Douluo: Awakening the original martial spirit at the beginning

Chapter 149 Marriage and Bibi Dong’s ‘death’

"Demon! How did you know?!" Moon God's eyes showed panic. Thinking of Li Fei who was seriously injured before, he suddenly said: "Could it be that the one who injured you was the Demon!"

"Yeah!" Li Fei nodded and said with lingering fear: "I didn't expect that the Lord of the Plane could burst out with strength that surpassed the God King, so I was careless!"

"You mean to say that you escaped with your life because the devil used the power of the Lord of the Planes?!" Moon God asked in disbelief. As a god who existed in ancient times, Moon God naturally understands the ways of the Lord of the Planes. It's terrifying, and Li Fei is only a first-level god, not a god-king at the top of the gods, but he can actually escape with his life from a god-king-level master of the plane.

"That's right, before the devil attacked me with the devouring black bottle, I had already separated part of my body and soul, and that was how I saved my life!"


Hearing this, the corners of Moon God's mouth began to twitch, and he complained in his heart that the guy in front of him not only forced the Demon God to use the power of the Lord of the Plane, but also used a super artifact to swallow the black bottle. He is definitely a monster among monsters.

That's the devil! Even the God King would have a hard time forcing him to use so much power.

"Senior, can you tell me something about the Demon God?!" Li Fei asked in a deep voice.

Moon God looked at Li Fei, sighed, and said: "There are one hundred and eight worlds in the Douluo Galaxy, including Douluo Continent and Five Elements Continent, which are advanced worlds where it is easy to practice and understand the way of heaven. But the universe Wuyuan, in order to protect the entire Douluo Galaxy, the original gods joined forces with the planetary will of one hundred and eight worlds to create the God Realm, but at the same time, the opposite of the God Realm was born!”

"It's the Demon Realm!" Li Fei immediately guessed what the opposite of the God Realm was!

"That's right, and the Demon God is the first life born in the Demon World. Like destruction and life, he is naturally powerful and grows at an astonishing rate. He soon reached the realm of the God King, because the gods didn't know it at first. The existence of the demon world made him the master of the demon world, while the god world was jointly controlled by the god kings at that time.

The Demon God likes to devour, and is not willing to give in to the Crimson Plane. In order to protect the entire Douluo Galaxy, the gods launched a crusade against the Demon Realm. However, because the Demon God is the master of the plane, the last five God Kings and the Dragon God joined forces to It was just a defeat. In the end, there was no choice but to isolate the Demon Realm from the Douluo Galaxy!

But looking at the situation now, the Demon God has used other methods to reconnect the Demon World and the Douluo Galaxy! "

The Moon God told Li Fei many things about ancient times, including demons and gods in the divine world. Of course, there are also gods like the Moon God who do not want to enter the God Realm and prefer to practice alone and enjoy life.

Douluo Continent is now only one city away from the New Spirit City, and the Tiandou Empire can unify the entire continent. However, because of Qian Renxue's crazy and reckless attacks, there have been a lot of complaints within the Tiandou Empire. However, it has hindered the Yu Qian Renxue's intimidation never broke out.

"Your Majesty, New Wuhun City has Bibi Dongbu's Rakshasa Formation. No one in the Tiandou Army can break it except Your Majesty. But if Your Majesty attacks by force, the people in the city will suffer countless casualties!"

Ning Fengzhi hesitated for a moment, then said, since Qian Renxue's temperament changed drastically a year ago, he guessed that something might have happened to Li Fei, otherwise Qian Renxue would not be like this. In order to unify the continent, everything must be done. Regardless, too many civilians have died this year because of Qian Renxue's willful actions.

He has tried to persuade her many times, but to no avail in the end. Now the only person in the world who can persuade Qian Renxue is Li Fei.

"Then let me do it myself. I don't care how many people die!" Qian Renxue said in a cold voice, and then Feixue's thoughts appeared in her hands, and she wanted to go out and forcefully break open the New Spirit City and completely unify the entire continent.


A buzzing sound sounded, and the space inside the main tent was forcibly torn open, and a figure slowly walked out.

Qian Renxue, who had a cold face at first, covered her mouth excitedly, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably, her body slowly trembled, and she staggered towards the appearing figure.

"Xue'er, I'm back!" Li Fei stretched out his arms to hug Qian Renxue and whispered in her ear gently.


Qian Renxue cried out in pain, clenched her fists with both hands and kept hitting Li Fei's chest, "You bastard! Do you know how worried I am about you?!"

Li Fei didn't speak, just suffered in silence, and winked at Ning Feng, who was still in the tent. Ning Fengzhi understood, turned around and retreated.

Qian Renxue's fists became weaker and weaker, and finally she fell asleep deeply in Li Fei's arms.

He picked up Qian Renxue and put him on the bed in the tent. After covering him with a quilt, he wanted to go out to understand the situation, but found that Qian Renxue's hand was holding her tightly and he could not let go at all.

Looking at Qian Renxue with a guilty look on his face, Li Fei once again separated an avatar to go outside to understand the situation, and this avatar stayed with Qian Renxue.

This is a magical power that can take on thousands of incarnations after a breakthrough. It can be said that each of them can be Li Fei's true body.

When he came outside, Li Fei saw Ning Fengzhi waiting outside. In addition to Ning Fengzhi, Jin Crocodile, Tang Hao, Qian Daoliu and others were also there. After hearing Li Fei's return, they all rushed over.

"Li Fei, what happened?! I made you disappear for a year, which made Xueer so worried and her temperament changed a little!" Qian Daoliu stepped forward directly and said with a reproachful look on his face.

"It's just that I overestimated myself and thought that my strength was enough to deal with any situation. As a result, I was almost beaten to death. It took me a year to recover from the injury!" Li Fei said with a wry smile, then looked up at Qian Daoliu. Others: "I'll talk about my situation later. What's the current situation on the mainland?!"

"Let me tell you!" Ning Fengzhi stepped forward: "Since your accident a year ago, the Tiandou Empire has begun to attack the Wuhun Empire regardless of the cost. Fortunately, with the existence of soul guides, our casualties are not particularly large. , but the Wuhun Empire suffered numerous casualties, including many civilians, and now only Wuhun City is left."


Listening to Ning Fengzhi's narration and Qian Daoliu and others' supplements, Li Fei quickly understood the current situation in the mainland, which was that Qian Renxue had gone too far in insisting on going his own way.

"Okay! I already understand the situation, leave Wuhun City to me!"

Li Fei nodded, said something to Ning Fengzhi and others, turned around and disappeared, appearing above Wuhun City, looking at the entire city shrouded in dark purple magic circles.

"Oops! It's Brother Li Fei!!"

Hu Liena and others who were observing the situation on the top of the city suddenly changed their faces and looked desperate. If it were Qian Renxue, they could barely resist with the help of the magic circle and the people in the city, but now it was Li Fei who appeared, and she no longer knew what to do. How has changed.


Li Fei spat out a word, and the dark purple magic circle covering the entire city began to collapse, shattering like glass, turning into light spots and dissipating. With another wave of his hand, Hu Liena and others felt restrained, and the soul power in their bodies was instantly sealed. , and then they all appeared in front of Li Fei.

"Nana, Senior Yueguan, I have wronged you for a while!"

Li Fei smiled, then waved his hand, and Hu Liena and others arrived at the Tiandou camp. The soldiers in the camp immediately captured Hu Liena and others. Suddenly all the high-level officials disappeared, leaving the soldiers in Wuhun City at a loss. , not knowing how to act.

Tiandou's army took advantage of this opportunity to launch a massive attack. They were eager to end this war. This year's ultra-high intensity had made Tiandou's army very tired. As long as they destroyed the New Spirit City, they could go home.

Therefore, the morale of the Tiandou soldiers at this time is high, while the spirit of the Wuhun Empire is exactly the opposite. Moreover, the gap between the soldiers themselves is very obvious. The soldiers of the Tiandou Empire have the most orthodox training guidance of Qi and blood martial arts. This is not the spirit of Wuhun. The Imperial soldiers were comparable, so the war was over quickly.

"We are victorious!"


The soldiers who occupied Wuhun City began to cheer and cheer, raising their weapons one by one and looking up to the sky with laughter.

After finishing everything, Li Fei's incarnation began to arrange matters for the empire, and another incarnation was guarding Qian Renxue.

Li Fei had already thought about the system after the Tiandou Empire unified the mainland, which was a constitutional monarchy. The royal family would no longer participate in the affairs of the empire and would be replaced by a parliament.

Not many changes were made to the remaining official system. At the same time, the military was completely isolated, promoting the separation of military and political affairs.

The selection of members was based on an electoral system, and everything was carried out in an orderly manner. Of course, no one dared to resist, after all, Li Fei's strength was there now.

Qian Renxue had been sleeping for three months. The first thing she did when she woke up was to see if Li Fei was there. She was relieved when she found Li Fei sitting on the chair next to her.

"It's not a dream!"

"Xue'er, you're awake!" Jihua said in surprise when he saw Qian Renxue waking up.

"Li Fei, can we get married tomorrow?!" Qian Renxue immediately stepped forward and hugged Li Fei and said softly.

"Okay!" With a thought, the avatar exchanged with the main body, and Li Fei hugged Qian Renxue and nodded.

The news of Qian Renxue and Li Fei's marriage was not widely publicized. They just invited familiar people to have a meal in the palace to bear witness.

The Moon God also followed Li Fei's incarnation to Douluo Star. Li Fei wanted her to be his witness, and the Moon God agreed.

Li Fei stood on the stage with a nervous look on his face. He looked at Qian Renxue, who was wearing a golden wedding dress and was being led by Qian Daoliu and slowly walking towards him, and became even more nervous.

"Li Fei, I'll leave Xue'er to you!" Qian Daoliu put Qian Renxue's hand into Li Fei's and said solemnly.

"Well! I will protect her, never let her get hurt at all, and make her happy in the future!" Li Fei said with a serious face, more serious than ever.

"I believe you!" Qian Renxue said with a smile in her eyes.

The Moon God slowly walked to the two of them and said: "In the name of the Moon God, I witness the love between the two of you. I hope that the two of you can be in love and happy forever!"

As soon as the words fell, the silver-white moonlight scattered across the Tiandou Empire like light rain, congratulating Li Fei and Qian Renxue on their wedding.

"Fei'er and Xue'er have finally achieved enlightenment, and I feel relieved!" Jiang Xin, who was sitting aside, said happily.

"Yes! I should be able to hold my grandson soon!" Li Ming said with a smile.

"Xue'er, you finally married me. I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" Li Fei looked at Qian Renxue and said seriously, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

"Me too!" Qian Renxue looked excited. After speaking, she took the initiative to hug Li Fei and kissed him. This kiss seemed to last forever, like eternity.

"Look at your brother, find me a partner quickly!"

Seeing the passionate kiss between Qian Renxue and Li Fei, Jiang Xin said angrily to Li Fan who was narrating.

Hearing this, Li Fan was stunned for a moment, with a speechless look on his face. Why did he suddenly blame me? However, Hu Liena's face appeared in his heart. He didn't know if the two of them still have a future? !

The wedding banquet ended soon, and Li Fei and Qian Renxue returned to the Tiandou Palace. This time, Qian Renxue was very crazy. She asked Li Fei for all kinds of requests, and even answered them until she fell asleep tiredly. On!

When Qian Renxue woke up, the two of them came to the secret room where Bibi Dong was imprisoned.

Qian Renxue stared at Bibi Dong for a long time and finally said, "I'm married and I feel very happy!"

With such a simple sentence, Bibi Dong's body trembled and she looked at Qian Renxue with a complex expression: "Bless you, my daughter!"

A smile appeared on Qian Renxue's lips, and she turned around and said, "Let's do it! Li Fei!"

Li Fei nodded and walked in front of Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong resignedly closed her eyes, waiting for death to come. The next second, a finger touched her eyebrows, and she felt that everything she had about the inheritance of the Rakshasa God had disappeared, even her love for the Rakshasa God. He also had no understanding of the laws of death, killing, evil, etc., and became a level ninety-nine extreme Douluo.

"Mother-in-law, I will destroy everything you have about the Rakshasa God. From now on, you will no longer be affected by the Rakshasa God. After that, the Moon God will take you to the lunar plane. From now on, you can live there! Externally I know how to preach to death!”

Hearing Li Fei's voice, Bibi Dong quickly opened her eyes, only to find that Li Fei and Qian Renxue had disappeared, replaced by a woman with silver hair, who should be the Moon Goddess Li Fei mentioned.

Thinking of every detail of her life, tears began to appear in the corners of Bibi Dong's eyes, and endless regret emerged in her heart.

"follow me!"

Luna sighed and said.

Bibi Dong nodded dullly, and the Moon God took her out of Douluo Star and flew towards the moon.

On the execution ground of the Tiandou Empire, a puppet created by Li Fei using Bibi Dong's breath was kneeling there, and then turned into fly ash and disappeared under Qian Renxue's sword. Bibi Dong's death caused all the major forces in the empire to With everyone returning to their core, the hidden dangers of the empire have been completely eradicated.

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