Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 39 Determined

After arriving at Hanhai City, the westernmost city on the mainland, Xiaofei was summarizing past achievements and future plans.

Xiao Fei's fifth soul skill is called Phoenix Skyshaking Strike, and it is a very powerful single-target attack skill. When using the fifth soul skill, the whole body turns into a fire phoenix, which can increase the attack power, speed, strength and defense by 200% to attack the target. If you use this skill, you need to consume 20% of your soul power. It's a bit similar to a charged blow, but this one is instantaneous. The biggest advantage of this soul skill is that it can be used at the same time as the previous third and fourth soul skills, and there are no side effects after use. With this skill, Xiao Fei can even challenge Soul Saint alone.

The greater benefit that the fifth soul ring brings to Fei is that now, without using soul skills, Fei's limbs can become phoenixes. According to Xiao Fei's estimation, the torso and head cannot be phoenixed yet. When he absorbs the seventh soul ring, his whole body can transform into a phoenix.

The second is the Qilin Arm Martial Spirit, which has absorbed soul rings beyond the limit five times in a row. Each time the power of the soul ring washes away his Qilin Arm. The Qilin Arm seems to have awakened for the second time, but since there is no soul ring, the specific change in power is unknown. I just feel that the power of the unicorn arm is 50% stronger than that of the left hand in all aspects. Now it should be comparable to some advanced martial arts spirits.

Finally, there are two attached soul bones, which should have reached the fifty thousand year level.

Xiao Fei looked at the sea and always felt that the sea water had a certain suppressive power on him? His martial spirit is the Fire Phoenix, which has pure fire attributes and is completely opposite to the Poseidon's status. The only target now can only be God Shura.

Whether it is for the inner elixir of the Ten-Headed Fierce Sun Snake, or for the realm of the God of Killing and the inheritance of the God of Shura, you must go to the City of Killing.

In terms of time, Tang San might go to the Killing City in another year. He must be earlier than him, otherwise the Killing City will be gone. Although Tang San doesn't have the Snow Swan Kiss now, he will use other poisons to protect himself.

Once I made up my mind, I stopped thinking about it.

In the next few days, Xiaofei and the three of them visited Hanhai City. The spirit fighting arena in Shanghai City is held in the water and is prepared for sea spirit masters. But the attribute soul masters were extremely suppressed, and several people lost interest after participating in a few games.

The three of them sat together that day. Xiao Fei calmed down and thought for a while, then carefully felt Huo Lie's mental power, and said to Huo Lie, "Teacher Huo Lie, please come out."

Sure enough, Huo Lie appeared after a while.

Xiao Fei said with solemn eyes: "Teacher Huo Lie, do you know where the entrance to the Killing City is?"

Huo Lie also listened to Xiao Fei's words, his eyes widened instantly, and then said to Xiao Fei: "What do you want to do? Do you want to go to the Killing City? You can only enter but not exit there."

Xiaofei said calmly: "I know this, but I have a reason to go."

Huo Lie also said: "No matter what reasons you have, and I don't care how you know the City of Killing, it is still too dangerous to go to the City of Killing. Normal people will not go to that place, only some people who are in desperate situations will run in. . And no one ever comes out of that place.”

Xiao Fei said: "Two years, give me two years, I will definitely be able to come out of the Killing City, and who said no one has ever come out of that place? There are two people in the world today who have come out of the Killing City."

Huo Lie asked doubtfully: "How come I haven't heard of anyone coming out of the Killing City?"

Xiao Fei said calmly: "Of course someone came out. Pope Bibi Dong and Tang Hao came out of the Killing City."

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu next to them looked confused. Huo Wu asked: "Dad, where is the Killing City?"

Huo Lie thought for a while and said: "You are the darkest place in the world. It is also the place where Wuhun Palace imprisons some people who have made unforgiven mistakes. It is said that the only way to survive there is to kill continuously. Even Titled Douluo Once you’re in, you can’t get out.”

Xiao Fei continued: "Teacher Huo Lie, I really have a reason to go in. Don't worry, I will definitely be able to come out."

Huo Wu gritted his teeth and said, "If we get there, let's go together."

Xiao Fei shook his head and said: "No, you can't go. The City of Killing is a forbidden place, where no one can use soul skills, and there is endless killing in that place? I have a way to get out, if you go , I really can’t get out.”

Huo Lie finally gritted his teeth and said, "You can go if you want, but you have to prove that you can come out alive."

Xiao Fei raised his right hand and stretched out five steel claws. Then he said: "Although the Killing City restricts the use of soul skills, it does not restrict the use of soul bones. My external soul bones are now 50,000 years old and can be almost indestructible. And I have other means."

In the end, Huo Lie still couldn't compete with Xiao Fei and decided to take Xiao Fei to the entrance of the Killing City.

This time the four of them went by carriage, and all four of them were silent along the way. Until they were about to reach the entrance of the Killing City, Huo Wu said: "Xiao Fei, I will wait for you at Blazing Academy for three years. After three years, if you don't come back, I will go to the Killing City to find you. If you come back , I’ll be your girlfriend.” After saying that, he came over and hugged Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei hugged Huo Wu and said with firm eyes, "Sister Huo Wu, wait for me for three years. I will definitely come out within three years, and then I will marry you."

Xiao Fei turned to Huo Lie and said, "Teacher Huo Lie, please go back and tell the dean that our Blazing Fire Academy is just a place for teaching and educating people, and we must not offend the Spirit Hall."

After saying that, he walked towards the village in front without looking back.

Huo Wushuang patted Huo Wu on the shoulder and said, "I am sure Xiao Fei must have a reason to go, and this reason must be related to us. We can only practice harder, so that we can fight side by side with Xiao Fei in the future, and not fall behind Xiao Fei too much."

Huo Wu had tears on her face and said, "In fact, I know that Xiao Fei has always liked me. He has given me a lot of help. Without him, I would never be as strong as I am now. However, I feel Xiao Fei's powerlessness more often. Xiao Fei is always afraid of something. So Xiao Fei has been pursuing to become stronger, and we must also become stronger."

After hearing this, the three of them turned their heads and walked towards the Blazing Academy with a determined look.

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