Now Tang San is extremely persistent in the inheritance of the Thunder God. This is not only because the power of the god is the true pinnacle of the continent, but also because Yu Xiaogang's death gave him a new understanding of the world. Only strength can defeat the weak. Basically, without strength, nothing can be protected.

And he had a feeling that Bibi Dong was not dead because he died too easily. He was turned into ashes by a sword of holy light without any resistance.

"Indeed, the only option is to become a god! But Xiao San, the bottleneck between level ninety-eight and ninety-nine is not that easy to break through. Golden Crocodile Douluo has already had level ninety-eight soul power for more than fifty years. So far there is no way to break through.

In the past, you could speed up your cultivation process by absorbing more soul rings from your twin martial souls. What should you do now? ! "Dai Mubai came over and reminded with a slight frown on his face.

At first, because he and Zhu Zhuqing were far away from the Star Luo Empire and the shackles in their hearts, they did not return to the Tiandou Empire, and they were lucky enough to escape the fate of the Star Luo Empire's royal family being destroyed.

Different from the original work, Tang San and others did not eat fairy grass, and they and their martial spirits did not transform. Xiao Wu did not transform into a spirit ring entirely because of Tang Hao's protection. However, even so, many spirit masters were targeting Xiao Wu. , carried out many assassinations.

After all, the attraction of soul bones and hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings is not ordinary. Tang San and others have fallen into several crises because of this. Fortunately, the Haotian Sect was strong and withstood the crisis, otherwise Tang San would have had a few lives. Not even enough to die!

"After practicing to the ninety-eighth level, my Eight Spider Soul Bones and Blue Silver Domain have also evolved many times. The combination of the two can create tens of thousands of swallowing golden threads. They can swallow other people's soul power and vitality to replenish me. The consumption will naturally help me practice!" Tang San said with confidence.

"Third brother, you mean those abyssal creatures!" Xiao Wu turned to look at the abyss passage and said in disbelief.

"Well! During the battle just now, I tried it with the Eight Spider Soul Bones. The energy of the abyssal creatures is much purer than that of ordinary titled Douluo. As long as I can ensure that I can absorb enough energy every day, I guarantee that it can be used within a year. Breaking through to level ninety-nine and successfully inheriting the title of Thunder God!"

Tang San's eyes were shining when he looked at the abyssal creatures. The Mysterious Heaven Skill in his body was constantly running, refining the swallowed abyssal energy, constantly tempering his meridians, deepening his dantian, and improving his soul power.

"Not only that, I can also rely on the Devouring Golden Thread to inject the energy of abyssal creatures into your bodies, so that Mubai and Zhu Qingqian can also quickly improve their cultivation!"

"That's great! It seems that this abyss passage is still a treasure for soul masters with devouring abilities!"

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes. In this way, they would also have the opportunity to reach a state that they had never dared to imagine before.

"Then let's get started!"

Tang San smiled and directly expanded the Blue Silver Domain. Tens of thousands of golden threads spread out, piercing into the corpses of the surrounding abyssal creatures, devouring the remaining energy, dividing it into several parts, and injecting it into the bodies of Xiao Wu and others. .

At the same time, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Hu Zi and Noumenon Sect disciples were all fighting hard near Qibao City, in the Golden Iron Mountains and other sealed areas. After eight years of development, the soul guides had been updated too many times.

Another characteristic of the original martial soul was also discovered, that is, its adaptability to soul guides was ridiculously higher than that of ordinary soul masters. This made major forces in the mainland envious of the original soul masters and paid more attention to them.

No matter whether it is the fighting power of the original soul master or the cultivation of Qi and blood martial arts, the use of soul guides is much more powerful than ordinary soul masters. It can be said to be a true gift from God.


Huzi arrived next to Huo Wu in an instant, and with one punch, hundreds of abyssal creatures turned into flying ashes and disappeared under the wind of the fist. Immediately after, Huo Wu and his martial soul condensed several fireballs, covering the passage. The newly escaped abyssal creatures were burned to char.

"Damn it! It's endless!"

Looking at the abyss creatures that were as dense as the tide rushing out of the channel, Huo Wu, who was panting, said unhappily.

Even Hu Zi, who usually looked naive next to him, looked serious as usual. Even though the Heart Martial Spirit had awakened for the third time, it transformed into the Eternal Heart and could continuously provide him with soul power.

But even he couldn't bear such a high-intensity battle, and most of the soul power in his body was consumed.

This attack on the abyssal plane was unprecedentedly powerful. They had been fighting here for more than two days, but the creatures pouring out of the abyss channel did not decrease, but became more powerful.

Li Fei in the Star Forest is also paying attention to this battle. The reason why he has not taken action is because he wants to see how the gods will descend. And judging from the scale of the abyss tide, it is very likely that the Abyss Saint Lord will find a way to temporarily leave the abyss. face way.

However, Li Fei estimates that there is a high probability that he will still follow the original method, find a carrier in the continent, and temporarily transfer his power to the carrier. Coupled with the Lord of the Plane's understanding of the will of the planet, he can also circumvent the will like the Blood God. Bring out your original strength.

At this time, Li Fei felt that he had the benefit of the clone method. The main body could always stay in the plane, and the clone could go to other planes instead of the main body. He could now incarnate into thousands of people, and naturally he could also be the master of the plane.

But Li Fei immediately put aside such thoughts, because Li Fei did not pay attention to the realm of Douluo World even if it was the God Realm. The world in his body was enough, and sooner or later he would surpass the God Realm.

"Xue'er, the emperors from all levels of the abyss are coming out. Let's go back! Then I'll leave the resistance to you on the surface. I want to see what's going on with the gods?!"

Fierce eyes penetrated the void and saw that the emperors from all levels of the abyss plane had gathered. He said to Qian Renxue that he could not stay here anymore. The abyss emperors had already gathered. Once they came out, the strong men on the mainland would probably lose.

He doesn't want to be a nanny, but he also has feelings for this continent, and naturally he doesn't want it to perish. This is why he wants to know the attitude of the gods. Not all gods who come to the continent are necessarily enemies. He wants to find out their Attitude is what matters.

Gods who have left the Douluo Continent, such as the God of the Sea, the God of Food, the Nine-Colored Goddess, and the God of Shura, will most likely still consider the will of the Douluo Continent, but they just don't know the attitudes of other gods.

"Well! Go back! I miss my grandpas too!"

Qian Renxue nodded, and the two returned to the main body sect.

Qian Renxue didn't hesitate at all, turned into a red-gold stream of light and rushed towards the abyss passage that was almost irresistible, while Li Fei brought his parents to the Eye of Ice and Fire and arranged a defensive formation outside. No one except the God King can see through the array, spirit gathering array and maze array.

With the addition of Qian Renxue, who is already comparable to a second-level god, the removal of abyssal creatures has been significantly accelerated. Just one slash containing the true fire of the sun can easily burn all abyssal creatures in an area to ashes.


Li Fei, who was watching the battle, accidentally swept his mind and felt two familiar auras, and he was suddenly surprised.

"God Shura and God of Poseidon are actually in Tiandou City!"

In a flash, Li Fei appeared in front of the Zijin Hotel and walked in slowly.

The battle against the abyss plane did not make the residents of the Tiandou Empire give up on survival, and the businessmen did not give up on making money. All the largest hotels in the empire were still open.

Li Fei ignored the clerk's greeting and went directly to the third floor, walked to a private room, opened the door and walked in. Inside were a feminine man with long blue hair and a burly man with long bloody hair. At first glance, the two of them looked like ordinary people, and their eyes did not have the gleam that is unique to cultivators.

"Senior Poseidon, you didn't even say a word when you came back to the mainland!" Li Fei sat down opposite the two of them, said something to Poseidon, then turned to look at the burly man who was narrating you, and said with a smile: "I think this person should be It’s the God King Shura!”

Poseidon smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Didn't you feel our presence a long time ago? Why would you say such a thing!"

God Shura looked at Li Fei with great interest, and said slightly surprised: "I really want to know how you practice?! Even I can't see through it!

You must know that he is truly the strongest in the God Realm. Because he can't find an opponent, he wants to hand over the throne of God to others and travel the universe to find opponents and a way forward. Now there is even one that he can't see. The existence of transparency.

"I have indeed used many different cultivation methods. To be precise, I don't know whether I am a god or not, because I do not have the heart and personality of a god in my body, but both my body and soul have surpassed the level of a first-level god. ”

Li Fei thought for a moment and explained.

God Shura became more and more interested and asked, "Can you let me feel your strength?"

"I'm afraid it can't be done now!" Li Fei shook his head, and then looked at Shura Shendao with a determined look on his face: "It was you two who broke the seal of the abyss passage! That was the seal made by me, and the others don't have this strength. Not even the Holy Lord of the Abyss, so it can only be you."

Poseidon was shocked in his heart and said doubtfully: "Don't you doubt people from the demon world?!"

"No, since I escaped from the demon world last time, my thoughts have enveloped the entire planet. If someone wants to come to this continent through space ability, I will feel it instantly, and the demon is not that stupid. Last time I've already killed a first-level god, so I can't continue to send gods here without being sure!"

"Do I need to say more now?!"

Li Fei looked at the two people with a smile on his face.

Poseidon was shocked, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He didn't expect that Li Fei could kill a first-level god. And judging from his tone, it was probably just a casual thing. If he took action against him, he would probably be killed instantly. .

God Shura's eyes were full of surprise, he sighed and admitted: "It was indeed the two of us who did it, to be precise, I did it, I was the one who unlocked those seals!

What do you want to do now? ! "

"I haven't thought about what to do! The abyssal plane has been part of my plan. Even if you don't solve it, I will solve it myself in two years." Li Fei smiled indifferently, and then looked serious. Looking at Shura, he said: "What I want to know is the attitude of the gods. I heard from the Silver Dragon King that because the balance has been broken due to the Qi and Blood Martial Arts, the gods will soon come to the continent and interfere with its development!"

Li Fei from the Abyss Plane has long ignored him, but because of Qian Renxue's emotions, he has never been able to free his hands.

"Silver Dragon King! I didn't expect that she was actually in this continent!" Shura and Poseidon were a little surprised. They didn't have any bad feelings towards the Silver Dragon King who inherited the Dragon God's wisdom. After all, the Silver Dragon King did not inherit the madness of the Dragon God's Destruction Godhead. , the ferocious anger will not cause harm to Douluo Star and the God Realm.

"You two haven't answered my question yet?!" Seeing the two of them thinking about Gu Yuena, Li Fei said helplessly with a black line on his face.

God Shura smiled and said helplessly: "It's exactly what the Silver Dragon King said. Because of the Qi and Blood Martial Arts, the probability of becoming a god in the mainland has increased several times, breaking the balance of the major forces in the God Realm."

"Sure enough, gods are also divided into factions!" Li Fei suddenly said.

"Well! The God Realm manages a total of 108 planets, and there are also many high-level planets like Douluo Planet where people have become gods within tens of thousands of years. After everyone arrived in the God Realm, the gods from the same planet began to unite. To keep warm, there are even fights between each other. This is why the God Realm Committee and Law Enforcers were established. The purpose is to manage the gods and prevent them from killing each other.

But because of your Qi and blood martial arts, Douluo Star began to increase the number of gods at a faster rate, which made the gods of other galaxies feel threatened. In order to prevent the Douluo gods from being strong enough to affect the God Realm, they began to form a group and attempted to interfere with the Douluo Star's power. The increase of those!


God Shura said helplessly. Originally, the number and strength of Gods on Douluo Planet were already stronger than those on other planets, so it was normal for them to be targeted.

"Sure enough, even if you become a god, your basic humanity cannot be erased! No, it should be said that even gods cannot be desireless!" Li Fei sighed.

"That's right! Originally, the four great god kings of good, evil, destruction and life didn't want to interfere, but even the god kings had to agree to the requests of the gods under the pressure of many gods uniting together." Poseidon sighed. tone.

Except for Shura, the other four of the five great god kings are all trained by creatures born in the god world. Therefore, they do not have too many opinions on the increase of Douluo gods. However, considering the stability of the god world, the opinions of other gods must also be considered.

"After listening to what you two said, I roughly understand the meaning. It's just that the other planets don't want one family to dominate the God Realm! If that's the case, is it okay for the new gods who appear in Douluo Planet not to enter the God Realm in the future?!"

Li Fei looked at Shura and said, he knew that Shura had the ability to make the decision. As the King of Gods and the three major law enforcers, Shura was also the pinnacle in the God Realm, and even the center of the God Realm was in the hands of Shura.

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