Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 68 Everyone's improvement

Xiao Fei looked at the expressions of the crowd and knew that he could not escape.

He took out four more jade boxes from his armband and showed a look of despair.

Yang Wudi opened the jade boxes one by one again: "The ten thousand year old Chinese yam belongs to Lao Niu. The ten thousand year old ginseng king belongs to me. The ten thousand year old narcissus belongs to Dean Liu. The ten thousand year old fairy belongs to Dean Feng."

Everyone looked at the four jade boxes and kept complaining: the medicinal materials are all ten thousand years old, and it is estimated that they can't be seen outside.

Everyone looked at Xiao Fei, where did these come from? Everyone had a question mark in their eyes.

Xiao Fei spread his hands, "No, I have nothing."

Huo Wu lifted Xiao Fei's ear and said, "Where are mine? Why are mine missing?"

Xiao Fei shook his head: "I've given you and Huo Wushuang the best. I guess the others won't have much effect on you two."

Huo Wu looked at Xiao Fei with a threatening look on her face: "Then why did I hear that you still have some snow silkworms and cinnabar lotuses?"

Xiao Fei was speechless: "Can't you leave some for me? I have nothing?"

Huo Wu said seriously: "Why do you still keep these on you? Are you going to please some girl? Hand them over quickly."

Everyone looked at Xiao Fei with a playful look on their faces.

Xiao Fei took out two jade boxes from his armband again with a helpless look on his face.

Yang Wudi opened the jade box again? Everyone complained again: These cinnabar lotuses and snow silkworms are dozens of times larger than those on the market, and they are almost spirits.

Huo Wu quickly took away the snow silkworms, and Huo Wushuang took away the cinnabar lotus.

Xiao Fei collapsed on the chair, speechless.

Yang Wudi suddenly walked up to Xiaofei and said, "Xiaofei, I heard that you still have a lot of poisonous weeds. Would you like me to help you check them? Otherwise, you might accidentally poison your own people one day."

Xiaofei immediately stood up and yelled at Yang Wudi, "You old man, you took the lead in extorting all the good things from me, and now you don't even let go of the remaining poisonous weeds. Do you believe that I will fight you?"

Even though Yang Wudi was thick-skinned, he couldn't help blushing a little. Everyone looked at Xiaofei's expression and estimated that Xiaofei didn't have anything left. Everyone looked at Yang Wudi with contempt, which made Yang Wudi speechless.

Yang Wudi suddenly said, "You can't tell anyone about what happened today, even your closest relatives. Whoever tells others is my enemy." Yang Wudi changed his thick-skinned look and showed murderous intent. The rest of the people expressed their opinions one after another.

Yang Wudi said in a deep voice: "You may not know the value of the immortal herbs just now, but I tell you, the immortal herbs you four kids took, as long as they are taken by people with innate soul power above level seven, can basically create a Titled Douluo. The other immortal herbs are worth millions or even more than 10 million gold soul coins."

Then everyone understood how valuable the things Xiao Fei gave were. They all promised not to reveal it.

Next, everyone took the immortal herbs under the guidance of Yang Wudi, and Dean Huo Tianchen protected everyone.

Xiao Fei returned to his dormitory, and on the way he changed his previous decadence, secretly saying: "Fortunately, I was prepared early, otherwise I would have been exploited by you."

But as soon as Xiao Fei entered the door, someone came to knock on the door. When he opened the door, it turned out to be Huo Wu.

Huo Wu said with a bit of guilt: "Xiao Fei, I'm really sorry today. I didn't know these things were so valuable. I know I was wrong now!"

"You know you were wrong? - Then compensate me!"

After that, Xiao Fei quickly carried Huo Wu into the bedroom, and then bullied Huo Wu, and the two finally broke through the last level.

The next morning, Xiao Fei woke up early. Looking at Huo Wu sleeping in his arms, Xiao Fei couldn't help but think of the madness of last night. Xiao Fei couldn't help but touch Huo Wu's fiery red hair, thinking back to his two lives, and he didn't get rid of the fate of being single until now, and couldn't help but sigh.

Huo Wu seemed more beautiful and more attractive. Compared with the previous arrogance and beauty, she seemed to have a little more charm now.

Huo Wu in his arms slowly woke up and turned to look at Xiao Fei. Huo Wu seemed to be stimulated by something? Suddenly screamed: "You bastard, what did you do to me yesterday?" Then the two quarreled, and the whole room was in chaos.

Xiao Fei thought to himself, "This woman is so tough. If she doesn't establish her authority and confirm her family status now, she will be in big trouble in the future." Xiao Fei went into battle without saying anything. The two of them had another big fight, but this time it was Xiao Fei who was the loser.

Finally, Huo Wu put on her clothes and left the room. Before leaving, she did not forget to warn Xiao Fei, "Xiao Fei, you'd better forget what happened yesterday, otherwise... hehe!" Xiao Fei nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Fei rested for a while and came back to the dean's office. Unexpectedly, several people were still there. Shui Bing'er, Feng Xiaotian, Yang Pojun, and Niu Meng, the four of them were still practicing there. Xiao Fei quickly asked Yang Wudi who had already woken up: "Dean Yang, it shouldn't take that long for them to absorb a fairy grass, right? Why are they still absorbing it?"

Yang Wudi shook his head: "Everyone absorbed the fairy grass last night, and now they are taking the opportunity to stabilize their realm and consolidate their soul power."

Yang Wudi continued: "Thanks to your fairy grass, Shui Bing'er has reached level 60, and Yang Pojun and Niu Meng are also level 50. Now they are only one spirit ring short, and we plan to take the three of them out to get the spirit ring."

Xiao Fei nodded, thinking of something, and quickly asked: "How are the four deans?"

Yang Wudi asked with a playful look: "Didn't you carefully select the things for the four of us? Why? Don't you know the effect? ​​Tell me, why did you choose these things for us?"

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said: "You four are not young anymore, and you have all reached the Soul Douluo level. Whether it is the martial soul or the meridians or bones in the body, they have basically been completely formed, or have reached the extreme. So I simply gave you the fairy grass suitable for your individual attributes. In fact, the ones I gave you should not be considered fairy grass, but only tonic medicine."

Yang Wudi nodded: "This can only be considered a peerless tonic, and there is still a little difference from the fairy grass. The fairy grass taken by Shui Bing'er and the other four actually has an effect on us, but the effect is probably not that obvious. Shui Bing'er, Yang Pojun, and Niu Mengren have upgraded their martial souls, and Feng Xiaotian's martial soul has only a strengthened effect."

"If nothing unexpected happens, within five years, the four of us should be able to reach the Titled Douluo level." Yang Wudi continued.

Xiao Fei looked at Yang Wudi with a puzzled look: "Dean Yang, I remember you seem to be only level 82?" Soul Douluo level increases by nearly two levels every year, which is quite difficult for Yang Wudi and his age.

Yang Wudi snorted coldly: "What do you know? Because of my long-term medicine refining, I have absorbed the breath of countless medicinal materials, almost all of which have been integrated into my blood. That's why my soul power has been slow in recent years. Now I have both the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product and the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng King. The blood and qi can probably be restored to the peak or even stronger. It's no problem to improve the soul power by two levels every year."

"However, you kid has eaten so many fairy herbs, there won't be any problems in the future, right?"

Xiao Fei said with a smile: "Dean Yang, have you forgotten what my martial soul is?"

Yang Wudi pondered for a while: "Yes, you kid thinks far ahead. First, ice and fire body refining to improve I will use the Qirong Tongtianju to improve your physical strength, and then use the Qirong Tongtianju to make your meridians unblocked, and finally use the cockscomb Phoenix sunflower to purify the Phoenix blood and flame in your body. You are almost close to the pure Fire Phoenix blood in your body. The Fire Phoenix is ​​said to be able to burn everything, so it is naturally not afraid of mere toxins. "

Yang Wudi couldn't help but admire: "Now your body is not only indestructible, water and fire, but also has the terrifying recovery ability of the Fire Phoenix. No wonder you recover so quickly every time you get injured."

"By the way, what is that thing in your Dantian? Such a good thing, why don't you tell us!" Yang Wudi asked in confusion.

Xiao Fei shook his head: "This thing is called a soul core, which condenses the soul power of the whole body into a round core-shaped thing. This thing requires too much mental power. I also have a 60,000-year-old head soul bone. It took me several months to complete it, and my body almost had problems several times. If you rashly experiment, you may explode and die. "

Xiao Fei couldn't help but admire Yang Wudi's research on the human body.

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