Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 153 Xun'er: If I hadn't divorced, I would have had a child!

In the sky, Xun'er stepped on the clouds, which not only showed her beauty, but also told everyone that she was now a genuine Dou Zong strongman.

Now, her face was full of the confidence and etherealness before she married Gu Fei.

Below, many young people of the ancient clan were attracted by Xun'er's beautiful face and extraordinary temperament.

On the black warship, the others were briefly silent because of Xun'er's appearance.

"Brother Gu Fei's ex-wife seems to be a little different from before!"

"This woman's cultivation progress is quite fast. She was the same as me before. It's only been a year, and she has reached Dou Zong..."

"The daughter of the ancient clan, this cultivation talent is really good. No wonder my husband married her before... However, she has that kind of estrangement with my husband. I'm afraid there is no chance to get my husband's love again!"

Xiao Yixian, Zi Yan, Cai'er and others didn't speak, but they had a lot of psychological activities.

The temperament Xun'er showed now did evoke some memories of Gu Fei.

However, that's all.

"Daddy, are we there yet?"

Suddenly, a childish voice broke the brief silence.

Xianle, who was sleeping in the arms of the little doctor fairy, woke up after hearing Xun'er's voice and rubbed her eyes with her little hands.

"Xianle is awake, come, let daddy hold you!"

"We are almost home!"

Gu Fei took the child from the little doctor fairy with a smile. His attention was all attracted by the little Xianle, and he didn't look at Xun'er again.

"Great... Rabbit, we are home!"

Xianle waved happily, and the furry Dan beast also jumped over very sensibly and rubbed the little guy with his head.

"Is this his child? It's pretty cute..." Xun'er, who was ignored by Gu Fei, kept her eyes on the little guy.

Looking at the cute appearance of the little guy, she subconsciously smiled, but soon, bitterness gradually rose in her heart.

"If I hadn't separated from Brother Gu Fei, would I have such a cute child now..."

Xun'er fell into memories.

Gu Fei and his party got off the warship and headed directly towards the small mountain.

After a while, Xun'er looked at Gu Fei's departing back, and the dejection on her face subsided again.

"As long as I persist, Brother Gu Fei will accept me again one day... At least, I can feel that the look in her eyes when she looked at me just now is not as disgusting as before!"


On Gu Fei's small mountain.

"Sister Zi Yan, Rabbit, wait for me!"

As soon as Gu Fei and his party returned to the mountain, Xiao Xianle planned to walk around on her own, and then chased and played with the Dan beast.

The strange thing is that Zi Yan, who is so old, actually mixed with the two little guys.

"It's time to extract the Dou Sheng bone marrow!"

Gu Fei, on his side, took out the Dou Sheng skeleton again not long after returning.

Then, the strange fire was sacrificed and the raging fire tightly covered the corpse.

After burning for two hours, the corpse gradually turned gray. Gu Fei reached his palm into the flame and then lightly tapped his finger.


After the finger touched the gray skeleton, there was a "puff" sound, and the skeleton softened and turned into a piece of gray ashes.

After all the ashes fell, ten drops of milky white gelatinous substances about the size of thumbs floated in front of Gu Fei's eyes.

These ten gelatinous substances were very small in size, and there was a layer of gelatinous substance on their surface. Through the gelatin, one could faintly see the liquid flowing in it, and a huge amount of energy quietly seeped out.

Next, Gu Fei took out a jade bottle from the ring, put nine Dou Sheng bone marrow gelatinous particles into it, and then picked up the last one with his fingers and put it into his mouth without hesitation.

As soon as the gelatinous particles entered his mouth, they melted almost instantly, and then a pure energy poured down Gu Fei's throat and flowed to Gu Fei's limbs and bones.

With such a huge amount of energy pouring in, Gu Fei immediately began to practice the technique to refine it.

An hour later, Gu Fei finally digested the bone marrow energy completely. His cultivation improved a little, and he seemed to be closer to the nine-star Dou Zun.

A bone marrow gelatin particle is comparable to an eighth-grade elixir that can improve cultivation, and the side effects are much smaller than elixirs.

"Elder Zhuli, go and call Zi Yan over!" Next, Gu Fei did not continue to refine Dou Sheng bone marrow. This thing was no longer useful to him, but it was a magical medicine for low-level Dou Zun and below Dou Zun.

In the original book, Brother Lucky only took one pill and broke through from one-star Dou Zun to two-star.

"Thank you, little friend Gu Fei!"

On the side, Elder Zhuli seemed to understand Gu Fei's purpose and nodded heavily.

The only purpose of his coming to the ancient world with Zi Yan this time was to let Zi Yan absorb the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit safely in this ancient world.

But now, Zi Yan's cultivation is too low, and the chance of success in refining the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit is very low. The higher the cultivation, the greater the success rate

"Ah... This thing is really refined from the bones!"

After a while, Zi Yan was called over by Zhu Li. She looked at the bone marrow granules handed by Gu Fei, and then looked at the ashes scattered on the ground, and seemed a little reluctant.

"Don't you want to eat? Then forget it!"

Seeing this, Gu Fei didn't force it.

This kind of good thing, most people want it, but they can't get it even if they beg for it.

"Zi Yan, stop messing around, this is a good thing, eat it quickly..." Elder Zhu Li persuaded Zi Yan anxiously.


Hearing this, although Zi Yan was still a little reluctant, she quickly reached out and snatched the gelatin from Gu Fei's retracted fingers.

"I swallowed it!"

Next, Zi Yan closed her eyes and swallowed the Dou Sheng bone marrow like swallowing a whole fruit.

The next moment, her face instantly flushed red due to the huge energy in her body.

Suddenly, such a terrible energy poured in, causing Zi Yan's body temperature to rise rapidly, and even bursts of white smoke rose from her head.

Fortunately, Zi Yan is the royal blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, with a strong body, and can temporarily withstand the baptism of this energy.

"Sit down and concentrate!"

Gu Fei's voice rang in Zi Yan's ears, and she did it without hesitation.

Soon, she felt a warm palm on her body, and then, the huge energy began to be controlled by another energy and operated in a very orderly manner.

At the same time, Zi Yan felt that her cultivation level began to rise like drinking water.

In just one day, she had risen from the early sixth level to the late sixth level.

Moreover, there were signs of breaking through to Dou Zong. At this time, Gu Fei stopped helping and let Zi Yan break through naturally.

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