Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 93 Shui Bing'er

After returning to the ground, the seven members of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon knelt on one knee in front of Bo Saixi: "I'm sorry, great worshiper, we have let you down."

Bo Saixi said calmly: "It doesn't matter, the tactics of the five of them are very good, and the quality of their soul rings exceeds yours, so your failure is reasonable."

Xiao Fei and others stepped forward and saluted Bo Saixi, Hai Long Dou Ren and Douluo, "Thank you to the seven Lords of the Holy Pillar for your guidance."

The seven Sea Dragon Douluo nodded slightly, but they kept complaining in their hearts: How can five Soul Douluo challenge seven Title Douluo like this? He actually used his moves amplified from the very beginning, without even testing them. This is so disrespectful of martial ethics!

A voice came from Xiaofei's mind: "Wang Xiaofei, the sixth of the nine red-level exams, led Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, Feng Xiaotian, and Shui Bing'er to challenge the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island. He exceeded the exam limit and was rewarded with all soul ring years. 5000 years of improvement.”

Huo Wu and others also received reminders to complete the assessment. Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang increased their soul power by one level, and Huo Wu increased their soul power by one level, plus an additional 1,000 years of soul ring life. Shui Bing'er increases Poseidon's affinity by 10%, plus a level of soul power.

Sure enough, Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian did not have the protagonist halo, and they did not receive additional soul power enhancements and god-given soul rings after completing all assessments.

At this point, Xiao Fei and others have completed the sixth test of the Poseidon Island assessment. Among them, Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian have completed all assessments and obtained black-level permissions on Poseidon Island. Huo Wu and Wang Xiaofei obtained red-level permissions on Poseidon Island.

Xiaofei feels a little strange, why haven't all the assessments been completed? Got red level permission?

Xiao Fei's soul power is level 90 (92), and his soul ring is black, black, black, black, red, and red.

Huo Wu's soul power level is level 88, and her soul ring is purple, purple, purple, black, black, and red.

Shui Bing'er's soul power level is level 83, and her affinity with Poseidon is 15%.

Huo Wushuang's soul power is level 88, Feng Xiaotian's soul power is level 86, Yang Pojun is level 74, and Niu Meng is level 75.

Suddenly, the red Poseidon Island assessment mark on Xiao Fei's forehead flashed, and an assessment card appeared in Xiao Fei's hand: "Wang Xiaofei, the seventh of the nine Poseidon Island red-level exams, looking for the Vulcan inheritance site, time limit - No, after completing the assessment, you can return to Poseidon Island to resume the red-level nine-level assessment. Tips - Ultimate. "Following this, the red-level nine-level examination mark disappeared.

Huo Wu's assessment is similar to Xiao Fei's. He helps Xiao Fei find the Vulcan inheritance place, and the assessment mark between his eyebrows disappears.

Shui Bing'er's test is more interesting. It also helps Xiaofei find the Fire God inheritance place. However, the time limit is ten years. If he fails, his soul power will be deducted by five levels. Regardless of failure or success, he can continue to take the Poseidon Ninth Test.

Xiao Fei looked at the assessment content carefully. Shui Bing'er was already the heir of Poseidon, so he still wanted to find some Vulcan inheritance place with him. Isn't it a waste of time? And why ten years?

Xiao Fei suddenly frowned and understood Poseidon's purpose: Poseidon was probably betting that Tang San could become the new Poseidon. If Tang San succeeded, Shui Bing'er's Nine Poseidon Tests would naturally be meaningless. If Tang San failed, Shui Bing'er would continue taking the tests. There is nothing to lose anyway. Obviously, Poseidon was more optimistic about Tang San. As expected of the protagonist of the original work, Xiao Fei is still so talented even though he has intercepted many opportunities.

Xiao Fei always feels that something is wrong. Why can Shui Bing'er continue to take exams no matter whether she fails or succeeds? As a god, his words are oracles. If Tang San becomes a god, what is the significance of Shui Bing'er's test? Is there a hidden meaning to all this?

As for the reminder about the Vulcan inheritance place, Xiao Fei has no clue for the time being, so he will ignore it for now and talk about it when he goes back.

God Realm, Poseidon Temple. Poseidon and Vulcan were together again, but this time they drank wine instead of tea.

Vulcan looked at Poseidon a little strangely: "Poseidon, do you have so much confidence in that inheritor Tang San?"

Poseidon smiled: "Isn't this a question of confidence? Shui Bing'er is still far behind Tang San in terms of talent and experience. Looking for your inheritance is also a kind of exercise. Instead of staying on Poseidon Island and training hard, , it’s better to go out and get more life experience, otherwise she won’t be able to pass the ninth Poseidon test, and there might be other surprises.”

Vulcan nodded: "You are quite good to this little girl."

"I really like this little girl's character, but it's a pity that she's still a little lacking. But you, just give me a two-word hint. Can that kid find the Fire Temple?"

"I can't help it. The Fire Temple has disappeared on the Douluo Continent for more than 100,000 years. There are basically no clues about the Fire Temple on the Douluo Continent. Unlike you, there is an inheritance on Poseidon Island. And I don't know about it recently. Why, God Shura seems to be staring at me, saying these two words is already a violation of the rules of the divine world. "

Suddenly a red light flashed, and God Shura appeared in the Poseidon Temple: "Recently I heard that someone violated the rules of the God Realm. I came here specially to have a look. Poseidon and Fire God, can't they be you two?"

The sudden appearance of God Shura scared Vulcan to the point where he almost vomited in Poseidon's face.

"God Shura, God of Fire and I just drank some wine together. This shouldn't be considered a violation of the rules of the God Realm!" Poseidon said quickly.

God Shura looked serious: "Of course this is not against the rules of the divine world, but I heard that you have found two good prospects recently. Do you want me to help you evaluate them?"

"I just saw two good young men who are more suitable to serve as subordinates. I won't trouble Lord Shura God for this little matter." Poseidon said quickly, but kept muttering in his heart, let you do the assessment, even if these two inheritors are not dead Also disabled.

"In that case, I won't ask any more questions, but you must remember the rules of the God Realm." A flash of red light, and the God of Shura left.

The God of the Sea and the God of Fire looked at each other and said nothing, just continued to drink.

On the Douluo Continent Sea God Island, Xiao Fei and his seven companions were ready to leave the Sea God Island.

Originally, Huo Wushuang, Feng Xiaotian, Yang Pojun and Niu Meng, who were participating in the black-level assessment, were not allowed to leave the Sea God Island. However, as companions of the red-level nine-test and the Sea God nine-test assessors, it was allowed to accompany the assessors to continue to participate in the assessment. So several people were not restricted and followed Xiao Fei and Shui Bing'er to leave, and even Poseidon agreed.

Xiao Fei and his seven companions came to the beach and summoned Xiao Bai with barbecue. Through Xiao Bai, they learned that a fleet would deliver supplies to the Sea God Island in the next few days, and then they could follow the fleet to leave the Sea God Island.

Next was barbecue time. Everyone was no longer under the pressure of the assessment, and their mentality was very relaxed. Moreover, this time they left the Sea God Island and estimated that they would not come back for a long time.

For Xiaofei and his seven companions, Xiaobai has helped them a lot in the past few years. He is their teacher who taught them how to fight in the sea, and also their partner who had fought together. Before leaving, it was both a thank you and a farewell.

During this barbecue, Xiaofei and his companions took out dozens of jars of wine. Everyone drank and chatted excitedly. When they were excited, Shui Binger even danced for everyone. Everyone also tacitly did not use soul power to resist the alcohol. Until the whole beach was messy and there were wine jars everywhere. Everyone was drunk.

The next day, when the sun was shining on the beach, Xiaofei woke up drowsily. In a daze, he was holding someone in his arms. He thought it was Huo Wu, but when he glanced at it, it turned out to be a blue dress.

Xiaofei woke up instantly. Xiaofei actually slept with Shui Binger in his arms last night. It seemed that because of Xiaofei's actions, Shui Binger in his arms also woke up slowly. However, when Shui Binger saw that she was in Xiaofei's arms, her face suddenly turned red, and she quickly pushed Xiaofei away.

Xiao Fei looked at Shui Bing'er who ran away with a blushing face, and felt annoyed: I was so comfortable when I hugged her just now, why did I wake up so soon? What a great opportunity was wasted. Thinking back to the feeling of hugging Shui Bing'er just now, she was soft and tender, worthy of being a girl from Tianshui.

Xiao Fei looked around, and Xiao Bai had obviously returned to the sea a long time ago. Others were lying on the beach in all directions, especially Huo Wu, who was sleeping in a big letter shape, with no image at all.

Xiao Fei shook his head, first carried Huo Wu back to the tent, and then woke everyone up. Xiao Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "They are both beauties, why is the feeling of hugging them so different?"

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