Ning Rongrong and Huo Wu were sitting cross-legged next to the fairy grass, refining the power of the fairy grass in their bodies, while Li Fei went to chat with Dugu Bo on the other side!

"You brat, you are getting stronger and stronger, but I am getting older and older!" In the hut, Dugu Bo looked at Li Fei and sighed. In five years, Dugu Bo's soul power has only reached level ninety-six. And there is no sense of progress anymore.

"Old monster! I have indeed neglected you in the past few years!" Li Fei said with a hint of guilt. At the same time, a red-gold light condensed in his hand, and the cultivation experience he passed on to Qian Renxue was sent into Dugu Bo's mind. .

"You brat, why are you doing this?!" Feeling the information in his mind, Dugu Bo looked at Li Fei with a complicated expression, and sighed. The information in his mind was very precious, and no titled Douluo could get it. They can all break through to Ultimate Douluo, or even surpass Ultimate Douluo and become gods!

"Old monster, this is nothing! Although our initial meeting was not pleasant, I will never forget your kindness to me. If it weren't for this fairy grass with ice and fire eyes, I might not be where I am now. !" Li Fei laughed.

He was right. Whether it was the Ice and Fire Eyes or the guidance given to him, it helped him get through the initial stage. He really may not have achieved what he has now.

"Okay! I'll accept it shamelessly!" Dugu Bo smiled, knowing that he didn't make a mistake.

The two chatted for a while, and Dugu Bo couldn't wait to start practicing. With these cultivation experiences, and the two eyes of ice and fire, Dugu Bo was confident that he would break through the limit Douluo and become a quasi-god or even a god in the future.

"Nine layers, nine colors, nine treasures glazed tower!"

Ning Rongrong, who had already broken through to Soul Sage and began to specialize in Qi and Blood Martial Arts, stared blankly at the nine-color nine-story pagoda in his hand, his heart filled with shock.

Although Qi and Blood Martial Arts had the possibility of their Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Soul Masters becoming the top experts, deep down in their hearts, what she and Ning Fengzhi wanted most was to rely on their martial souls to break through to a stronger level.

"Brother Li Fei, thank you so much!"

Ning Rongrong hugged Li Fei and said excitedly. She even wanted to hold Li Fei's face and kiss her, but Li Fei blocked her with his hands.

"Calm down! Rongrong!"

After pulling Ning Rongrong off his body, Li Fei said helplessly.

"I'm sorry! Brother Li Fei! I'm a little too excited!"

Ning Rongrong grabbed her skirt and said a little embarrassedly.

At this time, Huowu's whole body began to emit a silvery white light of awakening, and then a group of red flames burst out from his body, condensing behind him into a Huowu composed entirely of flames.

This is the Hokage's martial spirit after the second awakening. It is more solid than before. Li Fei observed it with his fiery eyes and directly saw through the essence of the martial spirit. He found that the current Huo Wu is more autonomous and more like Huo Wu's clone can be condensed in the body for a long time, but it does not require too much soul power.

"Not bad!" Li Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Huo Wu opened her eyes with excitement on her face. She could clearly feel that the martial soul was different from before. The shadow condensed into a solid body far surpassed her in all aspects, especially the defense power compared to the soul masters of the same level. It is much stronger. Not only that, Wuhun and she can both perform soul skills. When working together, they can definitely achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

"Huo Wu, don't destroy this place for me!" Li Fei reminded him when he saw Huo Wu trying to use his soul skill.

"I'm sorry, teacher! I'm a little too excited!"

Although he said this, the excitement on his face did not diminish at all, and he controlled the Hokage's spirit to continuously make various movements, and even performed a set of punches.

Two days later, Li Fei took Huo Wu, Shui Bing'er, Osco, Ning Rongrong and Hu Zi to the depths of the Star Dou Forest, and began to teach a few people to start practicing, with the Titan Giant Ape as a sparring partner. , it’s difficult not to make progress.

The progress of these people was not slower than that of Tang San, who accepted the Thunder God's inheritance, and was even a few points faster.

Practice is a very boring thing, especially the meditation practice that Li Fei arranged for a few people. Even Oscar, who is the most meditative, can only persist for three hours, and the hot-tempered Huo Wu is even more difficult. I couldn't last half an hour.

"Huo Wu, you can't do this! After you reach the title of Douluo, your practice will gradually change from movement to stillness, otherwise it will be difficult for you to make progress in the future!"

Whether it is soul power or Qi and blood martial arts, you must practice quiet skills later on, which is inevitable for almost any practice.

The later one reaches the advanced stage of cultivation, the more important the spiritual soul becomes. The best way to improve the spiritual cultivation is to comprehend the heaven and earth through meditation and continuously improve the quality of the soul.

"I know, teacher!"

Seeing that the people around him were still calm, Huo Wu felt a little anxious. After adjusting his breathing, he continued to practice the quiet skills.

Using the incarnation to guide Oscar and others in their cultivation, Li Fei himself also began to practice. His current practice is more about comprehending the laws. However, unlike the gods in this world, after he understands the laws, he will be reflected in the world. The small world inside the body completely turns it into its own laws and is disconnected from the original world.

Li Fei now has 35,000 small worlds in his body, with an average of nearly a hundred in each acupoint. There are thousands of runes that form laws between them, but it is a pity that each of them is useless. incomplete.

When these runes are complete, it means that Li Fei has fully understood this law.

Qian Renxue also began to practice. In the past five years, under Li Fei's guidance, her true cultivation has long surpassed that of a quasi-god, and even reached the level of a second-level god. The three laws of holiness, light and flame have been reduced. Success, and perfect integration in the process of practice.

Half a year later, Huzi successfully broke through to the realm of Titled Douluo, and Li Fei directly gave him a god-given soul ring. Now that he had already understood the nature of martial souls and soul rings, it was easy for him to be rewarded with soul rings.

"This Xingdou Lake is really something I never get tired of!" On this day, after practicing, Oscar took Ning Rongrong to sit by the lake, admiring the scenery in the lake.

"Yes!" Ning Rongrong leaned into Oscar's arms and said blushingly.

On the other side, Hu Zi also held Huo Wu with a naive look on his face, admiring the beautiful scenery.

As for Shui Bing'er, after refining the Vast Sea Universe Cover that Li Fei gave her, Li Fei threw it to Poseidon Island along with the Poseidon Trident, and successfully obtained the inheritance of Poseidon's Nine Tests.

Because Li Fei killed the Evil Killer Whale King and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and Bo Saixi did not have the regrets in the original work and did not interfere too much with the inheritance of Poseidon, the difficulty of the Poseidon Nine Tests was much less than in the original work. Less, but it is still very difficult for Shui Bing'er.

Li Fei did not interfere in Shui Bing'er's inheritance. If she died during the inheritance process, it would be a problem with her own ability.

Li Fei, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and looked across the lake. A beautiful woman with silver hair that reached to her heels walked from the lake as if walking on the ground. The pace seemed slow, but she was there in an instant. in front of.

The beauty was very beautiful, even Qian Renxue was ashamed of herself, but the coldness in her eyes made everyone present understand that this woman was not easy to get along with at all.

"Gu Yuena! You are finally willing to give up!" Li Fei said with a smile.

"I want to learn how to be a human being from you!" Gu Yuena's expressionless eyes flashed with a strange look. Although the Silver Dragon King was split by the Dragon God, Gu Yuena said that she possessed the memory and wisdom of the Dragon God. She possesses the power of all elements, but her birth was seriously injured. Even though she has a part of the Dragon God's memory, she has never experienced anything and is still a blank slate.

"It's useless to look to me if you want to learn how to be a human being. I represent at most a small part of human beings. You should go to human society and experience all kinds of social situations, so that you can fully understand people and human nature!" Li Fei shook his head and said in refusal.

Qian Renxue naturally heard the conversation between Li Fei and Gu Yuena, and quickly walked out, hugged Li Fei's arm, and looked at Gu Yuena warily. She knew that Gu Yuena was very simple, but it was Because this kind of innocence makes Gu Yuena very emotional and has to guard against it.

Li Fei patted Qian Renxue's arm gently to reassure her.

Gu Yuena looked at Qian Renxue with a puzzled look on her face. She didn't understand why this human woman was so hostile to her. This was not the first time. Every time she came to see Li Fei, she would hold Li Fei in her arms. Looking at her, she was afraid that she would snatch Li Fei away.

But isn't it normal for a powerful male to have more than one mate? !

"I want to study with you for a while first, and then go to human society!"

Gu Yuena, who represents the wisdom of the Dragon God, is definitely far superior to any human being in terms of wisdom. She understands that she needs a step-by-step process and cannot achieve it in one step.

"What do you think?!" Li Fei did not answer, but turned to Qian Renxue and asked.

"I'll teach her, you stay a little farther away!" Qian Renxue thought for a moment and said.

"What do you think?!" Li Fei nodded and looked at Gu Yuena!

"Okay!" Gu Yuena thought for a moment and nodded. She also wanted to know why Qian Renxue was so hostile to her.

The next day, early in the morning, Qian Renxue took Gu Yuena to human society. Having experienced the test of the seven deadly sins before, Qian Renxue's understanding of human nature was still better than that of Li Fei in some respects, and Gu Yuena could also be considered. Na's best teacher.

Time flies, and another two years have passed. Qian Renxue and Gu Yuena have never come back. Li Fei also teaches Huo Wu and others with peace of mind. After everyone becomes a titled Douluo, Li Fei also After sending them all back, what should be taught has been taught, and the rest is up to them.

Li Fei did not choose to leave or go to Qian Renxue and others, but stayed here to continue practicing.


The figures of Gu Yuena and Qian Renxue suddenly appeared. Li Fei turned around and looked, and was a little surprised. At this time, Gu Yuena no longer looked like a blank sheet of paper when he first saw her, but she looked more like everyone else than anyone else. Man, his eyes shone with both cunning and wisdom at the same time.

"Sister, you should go back and do your thing first! I will come over to find you later!" Qian Renxue held Gu Yuena's hand and smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't disturb your world, but be careful!" Gu Yuena teased, and turned to give Li Fei a wink.

"No way, sister, you are talking nonsense!" Qian Renxue quit now and said coquettishly, shaking Gu Yuena's hand.

Li Fei was stunned as he listened to the conversation between the two. What happened? Why did they both change so much after going out? Why did Qian Renxue act like a little girl? Besides, aren't you the most wary of Gu Yuena? This is done.

After Gu Yuena disappeared, Qian Renxue threw herself into Li Fei's arms and told her what happened in the past two years.

It turns out that after Qian Renxue brought Gu Yuena to the empire, she first observed human beings from the perspective of a bystander and showed her the seven deadly sins, followed by the seven virtues. In the end, the two of them even separated into incarnations, sealed their memories, and transformed their bodies. Understand the various conditions of the world.

Of course, I have been observing in the dark, and will stop it immediately if anything goes out of line.

In the process, the relationship between the two became better and better, and in the end they became like sisters.

"So that's it!"

Li Fei showed a look of surprise, then looked at Qian Renxue with a smile on his face, and picked him up amidst his exclamations. The next second they appeared in the wooden house, and the next second their clothes were flying. …

The lives of the two people soon returned to peace, but the entire Tiandou Empire was no longer calm. The abyssal plane sealed by Li Fei had been unlocked at some point. Tang Hao, Ning Fengzhi and other council members immediately stopped the counterattack.

In the mountain stream of the Haotian Sect, Tang Sanzhou's electric snake danced wildly, and the Haotian Hammer appeared in his hand. In the next second, it turned into a thunder god's gun. He swung out a gun, and the gun light containing the destructive properties of thunder and lightning destroyed a line. of all abyssal creatures.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Soft Bone Rabbit Clone!"

Xiao Wu also divided into seven clones and began to use her long thighs to continuously headshot the abyss creatures.

All the abyssal creatures that poured out of the passage were quickly wiped out, but Tang San's face was not happy at all, but instead filled with solemnity.

"These abyssal creatures are stronger than before, and they are more organized. It's difficult now!" Tang San's soul power has now reached level ninety-eight, and he is only one level away from reaching Ultimate Douluo, and completely inherits The position of the God of Thunder.

At this time, his combat power alone was stronger than the Ultimate Douluo, reaching the god level, but he felt how difficult these abyss creatures were.

"Third brother, what should we do now?!" Xiao Wu asked doubtfully.

"Back then, my father and uncle entered the abyssal plane and told me about some situations in the abyssal plane. Moreover, Li Fei also entered the abyssal plane. You must know that his strength at that time was definitely not weaker than the average god level, but... In this way, there is no way to completely solve the disaster of the abyss. It can only be sealed, which shows how powerful the abyss plane is.

So if I want to solve it as soon as possible, I must break through to Ultimate Douluo, complete the ninth Thunder God test, and achieve the true position of Thunder God. "

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