Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 40: City of Slaughter

Xiao Fei put on a mask and came to a tavern alone. The air in the tavern was very turbid. Xiao Fei noticed that all the decorations here were black. Although it is daytime outside, once you walk in here, there is a cold and dark feeling. At this time, the tavern was about 30% full. Although the air here was turbid, few people spoke, so it seemed very quiet.

Xiaofei found a place to sit down, and a man wearing black trousers and a cold face came over.

"What do you want?"

Xiaofei said: "Bring me a Bloody Mary."

The waiter looked surprised: "Are you sure?"

Xiaofei glanced at the waiter lightly.

After a while, the waiter brought a glass of Bloody Mary and he drank it in one gulp. He felt a hot and pungent smell of blood pouring into Xiao Fei's mouth and nose. Xiao Fei drank it in one gulp without blinking.

Then Xiao Fei summoned his Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit and directly used his third soul skill. In a short while, he killed everyone in the restaurant. The people in the restaurant were the most talented and powerful in the Soul Sect, and they were instant kills for Xiao Fei, including the waiters who were also killed by Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei walked into the tavern, and powerful flames burst out all over his body, and the entire tavern was burned to ashes. A black hole appeared on the ground. Xiao Fei jumped in and walked forward along the black hole.

Suddenly a voice came from the front: "Welcome to the City of Killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, and the price is your life."

Then there was a noise in front of him. When Xiao Fei walked towards the corridor, there was actually a group of knights in front of him, a total of 101 people.

The leader came over on horseback and said, "I am the Horrible Knight Scott. You have violated the rules and you must defeat me to enter."

Xiao Fei summoned his Fire Phoenix Spirit, then turned his right hand into a phoenix claw and grabbed Scott directly. The phoenix flame seemed to have special damage to the people here. The phoenix claws were indestructible, and finally fell directly in front of Scott's throat.

Xiao Fei said: "I should be qualified to enter the Killing City!"

Scott nodded and gave Xiao Fei a sign. The number on the sign was 5888.

Scott said: "This is proof that you are in the Killing City. Please enter the city, and someone will greet you at the city gate." Holding the sign, Xiao Fei strode forward.

What stood in front of Xiao Fei's eyes was a dark city gate, giving people an extremely depressing feeling. On the huge city gate, hung high the four characters "City of Killing".

In front of the door, two rows of black-armored warriors stood there quietly. Before Xiao Fei could show his identity card, a woman wearing a black gauze mask had already walked out. "Welcome to the Killing City." The woman's voice was pleasant. She stepped away from Xiao Fei and made a gesture of invitation.

"I am your explainer. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me. Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. After twelve hours, this is where you will live. You also Will officially become a member of the Killing City."

Xiao Fei looked at the girl in black gauze, "Then what are the rules here?"

The girl in black gauze said: "The biggest rule here is that there are no rules."

Xiaofei asked doubtfully: "There are no rules?"

The girl in black veil continued: "Yes, in the Killing City, except for the great King of Killing and some of his subordinates, no one can release soul skills, so here, even if you are a titled Douluo, you don't have soul skills. Then I will be like a normal person.”

"So here, you don't have to be afraid of the so-called high-level soul masters at all, because here, everyone is equal and has no soul skills. In the killing city, as long as you have enough ability, you can do anything you want. But I have to remind you. Because there are no rules, you may be in mortal danger at any time. In a sense, this is a paradise for sin."

"The paradise of sin?" Xiao Fei asked doubtfully.

"Yes. Because many people come here precisely because they cannot survive in the outside world. They have to choose to enter. After coming here, they no longer need to worry about being hunted down."

"Is there any way out?"

The girl in black veil said calmly: "There is only one way to leave the Killing City. That is to become the champion of the Hell Killing Fields. Only after you have the qualifications to challenge the Hell Road and rush out of the Hell Road can you leave the Killing City. Anyone who is so powerful Those who do will be given the title of God of Killing. The City of Killing has been built for thousands of years, and there have been eight killing gods before and after it.”

Xiao Fei said: "Okay, take me to the killing field of hell."

The black veiled girl was a little surprised and said: "Are you sure? Less than one tenth of the people who enter there can come out alive. It is also the place where it is easiest to reduce the population in our killing city. Everyone is killed every year. If you want to enter the Hell Killing Fields once, you can live in the Killing City for another year."

Xiao Fei said calmly: "It's not necessary. I'm here just to kill. Everything else doesn't matter."

Then, Xiao Fei followed the Black Shark woman into the hell killing field in the inner city.

Just like the original work, there are all kinds of killings everywhere, and everyone lives like a beast. Fierceness, pleasure, wantonness, and killing are all themes of the Killing City, and they can be seen everywhere.

It feels like the people here are a bit like the people in the zombie world in apocalyptic novels. They have no thoughts, only endless desires, especially people’s desire for blood.

Xiao Fei knew that this was because of Bloody Mary. There was a toxin in Bloody Mary, which was similar to the drugs in the previous life. It could make people gradually lose their minds and finally become a beast with only desire.

Suddenly, there was a trace of soul power fluctuation in the air. Xiao Fei quickly dodged to the side. A man holding a scimitar actually attacked him. The man licked his tongue and said, "A chick has come. Your blood must be very delicious."

The man rushed towards Xiao Fei again. Xiao Fei squinted his eyes and saw a flash of light in front of him. The man was torn apart by Xiao Fei's steel claws with his weapons.

The black veil girl was a little surprised by this, and finally said, "Let's go. The hell killing field is in front of us. The core of the killing city."

Under the leadership of the black veil girl, Xiao Fei saw a special building. The building is circular, or more accurately, a non-standard cone, with the largest area at the bottom and narrower as it goes up. It is a bit similar to the ancient Colosseum.

"Are there no rules for fighting here?" Xiao Fei asked.

The black-veiled girl said, "It's very simple. After entering, sign up with your own ID card. The qualification for the battle is to contribute a cup of Bloody Mary. It can be your own or someone else's. Then wait for the game to start. During the waiting period, you are not allowed to take action. Each group of people entering the killing field is ten. No matter what method you use, as long as you can come out alive in the end, there is only one person in each group who can come out alive."

Ten out of ten survive, it really deserves to be the killing city.

Xiao Fei walked to the person next to him, and saw that the man was holding a cup of Bloody Mary, and seemed to be enjoying it. Xiao Fei said to him, "Please give me the Bloody Mary in your hand."

The people around laughed, and the provoked man was furious, "Where did you come from? You dare to mess with me, my uncle?"

When the man was about to attack Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei's right hand instantly turned into a phoenix claw, and his arm was full of flames. The claws directly tore the man apart. This is Xiao Fei's self-created soul skill-Phoenix Transformation. This move instantly frightened everyone around.

Holding a cup of Bloody Mary, Xiao Fei walked to the center of the ring and signed up for the ring match.

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