Douluo: Awakening the original martial spirit at the beginning

Chapter 150 Mass improvement of cultivation level

After Bibi Dong's "death", the development of the entire Tiandou Empire was on the right track. After Li Fei threw some development policies to the parliament, he took Qian Renxue and began to travel around the world without caring about worldly affairs.

Five years later, in the depths of the Star Forest, countless tall trees surround a huge lake. Narrator of the lake: You have a huge wooden house. There are many precious flowers planted outside the wooden house, and there is also a small vegetable garden.

The early morning sunshine is scattered, and the warm sunshine gives people a lazy feeling.

Li Fei pushed the jade arms around him away and looked at the sleeping beauty next to him. He kissed her on the mouth and sat up lazily. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to start preparing food for himself. With his cultivation level, he has already established an energy cycle in his body and has no need for energy for a long time. However, the habits he has developed over the years still make him eat some food habitually.

After simply making some meat porridge and steamed buns, Li Fei brought them to the table. Qian Renxue was already awake at this time. She put a gauze on her body and sat at the dining table, looking at Li Fei with a happy face. .

The two spent two years traveling around the entire continent, including the Sun and Moon Continent next door. In the remaining three years, they came to live in seclusion next to the lake in the Star Forest, living a pastoral life, rising and setting every day. As for Xi, in addition to practicing at night, sleeping is creating a human being.

Maybe it's because both of them are no longer mortals at the life level, and there has been no results in five years. This is Qian Renxue's biggest regret.

After breakfast, Li Fei lay on the sofa with Qian Renxue in his arms. Each of them held a controller and played games on the large screen. This was one of the few entertainment projects for the two of them during the day. In the past five years, they had spent time between , Li Fei also successfully refined a magic weapon similar to a game console.

The game was made up and designed by the two of them through their spiritual thoughts. With the existence of weapon spirits, the content inside is more changeable. Even I don’t know what the ending will be.

"Boom! Boom!..."

Hearing the roar from outside, Li Fei felt helpless. He put down the controller and walked outside. Looking at the huge orangutan running towards this side like a hill, he said: "Er Ming, can you be quieter and learn from it?" Just like Ming Dynasty, can’t you just stay there and practice quietly?”

Although he blamed him, Li Fei still threw a huge gourd to Er Ming. After living together for three years, Li Fei also fell in love with this huge and honest gorilla. After all, he and Qian Renxue lived together. In the territory, some compensation should be included.

Inside the gourd is wine brewed by Li Fei from the spiritual fruits found in the forest, which is of great benefit to those practicing below the god level.

Er Ming sat on the ground, pulled out the huge stopper, drank a large gulp of wine, looked at the lake, and asked with some disappointment: "I wonder how Sister Xiaowu is doing?! She hasn't been back for a long time! "

Li Fei swept his mind and found that Xiao Wu, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were receiving the inheritance of Thunder God on Thunder God Island. Tang San's cultivation had almost reached the peak of Contra, but He is one step away from becoming a titled Douluo, and Xiao Wu also has the strength of a Soul Saint and has completely transformed into a human.

"She's fine, she's completely human!" Li Fei said with a smile.

"It's best to be okay!" Er Ming nodded, turned to look at Li Fei sitting on his shoulder, and said, "Master Di Tian asked me to tell you that the gods in the God Realm can no longer sit still. It is estimated that it won't be long before the gods... The Realm Council will pass the demands of the Gods’ Lower Realm, and then the peaceful continent will most likely be in turmoil again.”

"Why didn't he come and tell me in person!" Li Fei asked back, focusing on the core area: "And where is Gu Yuena?! Didn't she already obtain the Heart of the Dragon God? I also helped her recover it. Why do you still want to hide the injury behind the scenes?”

"I don't know this!"

Er Ming touched his head naively and said without knowing why.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after the gods of the divine world arrive!"

Li Fei knew that asking was in vain, so he stood up and walked into the wooden house, holding Qian Renxue in his arms and continuing to play the game, but part of his mind was thinking about Er Ming's words, because when he was traveling around the mainland a few years ago, he I have felt the breath of Poseidon and Shura God. It is the real breath of God, very pure.

It's not the kind of aura that an heir like Tang Hao has.

Fortunately, the two of them abide by the rules of the God Realm and do not interfere with the development of the mainland. Of course, they may be planning something!

"But what reason would the gods give to descend to the underworld?!"

"Abyss and Demon Realm!"

In just a moment, Li Fei thought of the two existences, the Abyss and the Demon Realm, that threatened the mainland. Neither the Abyss nor the Demon Realm were existences that the mainland could contend with, and they both had contact with the mainland.

He didn't believe that the gods of the God Realm didn't notice his fight with the Abyss and the Demon Realm. After all, the noise of his battle at that time was not small. It is very possible that the Abyss and the Demon Realm can contact Douluo Continent, which is the driving force of the God Realm!

"What an eventful time it has been!"

Sighing inwardly, Li Fei retracted his thoughts, created an avatar outside the wooden house, and played the game lazily. The only people in the mainland who are qualified to stop the gods now are him and Qian Renxue, and at most more Tang Hao and Tang San.

But he couldn't stop it for no reason. He could only wait for the gods to come, and the troops would come to cover up the water and the earth. But the first thing to do was to strengthen the continent's foundation. Only in this way would the continent have more opportunities.

The transformed figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared in Tianshui Academy the next second. He wanted to choose a new successor for Poseidon. After thinking for a long time, besides Tang San, Shui Bing'er was the most suitable one.

In fact, Shui Bing'er is more suitable for the inheritance of the Ice God, but it is a pity that the fallen Ice God did not leave a legacy like the Thunder God. Li Fei's spiritual mind scanned the far north and found nothing strange, but it was similar to Bingxue Er. Di said hello again and bullied him a little.

Tianshui College! In an office, Lan Ran and Shui Binger were thinking about the next teaching plan.

Shui Bing'er has already reached the level of Soul Emperor, but she chose to stay in the academy to teach so that she could practice in the academy's mimic environment.

"Who?!" Lan Ran glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that there was an extra figure on the sofa in the office. He was immediately shocked and his martial soul instantly possessed him, and he looked warily in the direction of the sofa.

Shui Bing'er was also startled by Lan Ran's movements, her soul power suddenly exploded, and she also changed direction.

The entire office was instantly frozen by the two of them, except for the area where the sofa was.

"Li Fei! Why are you?!" After seeing clearly who was on the sofa, Lan Ran immediately took back his martial spirit, with a look of surprise on his face: "Also, how long have you been here?!"

"Lord Li Fei!" Shui Bing'er stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Not long!" Li Fei smiled, looked at Shui Bing'er, and said with a smile: "I'm here to find you this time!"

"Looking for me?!" Shui Binger looked confused.

"For some reasons, I want to increase the number of gods on the lower continent, and the inheritance of Poseidon is in my hands, so I chose you!"

"Me! Poseidon! But am I qualified with my ability?!"

"It's okay with my help!" Li Fei smiled confidently: "You clean up, I will come to pick you up in two days, and I will train you personally!"

"Us!" Shui Binger immediately realized that there were many people, but when she looked up, she found that Li Fei had disappeared.

On the Noumenon Sect Arena!

Huo Wu integrated all seven soul rings into one, held up a huge fireball and smashed it at Hu Hu on the opposite side. The fireball was like the sun, emitting terrifying high temperatures.

"Rongrong, Huo Wu's strength has grown so horribly! Even I am no match now!" In the audience, Oscar held Ning Rongrong in his arms and wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

The current Oscar is only one step away from reaching the Contra level. His cultivation level is much stronger than that of Huo Wu. Having practiced Qi and Blood Martial Arts, his physical fitness is very strong. Even he is sweating due to the heat. It can be seen that the surrounding temperature at this time.

"Yes! But it's still not as good as Huzi!"

Ning Rongrong nodded, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and looked nervously at the situation on the field.

"Compared with Huzi..."

The corner of Oscar's mouth twitched. The powerful physique and strength cultivated by the eight amplified soul skills and Qi and blood martial arts made Huzi's strength reach a terrifying level. He even defeated Tuoba Xi, a titled Douluo, who was defeated by the empire. The person named Li Fei is the second.

The reason for fighting Huo Wu this time was entirely because Huo Wu, a hot-tempered guy, was a little unhappy with Hu Zi and raised the challenge.

"Well done!"

Huzi smiled, made fists with both hands, and the first four soul rings lit up. The terrifying momentum and soul power exploded, condensing them on his fists, and punched out, hitting the air, forming a huge air cannon. The white light beam instantly blew away Huo Wu's Yaoyang, which was fused with seven soul rings. Not only that, it also easily blasted Huo Wu out of the ring.

"Damn it, is this the true power of the original martial soul?!"

Huo Wu climbed up from the pit and punched the ground. She said in shock that in these years of staying in the Noumenon Sect, she had seen with her own eyes how those originally weak Noumenon soul masters passed through the second awakening and practice step by step. Become strong.

But she has been stuck on the edge of her second awakening, always feeling that something is missing. The reason why she challenged Huzi was because she wanted to use Huzi's pressure to see if she could make her second awakening.

Now it seems that it is just wishful thinking!

Looking up at Huzi's strong body, Huo Wu's face turned red unconsciously.

"It seems that you have been doing well during my absence?!"

Li Fei's slightly teasing voice immediately attracted everyone's attention. Oscar and others all looked to the edge of the stands and spotted the familiar figure.


"Brother Li Fei!"

Everyone immediately shouted in surprise.

"Brother Li Fei, where is Sister Xue?!" Oscar looked around and asked doubtfully. He clearly remembered that Li Fei and Qian Renxue left together five years ago.

"Yes! Where is Sister Xue?!" Ning Rongrong also nodded. As Ning Fengzhi's daughter, she has a very good relationship with Qian Renxue.

"This is just an incarnation of me. My real body is living in seclusion in the Star Forest with Qian Renxue!" Li Fei smiled, touched the heads of Oscar and others a few times, and continued: "This incarnation is coming back to take you Training, because something happened, I want you all to become titled Douluo, even demigods, within five years!"

Li Fei briefly talked to Oscar and others about his experiences over the years, and then asked everyone to pack their luggage, leaving only Ning Rongrong and Huo Wu.

"You two come with me!!"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong and Huo Wu nodded. The next second, they felt that the surrounding environment had changed, and they appeared near a spring with the two attributes of ice and fire. It was the ice and fire eyes. Inside.

Sensing Li Fei's arrival, the fiery apricot pepper vegetables and star anise ice grass on the spring immediately began to sway crazily, and the other celestial grasses also kept swaying.

"Xiaohuo, Xiaobing, long time no see!" Li Fei thought, absorbed energy from various dimensions, and poured it into all the fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. When he came back this time, he found Qiluo Tulip and Eight-petal Fairy Orchid. Theosophy was also born.

Watching Li Fei interact with the flowers around him, Huo Wu and Ning Rongrong asked in confusion: "Teacher, why did you bring us here?!"

"Help you two martial arts awaken for the second time!" Li Fei said with a smile.

"Second Awakening!"

"But isn't that a characteristic that only the original martial soul has?!" Ning Rongrong asked with some confusion.

"To be precise, Huo Wu is the second awakening, and you are the evolution!"


"That's right, it's evolution!"

Li Fei brought Ning Rongrong to Qiluo Tulip and said softly: "Qiluo, take a little bit of your origin!"

Qiluo moved his body to express his agreement, and Li Fei picked a leaf from the Qiluo Tulip, then used his magical power to create a new Qiluo Tulip in a short time, and stuffed it in Ning Rongrong's hands.

"Absorbed the essence in the stamen!"

Ning Rongrong didn't feel suspicious, so she put the Qiluo Tulip to her mouth and sucked in the essence inside the flower.

"It should be effective! Although it's not as good as what grows naturally, the efficacy is not much different!"

In the past five years, although Li Fei was eager to break through, he did not forget to cultivate himself. Even if he did not break through to the level of a god king, he had enough understanding of the supernatural power of his own first-level god and made great progress in the laws. improvement.

Although it has not yet reached the point of creating things from the void, it is still possible to use the source to recreate fairy herbs.

Using her own laws to help Qiluo Tulip regain her true nature, she turned to look at the long-awaited Huo Wu.

"Teacher, it's my turn!" Huo Wu said excitedly.

"bring it on!"

Li Fei brought Huo Wu to Xiao Huo, and used the same method to take a trace of the source and turn it into an immortal herb. However, he did not give it to Huo Wu immediately. The Fiery Apricot Pepper Vegetable possesses fire poison. Combining it with Star Anise Ice Grass is not suitable for Fire Dance.

So Li Fei first refined it and removed the fire poison, leaving only the pure fire attribute essence before handing it over to Huo Wu, who happily began to refine it.

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