Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 94 The Current Situation of Douluo Continent

Three days later, a fleet came to Poseidon Island to deliver supplies. Due to Xiaofei and others' black-level and red-level permissions on Poseidon Island, the fleet respected Xiaofei and his seven companions very much.

So Xiaofei and his seven companions were respectfully invited to board the ship.

As the fleet set sail, the seven people looked at the gradually moving Poseidon Island, and they were all full of emotion. From the time they landed on Poseidon Island to now, it has been less than four years, and the strength of several people has undergone tremendous changes. Whether it is soul power, combat ability or physical strength, they have greatly improved.

Yang Pojun has been upgraded from level 52 at the beginning to level 74 now, and his soul power has increased by 22 levels. The soul ring is yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black. In addition, a soul bone of the right arm of the 30,000-year-old evil killer whale.

Niu Meng has been upgraded from level 52 to level 75, and his soul power has increased by 23 levels. The soul ring is purple, purple, purple, black, black. In addition, a soul bone of the left leg of the 30,000-year-old evil killer whale.

Feng Xiaotian was upgraded from level 65 to level 86, with a soul power increase of 21 levels, plus a 50,000-year-old evil demon killer whale left arm soul bone.

Huo Wushuang was upgraded from level 72 to level 88, with a soul power increase of 16 levels, plus a powerful 100,000-year-old soul ring.

Huo Wu was upgraded from level 73 to level 88, with a soul power increase of 15 levels, and soul rings are purple purple purple black black black black red. The age of all Huo Wu's soul rings increased by 4,000 years, making her fourth soul ring just black.

Shui Bing'er's soul power was upgraded from level 62 to level 83, with a soul power increase of 21 levels. Plus an 80,000-year-old evil demon killer whale right leg soul bone, and 15% Sea God affinity. I just don't know if this Sea God affinity is useful.

Wang Fei was upgraded from level 75 to level 90 (92), with a soul power increase of 17 levels, plus two 100,000-year-old soul rings. The soul rings of the Fire Phoenix martial spirit are: black black black black black red red red. All of Xiao Fei's soul rings have been upgraded by 12,000 years.

The captain of the material transport fleet is called Arthur, a man over 50 years old. His soul power has reached level 74, and his martial soul is a sea snake. He was originally a purple-level deacon of Poseidon Island. He was expelled from Poseidon Island because of a big mistake. His soul power was originally to be abolished. Later, out of the mercy of the great worshiper Poseidon, he was only expelled from Poseidon Island and arranged to be responsible for the safety of Poseidon Island's transportation materials.

Xiao Fei and his friends had some exchanges with Captain Arthur, and asked about some details and interesting things about sea voyages.

The material transport team is mainly responsible for the purchase and transportation of some materials needed by Poseidon Island. At the same time, it is responsible for taking some special products of Poseidon Island to Hanhai City for sale and auction. There are specific channels for both sales and purchases, and they are all composed of devout sea soul masters.

As for the safety issues during transportation, there is basically a sea soul master soul saint on each ship, plus several soul kings and soul emperors. It is mainly to prevent attacks from some sea soul beasts and some blind little pirates. On this sea, no big pirate dared to attack the transport fleet of Poseidon Island.

Speaking of pirates, Xiao Fei immediately became interested. Through communication with Arthur, the famous female pirate Zi Zhenzhu actually changed her career. Now she is no longer a pirate, but specializes in transport exploration and the like.

Xiao Fei couldn't help but sigh at the personality charm of Tang San and his group (the halo of the protagonist). At the same time, he also sighed at the wonder of the trajectory of fate. Tang San and his group did not have the Dragon Abyss Boat, but they could still meet Zi Zhenzhu and his group and subdue them.

The transport fleet sailed on the sea for nearly half a month and finally returned to Hanhai City.

The seven people returned to land. Finally, this trip to Poseidon Island ended.

Someone found the best restaurant nearby, ordered a private room directly, and had a big meal. The mainland food that had been away for five years tasted different.

After eating and drinking, he directly called a soul emperor who looked more talkative in the hotel to the private room (also the one with the highest soul power on the scene), and asked him to introduce the major events that happened in the mainland in recent years.

The Soul Emperor was very angry. He was a Soul Emperor, not an errand boy. How could he order himself like this? He was about to lose his temper, but Feng Xiaotian showed his eight soul rings, which shocked the Soul Emperor. It was obvious that this group of people was not something that a mere Soul Emperor could provoke.

The Soul Emperor knew that Xiao Fei and his seven companions had returned from the sea, so he introduced in detail some major events that had happened in recent years. Obviously, the Soul Emperor had a very wide range of news.

After the introduction, many major events had indeed happened on the continent in recent years.

First, Emperor Xue Ye of the Tiandou Empire died of illness, and the former Crown Prince Xue Qinghe also died for unknown reasons. Now the former Fourth Prince Xue Beng succeeded him as the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire. It is said that when the Crown Prince Xue Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire died, the entire Tiandou City was filled with blood and countless people were killed and injured.

Second, due to problems with the original three sects, the Haotian Sect had retired for many years, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect were attacked by mysterious forces one after another. Among them, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family was directly exterminated, and the strength of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was greatly reduced.

So under the auspices of the Spirit Hall, the new seven major sects were re-selected three years ago.

Now the new top three sects are the Elephant Armor Sect, the Holy Dragon Sect, and the Black Tiger Sect, and the new bottom four sects are the Wind Sword Sect, the Fire Leopard Sect, the Rock Antelope Sect, and the Sparrow Bee Sect. The masters of the top three sects have all broken through to the Titled Douluo. Among them is the familiar Tianxiang Hu Yanzhen, who is already a Titled Douluo of level 91, with a spirit of diamond mammoth, known as the world's best defense.

Third, with the support of the new seven major sects, the Spirit Hall announced the establishment of a country and changed its name to the Spirit Empire. All the Spirit Halls in the original two empires were closed and the soul masters were withdrawn. The Spirit Empire was formed on the basis of all the kingdoms and principalities of the original two empires, and it stood between the two empires, completely cutting off the connection between the two empires.

The three empires are all preparing for war, and seem to be ready to fight at any time.

Listening to the Soul Emperor's vivid description, everyone was very surprised. Obviously, these things had a huge impact.

Huo Wushuang asked quickly: "How is the Element Academy now?"

Soul Emperor scratched his head and said: "There is no news about the Elements. They have remained neutral and have not asked anything. I heard that when the seven major sects were re-elected, the Spirit Hall intended to win over the Element Academy and make it one of the top three sects, but it was rejected."

"Now the Tiandou Empire is obviously short of soul masters. The Tiandou Empire and the Spirit Hall are trying to win over the Element Academy, but it seems that recently the Vice Dean Feng Xuan of the Element Academy has also broken through to the Titled Douluo, and there has been no news since then."

Everyone was very surprised to hear that Dean Feng Xuan had become a Titled Douluo, especially Feng Xiaotian. You know, Deans Feng Xuan and Huo Tianchen are the natural enemies of Dugu Bo, the worshiper of the Tiandou Empire. Now the Tiandou Empire probably doesn't dare to force the Element Academy to stand on the side, for fear that the Spirit Hall will force it.

After sending this Soul Emperor away, everyone fell silent, and there was no joy of returning to the mainland.

Everyone wanted to return to the Element Academy as soon as possible. Xiao Fei looked at a few people and knew that everyone was worried about the Element Academy and wanted to go home to help.

Xiao Fei pondered for a moment: "You go back to the Element Academy first. I have something to deal with in Soto City. I will return to the Element Academy as soon as possible after dealing with it."

Huo Wu and others were surprised: "What can happen in Soto City?"

"I know there is a place in Soto City that may have a ninth soul ring suitable for me."

You know, Xiao Fei has been level 90 for more than a year, and he is only one fire attribute soul ring away. If he gets a suitable soul ring, Xiao Fei's combat power will soar again. But Xiao Fei's Fire Phoenix martial spirit already has three hundred thousand year soul rings, and the last one is probably not willing to be too low, and there is no trace of a hundred thousand year fire attribute soul beast in the world now.

Everyone thought about it and decided to go with Xiao Fei to get the soul ring first, and then return to the academy. After all, Xiao Fei has helped everyone a lot in the past few years, and it is a bit unreasonable not to help now. And the Element Academy should be safe for the time being.

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