"Golden Crocodile, go and guard the door, don't let anyone disturb us!!"

After Qian Daoliu gave instructions to Golden Crocodile, he looked at Qian Renxue and said with a smile: "Xue'er, come with me!"

Golden Crocodile glanced at the two of them, then came to the door of the enshrinement hall and stood there like a door god.

Qian Renxue was taken to the deepest part of the worship hall and saw a huge angel statue, surrounded by seven giant pillars made of unknown metal, which were engraved with angel patterns. These patterns contained mysterious artistic conception.

"Xue'er, this is the Angel Temple. You have to accept the test given to you by the Angel God here. Are you ready?"

"Of course!" Qian Renxue showed a confident smile.

"Very good!" Qian Daoliu nodded, turned to look at the angel statue, made a few handprints in his hand, pointed at Qian Renxue, and a golden light beam with a diameter of one meter fell from the sky, covering Qian Renxue.

When the light dissipated, Qian Renxue's eyebrows were marked with the mark of the Holy Angel Sword, symbolizing the Nine Examinations of Angels to obtain the inheritance of the angel gods.

"Angel's first test: Successfully condensed the fifth and sixth qi, blood and soul rings within two years!"

The mark between the eyebrows sent a message to Qian Renxue's mind, which was exactly the content of the Angel's first test.

"Nine exams for angels, nine exams for angels! My hundred-year wait will finally come to fruition, and the glory of angels will once again bloom in this continent!" Qian Daoliu said with excitement.

On the other side, Li Fei, who originally had a painful expression on the sea, gradually became peaceful, like a baby sleeping.

This is the sign of entering the fetal stage. Just now, the two complementary soul cores of yin and yang were constantly colliding with Li Fei's body as a battlefield. The energy fluctuations generated when the powerful mental power and soul power collided, even for Li Fei Even a body that is many times larger than a titled Douluo can't bear it.

There is no way!

Li Fei could only use the power of his mind to control his body to continuously absorb the two forces, and cooperate with the power of qi and blood to continuously repair his body.

In the process of tearing and repairing over and over again, Li Fei successfully understood the state of completely mastering the body by breaking the void and seeing God, and took this opportunity to successfully enter the realm of fetal breath.

After successfully entering the God-Seeing Immortality, under that near-perfect control, no matter how the mental power and soul power collided, or how violent the energy generated, it could not cause any damage to Li Fei's body.

On the contrary, the body is perfectly shaped with the fetal breath, resulting in a perfect body shape, tough bones, strong muscles, and strengthened organs.

Not only that, Li Fei's bone marrow also started to form blood under the action of fetal breath to replace the old blood in the body and excrete the old blood through the pores. The new blood contains more vitality and energy. Every breath in and out The blood will transport a large amount of energy to all parts of the body, strengthening cells throughout the body.

At this time, the two soul cores in Li Fei's body had been completely stabilized, and strange changes were taking place with Li Fei's inhalation and exhalation. To be precise, the first soul core had changed.

Li Fei's ability to enter the Fetal Breath Realm has a lot to do with the two soul cores in his body. The first step in the orthodox Fetal Breath Realm must be to condense the Holy Fetus, which is also called Nascent Soul in Taoism. Although Li Fei does not have this method, he There is a soul core in the body, which is a fusion of spiritual energy that is very similar to the holy fetus. It can also be regarded as a different kind of holy fetus.

The two soul cores are beating continuously like hearts, especially the first soul core in the middle Dantian. It is the crystallization of soul power. With every breath and breath, it is constantly absorbing the energy of the world and is happening rapidly. Variety.

Under Li Fei's conscious control, the soul core heaven and earth aura originally constructed from twelve attributes began to transform into pure attributeless soul power. Because it is pure nothingness, the new soul power's ability to contain any energy is unlimited. After entering the body, it will be converted into soul power, even if it is the opponent's attack.

"What kind of realm is this?! It can activate the cells in the whole body and continuously absorb the energy of the sky, and even pull the power of the God Realm through the world barrier to absorb it!"

"No, I must make him the successor of my god. Compared with him, the son of destiny who has not yet been revealed is nothing?! With him, Poseidon will definitely be able to reach the height of the God King, and even be stronger. maybe."

"Is this the miracle that a person with an uncertain destiny can create?!"

The sea god's mind in the vast sea of ​​heaven and earth felt the terror of Li Fei swallowing up the energy of the world when he was in the realm of fetal breath. He said in disbelief that he had never thought that a person's realm could reach such a point. This kind of spiritual energy of the world The throughput is already comparable to that of a priest in the God Realm.

Then he thought that Poseidon's heart had been refined by Li Fei, Poseidon thought excitedly and firmly.

At this time, Xiaobai had swallowed all the old blood discharged by Li Fei into his belly. He was squinting his eyes and smiling next to Li Fei, seizing the time to refine the pure vitality transformed from the blood.

"Xiao Bai, take Li Fei back to Poseidon Island!"

Poseidon's slightly excited voice in Xiao Bai's mind interrupted Xiao Bai's absorption, but the blood had already been swallowed into his belly, so he could just let it digest freely, but the speed would be a little slower.

Xiaobai did not dare to disobey Poseidon's order. His huge body quickly came under Li Fei, dragging Li Fei towards Poseidon Island.

As the soul power in the first soul core in his body had completely turned into pure attributeless matter, Li Fei was also ready to exit the state of fetal breath. However, after exiting, his consciousness did not return immediately, but came to a blue side. In the water world, there are aquatic plants and various fish and other marine life everywhere. There is also a huge blue palace in the center of the world.

"Lord Poseidon, what exactly do you want to do?!"

Seeing such an environment, Li Fei instantly understood who was responsible, and said helplessly to the palace in the distance.

The figure of Poseidon appeared instantly, looked at Li Fei, and said in a deep voice: "Li Fei, don't you really want to inherit the position of Poseidon?! By inheriting the position of Poseidon, you can inherit my rights and status in the God Realm, He can even become a god king."

"Lord Poseidon, didn't I say before that I want to try to create my own god and become a god? Isn't that how senior did it?!"

Li Fei said angrily, if he simply had soul power and did not have the realm he has now, and was just a soul master, he would definitely inherit the position of Poseidon without hesitation, but now he not only cultivates Qi and blood When he saw that the gods were not bad, his state reached the state of fetal breath. The pride in his heart made him want to try to create his own godhood.

"I know what you are thinking, but have you ever thought about how difficult it is to create your own godhood? Tens of thousands of years ago, I first reached the realm of demigods, and then it took me thousands of years to survive among the endless creatures in the ocean. With faith, this Poseidon was created.”

"And you want to create a god through the spread of Qi and blood. Have you ever thought about how long it will take?! This time is beyond your imagination. The most important thing is that you can wait, you Is his little girlfriend waiting? She has already started the inheritance of angel gods. According to her qualifications, it is estimated that she will be able to fully inherit the throne in a few years. After becoming a god, she will not be able to stay in this continent for long. !”

Poseidon looked at Li Fei seriously, and Xiaozhi said with emotion and reason.

Li Fei looked at Poseidon and fell silent, knowing that what he said was right. Although he would have endless life and powerful power after inheriting the divine throne, he still had to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations brought by the divine throne. It would not be possible all the time. Staying in the same world, so in the original work, Ma Hongjun went to the God Realm with regret, otherwise he could stay with his wife for the rest of his life and then leave.

Once Qian Renxue becomes a god, it is estimated that he will leave Douluo Continent and go to the God Realm soon. Although as a first-level god, he can bring his family members into the God Realm, but this is not what Li Fei wants.

He wants to bring a change to this world. In the God Realm, strength is also respected. No matter how strong you are without strength, you will be destroyed sooner or later. The most important thing is that he wants to protect Qian Renxue and his parents by himself, instead of relying on Qian Renxue. ,

"How is it?! What are your thoughts on inheriting my throne?! With your qualifications, you can definitely achieve the position of God King. When the time comes, no one will stop you from whatever you want to do!" Poseidon continued to persuade.

"Lord Poseidon, if I want to gain the faith of all creatures in the world, how long will it take for me to create my own god?!" Li Fei asked unwillingly.

"It seems that you know very little about the divine position. It is just a one-sided existence. The so-called divine position is actually your own understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth, thereby gaining the qualification to enter the divine realm, that is, the position in the divine realm, and the divine realm The area of ​​the world is limited, so the number of divine thrones is also limited. The number of divine thrones in the divine realm is now close to saturation, so it is very difficult and basically impossible to create new divine thrones! "

Poseidon sighed and briefly told the origin of the god's position.

Hearing this, Li Fei froze on the spot, and instantly understood why the God of Destruction in the original work wanted to expand the God Realm. It turned out that he wanted to expand the God Realm so that the God Realm could accommodate more gods. He could only tell the starting point. It's good, but the approach may be a little biased.

But Li Fei also understood another point. He looked at Poseidon and asked uncertainly: "So, divine status has nothing to do with faith. It only requires a sufficient understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth?!"

Poseidon was stunned, secretly thinking something bad, but still said with a serious face: "Yes, but the power of faith can enhance the understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth, shorten the time of understanding, and make oneself stronger quickly, so the gods have it in every world. My own believer!"

"Then why did Lord Poseidon give up his throne and choose to hand him over to me?!" Li Fei asked doubtfully.

"You have quite a lot of questions!" Poseidon smiled bitterly and continued: "Generally speaking, there are two situations when the god's throne changes. One is that the god dies in the process of pursuing the great road of heaven and earth. In that case, his god's throne will be changed. They need a successor, and this is the case for the Angel God and the Rakshasa God. They only have their own divine thoughts left in this continent to lead the inheritance of their own gods."

"The other situation is like me. In order to break through to the level of God King, I voluntarily give up my position as a god and go to a farther world to pursue more avenues of heaven and earth. But such a surrender requires someone. An heir!"

"I see!"

Now Li Fei completely understood. Poseidon's meaning was very clear. There are two ways to inherit the god's position. One is that when the previous god dies, the position will naturally become vacant and waits for someone to inherit it, and the other is to voluntarily give up the god's position. position, you must choose a heir to inherit your position, but the reason is not necessarily like Poseidon. It can be traveling to other worlds like Shura God, or you can be in bad shape like Rong Nianbing. Anyway, there are many reasons.

"Now, Li Fei, can you give your answer?! Do you want to inherit the position of Poseidon?!" Poseidon looked at Li Fei with a confident face. After saying so much, it's time for you to take the throne, right? !

Li Fei also understood that he had to give Poseidon an answer on this matter, and sighed in his heart: "Thank you, Lord Poseidon, for your advice, which has allowed me to understand so many things about the divine throne, but after working so hard, I am somewhat unwilling to do so. I wonder if Lord Poseidon can give me some time?”

"What do you mean?!" Poseidon frowned and said in confusion.

"Lord Poseidon, give me fifty years, no, thirty years. If I can't create my own god in thirty years, I will come back to inherit the throne of Poseidon. If I succeed, I will also find a person for Lord Poseidon." A suitable successor, do you think so?"

At this time, Li Fei was betting that he, who had already entered his fetal breath, would have the ability and luck to achieve the status of a god in thirty years. If he couldn't do it, inheriting the Poseidon status wouldn't be a loss, but a profit. .

"Thirty years?! If it is thirty years, I can promise you!" Poseidon nodded. In his opinion, no matter how talented Li Fei was, he would not be able to create his own divine throne in thirty years.

"However, you must first pass on the Ninth Test of Poseidon!" Seeing Li Fei's expression of confusion and resistance, Poseidon smiled and continued: "Don't worry, I will only let you complete the first test, and it will not affect your divine status. of casting.”

"Okay then!" Li Fei nodded, but kept complaining in his heart. It seemed that this sixth man was convinced of himself and wanted to put a label on himself.

Poseidon smiled and nodded, and then Li Fei felt a change in the space in front of him, and his consciousness returned to his body. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a bedroom full of Poseidon Master decoration style.

Immediately afterwards, a blue-gold light descended from the sky and enveloped Li Fei's body. The mark of the Poseidon's Trident, unique to Poseidon, appeared between Li Fei's eyebrows, and at the same time, a stream of information poured into his mind.

"Poseidon's first test: Pull out the Poseidon Trident!"

"Damn it! The sixth god of Poseidon is really afraid that other gods don't know that I am his heir, right?"

After sensing the content of the message, Li Fei burst out with one mouthful of the quintessence of Chinese culture. He no longer knew how to complain. He could only say that he was convinced by Poseidon.

"Now I'm not afraid that other gods will see this kid's qualifications and snatch him away!"

Poseidon, who was far away in the God Realm, received the news sent back by his divine thoughts and murmured with a smile on his face.

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