"A creature that is completely condensed from the ice-attributed aura of heaven and earth?!"

Observing the snow girl's condition at close range, Li Fei couldn't help but sigh at the magic of nature when looking at her body made entirely of ice crystals.

But the movements of his hands were not slow at all. In less than a second, the surrounding ten thousand year black ice marrow was received into the storage ring. It seemed that he felt that the absorbed energy was reduced. The Snow Emperor's eyes were closed tightly on the cold jade bed. Start shaking.

"Oops, I'm about to wake up!"

Li Fei suddenly felt something bad, put his hand on the huge cold jade bed, immediately put it into the storage bracelet, and then quickly rushed out of the palace.


The Snow Emperor hit the ground hard, and he suddenly woke up. The next second, he jumped directly into the air. His cold face exuded endless chill, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent as he looked at the running figures in the distance.

"Humans! Damn humans!"

The roar of the Snow Emperor sounded, and the soul power representing the ultimate ice exploded instantly. Countless ice spikes sprouted from the corridors on both sides and shot towards Li Fei!

"Sure enough, this ice and snow palace is connected to the Snow Emperor's soul power. She can attack me through the palace. Fortunately, I was prepared!"

With a thought, the Dark Demonic Halberd appeared in Li Fei's hand. High concentration of fire-attributed soul power wrapped around the body of the halberd, making the demonic halberd dance like a windmill and blowing away all the ice cones.

"What a strong human being, with such a clever method, the fire attribute soul power is highly compressed to produce explosions and a trace of ultimate power to resist the erosion of my ice attribute soul power!"

Snow Emperor looked surprised. It was not that she had never seen a fire attribute soul master before, but there had never been a non-extreme soul master who could use soul power to break her own ultimate ice.

It should be said that there is no soul master who can compress soul power to the extent of Li Fei.

"Emperor Sword·Bingji Wushuang!"

Following the Snow Emperor's whisper, a dark blue long sword made entirely of ice crystals appeared in her hand. She waved it hard at Li Fei in the distance, and a blue sword energy shot out.

The speed of the sword energy is extremely fast, and the energy of the ultimate ice contained in it is far more than a hundred times that of previous casual attacks. Everything in its path is frozen, which shows its extraordinary power.

Feeling the sword energy behind him that contained endless cold energy, Li Fei turned around and swung out a halberd, and the high-concentration fire attribute slash went straight towards the sword energy.

The slash collided with the sword energy, and the slash was instantly frozen, turning into a giant crescent-shaped ice that fell to the ground and shattered, but it also slowed down the speed of the sword energy, allowing Li Fei to run out of the snow smoothly. The emperor's palace.

"Just leave the palace. Even if you are defeated by my strength, there is still no problem in escaping!"

Feeling the open environment around him, Li Fei was extremely excited. The space in the palace was too small and it was difficult to display his strength.

The Snow Emperor moved very quickly. As the transformation of ice and snow, she was the master in this far north. Her body turned into ice crystals, and she was in front of Li Fei in an instant.

"Fuck! Elementalization!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the Snow Emperor, Li Fei couldn't help but burst out with a national quintessence saying, why didn't he remember that the Snow Emperor had such an ability, the ability to transform into elements? In this far north, the Snow Emperor could go wherever he wanted. where? !

The evil suit instantly covers the whole body, and seven soul rings, four black and three red, appear instantly!

"The seventh soul skill: Immortal True Body!"

"The fifth soul skill: Holy Flame Transformation!"

The two soul skills exploded instantly, raising the state to the limit, and rushed towards the outer reaches of the Far North.

"Three hundred thousand year soul rings! How dare you?!"

When the Snow Emperor saw the 100,000-year-old soul rings radiating from the three soul rings, he immediately burst out with endless murderous intent. The soul power that was close to 700,000-year-old cultivation was fully activated, and strands of cold air spread instantly, and the entire A thick layer of ice instantly appeared in the core of the Far North.

"Emperor Han Tian·Xue Wu Yao Yang!"

The Snow Emperor turned around again and appeared in front of Li Fei. The domain belonging to the Snow Girl of Ice and Snow spread instantly, forming a huge world of ice and snow.

"Zhou Tian Domain!"

Feeling the extreme ice that was constantly drilling into his body, Li Fei immediately opened his own realm, turning it into a world of fire to confront the Snow Emperor's world of ice and snow!

"Emperor Sword·Bingji Wushuang!"

The Snow Emperor swung his sword several times in a row, and dozens of sword energy flew out from all directions, cutting the flame world in the Zhoutian domain into pieces.

"Red Tiger Roar!"

A cannon fist containing energy, blood and fire-attributed soul power was swung out, and the extremely compressed soul power and energy and blood exploded instantly, bringing a terrifying explosive power and scattering all the sword energy in front of him.

With the help of his backward explosive force, his body instantly opened the distance between him and the Snow Emperor, and continued to run wildly towards the far north. He did not use the moon step to fly from the air, but chose to use the terrifying explosive force of his legs to fly in The ground was running at full speed.

After all, Yuebu is borrowing power in the air, which is far less convenient than borrowing power on land. Although there are some obstacles from the woods, these are nothing in front of Li Fei's physical fitness and strength!

"Damn humans, don't run!"

Seeing Li Fei running over a thousand meters in the blink of an eye, the Snow Emperor roared angrily, turned into a ball of ice and snow, and chased after him.


Feeling a freezing beam coming from behind, Li Fei slid sideways and dodged. He was now on the outskirts of the Far North. This pursuit had been going on for three days.

Li Fei did not dare to take the Snow Emperor to a human city, so he could only take the Snow Emperor in circles outside the Far North, hoping that after the Snow Emperor's soul power was exhausted and he returned obediently, he could then leave the Far North.

Not only that, the Ice Emperor, Titan Snow Demon King and Ice Bear King Xiaobai also followed behind the Snow Emperor, but at the same speed as the Snow Emperor and Li Fei, they were left far behind.

And Li Fei used his piercing eyes and perceptive soul skills to not give the three beasts any chance to intercept them in a shortcut.

At this time, a scorpion about 1.5 meters in size appeared in the distance. It had two colors on its body, one was the color of ice and the other was green. It waved its pincers and turned into a stream of blue light and rushed towards Li Fei.

"Claw of the Ice Emperor!"

The pincers were instantly covered with ice crystals like diamonds, and the claws, wrapped in endless cold air, hit Li Fei.

"Sure enough, the worst happened. The Ice Emperor closest to me finally caught up!"

Li Fei was not surprised by the appearance of Ice Emperor. As a lesbian who likes Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor is crazy in love!

He highly compressed the two types of soul power, the sacred and fire attributes, together with his energy and blood, on the surface of the evil suit. He crossed his hands in front of his chest and blocked the Ice Emperor's blow.

The moment the ice claw hit Li Fei's arm, a burst of cold air instantly froze the demon suit's arms. The next second, the Snow Emperor also appeared in front of Li Fei. Taking advantage of the moment when Li Fei was frozen, he The palms were clapped out.

"Emperor's Palm: Great Cold without Snow!"

The jade hand of the Snow Emperor directly printed on Li Fei's chest, and the soul skill containing the ultimate ice blasted through Li Fei's body through the evil suit.

Li Fei instantly felt a terrifying cold air erupting from his chest, and his whole body felt frozen to the bone, like an ice sculpture.

"Snow Emperor, let me crush him with one pincer!"

The Ice Emperor looked at Li Fei who was already wrapped in frost. He thought that Li Fei had been completely frozen and every cell in his body was frozen hard. He waved his pincers and prepared to smash Li Fei with a punch.

"It is indeed the ultimate ice. If I hadn't taken the Star Anise Ice Grass, I might have really died!"

Li Fei's voice suddenly sounded, "Crack!" The sound of breaking ice crystals sounded instantly, and a red-gold flame instantly wrapped around his body, melting the ice and frost around him. Then, he immediately swung out two fists, sending the Ice and Snow Emperor flying away. meters away.

Just at that moment, Li Fei was almost frozen to death by the ultimate ice. Fortunately, the medicinal power of the eight anise ice grass was still left, and his mental power could only feel a dead silence. There were no thoughts in his mind, and all he had was the pure idea of ​​survival. It was this purity of thought that allowed Li Fei to break through from small stamina to great stamina. He once again tapped into his body's potential, and was able to break through the Snow Emperor's ultimate ice.

"The breakthrough in realm allows me to perfectly integrate the power of three attributes. I just want to practice with the two of them!"

With a red-gold flame burning in his hand, Li Fei showed a confident smile. This flame was a perfect fusion of the soul power of the two attributes of sacredness and fire plus the power of blood. In terms of power, it was no worse than the ultimate fire.

"What's going on?! Why is this human not dead, and his strength has improved a lot!" The Snow Emperor stabilized his figure in the air and looked at Li Fei in disbelief.

The Ice Emperor was a bit unbearable. Her strength was equivalent to that of a human Super Douluo, but she was far from the level of the Snow Emperor. She was hit by Li Fei's explosive punch after breaking through, and her entire head was still dizzy. Almost.


Li Fei took a deep breath, and all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of 10,000 meters turned into energy storms and surged towards Li Fei's body, beginning to restore the consumed soul power.

After reaching the realm of great concentration, Li Fei's mental power increased again, and he captured the aura of heaven and earth more accurately, so he could achieve such a violent process of absorbing aura.

"No, we can't let him recover, otherwise the Ice Emperor and I will be in danger!"

Snow Emperor's expression changed drastically. The three days of pursuit had consumed a lot of her soul power, and the strength she could exert was much weaker than in her prime.

So he immediately wanted to use Ice Sky Snow Girl's ability to control the ice aura to seize the aura from Li Fei, but found that he couldn't get it at all!

"How can it be?!"

She is the elemental spirit of ice and snow, and she can't compete with a human for the aura of ice and snow.

The ice crystal sword appeared in his hand again, and the three special skills continued to flow out of the imperial sword, and azure blue sword energy continued to fly out.

Wrapping the red-gold flame around the halberd body, Li Fei swept with all his strength, and a 100-meter-long flame slash appeared, canceling out all the ice attribute sword energy.

"I didn't expect that the perfect fusion of power without attributes is no worse than the ultimate attribute!"

Li Fei was ecstatic. He didn't expect that the fusion of just two attributes of soul power and energy and blood could rival the Snow Emperor's Ultimate Ice. You must know that the Snow Emperor's Ultimate Ice and the Ice Emperor's Ultimate Ice are completely at two levels. In terms of strength, the current Ice Emperor can't compare to the Snow Emperor.

If he could fuse more, the power would be unimaginable. You must know that his distraction control has now reached the level of Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, and he can mobilize seven attribute abilities at the same time. I don't know if he can fuse more attributes.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of 10,000 meters has been completely absorbed by Li Fei, and his soul power has been fully restored, and has even broken through one level, reaching level 75.

With a wave of the magic halberd in his hand, Li Fei's body turned into a bloody stream and rushed towards the Snow Emperor. His soul power, energy and blood poured into the magic halberd in his hand crazily, with a simple stab and sweep.

But this simple trick became invisible and infinitely powerful under Li Fei's ghostly movement.

Snow Emperor's face was solemn, and he swung the ice crystal sword in his hand to fight with Li Fei. After all, Snow Emperor's cultivation level was much stronger than Li Fei's, and the gap was unimaginable.

No matter how powerful Li Fei's instant burst of power was, he could only barely tie with Snow Emperor. You must know that Snow Emperor is not at his peak now, and his strength is only about 60% of what he was at his peak.

The swords and halberds kept colliding, the red-gold flames and the ultimate ice kept colliding. The violent abilities caused a violent energy storm to form around the two of them.

"Snow Emperor, let me help you!"

The Ice Emperor had regained consciousness and instantly transformed into a green stream of light and rushed forward. Together with the Snow Emperor, he launched an attack on Li Fei.

"Platinum Halberd!"

The soul power of the three attributes of sacredness, gold and strength merged into sharp energy, and instantly turned into a platinum-gold halberd that appeared in Li Fei's hands. He held one halberd in each hand, and two halberds. The dancing tiger was in the wind, and slashes and flames struck the two emperors crazily.

"Is this really just a Soul Saint-level human?!" the Ice Emperor said in disbelief. Although Li Fei was at a disadvantage, he actually blocked the attacks of the two emperors.

"No matter what! We must keep him today!" The Snow Emperor's icy face seemed to become even colder, and icy murderous intent burst out. The ultimate ice in the emperor's sword in his hand was compressed and condensed, constantly increasing the power of his moves.

At this time, Li Fei had completely entered a state of concentration, with only the pure desire to fight left in his heart, and he kept walking deeper into the concentration.

It is precisely because of this that both his strength and moves are steadily growing, and his speed is even faster. The power of platinum slashes and red-gold flames blasts towards the two emperors from all directions.

Not only that, the Qi and blood also affected the surrounding air at this time and turned into streams of Gang Qi, which continued to spread to the surroundings with Li Fei as the center.

"The Wrath of the Ice King!"

The Ice Emperor's body exploded with extreme ice, turning into two huge pairs of fists and putting them on his pincers. The two large pincers turned into countless afterimages and blasted towards Li Fei. Countless extreme ice turned into ice and snow storms and swept out. .

The ice and snow storm collided with the Gang Qi, quickly freezing the Gang Qi into ice crystals, and then the new Gang Qi tore the ice crystals into pieces, and was drawn back into Gang Qi by the blood.

Not to be outdone, the Snow Emperor aimed at the flaw at the moment when the Gang Qi was frozen into ice crystals, thrust out with a sword, and the highly compressed extreme ice turned into a dark blue stream of light that penetrated the Gang Qi and shot towards Li Fei.

This sword was extremely bright, as if there was only this blue light left in the world, and it penetrated directly through Li Fei's chest at an unimaginable speed.

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