Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 41 Killing

Xiao Fei was holding his number plate and waiting around.

At this time, a ring match was going on in the City of Slaughter. Xiao Fei sat in the stands and carefully observed the fight between several people. These people fought very simply. After they had no soul rings, basically no one would use soul skills. Most of them fought with swords.

It was Xiao Fei's match soon. Xiao Fei walked onto the ring and felt that there seemed to be some kind of sucking power on the ring, which made people's blood boil even more. Xiao Fei walked on the ring alone, ignoring the nine people around him. For Xiao Fei, who had already completed the beast transformation of his limbs without using soul skills, it seemed to be a bug in the City of Slaughter. On the ring, the remaining nine people were quickly killed by Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei activated his mental power and carefully felt the bodies of the nine people. He felt that the blood of the nine people was gradually disappearing, and the ground of the ring was absorbing this blood. Could this be the source of Bloody Mary? Xiao Fei shook his head a little puzzled and walked off the ring.

For the next period of time, Xiao Fei almost had a ring match every 3 to 5 days. Most of the people who died at the hands of Xiao Fei were those who attacked him. In just a few days, there were no less than a hundred people.

Time passed quickly, and a year passed quickly. During this year, Xiao Fei was fighting all the time. There were all kinds of dangers in the Killing City, including food, threats from the crowd, and even many sieges by many people. These were easily resolved by Xiao Fei.

There seemed to be some kind of toxin in the air of the Killing City, which seemed to affect people's mental power and also guided people to kill. With the spiritual wisdom skull, Xiao Fei was less affected by the spirit, and the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor was the best healing medicine, which could recover the fastest even if injured.

During this year, Xiao Fei participated in an astonishing 61 killing games. During this year, Hu Liena and Tang San also came to the Killing City one after another. Tang San's name was Qianshou Shura, the fox's name was Hell Messenger, and Xiao Fei's name was Phoenix Slaughter.

During this period, Hu Lina had approached her to form an alliance, and Xiao Fei himself expressed his willingness to accept it, but Xiao Fei gave Hu Lina a feeling of obvious distrust. For Hu Liena, one of the three obvious pitfalls of the Spirit Hall, making friends is a must, but trust is impossible. Of course, Xiao Fei has a similar attitude towards Tang San. You can make friends but you can't trust.

In the following year, the most difficult thing for Xiao Fei was not the battle in the Hell Killing Field, but the problem of finding someone to pair up with. To participate in the Hell Killing Field, you need to have ten people to participate in the competition each time. When Xiao Fei participated in the competition, it was basically difficult for other people to sign up, which made Xiao Fei very depressed.

Time was spent in waiting and practicing. Sitting cross-legged in the hut where he lived, Xiao Fei's body kept sending waves of cold chills. With the increase in the number of victories, Xiao Fei's murderous aura became stronger and stronger. The huge murderous aura seemed to condense into every cell of his body, into his blood, and into his bone marrow.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty emotion in his body was revealed, but as time went on, the murderous aura became more and more obvious. It seemed that he wanted to kill any creature he saw, and killing a person at will was as simple as crushing an ant. When he won 99 games, the murderous aura on his body was close to materialization, as if he was about to turn into a killing. This feeling is a bit like the evil fire he had before, which also affected him. The evil fire is more on the martial soul, while the murderous aura seems to be of a higher level and has a greater impact on the mind.

Suddenly, Xiao Fei thought of the test of the Sea God. The first level of the Sea God test is the light of the Sea God, and the first level of the Shura God is to obtain the killing god domain in the killing city. If you think about it carefully, it is a bit similar. They all change the quality of the body through divine power. And the murderous aura in the killing city should also be a kind of divine power.

As a killing god, you must fully master the killing aura. Otherwise, it is easy to lose yourself. Therefore, Xiao Fei has been using his body to feel and adapt to the killing aura recently. In the previous life, in various mythological stories, the Buddhist Zen enlightenment and the Taoist heaven and earth perception seem to have similar effects.

So, after the 99th victory, Xiao Fei locked a person in his room, and used his heart to feel his own body and his martial soul, just like a Buddhist meditation. Finally, when Xiao Fei finally calmed down, he started to sign up for his 100th challenge.

When Xiao Fei completed the challenge, there was endless cheering from the audience.

"Congratulations, young Phoenix Slayer." A deep and sharp voice suddenly came from all directions. The murderous aura released from Xiao Fei actually poured back at the moment the voice sounded and was pressed back into his body. Xiao Fei's face suddenly turned pale.

The atmosphere in the Hell Killing Field suddenly rose to the extreme, because in the air, a blood-red figure was falling from the sky. "King of Killing, King of Killing, King of Killing..."

The shouting made the fallen people hoarse, but they had no intention of stopping.

I saw a scarlet figure appear in the air. The man was very tall, and his whole body was wrapped in a huge scarlet cloak. Pale face, a pair of completely blood-red eyes, and a pair of scarlet blood wings on his back. Xiao Fei knew that this was

The King of Slaughter's eyes fell on the viewing platform of the Hell Killing Fields. "I am very happy to witness the birth of a strong man in the killing field today. Yum Sheng, who has not appeared for decades, is shown in this young man. With his powerful strength and terrifying murderous intent, he will make you Trembling, aren't you? My people." "Yes, yes, yes."

The King of Slaughter seems to have a unique charm that makes all the fallen have an almost crazy worship after seeing him.

The King of Slaughter lowered his head, looked at Wang Xiaofei and said: "Phoenix Slaughter. Thank you for making me feel the existence of passion again. Yum, very good. In order to commend your achievements, I decided to grant you the title of God of Killing. From now on. , you can enter and exit the Killing City on your own, and be hired as a guest of the Killing City under you."

Xiao Fei refused: "Thank you, the great King of Slaughter. You cannot break the rules of the Slaughter City because of me. I hope to walk out of here on my own strength and become a real God of Slaughter. Moreover, I came here just to Take the road to hell.”

Xiaofei ignored the advice and solicitation of the King of Killing.

The King of Slaughter said with an obviously cold tone: "In that case, then you can go to hell. I hope you can pass the test and become the new God of Killing."

Thick red mist was suddenly released from the King of Slaughter. The evil cold red ripples slowly spread out, spreading to the entire place in almost a few blinks of an eye. The degenerates sitting in the audience were all surprisingly excited. They all wanted to see the road to hell open. However, what they don't know is that their lives have come to an end.

Except for the God of Death and the King of Slaughter, no one has ever seen the road to hell open. Because everyone who saw it died. In other words, they all became sacrifices to open the road to hell. The fallen who were cheering crazily followed the red light and landed on

The viewing platform gradually became quiet, and the eyes of each fallen person gradually became dull, and then turned from dull to bloodshot red. Not long after, when the red light formed a huge barrier in the entire hell killing field, painful screams began to sound from the people who were first exposed to the red light. The skin of the killers present was rolled up and blood was everywhere. They even had their own internal organs ripped out of their bodies. The whole madness would not stop until the end of their lives. More and more degenerates undergo such changes, until they spread to the entire place.

The blood fell to the ground and began to condense. A large amount of blood flowed like small streams along the inconspicuous small pipes under the auditorium to the center of the killing field. It was clearly visible that countless winding red liquids flowed into the field like little snakes.

"It is their honor to be the sacrifice that opens the Hell Road." The deep voice of the Slaughter King sounded.

At this time, the screams had gradually stopped, except for Xiao Fei and the King of Killing. There seems to be no one alive here anymore. The blood flowed into the field and did not spread in a straight line. Grooves appeared on the ground at some point, and the blood flow was poured into them. Gradually, it converged into a huge blood-red pattern on the ground. The pattern made of blood turned out to be a bird-like creature, Xiao Fei knew. That is the blood-red nine-headed bat king.

Suddenly, the bird's eyes lit up, and Xiao Fei's mental power was shattered almost instantly. A huge red light shot up into the sky, instantly sweeping the two of them inside. All surrounding perceptions become blurred. Only the deep and sharp voice of the Slaughter King echoed in my ears. "Good luck on the road to hell."

Under the blood-red devouring, Xiao Fei felt that his feet were empty, everything around him became illusory, and all his perceptions were completely blocked at this moment.

When Xiao Fei woke up completely, he found himself on a circular platform. This platform is only about five meters in diameter.

Everything around him showed a faint blood red color, and beyond the five-meter-diameter circular platform under his feet, there was an abyss. In addition, a slender path less than half a foot wide and only wide enough to accommodate two feet standing at the same time leads to the unknown darkness, and this is the only way to the outside world on their platform. That is the legendary road to hell.

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