Seeing Lan Ran's infatuated look, Li Fei let go of his hand.


Lan Ran hit the snow hard, and the slight pain made her wake up. Then she lowered her head shyly and covered her face with her hands.

It's so embarrassing that he showed such an expression before Li Fei.

But what’s more in your heart is anger. You actually dislike a beautiful woman who is so beautiful and beautiful for you to hold. Are you a man?

"Silly woman, are you mentally ill? A Soul King actually brought a child to the inner region of the Far North. Are you looking for death?"

Li Fei lightly kicked Lan Ran on the ground and said angrily.

"It's not because of you!" Hearing this, Lan Ran jumped up immediately, pointed at Li Fei and said angrily.

"What does it have to do with me?" Li Fei suddenly looked confused.

"If it weren't for the advice you gave me before, I would have taken Bing'er to hunt ice bears with powerful freezing abilities! Who knew that as soon as I met a suitable one, I would be chased by those ice bears."

Lan Ran said with lingering fear.

Li Fei was speechless. Even so, that's not why you came to the inner area with a child alone!

"Sister Lan, who is this handsome guy?"

At this time, the little blue-haired girl also ran back and asked curiously. She saw the interaction between the two just now and knew that the two knew each other.

"Bing'er, this is Li Fei, the person I told you about."

"So you are the Li Fei that Sister Lan was talking about! The strongest genius in the mainland, my name is Shui Bing'er. Thank you for saving us!"

Upon hearing Lan Ran's introduction, Shui Bing'er showed a look of surprise, stretched out her hand to Li Fei, and said with a smile.

"It turns out he is the captain of Tianshui in the future!" Li Fei was a little surprised. He shook Shui Bing'er's little hand and said with a smile, "You're welcome!"

"By the way, Li Fei, what are you doing in the far north?" Lan Ran asked curiously.

"I'm going to the core area to find some ice-attribute materials."

"Are you anxious?"

"Not in a hurry!"

"That's great, can you help us hunt the soul beast?!" Lan Ran said happily.

"Okay! What is your target soul beast?" Li Fei nodded. He was not in a hurry anyway, so he could just help.

"Bing'er's martial spirit is the top beast martial spirit Ice Phoenix. According to your previous theory, I chose the ice bear, black ice bird, ice tiger, snow demon ape and ice jade scorpion for her. "

Good guy, this is a list of the top ethnic groups in the Far North!

I really don’t know what to say.

Li Fei glanced at Lan Ran with some admiration, and then said: "Since it is an ice phoenix or ice jade scorpion, let's just use the ice bear!"

The reason why he gave up the Ice Jade Scorpion was not because Li Fei was afraid of the Ice Emperor, but because the Ice Jade Scorpion was not suitable for the Ice Phoenix Spirit.

If the Ice Phoenix Spirit is always attached to a pure ice attribute spirit beast, there is a high probability that it can be upgraded to the ultimate ice.

Although the Ice Jade Scorpion and the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion are the same species, their attributes are different. The former has two attributes: ice and poison, while the latter is also pure extreme ice. There is no comparison at all.

"Okay, thank you brother Li Fei!" Shui Bing'er smiled.

Li Fei led the two of them and chased him in the direction the ice bear had left.

Under Li Fei's super perception, the traces of the ice bear were nowhere to be seen.

In less than half an hour, the three of them caught up with the Ice Bear team.

"There are more than fifty ice bears. This group is not small!"

After roughly estimating the number of ice bears, four of them were over 20 meters tall, each of which was comparable to a peak Contra among humans. Li Fei suddenly felt that things were difficult to handle.

Such a huge group was most likely led by the Ice Bear King himself. He was a little afraid that during the fight with Xiaobai, he would attract the Snow Emperor, the co-owner of the Far North.

"Li Fei, why don't we leave?" Lan Ran said with a trembling voice as he looked at the four giant white bears that exuded a terrifying aura.

She really didn't expect that the child she wanted to hunt at the beginning was a child of such a terrifying tribe. She really didn't know how she died.

Shui Bing'er also nodded.

"Okay, let's go! Let's go see other places!"

Li Fei nodded, turned and walked in the other direction with the two of them.

After searching for nearly another day, they arrived at the core area closer to the far north. Lan Ran and Shui Bing'er were already extremely cold, and their bodies were covered with frost.

This shocked the two of them. They had an ice crystal martial spirit and an ice phoenix martial spirit. They had extremely strong tolerance to ice, but now they were extremely cold.

Fortunately, he found a Xuan Bingniao suitable for Shui Bing'er's age. Li Fei stretched out his hand and took a photo of the three-meter Xuan Bingniao, and then knocked him out with a slap.

"Absorb it! The Black Ice Bird contains the blood of the Ice Phoenix, and the bonus it brings you is no weaker than that of the Ice Bear."

Shui Bing'er nodded, and the Ice Phoenix Spirit instantly possessed him, condensing an ice sword and ending Xuan Ice Bird's life.

Then it started to be absorbed, and it took a full three hours to be completely absorbed.

"The second soul skill: Frozen Wind!"

A pair of phoenix wings appeared behind Shui Bing'er. With a slight flap, a storm of cold air appeared and swept away into the distance.

Unfortunately, in this ice and snow, there is no effect at all, it can only roll up snow on the ground.

"It's not bad. The temperature is only five degrees higher than here. Ordinary soul masters simply can't bear the cold."

Li Fei nodded and praised, you must know that this is the core area close to the extreme north, and the temperature is close to the extreme ice.

Shui Bing'er is also very satisfied. This move not only has amazing field control ability, but also has very good attack power.


At this time, a huge roar suddenly came from the distance, followed by a shock wave mixed with cold air.

Li Fei came to the front of the two women in an instant and stretched out his hand to block the shock wave. The overflowing shock wave directly scraped off a layer of the ground on both sides, exposing the frozen soil below.

"Such a powerful force, what happened in the core area?" Lan Ran and Shui Bing'er looked at the place where the impact broke out with disbelief, only to see two huge figures constantly colliding.

Waves of impact swept over one after another, and Li Fei's soul force stirred up to form a huge protective shield, protecting the two people behind him.

At the same time, he used his Fiery Eyes and Golden Eyes to see a pure white gorilla that was fifty meters tall. His muscles were like cast iron, and there were two spikes made of ice on his shoulders, constantly exuding a terrifying cold air.

The remaining one fighting it was also not weak. It was a huge white bear with a body height of more than 40 meters. Even though it was smaller in size, its power and strength were not bad at all.

"This is the Titan Snow Demon King and the Ice Bear King. Why are they fighting?"

Li Fei was full of shock and doubt. He knew that the two of them disliked each other, but with the existence of the Snow Emperor, the two of them would collide with each other a few times at most. How could they fight so fiercely now? Every soul beast in the core area shivered. Trembling, running away frantically.

With such doubts, Li Fei used his fiery eyes to observe his surroundings.

"What kind of terrifying ice is this?! It can even freeze soul power."

Just when Li Fei was looking for the reason for the fight between the two beasts, Lan Ran let out a cry of surprise. It turned out that the protective shield held up by Li Fei had been frozen into an ice shield, and the thickness was getting thicker and thicker.

"This is the power of ice I told you about at the beginning - the ultimate ice. It is a terrifying power that can even freeze the soul. The two soul beasts fighting in the distance both have this power, so the ultimate ice Bing's soul power spreads to here five thousand meters away," Li Fei explained with a solemn face.

But his eyes always lingered near the battlefield. Soon, a huge icicle with a diameter of more than three meters and a height of ten meters attracted Li Fei's attention a hundred meters away from the Titan Snow Demon.

Under the sharp eyes, Li Fei saw that the icicle was filled with a blue jelly-like substance similar to bone marrow, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This is ten thousand years of black ice marrow, and it's so big! No wonder the two of them would fight?"

Such a large piece of ten-thousand-year black ice marrow is enough to improve the foundation of the two beasts, saving decades of training time, and making it possible to survive the 200,000-year catastrophe with confidence.

He immediately began to figure out how to get this ten thousand year black ice marrow.

After hearing Li Fei's words, Lan Ran and Shui Bing'er next to them looked at the two beasts fighting each other in the distance through the ice cover, looking at the cold air that was frozen together with the ice and snow.

Wherever the cold air passes, only countless beautiful ice crystals are left, shining with colorful flashes in the sunlight.

"It's too dangerous here, I'll send you two away!"

After saying that, regardless of the objections of the two women, he directly picked them up one by one and flew towards the outer reaches of the Far North with his feet on the moon.

Now he just wants to send these two oil bottles away so that he can go back and steal the huge ten thousand year old black ice marrow.

Li Fei was flying in the air at full speed, even using the power of his blood. His speed was close to Mach 2, and he reached the safe area outside the Far North in less than ten minutes.

"You two go back the rest of the way, and I'll go ahead if I have something else to do."

After giving instructions, he turned around and flew towards the core area of ​​the Far North.

Only the two women were left looking at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

By the time Li Fei returned to his previous position, the battle between the two giant beasts was over and should have been over.

At this time, the two beasts, the Titan Snow Demon King and the Ice Bear King, were kneeling together, looking at the three-meter-tall figure flying above them with aggrieved expressions. The Ice Bear King in particular looked like a child who had made a mistake. Accept your mother's punishment honestly.

The figure has a human appearance, with long white hair hanging down from the back of the head to the feet, and pure white eyes that seem to be able to see through everything in the world. Her body, as pale as snow, was slender and perfect, making her look so noble and stunning.

From a distance, she looked like a peerless beauty, but when she got closer, she saw a soul beast that looked like a snow demon. Although it was stunning, the coldness emanating from those eyes could freeze everything in the world.

"This is the state of the Snow Emperor and Ice Sky Snow Girl. It's really terrifying!"

Li Fei immediately understood that the snow demon-like soul beast was the Snow Emperor, the elf of this far north land.

The Snow Emperor looked at the two beasts with cold eyes for a while, waved his hand slightly, and the huge ten thousand year black ice marrow in the distance floated up, following the Snow Emperor towards the core area.

After the Snow Emperor left, the two beasts roared at each other, cursed and walked towards their respective territories.

Such a large piece of ten-thousand-year-old black ice marrow could save a lot of cultivation time. Li Fei didn't want to miss it, so he quickly followed the Snow Emperor secretly.

The deeper he went, the lower the temperature became. In the end, Li Fei even felt that he had exceeded the scope of extreme ice and was approaching absolute zero.

"If it weren't for my special martial spirit and the power of my blood, I might not be able to move here."

He took a breath of cold air, but before it completely entered the body, the coldness was offset by the fire attribute soul power and blood, and only pure oxygen was absorbed to activate his body.

At this time, Li Fei was very careful and even suppressed his mental fluctuations to a minimum.

The core area of ​​the Far North is not much safer than the Star Dou Forest. He vaguely remembers that there is a giant dragon here with the blood of the Ice Dragon King. His cultivation has reached more than 900,000 years, which is equivalent to the existence of a Ultimate Douluo. .

As you go deeper, you will see a palace made of ice and snow. The Snow Emperor directly entered with the ten thousand year black ice marrow.

Li Fei used the power of his fiery eyes to observe the surroundings and found that there was no living creature, and there was no one else inside the palace except the Snow Emperor.

"There are so many thousand-year-old black ice marrow. This Snow Emperor is really extravagant to cultivate!"

Although he was worried about being discovered by the Snow Emperor, Li Fei did not focus on the Snow Emperor. Instead, he focused on observing the situation in the palace through perspective and found that there were five or six thousand-year-old black ice marrow in the place where the Snow Emperor practiced. Not as huge as the one just now, but a considerable amount is also a considerable fortune.

Not only that, Li Fei discovered that the bed where the Snow Emperor rested was a huge piece of ten thousand-year cold jade. Thinking of the effect of the cold jade bed in the divine sculpture, he was moved again.

But now that the Snow Emperor is in the palace, he can't touch it now. He can only wait for the Snow Emperor to leave.

While waiting for this opportunity, Li Fei did not intend to waste it. He began to reduce the flow of fire attribute soul power in his body and slowly allowed his body to adapt to this environment.

After entering a state of trance, I constantly adjusted my breathing state to allow my body to adapt to the cold air in the air. Every time I inhaled, I exhaled the cold air from my mouth, allowing only oxygen to enter the lungs to prevent the lungs from being frozen.

Three months passed in a flash, and Li Fei looked at the palace in the distance with some despair. It wasn't that he was impatient, but that the Snow Emperor hadn't even moved his body for three months. He was more of a homebody than a homebody. Female!

"Why don't you just move! I have already adapted to this cold environment. Even the mark of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has been removed, and yet you are still sleeping there!"

"Otherwise, I'll touch it directly!"

He did what he said, and with his soul and spirit completely contained within his body, Li Fei walked towards the Ice and Snow Palace. The daily observations for the past three months had made him very familiar with this place, and he walked towards the Snow Emperor with ease. A place to practice.

There were no doors in the palace, and it was open in all directions. Li Fei quickly arrived at his destination.

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