Seeing Xiao Bai obediently obeying, Li Fei's halberd disappeared, and he put all the items on the ice into his storage bracelet, then jumped on Xiao Bai's body and shouted loudly: "Xiao Bai, let's go!"

"I'm not your mount!"

Xiaobai yelled in great displeasure, but due to intimidation he could only lead Li Fei towards the sea area where the Evil Killer Whale King was.

Looking at the waves that kept retreating due to high-speed driving, Li Fei patted Xiaobai's head and joked: "Xiaobai, you can't do it either! Even a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast can't defeat the evil killer whale king. What an embarrassment to the shark!”

"Why did I embarrass the shark? I am the only shark soul beast with a hundred thousand year level in the entire sea!" Xiaobai said with some annoyance.

"Now that it's all said and done! Xiaobai, I'm a little strange!" Li Fei asked doubtfully: "The number and types of soul beasts on land may only be a drop in the bucket of the soul beasts in the sea. Why do I feel this in the sea?" There are not many powerful soul beasts, and they are almost impossible to see in a hundred thousand years!"

Hearing this, Xiaobai's eyes were filled with frustration. He was silent for a while before he said: "All of this was caused by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. He kept hunting and killing people in the sea for his own path to becoming a god. The hundred thousand-year-old soul beast absorbs their soul power to improve its own cultivation. Because of this, the soul beast in the sea area can't escape without death. In the end, if Lord Poseidon hadn't restricted it to the Demon Whale Sea area, I'm afraid the ocean would never be able to survive. Days!”

"That's it!" Xiaobai's words solved Li Fei's doubts. Looking at Xiaobai, who was starting to feel very depressed, Li Fei stopped asking any more questions and looked silently at the sea in the distance.

"The Vast Sea Body Protector!"

After activating the Vast Sea Universe Shield, a blue shield protected Li Fei and Xiaobai and continued to move towards deeper seas.

Seeing the blue light around him, Xiaobai finally understood why Lord Poseidon chose Li Fei. It turned out that all this was because the heart of Poseidon was refined by Li Fei.

As it goes deeper, the number of creatures in the sea begins to decrease, and everything is filled with deathly silence. Some are just groups of evil killer whales wandering in the sea, constantly searching for creatures with soul power.

"The Evil Killer Whale King also wants to follow the path of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, so he leads his tribe to continuously devour the soul beasts in the surrounding seas, allowing himself to evolve quickly!"

Looking at the evil killer whales around him, Xiaobai's eyes were full of hatred, and he also explained that it was only because of the evil killer whale king and the deep sea devil whale king that the sea became as bad as it is now.

"Don't worry! This time I have dealt with the Evil Demonic Orca King. When I become a Titled Douluo at level 90, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King will die!"

Li Fei gently patted Xiaobai's huge head and said confidently.

"Well, you can concentrate on dealing with the Evil Killer Whale King for a while, and leave the other Evil Killer Whales to me!"

Xiao Bai nodded his head, murderous intent emerged in his eyes, and he constantly scanned the surrounding evil killer whales. His soul power also began to mobilize, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time.

At this moment, Li Fei couldn't help but sigh at how useful the Vast Sea Universe Shield was. Xiao Bai's soul power had been mobilized to such an extent that the evil killer whales around him didn't notice it at all.

Soon Li Fei saw an extremely huge evil killer whale with a body length of more than thirty meters. Its gray-black skin shone with a faint metallic luster. It was Li Fei's target this time - the evil killer whale king!

"Xiaobai, I'm on it!"

With a push of his feet, Xiao Bai instantly went down dozens of meters, and Li Fei's figure reached the sky above the Evil Killer Whale King. The Dark Evil Halberd in his hand was raised high, and black and gray thunder and lightning wrapped around it.

"The sixth soul skill: Dark Demon Evil Thunder Fury!"

The perfect fusion of the three attributes of evil, wind and thunder made Li Fei's move more than ten times more powerful than before. With a halberd, the evil thunder turned into a 100-meter-long halberd and headed toward the dark side. The evil tiger slashed down.


The sudden change made the evil killer whale king completely unable to react. The instinct of fighting in the sea all year round subconsciously used his own life-saving skills. More than a dozen scarlet mirrors were superimposed on top of each other to protect him. The sky above it!

"Use your soul power to condense the space above into a mirror?! What a good trick!"

Li Fei's eyes lit up. The mirror condensed by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King could not only defend and shatter attacks, but also reflect soul power attacks, making the attack methods more versatile!

The Dark Evil Demon Halberd pressed down hard, and the hundred-meter-long Evil Thunder Halberd instantly pierced the dozen scarlet mirrors. "Crack!" kept sounding, and the dozen mirrors shattered instantly, and the Evil Thunder Halberd pierced into them. Inside the body of the evil killer whale king.


Countless evil thunders came out from the halberd and began to destroy the body of the Evil Orca King. The unforgettable pain made the Evil Orca King roar loudly, and his body began to struggle continuously. The terrifying power caused the surroundings to explode. There were turbulent waves in the sea, and the scarlet energy beams sprayed from the mouth began to attack indiscriminately!

"This is a move that perfectly integrates three attributes. How can you, an evil killer whale who is less than 200,000 years old, be able to resist it?!"

There was a trace of disdain on the corner of Li Fei's mouth, and with a thought, the huge evil thunder halberd inserted into the body of the evil killer whale king once again exerted force, piercing the huge body of the evil killer whale king.


With a single word spoken, the hundred-meter evil thunder halberd exploded in the body of the evil killer whale king. Countless evil lightning arcs spread out in all directions with the evil killer whale king as the center, covering a distance of 10,000 meters in an instant.

Xiaobai, who was hunting the evil killer whale, also twitched, spitting black smoke from his mouth, and floated toward the sea surface with his belly turned.

This is true for Xiaobai, a hundred thousand year soul beast, let alone the evil killer whales around him? ! Each one was killed by the terrifying electric heat, turned into various colored soul rings, and the corpses also floated up.

The evil killer whale king was directly blown into pieces. Only the whale glue in his brain and a leg bone were floating in the sea. At the same time, the scarlet light continued to condense and turned into a red The soul ring rotates slowly.

"What on earth do you want to do?! You almost killed me too!"

Xiaobai recovered from the paralysis caused by thunder and lightning and quickly swam in front of Li Fei. He looked frightened and cursed loudly.

"How is this possible! I control the power, and 80% of the power is borne by the evil killer whale king. The remaining 20% ​​can only kill those evil killer whales!" Li Feiyi He said with a sneer on his face. In the final analysis, he was in the wrong.

"What if you can't control it?! Then I'm dead!"

Xiaobai was still frightened and shouted angrily.

"How is it possible?! It's not easy to control soul power attacks with my current mental state!" Li Fei smiled, and seeing that Xiao Bai was still angry, he took out a ten thousand year black ice marrow from the storage space , said: "Xiaobai, I'll give this to you, so don't be angry!"

"Ten thousand years of mysterious ice marrow!" Xiaobai immediately looked at the one-meter-long ice crystal in Li Fei's hand with surprise on his face, quickly swam to Li Fei's side, and said with a flattering smile: "Is this really for me?! "

With this piece of ten-thousand-year black ice marrow, she is sure to survive the 200,000-year catastrophe!

"Here you go!" After throwing the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Marrow to Xiao Bai, Li Fei looked at the evil killer whale king's soul ring, soul bone and whale glue next to him, and continued: "But you have to help me protect the law, and I have to absorb it. This soul ring!"


Xiao Bai swallowed the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Marrow in one gulp and nodded happily.

Li Fei put the soul bone into the storage bracelet, pulled the soul ring to start absorbing it, and then swallowed the whale gum of the Evil Killer Whale King. The main function of the power in the whale gum is to nourish the body, strengthen the body, and strengthen muscles and bones. and the strength of the meridians, increasing their endurance.

"Is he crazy?! He actually dares to refine the soul ring like this. Aren't he afraid of exploding and dying?!"

Xiaobai, who was digging out other Evil Killer Whales, looked at Li Fei in shock. Whale glue is the brain of the Evil Killer Whale King, and it also contains the remnant soul of the Evil Killer Whale King. Plus the soul ring, even a Titled Douluo I can’t bear it either!

But Xiaobai didn't know that Li Fei's realm had already reached a stable state, and his soul had been pure to the extreme. No external force could infect Li Fei's spirit. Even the million-year-old Deep Sea Demon Whale King, now he might be spiritual. The strength will be lower than that of Bo Saixi and the great worshiper Qian Daoliu at level 99, but the strength is not weak at all.

It only took less than ten minutes to refine the soul ring, but Li Fei did not end his training. He wanted to use the power of the evil killer whale king to condense a second soul core. Changding's state was enough for him to condense a spirit core. Soul core.

Li Fei, who was in the constant state, could not resist the power of whale gum and the power of a hundred thousand year soul ring at all. He could only let Li Fei mobilize and constantly transform Li Fei's body and improve his endurance. The purpose was In order to successfully condense the second soul core in one go.

"The complementary soul core of yin and yang is the right way. The power of the two soul cores will blend with each other, or in other words, after colliding with each other, my own power will be recombined, baptized, and concentrated."

After the whale glue and the hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring were completely absorbed, Li Fei began to think about the second soul core's condensation method in his mind. Li Fei directly eliminated the first resonance method and chose the second yin-yang complementary condensation method. It is said that yin and yang complement each other, but in fact it has nothing to do with yin and yang. It is just a second soul core that is completely unrelated to the first soul core in a completely opposite way to the first soul core!

Of course, it is easy to say but very difficult to do.

The reason why Li Fei dared to try was because of his immortal martial soul and strong physical fitness, coupled with Chang Ding's mental state, the probability was much better than Huo Yuhao's.

"Huo Yuhao condensed the first spiritual soul core. When he condensed the second soul core, he extracted the soul power from the spiritual soul core and retained only the pure spiritual power. What I have to do is to do the exact opposite process to him, that is Pull out the spiritual power in the first soul core, leaving only the pure soul power, and at the same time, press the soul power in the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness into the body, leaving only the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness."

Thinking of this, Li Fei began to urge the first soul core in his body to start rotating. While extracting the compressed mental power inside little by little, he also ensured that the soul power would not collapse and cause the first soul core to explode.

At this time, the benefits of the constant state of mind are reflected. The spiritual state never retreats, and he maintains a high degree of concentration at all times. Every ounce of mental power is drawn out very smoothly. In addition, Li Fei can concentrate on seven things with his exquisite heart. Use it to quickly refill the soul power while drawing out the mental power, maintaining the stability of the first soul core.

As time passed, Li Fei's mental power, which was comparable to a ninety-nine-level Extreme Douluo, emitted from his body, and the resulting mental fluctuations made Xiao Bai tremble in the distance.

"What on earth is Li Fei doing? It doesn't look like he's absorbing soul rings at all?!"

Xiao Bai didn't dare to get close to Li Fei anymore, and quickly retreated a hundred meters away. If he had come any closer, he would definitely be turned into an idiot by this mental power.

Under the influence of One Heart and Seven Functions, no matter how long time passed, Li Fei's spiritual consciousness was only filled with spiritual power, while only soul power and qi and blood were left in his body. They were two extremes.

"The next step is to suppress the instinct of mental power that requires energy while condensing the soul core under the interference of the first soul core!"

Li Fei didn't have Huo Yuhao's six souls to help him. All he had was his own powerful mental power and body. As the mental power began to rotate in the completely opposite direction of the first soul core, the mental power and soul power began to collide. Get up and let the spin start to get extremely erratic.

Not only that, during this process, Li Fei also had to suppress the instinct of mental power to draw soul power. As time went by, Li Fei found that suppressing the instinct did not seem to be particularly difficult.

At this time, he also realized that this was the result of practicing Chinese martial arts. The most fundamental aspect of practicing Chinese martial arts is to subdue one's heart, and part of this heart is the instinct of the body.

The soul power began to riot in the body, and even involved the qi and blood, constantly destroying Li Fei's body. Strands of blood seeped out from the pores, and soon stained Li Fei's clothes and the sea below. .

"What a vibrant and rich blood!"

An instinct for blood emerged in Xiao Bai's heart, as if he could reach a higher level by absorbing Li Fei's blood. He immediately shook his head and dispelled this thought. Being close to Li Fei now was tantamount to courting death. After the blood floated over, he absorbed some of it.

As the round crystal of mental power appeared, the rotation speed of the first soul core accelerated again. To destroy this new guy who appeared to compete with him for territory, Li Fei could only focus more on the first soul core. Only the mind that can maintain the rotation of the mental power and soul core is left.

The continuous collision of the two forces caused Li Fei's Qi and blood to continue to flow backwards, and waves of unspeakable pain surged into his heart. However, under the constant state, these pains would not affect Li Fei's control of the two soul cores at all. .

The spiritual soul core continued to grow, and the expansion and collision of the two soul cores intensified again. Violent forces continued to tear apart Li Fei's body, and Qi and blood began to instinctively repair Li Fei's body.

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