"It's all thanks to your teachings, Brother Li Fei, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to create a first-order soul cannon so quickly!" Oscar said naively, patting his head and pretending to be humble.

"But don't be proud, kid. The knowledge of soul guidance devices in my hands is only deduced based on my incomplete knowledge of soul guidance devices. I can't make high-level soul guidance devices. If you really want to improve your combat effectiveness, you still have to improve your body. Work hard!" Li Fei said seriously.

Relying only on incomplete knowledge, Li Fei's ability to make seventh-level soul tools by himself is already his limit. To go up, he still needs more knowledge about soul tools.

His limit is a seventh-level soul master, let alone a food soul master like Oscar!

"I know that learning soul tools is only to make up for my attack methods. What I really major in is the cultivation of qi and blood!" Oscar looked serious.

That's right, Li Fei has handed over all the initial training on qi and blood to Oscar and others. At present, only Xiaohu has successfully sensed qi and blood and started to practice on qi and blood.

And all this can be regarded as Li Fei's experiment, and he began to speculate on the cultivation methods of Qi and blood. Xiaohu cannot represent other people. He is a body soul master with a heart martial soul. As his cultivation level increases, so does the Qi and blood hidden in his body. In enhancement, the first step is relatively easy.

Then there are Oscar and others. Once they have created the first step to understand Qi and blood, they can start to work on ordinary people's understanding of Qi and blood. Once those children without innate soul power have also succeeded, then Li Fei will start It's a god thing.

This is the most sincere thought that Li Fei has had in his heart since he came to this world. Since he has come to this world, he must live up to his journey and stand at the top of this world.

Since having Qi and blood, Li Fei has thought about gathering the power of faith by spreading Qi and blood martial arts to create a god status for himself.

The Noumenon Sect was also established partly to popularize Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

"Okay, while I'm here during this time, I'll guide you again!"


Oscar nodded and followed Li Fei to the training ground. Then he kept recalling Li Fei's teachings in his mind and began to stand and feel the flow of qi and blood in his body.

"Raise your arms a little higher, and carefully feel the power hidden in the blood and bones!"

Hearing this, Oscar raised his arms a little, closed his eyes and began to feel the power in his body. He was already able to enter deep sleep independently, but under Li Fei's perception, he was only one step away from success.

Oscar is still a bit young, so the cultivation of qi and blood should be done after the body has fully grown. Oscar is able to practice in advance because of his soul power.

brush! brush!

The pen quickly wrote down Oscar's status and movements in the notebook. His brain was working rapidly, constantly making adjustments, and then adjusting Oscar's movements to make the method of sensing Qi and blood more efficient.

"It seems that when we spread Qi and Blood Martial Arts in the future, we will also spread the word about deep sleep!"

I have also made up my mind. With the skills of deep sleep, it will become much easier to understand the qi and blood.

After Osco finished his training, Li Fei also returned to his bedroom and perfected his training methods.

In this way, Li Fei became an otaku in the Noumenon Sect. With the auxiliary training of Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Marrow, Li Fei's soul power was cultivated from level 75 to level 80 in less than a year. The blood soul ring was also condensed again, but the practice of seeing gods and being indestructible was still not completed.

However, the soul master's Qi and Blood cultivation method has been created. All the children in the Noumenon Sect have realized the existence of Qi and Blood. Huzi and Oscar have reached the realm of Ming Jin and successfully condensed the first Qi. Blood soul ring.

"With my current spirit and physique, only spirit beasts that are more than one hundred thousand years old are suitable for me. The situation in the Star Dou Forest is complicated. No matter the top ten ferocious beasts or Gu Yuena sleeping in the Lake of Life, it is impossible to watch them with open eyes. As I hunt the hundred thousand year soul beasts, the same is true in the far north, so my target can only be the two hundred thousand year soul beasts in the sea!"

This is not a complete Dou Yi. If you want to hunt a hundred thousand year soul beast in the forest, the Ditian Beasts will definitely not remain indifferent. The Evil Killer Whale King, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and the Dark Demon Evil God hunted by Li Fei Like tigers, they all practice through devouring. It can be said that humans hate others and beasts hate beasts.

Moreover, the Evil Demon Killer Whale King and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King are both cetacean soul beasts, and whale beads have long been formed in their brains. They are also rare treasures and are very useful in accelerating the improvement of spiritual practice.

"It's decided, it's the sea. First it will absorb the Evil Demonic Orca King, and then when it reaches level 90, it will absorb the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King!"

Li Fei also quickly made up his mind. Whether it was because of the spirit ring or the whale beads in the two whale kings, he didn't want to miss it. Since Tang San awakened his martial spirit, as time went by, the crisis in his heart The feeling becomes stronger and stronger, so he will not miss any treasure that can improve his cultivation.

But if you want to hunt the two soul beasts in the sea, you still have to be prepared.

Thinking of the treasure inherited from the Tiandou Empire, Li Fei no longer hesitated and walked towards the Tiandou Palace.

At this time, the Tiandou Empire was completely controlled by Qian Renxue. Even Ge Long had left the center of power and went home to retire. In order to protect Xue Beng, Xue Xing voluntarily resigned to guard the empire in the border city of the Tiandou Empire. frontier.

In the harem! There is no one here, only the maids sent by Wuhun Palace. The original Crown Princess has been upgraded to Queen. The only advantage is that she no longer has to correct the memorials as before, and has a lot of resources provided by Qian Renxue.

When she arrived at Qian Renxue's palace, where she was surrounded by her own people, she had long since returned to her original appearance and was arranging flowers leisurely.

"How come we, busy people like Li, are still in the mood to look at me as the emperor!"

Feeling the familiar soul power, Qian Renxue said in a strange tone.

Li Fei, who had just come in, felt a little embarrassed. During this period, he had not spared time to come over to see Qian Renxue because of his cultivation. This time, he still wanted to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

"I'm not going to break through the cultivation level now!" Li Fei stepped forward and hugged Qian Renxue, saying sarcastically.

"Hmph!" Qian Renxue turned her head away, and then said angrily: "Tell me! What is the purpose of coming here this time?!"

Qian Renxue understood Li Fei better than herself, and she could see Li Fei's little thoughts with just one glance!

"That?! The Heaven Dou Empire's Vast Sea Universe Cover is in your hands, right?" Li Fei asked sarcastically.

"Now, since you mentioned this treasure, I sent people to search for it as soon as I took over, and finally found it on Xue Ye's body! But what do you want with that?!" Qian Renxue said with some confusion.

She has also seen the Vast Sea Cosmic Shield, and can feel a vast power in it. Even she can't shake it, and there is no way to refine it!

Taking out the Vast Sea Universe Cover from the storage space, you will see a pyramid composed of blue crystals, emitting a faint blue light.

"My soul power has reached level 80, so I set this hunting target on the evil killer whale king in the sea!" Li Fei smiled, took the Vast Sea Universe Cover from Qian Renxue's hand, and continued, "This thing is Made by Poseidon, it is very useful in the sea, I need it!"

"Then do you want me to send someone to help?" Qian Renxue said with a worried look.

"No need, it's just the Evil Killer Whale King. With the Vast Sea Universe Shield, I can easily deal with it with my strength." Li Fei smiled confidently. He had already reached level 80, and his blood and soul rings had also condensed six In every aspect, it is twice as big as a year ago. Naturally, it is not afraid of a spirit beast that is less than 200,000 years old.

"Okay then! Be careful!" Qian Renxue nodded and asked Li Fei carefully to tidy up his clothes.

"Don't worry! I will definitely accompany you when you come back this time!"

"It's settled!" Qian Renxue smiled, and then whispered in Li Fei's ear: "Then I will wait for you in the palace!"

After refining the Vast Sea Universe Cover, Li Fei walked out of the palace.

After leaving the palace, Li Fei took out a cool motorcycle from his storage bracelet. The whole body was blue and there were two huge exhaust pipes at the tail. This was the soul he used to make the ice crystal this year. The guide core is made of a large amount of precious metals.

Li Fei named him Ice Ji Xuan Wu. The motorcycle was a level six soul guide, and its speed reached three times the speed of sound. Not only that, it would leave a dazzling line of ice crystals on the road it drove on.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

With the injection of soul power, the engine roared, and two blue flames spurted out from the exhaust pipe. They were very beautiful. Under the shocked eyes of passers-by, they rushed towards the direction of Hanhai City.

Li Fei, who already had Contra cultivation, could control a motorcycle at three times the speed of sound with ease. He could easily handle any terrain, and finding the right method would make it impossible for situations like traffic accidents to happen.


Feeling the strong wind blowing and looking at the scenes of continuous retreat around him, Li Fei shouted, injecting soul power even faster, and Bingji's speed reached the limit.

Enjoying the pleasure of riding and admiring the surrounding environment, Li Feicai spent three days arriving at Hanhai City.

Without stopping too much, Li Fei drove Bingji directly towards the sea. The moment the tires touched the water, an icy road appeared dragging Li Fei towards the sea.

"The soul guide made by the Ice Divine Crystal is indeed what I thought. It can also be ridden at high speed on the sea!"

This idea came from Qing Pheasant, so Li Feicai used the Ice Divine Crystal to create the core of the soul guide.

"The next step is to find the evil killer whale king!"

Choosing a direction at random, Li Fei moved forward at full speed. At the same time, he activated his soul sensing skill and used his mental perception to detect the soul power of those soul beasts that were more than 100,000 years old.

Navigation on the sea is very boring. Even if the ice speed is very fast, it is difficult for Li Fei to find the location of the Evil Killer Whale King in a short time in the boundless sea.

At this time, the sun was shining and the sea was calm. On a huge ice floe a hundred kilometers away from Poseidon Island, Li Fei was lying on a deck chair, with a parasol and a dining table filled with various foods next to him.

There is a fishing rod stuck on the ice floe, and the fish float on the distant sea surface rises and falls with the swing of the water waves.

"It's been half a month. Where is this evil killer whale king?"

Li Fei looked at the sky with some depression. After half a month, he finally felt a spirit beast that was more than 100,000 years old. He didn't expect it to be the demon spirit Great White Shark Xiaobai.


A huge figure of more than ten meters rushed out of the sea and transformed into a tall woman about 1.8 meters tall. There were some shark characteristics everywhere on her body. She turned around in the air and landed firmly on the ice.

"Xiao Bai, all my fish were scared away by you."

Li Fei didn't even open his eyes and said slightly complaining.

"Hey, since you, a human, don't want to inherit the position of Poseidon, then leave the waters of Poseidon Island as soon as possible."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes. This is the sea area guarded by the Demonic Great White Shark. There is no fish you can catch anywhere.

Pointing at Li Fei, he said angrily.

Yes, Li Fei is also qualified to inherit the position of Poseidon. When he came to Poseidon Island, he beat up Xiaobai. When he originally wanted to go to the island, the voice of Poseidon came in his mind, asking him if he wanted to inherit the position of Poseidon.

Li Fei, who successfully refined the Vast Sea Universe Shield, was also targeted by the Poseidon.

And Xiaobai also received a message from Poseidon, and he was no longer so resistant to Li Fei, a human being.

But when Li Fei refused to become Poseidon and even refused to enter Poseidon Island, Xiaobai became furious when he saw Li Fei.

"Xiao Bai, I won't leave until you tell me the location of the Evil Orca King."

Li Fei said a little rogue.

"I really don't know why Lord Poseidon insists on choosing someone like you to be his heir."

Xiao Bai looked at Li Fei angrily, but she couldn't understand why someone would give up the inheritance of the divine throne. If she had just taken it over, she would have taken it over.

"If you really don't want to tell me, that's fine. How about you become my eighth soul ring."

After saying that, Li Fei disappeared from the recliner, and appeared next to Xiao Bai in the next second. The platinum halberd had condensed, and the halberd blade was pressed between Xiao Bai's neck.

"What do you want to do? I am Lord Poseidon's mount. If you want to attack me, Lord Poseidon will definitely not let you go!"

Xiaobai suddenly broke into a cold sweat and said quickly with a frightened look on her face, fearing that Li Fei would chop her down with a halberd.

In order to prevent Li Fei from entering Poseidon Island, she was almost beaten to death by Li Fei with his fists. If Poseidon's divine thoughts hadn't suddenly transmitted a message, she would have been dead.

"Tell me the location of the Evil Killer Whale King and I will let you go, otherwise you should become my soul ring!"

Li Fei's voice contained no emotion, and a pure murderous intention burst out, as if he was going to kill Xiaobai in the next second.

"I'll just take you there! Don't kill me. Why would Lord Poseidon want to choose a ruthless person like you as his successor?"

Feeling Li Fei's killing intent, Xiaobai quickly agreed to attack, but he still couldn't help but complain, took a step forward and jumped into the sea, transforming into a twenty-meter-long great white shark.

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