Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 150: Rabbits are so cute, how can we eat them!

"This kind of breath..."

Arriving here, Zhuli, the third elder of Donglong Island, seemed even more excited than before. He sensed a breath of blood connection.


Zi Yan let out a breath, and her little face became unusually solemn.

Immediately afterwards, she stomped the ground with the sole of her foot, and turned into a ray of light and shadow, running through the stone stairs like lightning, and in a few flashes, she appeared at the end of the altar.

Gu Fei and his party followed closely behind, and when they reached the top of the altar, they saw Zi Yan's extremely shocked face.

Everyone looked along and saw that in the center of the altar, there was a golden and purple stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a half-foot-sized groove.

At this time, in the groove, a small sapling grew out of the stone platform. The sapling was no more than the thickness of a thumb, but it snaked around like a giant dragon. On the top of the small sapling, hung a fruit.

This fruit is about the size of a palm, and its whole body is golden and purple. If you look carefully, you will find that the purple half, twisting and twisting, looks like an ancient void dragon that has been shrunk countless times.

The other half of the golden color is an ancient celestial phoenix dancing with its wings...

"A fruit in the shape of an ancient virtual dragon and a celestial demon phoenix? Is this the great opportunity Gu Fei (husband) promised to Zi Yan?"

Looking at this extremely strange fruit, Cai'er, Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin and others looked at each other, but they were completely confused.

"It seems that the pressure... came from the fruit?" Lord Tianhuo whispered, with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"This is the dragon-phoenix origin only exists in the ancient books of my ancient dragon clan!"

Zhuli explained with surprise on his face: "That Feng is the ancestor of the Sky Demon Phoenix, the Ancient Sky Phoenix. This kind of fruit needs to absorb the life force of the ancient Void Dragon and the Sky Phoenix to have no more than a 10% chance of being born. , even in the records of the ancient dragon clan, it only appears five times, this is the sixth time!"

"It has only appeared six times since ancient times!"

"It's such a precious treasure!"

Listening to Zhuli's explanation, the Little Medical Fairy, Cai'er, and Lord Tianhuo were even more shocked.

Ziyan's eyes stared at the real Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit that only existed in legends, and after a moment, he turned his head sharply.

Standing on the top of the altar, looking down at this vast plain.

Only then did I realize that the pale colors in the red earth vaguely outlined the bones of an extremely large Taixu Ancient Dragon and the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix!

Here, a Taixu ancient dragon and an ancient celestial phoenix actually fell at the same time!

The huge skeletons were connected end to end, forming a circular loop that surrounded the plain, and this huge stone altar was exactly in the center of the circle.

"Brother Gu Fei, you are so kind!"

The next moment, Zi Yan looked at Gu Fei again. She knew that Gu Fei must have known for a long time that there was the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit here.

With such a precious thing, even Zi Yan, who had always been laughing and joking, became extremely solemn and moved at the same time.

"Little friend Gu Fei, thank you very much this time. If Zi Yan can refine this thing, it will be possible to evolve a truly supreme beast with the blood of dragon and phoenix in one body!"

Zhuli was also very excited, with tears flashing in his old eyes, as if he had seen the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan rise again.

"You don't have to be so polite. This is what I promised Zi Yan. Besides, she also helped me obtain the treasure of the Earth's Soul Essence!"

Looking at Zi Yan and Zhu Li who were solemnly thanking them, Gu Fei waved his hand casually.

"However, if this thing is to be absorbed by Zi Yan, careful arrangements need to be made. After all, this girl is too weak now and cannot digest the power of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit on her own!"

Next, Gu Fei reminded: "Moreover, I heard Zi Yan say that your Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is not monolithic now. If the other three dragon kings find out, I'm afraid they will come and rob them..."

"Little friend Gu Fei is right!"

Elder Zhuli nodded very solemnly, his face full of sorrow: "Although Zi Yan is of royal blood, the three dragon kings are very ambitious. If Zi Yan has the strength to threaten them, they may be so crazy that they think To destroy the royal bloodline..."

"Then what should I do... There seems to be spies planted by the other three islands on Donglong Island. Otherwise, why did the people on the other three dragon islands know about it so quickly when I returned to my clan last time?"

Zi Yan is also full of worries.

"Why don't Zi Yanqi go to the ancient world with little friend Gu Fei and refine the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit there? Even if the three dragon kings sense it, they won't dare to go to the ancient world to commit crimes!"

After Zhuli thought about it, he came up with a method. Now he trusts Gu Fei very much.

After all, it was Gu Fei who took the initiative to bring him and Zi Yan here to find a treasure like the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit. If the other party really had any evil thoughts, why bother?

"Okay, this method is good!"

Zi Yan was originally reluctant to be separated from Gu Fei, Little Medical Fairy, and Cai'er, so she almost nodded in agreement without hesitation at this moment.

"Little friend Gu Fei, I've caused you trouble!" Zhu Li looked at Gu Fei and said ashamedly.

"Serious words!"

Gu Fei smiled and then said: "Now that the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit has been found, let's go check out other parts of the palace!"

Next, Zhuli put away the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit. On the edge of the beast spirit shield, Ziyan casually drew a crack, and everyone's figures flashed out along this crack.

In the forest, golden light flashed, and several figures emerged out of thin air.

"It seems that other treasure hunters have come in!"

Gu Fei's soul power spread, sensing the breath of other people and monsters in the distance.

Due to time constraints, not many people knew about the opening of the ancient ruins, so the monsters that came were not strong.

A moment later, Gu Fei and his party came to the palace before. After searching for a while, a palace full of ancient atmosphere stood up.

On the ancient palace, there were two large characters written in a flamboyant style.

"Dan Palace..."

"Wait here!"

Because the Dan Palace was full of toxins, Gu Fei did not let others go with him this time.

He entered the palace alone.

When he came out, Gu Fei held a snow-white furry little rabbit in his hand.

"Wow, what a cute little rabbit!"

Looking at what Gu Fei brought out, Xiao Yixian and several other girls came over.

"This is not an ordinary rabbit, but a Dan beast. Its level should be a pill that has been baptized by the nine-color Dan Lei..."

Gu Fei explained with a smile.

"This is the Nine-Colored Pill Thunder Pill, it must be delicious!" Zi Yan's eyes lit up when she heard Gu Fei's words.

"Rabbit, so cute, don't eat it!"

At this moment, a childish voice came from the arms of the Little Doctor Fairy.

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