysterious.

You don't need to know who I am right now, and the first thing I want you to do is to help me find a soul ring. I need one that's a hundred thousand years old.

Ye Feng looked at the Azure Bull Python.

If he could get the other party to join in, he wouldn't even need the one-minute elixir!

This can greatly save yourself combat power.

What about the second thing?

Azure Bull Python asked.

The second thing is, if I take action in time when you are in danger within five years, of course, I will not let you go to the human world, which is limited to the Star Forest.

Ye Feng said.

Five years should be enough time for you to grow.

Once promoted to a titled Douluo, I believe no one would dare to provoke him.

What about the third thing?

Azure Bull Python asked again.

I haven't thought about it yet, just these two.

Ye Feng answered.

Let's not talk about whether your prediction of the future is true or not. I can't and will not do such things as killing my own kind. As for protecting you, I can consider it, because entering the Star Dou Forest is equivalent to entering my territory. At present, it is still No one dares to act wild here.”

The Azure Bull Python said in its hoarse voice at this moment.

That's all, that's fine, but I need to remind you that it won't take long for you to know if it's true or false.

I originally wanted to find a free helper to help me hunt the soul beasts, but now it seems I have to rely on myself to move the bricks.

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