Douluo: Awakening the original martial spirit at the beginning

Chapter 109 Hanquan and Qian Renxue condense soul cores

The bright sword light passed through Li Fei's body, bringing out blood and fragments of internal organs.

Li Fei's figure instantly froze, and he flew hundreds of meters backwards. His body hit the ground heavily, and there was no movement.

"My heart was crushed by the sword energy, I'm sure I'm dead now!" the Ice Emperor said proudly.

Emperor Xue looked at Li Fei breathlessly, with a rare hint of joy in his cold eyes.

"What a terrifying move! If it hadn't been for the activation of the immortal body, maybe I would have been really dead in that moment."

The fallen Li Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong and powerful voice sounded.


Li Fei's figure disappeared instantly, and the Ice Emperor's pincers were heavily imprinted on the earth. The earth cracked, and countless cracks swept away in all directions, forming a huge stone forest.

"How is it possible? His heart was penetrated, but he can still move at such a high speed."

The Ice Emperor looked at the figure in front of him with an expression of disbelief.

Li Fei's face was a little pale as he stood there, with a fist-sized hole in his chest. Where his heart originally was, a heart composed entirely of blood-colored energy appeared, beating powerfully.

On the surrounding blood vessels, circles of granulation grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, Li Fei's heart completed regeneration.

Seeing this, Snow Emperor also looked at Li Fei in disbelief.

"This is impossible. Isn't the human heart vital?"

How is it possible that a living being can survive with a broken heart?

Moreover, Li Fei's aura did not drop much. On the contrary, his soul power was almost completely consumed by the sword just now, and he could not fight for long at all.

It would be difficult to defeat the human being in front of him with the power of the Ice King alone.



There was a roar of a bear and a howl of an ape in the distance, and then two giant beasts were seen running from a distance, with wind and snow drifting in their path.

"Damn it, it's just been a while since I took Snow Emperor for a walk, and these two bulky guys have caught up with me!"

Li Fei's pale face became solemn. Whether it was the Ice Bear King or the Titan Snow Demon King, their strength was not comparable to that of ordinary titled Douluo. With four hundred thousand year soul beasts joining forces, even if he really couldn't die, he would still be killed. The four beasts are forever sealed in the ice.

"Snow Emperor, that's it for this time! I will come again when my strength grows!"

After saying hello to the Snow Emperor, Li Fei turned around and flew out of the far north. After experiencing so much, he was confident that the current Snow Emperor would not dare to take the soul beast to follow him to the human gathering place.

"Xiaobai! Snow Demon! No need to chase!"

Seeing the Ice Bear King and the Titan Snow Demon King trying to catch up, the Snow Emperor's cold voice sounded. The two beasts immediately stopped and roared at Li Fei's retreating back.

"Snow Emperor, what's going on with this human being?!" Ice Emperor flew to Snow Emperor's side with a solemn expression and asked in a deep voice.

"I actually don't know. The first time I met him, he broke into my palace and stole the ten thousand-year black ice marrow that I had collected over the years!" The Snow Emperor shook his head and said solemnly.

He didn’t say that his bed was also stolen!

"Ten thousand years of mysterious ice marrow?! In that case, you don't have it anymore, Snow Emperor!" The Ice Emperor clicked, and a smile appeared on the crystals of his jasper-like compound eyes.

"Yeah!" Snow Emperor was a little confused.

"That Snow Emperor, I still have some Ten Thousand Years of Mysterious Ice Essence there, do you want to come to my place to practice together?!" The Ice Emperor revealed his purpose with a hint of obsession in his eyes.

"All right!"

The Snow Emperor looked the Ice Emperor up and down, and finally nodded.

Dragon City! The city closest to the Far North on the entire continent is now under complete martial law. The inexplicable riots in the Far North have made people in the city panic. Everyone is worried about the emergence of the beast tide. Many soul hunting groups have lost their lives because of the rioting souls. The beast suffered a lot of casualties, and it was regarded as an unreasonable disaster.

In the Frost Hotel in the city, Li Fei sat cross-legged on the bed, using his energy, blood and soul power to heal himself. Under the Snow Emperor's sword, although he did not die because of his immortal body, there was still a lot of compressed energy left in his body. The ultimate ice hinders the recovery of injuries in the body, but fortunately it does not affect the display of strength.

"As expected of the Snow Emperor! The power of this sword is beyond imagination!"

He opened his mouth and let out a cold breath, which froze the bed curtain in front of him into an ice curtain. Li Fei couldn't help but sigh, thinking about it now, if it hadn't been for advance planning and good luck, he might not have been able to escape from the Snow Emperor.

The injury has been fully recovered, Li Fei put his mental power into the storage bracelet in his hand, and began to check the harvest in the far north.

"There are a total of fifteen thousand-year-old black ice marrow, and the three-meter-thick one alone is as large as the other fourteen in total. Not only that, the ten-thousand-year cold jade bed with an area of ​​​​30 meters can be said to be full of harvest. Full."

He took out the smallest one inside, with a diameter of ten centimeters and a length of one meter. He put his hand on it and began to meditate and refine it. With the streams of extremely pure ice attribute spiritual power, although it had a There was a chill, but it had no effect on Li Fei, who had already eaten the star anise ice grass.

Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Marrow is a kind of condensation of life energy. It is very suitable for ice and water attribute soul masters. It also has a lot of benefits for other attribute soul masters. However, Li Fei can transform the soul power in his body at will. Attributes, the benefits obtained are not much worse than those of ice attribute soul masters.

"Yes, the effect is much stronger than the original Chongming Bird Soul Power Crystal. Why don't you look for the cold spring in Dilongmen again!"

Half an hour later, the thousand-year black ice marrow under his hand had turned into a life energy and integrated into Li Fei's body. Feeling that cold life energy continued to improve his cultivation, Li Fei was very satisfied. .

Pushing open the window, he glanced at the sky outside and found that the sun had just set and it was still early. Li Fei opened the door and walked out, heading towards the largest tavern in Dragon City.

As the city closest to the Far North, people here are very fond of alcohol, and they all use high-quality liquor. They rely on the hot feeling brought by alcohol to warm their bodies.

After pushing the door open and entering, the smell of alcohol, sweat and rouge hit his face, making Li Fei frown. The environment in the tavern was very noisy, with people drinking and yelling everywhere. Voices, as well as many scantily clad women, constantly urge the narrator to keep drinking.

Li Fei didn't like the environment here, so he planned to leave after asking for clues.

When I came to the bar, I found a booth and sat down. I nodded on the table and said, "Waiter, have a glass of the most expensive wine here!"

"Okay, sir, please use it slowly!"

The waiter took out a bottle of wine with gorgeous packaging from the wine cabinet and slowly placed it in front of Li Fei.

"Boy, let me ask you if there are any cold springs in or near Dragon City. The surface temperature of the spring water is not very low, but the internal temperature is terrifyingly low!" He took out a dozen gold souls from the storage bracelet. He put the coins on the table, pushed them in front of the waiter, and asked.

"Hehe! Your Majesty, you have asked the right person. No one is more familiar with this Dragon City than me!!" The waiter held the gold coins on the table in his arms with a flattering look on his face: "There are five cold springs around this Dragon City, but There is nothing that meets your requirements, sir, but there is a special cold spring in the Luo family outside the city. I heard that it can also increase the speed of soul masters' cultivation, but no one has seen it! "

"It seems that's it!"

A smile flashed in Li Fei's eyes. In the original book, the mother and daughter of the Nan family in Longmen also drank the cold spring to speed up their cultivation. The effect was similar, so that's for sure. I didn't expect to be so lucky!

After finishing a bottle of wine in one gulp and throwing dozens of gold soul coins to the waiter, Li Fei turned and walked out of the tavern.

The Luo family outside Dragon City is the top family near Dragon City, and most of the information is basically transparent.

"Martial Soul Ice Wolf, the owner of the family Soul Power Luo Lin is an eighty-one level Contra, and he is considered a top force in this borderland!"

Li Fei smiled casually, and entered the Luo family like a ghost. Even the head of the family, Luo Lin, a Contra, could not feel Li Fei's presence.

With a slight sweep of his mental power, he discovered the cold spring in the backyard. There were four soul kings guarding the cold spring around it. He smiled disdainfully, and his mental power spread like ripples.

Then Li Fei walked towards Hanquan as if there was no one around, and the four soul kings also turned a blind eye, as if Li Fei didn't exist at all.

"Yes, it looks like this is it!"

Feeling the low temperature at the bottom of the spring that was comparable to the core area of ​​the Far North, Li Fei knew that he had made the right move. He jumped directly into the spring water without even a ripple in the spring water.

Li Fei quickly reached the bottom of the spring and turned around, entering a huge ice cave with a space of thirty meters. There were a large number of blue ice crystals around the ice cave, and there were dozens of blue icicles around it.

"Forty-five thousand-year-old black ice marrow, as well as a large number of ice crystals, we have indeed come to the right place!"

Received all the ice crystals into the storage bracelet. This is the best material for soul guidance. Li Fei did not want to miss it. As for the ten thousand year black ice marrow, he only collected 30 crystals and left fifteen. , hoping that the ice cave can give birth to more ten thousand-year black ice marrow in the future.

After cleaning up, Li Fei flew out of Hanquan without disturbing anyone, and then returned to Dragon City.

In the following time, Li Fei stayed in Dragon City for another half month to ensure that the Snow Emperor had no plans to launch a beast wave, then returned to Tiandou City and arrived at the palace with ease.

"What have you been doing during this time?!"

In the imperial study room, Qian Renxue asked curiously.

"Nothing?! I just went to the far north to find some things!"

After saying that, he took out 200,000-year-old black ice marrow from the storage bracelet and placed it on the table in front of him.

"This is?!" Qian Renxue was very confused when she felt a terrifying cold air coming.

"This is ten thousand years of black ice marrow. Although it is not very suitable for your attributes, the benefits it brings to you are also very huge. With these twenty thousand years of black ice marrow, I think you can successfully condense your soul." Nuclear shouldn’t be a problem!”

He stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of ten thousand year black ice marrow and handed it to Qian Renxue: "Try refining it!"

Qian Renxue nodded, and the seraph instantly possessed him, pulling the ten thousand years of black ice marrow to start refining. The whole body ignited with golden-red light, constantly absorbing the special life energy of the ten thousand years of black ice marrow.

Li Fei was not idle either. He took out the Ice Divine Crystal from the storage bracelet and started carving it. While waiting for Qian Renxue to condense the soul core, he was making the core of the soul guide.

The increase in wisdom brought by Dading made Li Fei deepen his understanding of the magic circle a lot, and he felt that he should be able to stably create sixth-level soul tools.

At this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together, and more than a dozen golden-red soul power ribbons appeared, continuously pouring into Qian Renxue's body. The thousand-year black ice marrow placed on Qian Renxue's leg had been completely integrated into his body. !

"The speed of absorbing soul power is increasing, it should be to condense the soul core!"

Realizing that Qian Renxue had reached a critical moment, he quickly placed the remaining nineteen ones around him, and used his mental power to capture the aura of heaven and earth in the entire palace, absorbing them all to help Qian Renxue condense his soul core. .

As time passed by, Qian Renxue's soul power shook and the tables and chairs around him were blown away.

"Is this the soul core that only Titled Douluo have?! Although the soul power has not increased, the speed of cultivation, the burst of soul power in an instant, and the recovery speed are all much faster than before." Qian Renxue stood up. He said with excitement, and then hugged Li Fei and kissed him hard.

"That's right, this is the way I thought of!" Li Fei was a little proud, then he hugged Qian Renxue and kissed her.

After leaving Qian Renxue, Li Fei returned to the Noumenon Sect, took out a ten thousand year black ice marrow, divided it into dozens of parts and gave them to Oscar and others for them to refine.

And Li Fei also started his own otaku life, spending his days not practicing, making soul guides, or going to the palace to accompany Qian Renxue.

At the same time, the knowledge of soul guides was also handed over to the people of the Noumenon Sect. Both Noumenon Soul Masters and Food Soul Masters were very suitable for soul guides.

As soon as Oscar and others have free time to practice, they will seize the time to learn and make soul guides, and relatively speaking, they have much less time to play.

In the Noumenon Sect's soul guide room, Oscar held a piece of iron essence in his hand and carefully carved it with a carving knife while stabilizing his soul power output.

As the last stroke fell, blue light shone from the spherical iron essence in his hand.

"Great! It worked!"

Oscar jumped up excitedly and stuffed the soul guidance core in his hand into the small soul guidance cannon that the narrator had already assembled.

Aiming at the narrator's target, inputting soul power, a blue light bullet was fired out, blowing the target to pieces.

"Congratulations, Xiao Ao has become a first-level soul engineer!"

Li Fei, who was in charge of teaching next to him, smiled and said that he saw Oscar's efforts. Just like in the original work, he also fell in love with Ning Rongrong. After Li Fei told him the rules of the Qibao Glazed Sect, he wanted to be a master with A food-type soul master whose combat ability is no less than that of the attack type, and the soul guide is his first step in choosing to survive the early stage.

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