【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dark Chain, Amaterasu Magic, Devil’s Law, Devil’s Heart, Heaven’s Executioner’s Punishment and Bio-Connection Magic.

Xiao Yang’s eyes widened unconsciously after hearing a series of system prompts:”Big explosion, worthy of being the BOSS, this is the first person who has exploded so many magics in so many years. I heard that he knows a lot of magic, and this time I finally saw it.”

Xiao Yang canceled the cat spirit state and threw a bottle of potion to Laxus:

“Laxus, thank you for your hard work. This is a blue potion that can restore your magic power. You must have consumed a lot of it just now. Refill it now.”

“”Okay”, Laxus took the potion and drank it without hesitation. The moment he finished drinking the potion, a look of shock appeared on his face:

“My magic power is fully restored!”

He raised the medicine bottle in his hand and looked at it carefully:”It’s amazing, only 50ml of potion can restore the magic power of the country level.”

The shadow under Xiaoyang began to split, and groups of black shadows scattered in all directions.

“Next is harvest time.”

Soon, one by one, the black shadow ninjas came to Xiaoyang, knelt on one knee, and raised the items in their hands above their heads.

“My Lord, these are all the valuable things on this ship.”

“Good job!” Xiao Yang used telekinesis to lift these items one by one.

“It is our honor to help you.”

After the things in their hands were taken away, several black shadow ninjas knelt on one knee and gradually descended into the shadows on the ground.

“Tsk tsk tsk, these shadow troops are getting stronger and stronger. Now they can actually say such things. I feel like I have made a fortune.

At this moment, a cough suddenly came from not far away. Xiao Yang looked up and found that Hades was still alive. He opened his eyes and stared at the sky blankly.

Xiao Yang shouted in shock:”He’s still alive!”

Hades looked down at the cat in front of him:

“I only have one last breath left, you greedy little cat, I didn’t expect that you were the final mastermind, even that Laxus obeyed you”

“”It was Urrutia who told you the secret of my heart, but there is one thing I can’t figure out. How did you know that the barrier outside the heart would disappear the moment I opened the Devil’s Eye? I haven’t told anyone this secret.”

Xiaoyang continued to flip the props in the air, trying to find the”key”


Xiao Yang stopped talking after saying these four words.

Hades was still waiting for the next answer, but he didn’t hear the explanation he wanted after waiting for a long time. In the end, thousands of words merged into a light laugh.

“Haha, you are such a cunning little cat. You can’t even fulfill the wishes of a dying person. It’s a pity that you two are in a regular guild. If you join a dark guild, you will definitely become the existence that everyone fears.”

“Even if we are in a regular guild, we can still scare everyone. So where did you put the key?”

Hades was stunned when he heard this question, and then he smiled:

“You are so funny. You actually dare to ask the enemy directly where the thing you want is. Aren’t you afraid that I will destroy the key directly?”

“Destroy it if you want, I don’t care. If you tell me the answer, it will save me time. If you destroy it directly, it will save me more trouble. Anyway, I won’t lose on either end.”

Hades was puzzled when he heard this answer:”Don’t you want the key to wake up Zeref and start the great magic age?”

Xiaoyang took out the things in the box and put them in the space. Then he threw the box away:”Of course not, Zeref has been awake all the time. Only you idiots believe those stories handed down from ancient times and want to wake him up to start the so-called great magic age.”

Hades was stunned. He didn’t expect that he would get such an outrageous answer.

“Zeref is awake, how is it possible? If he hadn’t fallen asleep, how could the world have become like this?”

“You are lying to me, you must be lying to me, you are afraid that I will destroy the key, so you come up with such a lame excuse, if it is not to wake up Zeref, what do you want the key for?”

“It’s none of your business. I don’t need to deceive a fool who has been deceived again. One more thing, Zeref’s real name is Zeref.”

“The so-called Seref is a mispronunciation of words passed down by word of mouth for many years, just like a key.”

Xiao Yang’s words were like a fishbone stuck in Hades’ throat. He wanted to refute, but the excessive stimulation made him speechless for a long time. This was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back. In the end, his eyes widened, his mouth opened and he stopped breathing.

“There are too many of these things. Do you have any, Laxus?”

“I didn’t find it either”.

The two of them were looking for the key, and suddenly Xiao Yang had an idea: [The key is as important to Hades as his heart. Would he carry such a thing with him?

At this time, Xiao Yang realized that Hades had not spoken for a long time. He turned his head to look at Hades and found that his expression now looked like he was dying with his eyes open.

The horror novel he read some time ago suddenly appeared in his mind:

[Could this guy turn into a zombie?

Xiao Yang shook his head and threw away this unreliable thought:

[How is it possible? This is the world of Fairy Tail.

He used telekinesis to lift Hades in the air, shaking his body. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After a while, a wooden box fell from his body.

“o O It actually exists!”

[The original book was clearly placed somewhere else, no wonder I couldn’t find it after searching for so long.

Xiao Yang picked up the wooden box, and the moment he opened the lid, he was filled with endless fear, resentment, and despair. The next second, he closed the lid, his eyes rolled back.

“Ugh, such a disgusting smell, so uncomfortable, like I read 500 sad and horror novels, how is this thing made?”

“This disgusting thing should be destroyed.” Just as he was about to do it, a worry suddenly flashed through his mind:

[If I destroy this thing, will all the disgusting auras inside burst out in an instant, just like the Soul Gem?

After thinking for a while, he decided to seal the wooden box from top to bottom. After sealing it, he threw the wooden box out of the space.

Xiaoyang then used the dragon-slaying magic to burn Hades’ body. After making sure that nothing was left behind, he called Laxus to leave the spaceship.

On the way, he suddenly thought of the magic he had just obtained. As soon as he thought of the bio-connection magic, the picture he saw changed.

In the picture, Urrutia was holding a pink-haired girl with two yellow angel wings on her head. The girl seemed to be crying, and Urrutia was touching the girl’s hair like a mother.

“What’s going on? Why am I seeing this screen?”

“Xiaoyang? Why are you suddenly talking in my head?”

707″Is this Ulu’s voice? I don’t know. The scene in front of me suddenly changed.”[]

At this time, the scene in Xiaoyang’s eyes changed again. This time, a girl as delicate as a doll appeared in front of him. There were two traces of tears on her face, and her shoulders kept shaking. She looked weak and pitiful.

“This is Melty!”

“That’s right, what you see now is what I see. This is a bio-connection magic that allows you to see what other people see.”

“Is this voice Urrutia?”

“It’s me. You defeated Hades.”

“That’s right, how did you know?”

“This is the magic used by Hades. He can see what all the seven followers of Purgatory see. Xiaoyang, you must have used this magic unconsciously just now, so you can see what your mother sees.”

“But I didn’t use magic just now, I just thought about this magic.”

Urrutia’s voice was a little shocked:”I didn’t expect that I could even get this ability. This is Hades’ unique power, the abyss of the magic. According to him, he can use magic at will, similar to the state of mind following the heart.”

Xiaoyang suddenly realized:”So that’s why, no wonder his attack speed was so fast before, it turned out to be because of this reason”

“Xiaoyang, you can see what your mother sees. It should be because of the contract you made. Fortunately, you used it unconsciously, so I can access your connection.”

“”I see.”

Xiao Yang disconnected the connection, then he took out his phone and opened the group chat:

“Everyone, the enemies have been defeated, everyone gather at the camp now”

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