Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 152 Returning to the Ancient World, Xun'er's Change!

"This person is so strong, and he is still very young. I don't know which force he is a genius from!"

"Looking at his appearance, he must have reached the level of a high-level Dou Zun!"

"What kind of strange fire is he releasing? Why have I never heard of it?"

When Gu Fei sacrificed the strange fire to refine the remaining thoughts in the bones of the Fighting Saint, some of the treasure hunters noticed this and were extremely shocked.

Although the place became extremely chaotic, no one dared to approach Gu Fei.

After all, we are not fools. We are here to seek treasures, not so blind as to risk our lives.


After a few breaths, Gu Fei finally destroyed a ray of thought in the Dou Sheng's bones.

The skeleton left by the Fighting Saint was taken into the Najie by him without any hindrance.

After taking down the bones, Gu Fei ignored the other people in the hall and walked out leisurely to join the Little Medical Fairy and others.

"Brother Gu Fei, why didn't you take any of those treasures and instead took the corpse?"

Zi Yan had been watching the situation in the hall and asked in surprise.

"This corpse is a valuable treasure. When it is refined, I will reward you with more!"

"Bah, bah... I don't eat corpses!"

"Sister Little Medical Fairy, look, Brother Gu Fei actually wants me to eat that thing!"

Zi Yan thought that Gu Fei wanted her to chew the bones, which were the bones of people who had died for many years, so her scalp became numb and she hid.

"Haha... let's go, there's nothing good to get here!"

Seeing Zi Yan's fear, Gu Fei smiled and then led everyone away from the ancient ruins.

The edge of beast territory.

In a cave.

Gu Fei took out the bones he had obtained earlier. This thing did not have the rough feeling of bones at all. Instead, it felt like the most perfect jade, smooth and warm, giving people an extremely wonderful touch.

"Ah, Brother Gu Fei, you don't really want to..." Seeing this scene, Zi Yan hid behind the little medical fairy again.

"Zi Yan, little friend Gu Fei will not let you eat bones... This is a strong fighting saint. Even if there is only a corpse, the energy contained in it is quite extraordinary. Little friend Gu Fei should refine it. Essence energy..."

Elder Zhuli explained with a smile beside Zi Yan.

"Elder Zhuli is right!"

"Little Medical Fairy, please take Xianle away from me!"

Gu Fei gave an instruction, and then began to refine the strange fire and cover it on the corpse.

In the cave, as Gu Fei refined the strange fire, the temperature soared, and even the air quickly became dry.

The strange fire continued to burn the corpse, and the bones gradually turned into a jade-white color, like a piece of beautiful jade.

Later, the jade-white color of the ribs slowly faded and was replaced by a deep dark golden color.

Gu Fei understood that this thing was the most critical step in practicing the Heavenly Fortune Palm.


The next moment, Gu Fei stretched out his fingers and inserted them into the liquid.

Accidents suddenly arise.

The liquid suddenly began to squirm violently, then wrapped tightly around Gu Fei's fingers, instantly wrapping his palm.


The dark golden liquid wrapped the entire right palm, and a feeling of pain came. Under the dark golden liquid, Gu Fei's palm squirmed strangely, and there was even a faint sound of bones squeezing.


"Brother Gu Fei!"

Seeing this scene, Cai'er, Qinglin and others were very panicked, worried that something might happen to Gu Fei.

"It's fine!"

Gu Fei squeezed out a smile.

The strength of his physical body is comparable to the ancient dragon and phoenix in the late eighth level of this world, and no worse than Elder Zhuli who has a semi-sage cultivation level. He can still withstand such tempering intensity.

Not long after, the severe pain stopped, and the dark golden liquid, like a tide, poured into his hands and disappeared quickly.

And then, Gu Fei's consciousness entered a strange space.

Somewhere in this void space, there was a figure standing with hands behind his back.

Gu Fei knew clearly that this was a memory fragment left by the Saint of Creation in his fighting skills.

"The Great Heaven's Fortune Palm, a low-level fighting skill at the heaven level, was created by me integrating the fighting skills of hundreds of schools of thought throughout my life. This palm technique pays attention to the meaning of creation, breaking the sky with my palm and crushing all things with my strength."

The figure spoke a plain language that sounded like a self-narration.

"The person who can get the secret hidden in my bones is considered a destined person. Remember, the Great Heavenly Creation Palm must be used with a tempered palm before it can be successfully used. Otherwise, it will be counterattacked!"

As the plain voice slowly sounded, the figure suddenly erupted with a faint fluorescence, and its body actually became transparent, revealing extremely clear meridians within it, and in those meridians, a trace of dark golden energy flew rapidly. shuttle.

"This is the meridian route for practicing the Heavenly Creation Palm!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei quickly concentrated his mind and firmly remembered the movement route of the energy in the figure in his mind.

And as those meridians faded away, the light on the figure's body dissipated again, and the dark golden light on his palm suddenly became strong, and then he swung out his palm fiercely, falling heavily on the void. .


As soon as the palm fell, a terrifying energy swept out like a storm, and a huge black circle of light took shape again under the palm of the figure.

The aperture took shape, and then spread out like lightning, and the surrounding space collapsed like glass that had been forcibly broken.

"It is worthy of being created by integrating hundreds of fighting skills. This kind of palm technique is top-notch among the beginners of the heaven level!" After mastering the Great Fortune Palm, Gu Fei couldn't help but feel for the ancient fighting saint who created this fighting technique. Some admiration.

His consciousness also returned to reality as the figure dissipated. After the scene just now, it seemed that several extremely secret small meridians had been developed in his palm.

These meridians are connected to each other like a strange cycle, which is particularly magical.

"It seems that little friend Gu Fei has obtained some inheritance from these bones! Congratulations!"

Elder Zhuli saw the secret and congratulated with a smile. At the same time, Elder Zhuli also admired Gu Fei's extensive knowledge.

Even he had not been able to discover the secret hidden in the bones before.

"It's just a basic heaven-level fighting skill, it's just so-so!"

Gu Fei was not very excited. After all, he was from an ancient clan, and his heaven-level fighting skills were not too precious to him. Now he just had one more way to fight against the enemy.

Next, Gu Fei led everyone out of the beast realm and began to return to the ancient world.

One month later, everyone returned to the ancient world again, but this time, there was one more person, Zhu Li, the third elder of Donglong Island, also followed.

"It's truly worthy of being in the ancient world!"

On a black warship, Elder Zhuli couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Because it was his first time in the ancient world, even with his knowledge, he couldn't help but admire it.

"Brother Gu Fei, you are finally back!"

From the mountains outside the warship, an ethereal voice suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, in the sky of the mountains ahead, a graceful figure stepped on the clouds, her skirt fluttering, like a fairy in the clouds, coming with a kind of mistiness, stepping on the clouds, and finally suspended in the warship where Gu Fei and his party were. outside.

At this time, Xun'er seemed to have changed a lot from before. Every frown and smile was filled with confidence and no sense of humility.

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