Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 67 Immortal Grass

Xiaofei was injured this time and did not use his soul bone skills. Xiaofei feels that he wants to become stronger because he lacks failure, lacks oppression, and lacks bloody lessons.

Moreover, Xiao Fei remembered a sentence: "If you don't rebirth in destruction, you will perish in destruction." Xiao Fei lay on the bed and seriously experienced the changes in his body. He felt that the wound was gradually healing, and that under the influence of a trace of soul power, the blood seemed to be gradually flowing smoothly.

In the past few days, Huo Wu moved directly to take care of Xiao Fei, which surprised Xiao Fei. Xiaofei's body fully recovered within 5 days.

What is surprising is that as soon as Xiao Fei recovered, he immediately challenged Vice Dean Niu Gao, and it was another battle. Niu Gao's defense seemed to make Xiao Fei despair. Xiao Fei tried every means to remove Niu Gao's defense, but in the end both sides suffered losses. Xiao Fei was seriously injured again.

In this way, Xiaofei has been recovering from injuries, challenges, serious injuries, and continuing to recover recently. Several deans have been challenged by him. The most difficult person to fight was actually Dean Liu Ruyan. Water and fire were originally restrained from each other, but Liu Ruyan obviously had a stronger understanding of water than Xiao Fei, and he could also take advantage of the geographical advantage of the Tianshui system where water is everywhere, making Xiao Fei miserable. Unspeakable.

Dean Huo Tianchen was even more terrifying. The Title Douluo's oppression far exceeded Xiao Fei's soul power, and his almost perfect fire control made Xiao Fei miserable.

Fortunately, Huo Wu has been taking care of her recently, and her life is pretty good in all aspects. And because the two of them had more contact, and physical contact was unavoidable in the climate of being taken care of, the relationship between the two took a further step, and they basically had sex except for the last level. And Xiao Fei's level has recently been raised to level 75.

After challenging Dean Huo Tianchen many times in a row, Xiao Fei's ability to control flames has obviously become stronger, and the two of them can often fight evenly (presumably the Dean gave in). Xiao Fei can be considered to have the fighting power of a Titled Douluo, and he doesn't know if he can beat Dugu Bo, the weakest Titled Douluo. At least escaping wouldn't be a problem.

On this day, Xiaofei invited all the deans and several students to gather together in the dean's office.

After everyone arrived, Xiaofei first expressed his gratitude to the deans for their recent teachings. The deans were more relaxed and looked pleased.

Xiaofei then solemnly said to the deans: "Deans, I plan to go out for training recently. This experience may be quite fatal."

Several deans instantly became serious. Dean Huo Tianchen said directly: "Xiao Fei, we all know that you want to become stronger, but sometimes haste makes waste. It's not that the faster the soul power grows, the better. At your current speed. At most ten Years later, you will be able to enter the Titled Douluo."

Xiao Fei shook his head: "Ten years is too long. Now there are rumors outside that Wuhun Palace wants to re-establish seven new sects. I guess this is just the beginning of Wuhun Palace's actions. I plan to go this time Although the place is dangerous, I am still relatively confident.”

"Where do you plan to go to practice?" Dean Huo said.

"Poseidon Island, I plan to go to Poseidon Island to practice." Xiao Fei looked serious.

Upon hearing that it was Poseidon Island, the expressions of several deans changed, especially Dean Liu Ruyan.

Several young people looked puzzled.

Dean Huo Tianchen introduced: "In our Douluo Continent, in addition to land, there are many places that are seas. The soul masters in the sea are sea soul masters, and the martial souls of sea soul masters are mainly from sea soul beasts. Similarly, when we land soul masters go to the sea area, our strength will be affected to some extent, especially our fire type soul masters."

"Offshore to the west of the Tiandou Empire, there is an island called Poseidon Island. It is the holy land for all sea spirit masters. There they believe in Poseidon and regard themselves as the people of Poseidon. The Wuhun Temple calls it Devil's Island. Back then, Wuhun The palace sent 2,000 elite soul masters to try to recruit them, but in that battle, the Wuhun Palace was defeated and lost two titled Douluo. That battle was the biggest defeat of the Wuhun Palace in the past century. "

"Poseidon Island is indeed more dangerous, but if you pass the assessment there, your improvement will be huge." Xiao Fei said seriously.

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang said directly: "Of course the two of us will go with you."

The next person to express his stance was Feng Xiaotian. Since he stopped thinking about Huo Wu, he devoted himself to training, otherwise he would not have been able to reach level 20 in five years.

Yang Pojun and Niu Meng smiled and said, "Why do we need to do this kind of thing without two people?" Yang Pojun and Niu Meng were on offense and defense, but they had a very good relationship.

Xiao Fei turned around and looked at the deans. None of them seemed to care about the danger of a few people, even if Yang Pojun and Niu Meng were their grandsons.

Yang Wudi said directly: "Xiao Fei, you have never experienced the cruelty and fighting of our generation. If the two of them go to experience this time, if they die, we have nothing to say. If the two of them are in any way cowardly, then I absolutely can't forgive."

Niu Gao also expressed the same attitude.

Seeing the attitudes of the deans, Xiaofei also sighed, and then took out four jade boxes from the phoenix ring. "These are my last collection. Now I only have some snow silkworms, cinnabar lotus and the like."

Yang Wudi, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were speechless for a while. Xiao Fei, the old man, actually transferred the things to the Phoenix Ring in advance. Yang Wudi was even more speechless. Xue Can and Cinnabar Lotus were actually the worst things about Xiao Fei. It's really annoying to compare people to each other.

In fact, Xiao Fei now has a storage belt, and put all the immortal herbs into the belt. In the armband, only some tonic herbs and some more expensive things are placed. Of course, there is also the 2000-year-old fire ant right arm soul bone in front, but it is too bad and Xiao Fei really doesn't like it.

Yang Wudi grabbed the four jade boxes. Even if they are not for himself, it's okay to use them to satisfy his eyes.

Yang Wudi opened the first jade box first, and a chill instantly filled the whole room. Yang Wudi said: "Ice Crystal Phoenix Sunflower, from Shui Bing'er, is estimated to increase the level by 4 to 5, and can purify your Ice Phoenix Martial Soul. It is a treasure for ice-type soul masters."

Yang Wudi opened the second jade box, and a sharp aura surged out: "Nine-leaf Sword Grass, from Yang Pojun, suitable for people with sword martial souls. The treasure of sword martial souls, the effect of the Soul-Breaking Spear Martial Soul is similar. It can improve the Gengjin attribute of the martial soul, and the soul power is estimated to increase by 5 levels. If the Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can get it, it may be expected to reach level 98."

Yang Wudi opened the third jade box, and a turbidity of earth attribute flowed out: "Dragon Elephant Flower, from Niu Meng, is a treasure for earth-attributed and power-type soul masters, and a treasure for strong attack and defense types. All are applicable. Legend has it that the dragon elephant flower is formed by the blood of the ancient dragon elephant. It is said that after taking it, one can have the power of the ancient dragon elephant, and the soul power is estimated to be increased by 4 levels, and the martial soul may also evolve into the ancient dragon elephant. "

Yang Wudi opened the fourth jade box, and a strong breath flew out: "Longgang Flower, Feng Xiaotian, has a similar effect to Qirong Tongtianju, but it has some dragon attributes and can be used to refine the indestructible body. You are already above level 60, and the fairy grass is estimated to improve your physique and potential more, estimated to increase by 3 to 4 levels. "

Shui Bing'er and the other four happily took their own fairy grass, and Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief, finally letting go of one thing.

Xiaofei suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he looked up, everyone's eyes fell on Xiaofei, and Xiaofei was immediately horrified: It's over, I was finally targeted.

Xiao Fei said quickly: "Deans, I really have nothing left--"

Yang Wudi showed a sly smile: "Xiao Fei, how do you think I treat you? I have also taught you recently!"

Xiao Fei said tremblingly: "Dean Yang, didn't I give you the Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin?"

"That thing belongs to the college. Now I am in charge of the internal medicine refining work of the college, and it should be in charge of me. I am talking about my compensation now, compensation for my recent training and education for you." Yang Wudi said as a matter of course. The other three deans also had similar expressions, meaning that they would teach themselves a lesson if they didn't give.

Xiao Fei kept complaining in his heart: "Good you Yang Wudi, look at you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you are so good at playing, do you still remember how you looked when you first got the Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin?"

Others looked at Wang Xiaofei with a gloating look.

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