Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 151: Fighting Saint Skeleton, Great Heaven Creation Palm!

"Daddy, don't eat rabbits, okay!"

The source of the childish voice was naturally Xiao Xianle, who was sleeping with her eyes closed in the little medical fairy's arms. After seeing the alchemy beast, she was instantly attracted by the little guy's cute appearance.

Eighth-grade elixirs that have experienced the baptism of nine-color elixirs can not only transform into animal bodies, but also possess strong spiritual intelligence.

At this moment, the little snow-white beast that looked like a rabbit seemed to understand.

His big eyes were watery as he looked at Xiao Xianle, regarding her as his only hope of survival.

"Okay, if Xianle says you won't eat it, then you won't eat it!" After listening to his precious daughter's words, Gu Fei nodded in agreement almost without hesitation.

Although this elixir beast is very precious, it may be upgraded to a ninth-grade elixir in the future.

But for Gu Fei, as long as it can make his daughter happy, he can use it to comfort his daughter even if it is a real ninth-grade elixir.

"It would be a pity not to eat such a good thing!"

Zi Yan muttered and looked at Xiao Xian Le with her dark eyes. Xiao Xian Le also stuck out her tongue at Zi Yan at this time.

Zi Yan can be said to be more doting on this little guy than her biological mother, the Little Medical Fairy, so naturally she won't be angry because of this.

"Hehe, if you don't want to eat, you won't eat. Come on, I'll keep this little rabbit for Xiao Xianle!"

Seeing Xiao Xianle sticking out her tongue at her, Zi Yan was amused and then volunteered.

As Zi Yan finished speaking, the pill beast's claws immediately grasped Gu Fei's clothes tightly. It seemed that it was very resistant to Zi Yan, who just said she wanted to eat it.

"Sister Zi Yan, forget it, it won't follow anyone else!" Qing Lin snickered from the side.

"Since Xian Le likes it, why not let it stay with Xian Le!"

The little fairy doctor's beautiful eyes were staring at the little snow-white beast closely. Looking at this look, it was obvious that she couldn't withstand this little guy's cute offensive.

"Women...always like furry things."

Seeing the little medical fairy looking like this, Gu Fei couldn't help but laugh. At that moment, he quickly handed over the little snow-white beast.

After a slight hesitation, the little guy rushed into the arms of the Little Medical Fairy, and then touched his lifesaver, Little Xianle, with its furry head.

"Haha... so fun!"

In the arms of the little medical fairy, Xiao Xianle touched the little guy with her hands and smiled very happily. She seemed to like the little guy rubbing against her.

Seeing this, Little Dan Beast was also very happy. It understood that as long as it could make Little Xianle happy, it would not be eaten.

At this moment, around the Alchemy Palace, more and more powerful people came upon hearing the news.

Inside the Alchemy Hall, shouts and curses often erupted, apparently because they discovered the treasure and began to take action.

However, due to the powerful aura of Lord Tianhuo, no one dared to offend Gu Fei and his party.

"Let's go, there's something else here!"

Gu Fei smiled and led everyone to move forward.

Soon, a huge ancient hall appeared in everyone's sight.

The whole hall is copper-yellow in color. Countless years have made this copper-yellow color appear deeper, and the ancient atmosphere permeates from under every stone slab.

The main hall is extremely wide, and people standing in it look like ants. In the center of the main hall, there are ten huge light groups.

The light group was suspended in mid-air, and in the dazzling light, something like a scroll could be faintly seen.

And in the center of the ten floating light groups, there is a stone seat. On the stone seat, a jade-white skeleton is sitting cross-legged with hand seals!

"This should be the skeleton of the owner of the ruins!"

"Those light groups, are they all heaven-level fighting skills?"

"There are so many heaven-level fighting skills, so we are going to show them off!"

Looking at the scene in front of me, the little medical fairy, Zi Yan and the others chatted one by one.

"How can there be so many heaven-level fighting skills!"

Hearing this, Gu Fei smiled and shook his head.

He pointed at the skeleton of the Fighting Saint and explained: "The real treasure is only the remains of the owner of the ruins!"

After saying that, he gave instructions and walked towards the main hall alone.

In the main hall, there are more than a dozen people gathered here, but most of them are Dou Zong. There are only two Dou Zun, and they are still low-level Dou Zong.

When Gu Fei, a high-level fighting master, appeared, everyone took the initiative to step back and give way to the passage.

Entering the main hall, Gu Fei could see a dozen figures sitting cross-legged around the towering stone seat. These figures were all lime-colored and looked like stone sculptures from a distance.

Their eyes were closed, and they had kept this posture for who knows how many years. However, even so, these dozens of stone sculpture-like figures made everyone afraid to set foot within ten feet of the stone base. scope.

These people who are entering now are waiting for the seal on the light group to disappear.

"I don't have time to wait!"

Gu Fei aimed directly at the skeleton of the Fighting Saint and quickly approached.

His behavior shocked those who had entered this place long ago.

Under the gaze of everyone, Gu Fei directly attacked the seals. Although these were the seals left by the Dou Sheng, as time went by, the power of the seals had become very weak.

With the strength of Gu Fei's high-level Dou Zun, it is not difficult to destroy the seal.

"The seal is broken, grab the treasure!"

For a moment, those light balls that seemed to contain heaven-level fighting skills were flying around, attracting everyone to grab them, and the battle situation was very chaotic.

However, a few seconds later, the stone puppets around the stone seat were all completely awakened at this moment, and a strong murderous aura filled the air.

As soon as these puppets woke up, they killed the nearest people. The strength of these puppets was all at the Dou Zun level. They attacked at the same time, and the momentum was extremely terrifying. In a short moment, the area of ​​100 meters around the stone seat was stained with blood, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.

"Get out of the way!"

Gu Fei shook off a puppet that was blocking him, and then quickly approached the skeleton.

But after approaching, Gu Fei did not rush to collect it, but directly sacrificed the strange fire. He knew that there was still a trace of the ancient Dou Sheng's thoughts in the skeleton.

If it was stained with blood, that trace of thoughts would control the skeleton and kill everyone.



The strange fire swept out and wrapped the Dou Sheng's skeleton. The scorching temperature caused the color of the skeleton to change.

This skeleton is the most precious thing in the whole hall. Although the Heaven-level fighting skills are not too precious to Gu Fei, it is better to have more skills, and the Great Heavenly Creation Palm is considered to be a superior one among the Heaven-level early-stage fighting skills.

As for the bone marrow in the Dou Sheng skeletons, Gu Fei is not very rare. In his ancient clan, there are many places to improve the pure energy. The baptism of the holy altar alone is far beyond the comparison of those Dou Sheng bone marrow.

The main reason why he came here to take the Dou Sheng skeleton is to fight for some cultivation resources for Xiao Yixian, Cai'er and others.

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