Douluo: Awakening the original martial spirit at the beginning

Chapter 112 Qian Renxue returns to Wuhun Palace

With the addition of Qi and blood, Li Fei's physical condition became much better. Under his huge mental power, the size of his spiritual soul core quickly became as large as his soul power core.

"The next step is the last step. As long as I can withstand the collision of the power of the two soul cores, reintegrate, baptize, and concentrate my own power until I regain my composure, my yin and yang complementary soul cores will be successfully condensed."

With a thought, Li Fei no longer controlled the two soul cores and allowed the two soul cores to collide continuously. Suddenly stronger energy fluctuations began to destroy Li Fei's body.

"No wonder Elder Mu said during the second fight that humans can hardly condense the complementary soul cores of yin and yang?! The energy collision of the two soul cores is beyond what humans can bear!"

In the original work, Huo Yuhao was able to succeed entirely because the remnant soul of Mr. Mu used the Dragon Pill of the Holy Dragon of Light to help him complete the last step, but now Li Fei has no one to help him. At this time, his body is instantly covered with cracks. It exudes blue light, which is the result of the collision of two soul cores and the overflow of energy.

However, there was no confusion in Li Fei's heart. This was not only the confidence brought by the immortal martial soul, but also his preparation. Although the riot of the soul core caused the soul power to be disordered and unable to use soul skills, there was another force in his body. Strength - Qi and blood.

"The fifth qi-blood soul skill: See God and be immortal!"

"The fourth qi-blood soul skill: The sound of muscles and bones, the sound of tiger and leopard thunder!"

"The sixth qi-blood soul skill: Immortal Golden Body!"

As the six bloody soul rings rose up, the last three soul rings all lit up, and the three powerful blood soul skills came into play. First, they used See God to Perfectly Control the Qi and Blood, and then the muscles and bones roared, Tiger Leopard Thunder. The sound assists the body in absorbing the power after the collision of the two soul cores, allowing the body to accelerate its adaptation to this power. Finally, the immortal golden body maintains the body to ensure that it will not explode.

"These are six hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings?! No, this is the power of Qi and blood. How can a human have power that only a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can master!" Xiaobai was confused at first, and then in disbelief. Not even she could master the power of Qi and blood, but a human not only succeeded in cultivating it, but also turned it into a soul ring and steadily improved.

"No wonder his blood is so attractive to me. No wonder he can easily defeat me with his eighty-level Contra cultivation, and he can kill the evil killer whale king instantly!"

Now Xiaobai completely understood why Li Fei was so powerful.

Just when Li Fei was condensing the second soul core, in the Tiandou City Palace, Qian Renxue opened her eyes in the training room. There were four bloody soul rings around her body. It was the Qi and Blood Martial Arts that Li Fei taught her. result.

"My soul power has reached level 80, and my fourth qi-blood soul ring has been successful. It seems it's time to go back to the Spirit Hall!"

There was no joy in Qian Renxue's eyes, but instead they were full of solemnity and worry. She looked at the letter in her hand, stood up slowly, and opened the door to the training room!

To be able to reach level 80 at this age almost at the same time as Li Fei, one can imagine the terrifying talent of Qian Renxue. If Li Fei had not been assisted by the two eyes of ice and fire and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he would not be able to surpass Qian Renxue. Ren Xue.

"Sister Ying, arrange a substitute for me, I'm going back to the Spirit Hall!"


Sister Ying's figure appeared, and then disappeared again to arrange for a substitute. The Tiandou Empire is now completely controlled by Qian Renxue, and a man like Xue Qinghe can handle it.

After Qian Renxue left Tiandou City, she didn't stop much and flew directly towards Wuhun City.

In the Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong also received the news that Qian Renxue was coming to Wuhun City. She suddenly beamed with joy and shouted outside: "Here comes someone!"

"My subordinate is here!"

Ghost and Ju appeared instantly, bowed and saluted.

"While Qian Renxue leaves the Tiandou Palace, let our people hidden near the three affiliated kingdoms use their strength to control the three kingdoms for me! The two elders will also go. Anyone who dares to stop them will be killed without mercy!" Bibi Dong He said with murderous intent in his eyes.


After saying that, the two of them disappeared in the shadow of Ghost Douluo.

"Xue'er! Xue'er! You can't think of it! No matter it's the three subordinate kingdoms or the palace, I have placed my people. Once you are gone, I can lock the three kingdoms in just three days. With it firmly in my hands, the land of the three kingdoms will be my capital to build an empire!”

After Ju and Gui left, Bibi Dong murmured with a sneer. She naturally knew what Qian Renxue was going to do when she came back with the inheritance of the divine throne. The inheritance of the divine throne took a long time, and Li Fei was not here. This is a This is a unique opportunity for her to slowly take control of the Tiandou Empire.

Thinking of Li Fei, Bibi Dong's expression also became complicated. If it weren't for Li Fei killing all the Barak royal family, maybe she would be able to control the four kingdoms, and then she would be half of the Tiandou Empire.

It's not like she hasn't thought about controlling Li Fei through Li Fei's parents, but both of them are under the protection of Qian Daoliu, and they haven't reached the ultimate Douluo. She doesn't dare to break up with Qian Daoliu.

But fortunately, Li Fan is still working under her, and she is not afraid that Li Fei will not obey.

In less than two days, Qian Renxue flew back to Wuhun City. After entering Wuhun Hall, she walked directly to the Enshrinement Hall, where Qian Daoliu was waiting for her.

There are only two people in the entire worship hall, Jin Crocodile and Qian Daoliu, and the rest of the worshipers are not there.

"Xue'er, you're back!" Seeing Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu's originally calm face flashed with joy.

"Grandpa, Second Grandpa! I'm back!" Qian Renxue stepped forward and hugged Qian Daoliu, saying happily. She had not seen Qian Daoliu for nearly ten years, and Qian Renxue still missed her very much.

"Xue'er, your physical fitness..." As a high priest of Wuhun Palace and a ninety-ninth level extreme Douluo, Qian Daoliu's eyesight is amazing. He can tell at a glance that Qian Renxue's physical fitness is much better than his. , he had only seen this kind of situation with Li Fei.

"Did Li Fei teach you some special cultivation method?!"

"Yes, that's why I came back this time!~" Qian Renxue nodded, her expression becoming extremely solemn and serious.

Seeing Qian Renxue's expression, Qian Daoliu's expression became serious and he said, "Is there something wrong with this cultivation method?!"


Qian Renxue nodded. In the shocked eyes of Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile, four blood-red soul rings rose up, and streams of blood-red energy burst out, sweeping towards the two of them.

"This is... the energy of Qi and blood! Isn't this a power that only a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast can master?!" Qian Daoliu said in shock.

"Yes, this is the power of Qi and blood hidden in the body inspired by Li Fei's mastery of the body with the help of the martial soul and the second awakening of the martial soul. In the process of practicing these years, he also created this power This is the way to practice." Qian Renxue said slowly.

Jin Crocodile was a little confused. He did not feel the soul power in Qian Renxue's four bloody soul rings. Instead, he felt a fiery power that was not inferior to the sacred soul power of the Seraphim.

"Brother, what is the power of Qi and blood?!"

"I don't know what the specific power is, but I saw a dark gold Terrorclaw bear about fifteen meters tall in the depths of the Star Dou Forest. His soul power was integrated with this power. It is precisely because With this kind of power, I could not defeat the 460,000-year-old soul beast even with the strength of a level 98 super Douluo. Instead, I was beaten back and forth, and in the end I could only escape. I have found records about this power in the knowledge, but unfortunately there are not many. I can only know that it is unique to soul beasts, but I didn’t expect it to be found in humans!" Qian Daoliu explained with some surprise on his face.

"Even the most powerful bear soul beast, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, which is 460,000 years old, can actually defeat the big brother at that time with this kind of power!" Jin Crocodile said in shock.

Qian Daoliu did not reply, but looked at Qian Renxue and said with a smile: "So, what does Li Fei want to do?! How high is the threshold for practicing this kind of power?! Soul Saint or Soul Douluo!"

"Li Fei wants to popularize this cultivation method throughout the continent. As for the threshold, according to the cultivation method Li Fei gave me, it can be said that there is no threshold. As long as it is a human being, even if he is born with no soul power, as long as the body grows and passes the correct method You can practice by practicing the method!" Qian Renxue said solemnly.

"What?!" Qian Daoliu looked shocked, and then said with excitement: "He is going to be the enemy of the entire world! It is impossible for the soul masters on the mainland to popularize the practice of Qi and Blood!"

"Grandpa, I am no longer the kid who didn't understand anything. I was the enemy of the whole world. It's just that the nobles, sects and forces that control the resources and power don't allow the common people at the bottom to have a chance to stand up! I The reason I came back this time is to inherit the angel god and help him accomplish this goal!"

Qian Renxue said with a serious face. Having played the role of Xue Qinghe all year round, she has long seen through the nature of the world and also understood the consequences of the spread of Qi and Blood Martial Arts. However, she is not afraid. As long as she becomes the new Angel God, this continent will No one can stop her and Li Fei!

"But if you do this, do you know what the consequences will be?! Once the Qi and Blood Cultivation Method spreads and Bibi Dong knows about it, she will definitely use it to attract the influence of the soul master families in the Wuhun Palace. The Soul Palace is very likely to be divided!" Qian Daoliu's voice couldn't help but rise a little, and he said sternly.

The Wuhun Palace is not unique to Qianjia. It is a huge organization based on the Angel God Sect and integrates many soul master families, sects and forces in the mainland. Like the Haotian Sect, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is also nominally The members of Wuhun Palace are only led by the Pope.

But even the Pope cannot be arbitrary and issue his own orders as he pleases.

"So what if she is that woman?! If she dares to stop me, I will deal with her too!" Qian Renxue's voice was a little cold, and then she looked at Qian Daoliu: "Grandpa, will you help me?!"

"Yes! But it's very likely that it's just a few of your grandfathers in the Enshrinement Hall. Like the Elders Hall, it is estimated that a large number of them will defect to Bibi Dong!" Qiandaoliu was silent for a while, then slowly said: "And, even in the future Even if you are against Bibi Dong, you can't hurt her, she is your mother!"

"Why?!" Qian Renxue looked at Qian Daoliu incomprehensively, and then said excitedly: "Both you and Li Fei are all suggesting that I can no longer do anything to hurt that woman. Why should she? I was raised by my grandfathers, but Li Fei gave me nothing but indifference and pain. Why did she fulfill her mother's duty?

Hearing this, Jin Crocodile and Qian Daoliu fell silent and looked at Qian Renxue's slightly hateful eyes. Qian Daoliu said: "I know you hate Bibi Dong, but it's all because of your father that she is like this. Because of this, this matter is considered an embarrassment to my Wuhun Palace, and we have to start talking about it before you were born..."

So Qian Daoliu took Qian Xunji and took the genius Bibi Dong as his apprentice. Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang fell in love until Qian Xunji raped Bibi Dong and locked her up and gave birth to Qian Renxue.

After listening, Qian Renxue looked in disbelief, and the hatred in her eyes dissipated a lot. She never thought that her cold and arrogant father would be a scumbag, and that her birth would be so ridiculous. His father Qian Xunji didn't want to waste Bibi Dong's talent, and for a moment he didn't know how to face the woman who had always been cold to him.

"Li Fei also knows about this?!" Qian Renxue asked, remembering the hints Li Fei always gave when she was ahead of Bibi Dong.

"No one in the enshrinement hall told him, but I think he found out through investigation. He just didn't know how to deal with you?!" Qian Daoliu spoke slowly, looking at Qian Renxue who lowered his head: " Now, do you still want to popularize the Qi and Blood Cultivation Method? If it is really popularized, the two of you will really be on opposite sides for her own ambitions!"

"Publish it, why not?! This is not only for Li Fei, but also for me, and for her Bibi Dong! At worst, after everything is done, I will completely hand over this continent to her and realize everything she wants!" Qian Ren Xue raised her head with a serious and determined expression.

After knowing about Bibi Dong, she was able to put an end to an obsession in her heart. Recalling what Li Fei often said in front of her, Qian Renxue kept asking herself, and her mood also changed. After entering the state of trance, his mental power has improved further, and is already comparable to the golden crocodile next to him.

As her state of mind took a step closer, Qian Renxue's temperament also changed again, and the red-gold soul power flowed more naturally.

"Hahaha!" Seeing the change in Qian Renxue's temperament and the hatred in his eyes that had completely disappeared, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but laugh and said loudly: "Grandpa, I will go crazy with you just once!"

He believed that Qian Renxue could handle everything now, whether it was the matter between Li Fei and Bibi Dong, or the glory of recasting the angels in the future.

"Second Grandpa is also crazy with you, and will definitely help you realize your ideals, even if you are an enemy of the world?!" Jin Crocodile also said with a smile, but his eyes when he glanced at Qian Daoliu were extremely complicated.

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