Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 95: Douluo's First Digging Hole

The seven Xiaofei did not stay in Hanhai City, but went directly to Soto City. This time, Xiaofei and the others did not take a carriage or use his family's means of transport, but ran quickly towards Soto City.

For high-level soul masters, their running speed is far faster than that of horseback riding or other means of transportation. For some high-level soul masters of the speed or flying system, traveling thousands of miles in a day is not a problem at all.

The seven Xiaofei are all high-level soul masters, the lowest are soul saints, and their physical fitness is extremely strong. Continuous travel is not a problem for them at all.

After traveling day and night for about four days, Xiao Fei and the others arrived at their destination: the Flame Bird's Nest.

Walking into the flame bird's nest and driving away a thousand-year soul beast inside, you looked at the surrounding environment. There seemed to be no other changes in the area.

Xiao Fei told everyone that when he was 11 years old, he lived in the Flame Bird's Nest for almost a year. Everyone was very surprised: He dared to live alone in the Soul Beast's Nest at the age of 11. He was indeed a pervert.

Feng Xiaotian quickly flew around and felt the surrounding situation carefully: "I have carefully observed the surrounding area. It doesn't look like there is a hundred thousand year soul beast."

Xiao Fei shook his head: "The hundred thousand year soul beast is not in the Fire Maple Forest, it should be inside the volcano."

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu finally realized: "Isn't this the place where we obtained the fourth soul ring, the Fire Lizard?"

"Yes, it's here. When I obtained the soul ring, I felt an astonishing power coming from under the volcano. Although it was only for a moment, I can be sure that there must be a very powerful fire element hidden under the volcano. Soul beast."

Xiao Fei and the others planned to rest one night near the Flame Bird's nest and go looking for the hundred thousand year soul beast tomorrow. The seven people gathered together to eat, and Xiao Fei was ready to take a good rest, but everyone seemed to be very interested in Xiao Fei's past, especially Xiao Fei's one year life in the flame bird's nest.

Xiao Fei didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but he couldn't bear the curious and expectant expressions on the two girls Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er, so he had to tell some interesting things about his past life at Notting College and the Flame Bird's Nest. As they talked, the two girls It seems more and more fascinating. Xiaofei had no choice but to continue talking until midnight, when the few people reluctantly dispersed to rest.

Early the next morning, the seven people set out from the Flame Bird's Nest and quickly climbed to the crater.

When we arrived at the crater, we saw the same spectacular scene we had seen before. In the center of the volcano was boiling magma, and there were small holes, even bigger than a human thigh.

Xiao Fei and Huo Wu turned to look at Huo Wushuang. The other four were a little surprised. Why were they looking for Huo Wushuang at this time? Shouldn't Xiao Fei directly use his mental power to investigate?

Huo Wushuang had no choice but to tell the function of the soul bone on his head. After hearing the explanation, the four people were amazed: Huo Wushuang, a battle soul master with a fiery dragon spirit, actually has such a detectable soul bone. As expected in the world, It's nothing surprising. You should be careful when you meet Huo Wushuang in the future and don't let him detect your privacy.

Seeing the expressions of the four people, ranging from curiosity to caution, and finally to a bit defensive, Huo Wushuang was speechless for a while.

Next was Huo Wushuang's work. Huo Wushuang kept launching soul bone skills against the ground, and then carefully experienced the effect of the soul bone attack.

After going through the tidal body refining, Huo Wushuang's mental power has been greatly improved, and now Huo Wushuang is a Contra, and the detection distance has exceeded three thousand meters. This is not just relying on the feeling of mental power, but actual detection, the effect is more precise, and the effect is better than some spiritual titled Douluo.

Huo Wushuang searched for a long time, but didn't seem to find anything. He could only say: "There shouldn't be any big holes three kilometers underground. However, these small holes for the fire lizards to enter and exit seem to slowly merge together underground. The specific extension distance is more than three kilometers, and there are even very curved phenomena. "

Xiao Fei thought about it carefully: "Yes, it should be in the lair. Have you noticed? The fire lizards have not come out of the crater, so where do their water sources come from? So there must be them underground. There are even underground rivers. If we keep digging along these holes, we will definitely find them.”

Having said this, Xiao Fei turned to look at Niu Meng, and the others also looked at him. This made Niu Meng extremely depressed, so he had to say: "Although our Royal clan is good at construction, that's just building houses. We are not good at digging holes and tunnels."

Xiao Fei was speechless at once: Such a good construction talent was wasted. If he had used this talent in digging tunnels and robbing tombs, casually digging some underground mineral veins or titled Douluo tombs, the Yu clan would have become the richest Douluo man long ago.

Xiao Fei looked around at everyone, and none of them seemed to have the talent for digging holes. He had no choice but to use his external soul bone to start digging a hole.

Everyone looked at Xiao Fei's external soul bone and complained again: You use such a powerful external soul bone to dig holes in the ground. It's really a waste of resources.

Xiao Fei dug a hole in the ground quickly. He was the number one hole digger in Douluo Continent. Who dug a hole faster than a 60,000-year-old spirit bone? Student Niu Meng finally played a professional role for the first time, constantly reinforcing the wall of the cave to prevent collapse. He is worthy of being from the Department of Civil Engineering (Study Department).

Huo Wushuang continued to explore. Feng Xiaotian is responsible for the external wind detection and protection to prevent emergencies, and is also responsible for the disposal of excess soil and stones. Yang Pojun was responsible for dealing with the soul beasts that suddenly appeared, either killing them or knocking them out and throwing them away.

The two girls chatted boredly, and it seemed that they were still talking about Xiao Fei, and there was not a burst of laughter.

Xiao Fei first dug vertically for a long distance. As he dug, the underground cave of the Earth Fire System turned horizontal. In the end, there were various bends upward and downward, which made Xiao Fei speechless. This cave was too horizontal.

Suddenly, Huo Wushuang said with a serious face: "Stop, stop quickly." Xiao Fei and Niu Meng stopped immediately and moved their hands.

The few people looked at Huo Wushuang's serious expression and knew that they were almost at their destination.

Huo Wushuang said: "There is a large hole about three kilometers ahead. There is a very strong breath inside, like a 100,000-year-old soul beast."

Xiao Fei thought about it and asked Huo Wushuang to stop detecting to prevent alerting the enemy. Then he continued to dig forward gently, and at the same time, activated the head soul bone to prevent other people or creatures from detecting Xiao Fei's situation.

As Xiao Fei and his friends walked forward cautiously, a little fire began to appear in front. Feng Xiaotian, Yang Pojun, Huo Wu, and Shui Bing'er also stopped their original work and followed Xiao Fei seriously. Obviously, the final battle was about to begin.

Everyone held their breath and moved gently towards the direction of the fire.

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