Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 69: Surprise

After a while, everyone finished practicing, and it was obvious that everyone had made great progress, especially the four students.

Especially Shui Bing'er, Shui Bing'er is the former captain of Tianshui Academy, the martial soul Ice Phoenix. Like Ma Hongjun and Xiao Fei, Ice Phoenix is ​​not pure, but has impurities. This impurity has been plaguing Shui Bing'er's practice and will have an effect similar to evil fire.

This time Xiao Fei gave him the Ice Crystal Phoenix Sunflower. The impurities in Shui Bing'er's body were completely refined, and her martial soul became a real Ice Phoenix. Her future cultivation will not be affected again.

Once the problems that had troubled Shui Bing'er for many years were solved, Shui Bing'er changed her past image of a reserved and caring young lady. She was so excited that she hugged Xiao Fei and kissed Xiao Fei on the face. Seeing Shui Bing'er's performance, everyone was very surprised.

Shui Bing'er also noticed the gazes of the people around her, and let go of Xiao Fei with a slight blush.

Xiaofei was in a happy mood at this time. He didn't expect that after giving away the ice crystal phoenix sunflower, he would get such an unexpected joy. If he had known it, he should have given it to Shui Bing'er earlier.

"Ahem!" Suddenly Huo Tianchen coughed twice, which instantly brought Xiao Fei's attention back. Xiao Fei's face suddenly changed and he said to himself: "It's troublesome, I was caught by my father-in-law."

Xiaofei said seriously: "I just came here and wanted to know about everyone's improvement and changes!"

No one thought anything, after all, everyone was very excited now. Then everyone began to introduce their progress.

First of all, Shui Bing'er introduced as if nothing happened just now: "My soul power has now been raised to level 60. My martial soul has completely evolved into an ice phoenix. The magazines on my martial soul have also been completely removed. In the future, I The cultivation speed should become faster."

Then Niu Meng said: "My soul power has reached level 50 now. My martial soul has evolved. Now I seem to have turned into an ancient dragon rhinoceros. I have endless strength in my body and my defense has been greatly enhanced."

Xiao Fei couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Are there creatures like the Ancient Dragon Rhinoceros in Douluo Continent?"

Yang Pojun also said: "My soul power has now reached level 50, and I feel that the soul-breaking gun has become sharper. I feel like I have a better grasp of the soul-breaking gun. My body seems to be full of sharp energy." With such aura, you can now use the soul-breaking gun to appear on something similar to a blade." After saying that, Yang Pojun also summoned his martial spirit and used several soul-breaking spear techniques.

Yang Wudi stepped forward and took a closer look at Yang Pojun's soul-breaking gun, then nodded and said: "The martial soul has indeed evolved. It should be that the Gengjin energy in the martial soul has become stronger, thus making the soul-breaking gun more powerful." Sharper."

Feng Xiaotian thought for a moment before saying: "I think my soul power has improved by four levels. I am now level 65. My martial soul has not evolved, but I feel that my physical fitness, quality and even the quality of my martial soul have improved." Becoming stronger."

Yang Wudi nodded and said: "After all, you are already level 60, your martial spirit has taken shape, and after all, this is not a wind-attribute fairy. This Dragon Gang flower should be able to make the meridians in your body smoother, and it has some dragon attributes. You can develop a Tiangang physique similar to that of Vajra."

After Yang Wudi finished speaking, he also said to Xiao Fei: "Xiao Fei, you chose this for Feng Xiaotian because there is no fairy grass with wind attribute, right?"

Xiao Fei nodded: "Actually, the real elemental attributes are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The wind attribute cannot be considered a complete elemental attribute. Moreover, plants with wind attributes will be more difficult to grow. This Dragon Gang Flower can only improve your physical fitness and The strength of the martial soul cannot make the martial soul evolve, but your training speed should be faster in the future, and there should be no bottleneck before becoming a Titled Douluo."

Yang Wudi nodded: "Wind-attributed beast souls are the most difficult to evolve. Unless Xiao Fei has wind-attributed fairy grass or top-level dragon-attributed fairy grass, it is unlikely that the Gale Two-Headed Wolf Spirit will evolve."

Xiao Fei was also helpless. Feng Xiaotian's Gale Two-Headed Wolf could only be regarded as a high-level beast martial spirit. It would be useful if Xiao Fei still had ninth-grade Dragon Zhi in his hand. The problem is that Xiao Fei no longer has it.

Xiaofei asked curiously: "Deans, what are your changes now?"

At this time, Feng Xuan said: "The soul power of each of the four of us has increased by two levels on average, and according to the effect, we should not have any bottlenecks before being titled Douluo."

Xiao Fei then nodded with peace of mind. Based on the training time of the four deans, he estimated that he would be able to break through to the Titled Douluo before the war in five years, and should be able to handle it by then.

Xiao Fei said to everyone: "How many deans? Could you please arrange for Shui Bing'er, Yang Pojun, and Niu Meng to obtain soul rings? The three of them have greatly improved their physical fitness now, and they should be able to absorb soul rings that exceed the limit. , that is to say, Yang Pojun and Niu Meng, you can absorb soul rings that are 12,000 to 13,000 years old, while sister Shui Binger can absorb soul rings that are about 20,000 years old, and can even reach 22,000 years old. Try to choose soul rings. Suitable for you and of high quality and longevity.”

Xiao Fei then said: "I want to go to Tiandou City alone in about two months. We have agreed to leave from the Elements Academy to Poseidon Island in three months. Also, you guys had better follow the same rules as before. The academy’s approach involves a lot of physical exercise, especially weight-bearing rock climbing and gravity training.”

Everyone nodded. As for what Xiao Fei was going to Tiandou City for? None of them asked.

Xiaofei returned to the dormitory and continued to practice his soul power. Recently, apart from practicing his soul power and fighting, Xiaofei had basically not done any other training. Suddenly, the door of Xiaofei's dormitory rang. I thought it was Huo Wu, but when he opened the door, it was Shui Bing'er. Xiaofei looks confused?

Xiaofei invited Shui Bing'er into the living room of the dormitory, and the two sat down. Xiao Fei made a cup of tea with snow ginseng and gave it to Shui Bing'er. Shui Bing'er took an elegant sip and couldn't help but praise: "Good tea!"

Xiao Fei asked with some confusion: "Sister Shui Bing'er, I wonder why you have time to come to my place today? What's the matter?"

Shui Bing'er smiled and said, "Brother Xiaofei, if nothing happens, can't I come and sit with you?"

Xiaofei said quickly: "Of course, sister Shui Bing'er, you can come to me at any time."

Shui Bing'er smiled: "Brother Xiaofei, don't be so outspoken. From now on, just call me Sister Bing'er."

Xiao Fei smiled: "Okay, Sister Bing'er, then don't call me Xiao Fei brother, just call me Xiao Fei!"

Shui Bing'er said: "Xiao Fei, can you let me see your martial spirit?"

Xiao Fei had a puzzled expression on his face, but he still summoned the Fire Phoenix Spirit. After Xiao Fei summoned the Fire Phoenix Spirit, he always felt that there was something about Shui Bing'er that attracted him?

This feeling became even clearer when Shui Binger summoned her martial soul Ice Phoenix. Yes, it was Shui Bing'er's Ice Phoenix Spirit that attracted him.

Shui Bing'er withdrew her martial spirit and said: "Sure enough, your fire phoenix martial spirit will attract the ice phoenix martial spirit. I believe you should also feel this way."

Xiaofei also nodded.

It is not uncommon for martial souls to be connected on the Douluo Continent. Just like the evil-eyed white tiger of the Dai family of Silla and the ghost civet cat of the Zhu family, they attract each other and come together to eventually form the ghost white tiger, a martial soul fusion technique. Moreover, people with two kinds of martial arts will have better results if they practice together.

Shui Bing'er said with a serious look: "Xiao Fei, let's interact more and practice together in the future. I believe it won't be long before we can perfect the martial soul fusion technique."

Xiaofei nodded quickly: "Sister Bing'er, then you can come to our place often and we can practice together." Tianshui College is a women's college and will not allow Xiaofei to practice at Shui Bing'er.

Shui Binger nodded and left gracefully.

As soon as Shui Bing'er left, Xiao Fei showed a happy expression on his face. Such a good thing would happen if he gave away the ice crystal phoenix sunflower. Is this really an unexpected surprise?

You know, on Douluo Continent, martial soul fusion skills are generally formed between husband and wife or relatives, because using martial soul fusion skills requires a good understanding of the other party's body and martial soul. Moreover, martial soul fusion skills are often extremely powerful and have the ability to fight across levels.

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