Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 70 Tiandou City

After sending Shui Bing'er away, Xiao Fei had no intention of continuing to practice, so he simply packed up and prepared to go to Tiandou City.

As a result, the door was knocked again. When he opened the door, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang came.

Huo Wu said directly: "Xiao Feizi, why didn't you call us two when you went to Tiandou City? Do you want to do something bad?"

Xiao Fei said seriously: "I do have some serious business to deal with when I go to Tiandou City this time. I went alone for convenience. The various forces in Tiandou City are complicated. If you two go with me, it will easily attract other people." Troublesome.”

Finally, with Xiao Fei's repeated persuasion and assurance, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang left Xiao Fei's dormitory angrily.

Early the next morning, Xiao Fei left the Elements Academy alone. Xiao Fei did not rent a carriage this time, but walked directly to Tiandou City. Considering Xiao Fei's current cultivation level, walking was faster than a carriage.

Moreover, Xiao Fei is still carrying weights. This time when he went out, Xiao Fei was carrying a 1,000 kilogram weight for rock climbing. The wrist guards on Er Xiaofei's hands and feet were all remade from deep-sea immersed silver, weighing 100 kilograms each. Xiao Fei now carries a total weight of 1,400 kilograms.

In fact, the weights on Xiao Fei's body are basically always attached to his body. Except when he is hunting souls or fighting souls, Xiao Fei has weights on his body.

After five days of traveling, Xiao Fei finally arrived at Tiandou City. Looking at the bustling crowd inside and outside Tiandou City, Xiao Fei analyzed that the palace change in Tiandou City should not have started to happen yet. I just don’t know if it will happen again? Anyway, Xiao Fei had no intention of participating, so he would most likely fish in troubled waters.

Xiaofei directly found a restaurant and ordered a table of dishes in the lobby. After driving for five days in a row, I didn't stop to eat anything. I wanted to satisfy my craving first. As for why he didn't choose a private room, it was mainly because Xiao Fei wanted to hear what big things were happening around him. Xiao Fei was disappointed that everyone seemed to be talking about trivial matters.

Just when Xiaofei was disappointed, a group of young people came to the door, walking in a domineering manner. After entering the hotel, he said directly to the waiter: "Waiter, take us to the largest private room immediately." The waiter quickly led the way to the young people in a flirtatious manner. , and the people in front quickly got out of the way, fearing that they would not be able to get away.

Xiao Fei took a closer look and felt a little happy for a moment. Isn't this Prince Xue Beng? Xiao Fei shook his head. He didn't know if Prince Xue Beng was a real dandy or just pretending to be a dandy. In short, Xiao Fei looked down on him. No matter if you are a real dude or not, the person you bully or hurt is always real! As long as Xue Beng doesn't mess with him, he won't bother to care about him.

I found a hotel to rest for the night and changed into clean clothes.

Early the next morning, Xiao Fei came to Shrek Academy.

Looking at the tall gate of Shrek Academy and the students coming in and out, Xiao Fei smiled: It is indeed Shrek Academy. Although they only got third place, their reputation has been hyped up. It is probably the largest academy in Tiandou City now, and the Tiandou Royal Academy probably doesn't even have that many people.

Xiaofei walked towards the guard and said directly: "Hello, I am Wang Xiaofei from the Academy of Elements. I would like to visit the master Yu Xiaogang."

The guard looked at Xiao Fei's attire and saw that he was obviously a soul master. Moreover, the Academy of Elements is now the number one academy in the Tiandou Empire, and no one should dare to pretend to be one.

After a while, some students brought Xiao Fei to the dean's office. Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, and Liu Erlong are all in the office.

Xiao Fei saluted the three of them: "Dean Flender, Dean Yu Xiaogang, and Dean Liu Erlong, the three deans have run Shrek Academy very well. I see that Shrek Academy is prosperous and full of talents. .Congratulations to the three deans!”

Flanders smiled and said: "Everyone is good. Now the Elements Academy is the number one academy in the Tiandou Empire."

It can be seen that Flanders is really happy. After all, he has been running the academy for decades and has finally made some achievements.

The conditions of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong were obviously much better than the last time they met.

The four of them exchanged greetings and encouraged each other for a while, and Yu Xiaogang asked in confusion: "Classmate Xiaofei, why did you come to Tiandou City this time?" After all, everyone in the world basically knows that Wang Xiaofei is a cultivator, and there are no special circumstances. He basically never leaves the academy and never participates in anyone's social activities.

Xiao Fei smiled and said, "I came to Tiandou City mainly to meet a few friends and do some small things. By the way, master, do you know where Tang San is now?"

The master asked seriously: "Xiao Fei, do you have anything to do with Mistress?"

"I saw a person in one place. That person looked like Tang San, but his face and hair seemed to have changed. I wanted to confirm Tang San's safety. After all, we have been classmates for many years."

The master thought for a while and said: "I don't know where Xiaosan has been recently. How about you communicate with some outstanding students from Shrek first? I will also go to his friends to confirm."

Xiao Fei nodded and said, "I'll also take a look at Shrek's outstanding students first."

After a while, in the original book, all five of the Shrek Seven Monsters were actually there, except for Tang San and Xiao Wu.

The next step is for Dai Mubai to lead the team and take Xiaofei to visit Shrek Academy. Black Academy deserves the financial support from the Tiandou Empire and is established in the capital area. This makes Shrek very good in terms of the number of personnel, the quality of the personnel, and even the infrastructure. It can be said that it is now considered a very excellent high-level soul master academy.

Dai Mubai originally wanted to invite Xiao Fei to fight the soul together, but after hearing that Xiao Fei had become a soul saint, he didn't mention it again.

But the little cat Zhu Zhuqing asked Xiaofei directly: "Xiaobai, can you tell me why you are so strong?"

Xiaofei looked at Zhu Zhuqing and thought to himself: She is indeed the dream lover of countless people, and her figure is really exaggerated.

Xiaofei thought for a while and said: "Maybe I have always wanted to become stronger, and I have been thinking about how to become stronger and put it into action."

Looking at the confused expressions on everyone's faces.

Xiao Fei continued, "When I first started practicing, I also encountered evil fire. At that time, I used constant exercise to numb myself. No matter how serious the evil fire was, I did not vent it. At that time, I studied and exercised during the day, and meditated in the blacksmith shop at night, because I felt that the fire element there was suitable for my practice."

"After graduating from the fifth grade, I stayed in the nest of the flame bird where I obtained the second soul ring for almost a year, because it was close to the Flame Mountain, and there was also a soul beast, the Fire Lizard, which was very good to me."

"You should be familiar with gravity pressure training and weighted rock climbing. In fact, these were all proposed by me."

"Also, every soul ring I absorbed was actually absorbed beyond the limit. The first soul ring was 600 years, the second soul ring was 900 years, the third soul ring was more than 3,000 years, and the fourth soul ring was more than 7,000 years. Of course, all this is because I have a strong physique."

"Also, except when hunting soul beasts, I always have more than 500 kilograms of weight on my body. It can be said that becoming stronger has become a habit of mine"

After listening to Xiao Fei's words, everyone felt very shocked. Is this what made this monster?

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