Xiao Yang flew to the place in the north where they had agreed to meet. As soon as he landed, he saw Laxus leaning against a tree with his arms folded.

Laxus saw him standing up straight:”Xiao Yang, have you finished everything over there?”

“Well, now only Hades is left. Kill him and this incident will be over. Before that,”

Two light blue magic circles appeared in Xiaoyang’s hands.

【Galloping Wind】【Strength of Steel】

【Armor Power] [Magic Ignition]

Four consecutive buffs were added to Laxus. After casting these spells, Xiaoyang entered the cat spirit state again.

Feeling the increase in his physical strength, Laxus showed a look of horror on his face.

“My strength has almost doubled! Now my strength has reached the intermediate level of the Knockout Country. I was only at the elementary level of the Knockout Country just now. Unbelievable, Xiaoyang, is this the new magic you acquired?”

“The first three are Wendy’s magic, additional spells, but if Wendy herself uses them, the effect will only be 1/20 of this. The last one is the ability of the alien”707″ world, which can increase your magic damage. Of course, the speed of magic consumption will also increase. Now rush to Hades’ lair and kill him as quickly as possible.”

At the same time, Xiaoyang put the three dragon-killing magics in the shared position

“”Okay,” Laxus turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards the black ship not far away.

Hades saw the lightning from afar. When the lightning approached, he thought that the kid had agreed to his recruitment, but unexpectedly, the lightning had no intention of stopping and flew straight towards him. He showed a contemptuous smile on his face:

“What an impatient little devil! It looks like he is planning to attack me directly. I need to make this ignorant little devil suffer a little.”

Hades made several complicated gestures.

【[Amaterasu Hundred Styles]

Two huge purple magic circles appeared above Laxus’ head and under his feet, moving with him, and then four small magic circles appeared on his left and right sides.

Laxus showed no sign of dodging, and he continued to gather magic power in his hands, and red and golden light continued to radiate from his hands.

“Humph, you are so arrogant. Do you think that the red film on the outside that does not have any magical fluctuations can resist Amaterasu?”


The purple light instantly submerged Laxus, and the birds flying in the air were also knocked down by the explosion.

Hades stood there and watched the scene coldly:”What a pity, if you had joined the Devil’s Heart, you might have become the vice president. Now you can only regret your decision in hell.”

Suddenly, a red-gold light appeared in the black smoke, and then a golden figure rushed to Hades at a rapid speed. Laxus held a golden-red ball in his hand.

From a distance, it looked like he was holding a sunset in his hand.

【Dragon Slayer Secret Technique: Thunder Explosion]

Feeling the magic so close, Hades showed fear on his face:

“You will die if you cast this kind of magic at such a close distance.”


The red-gold ball expanded at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye it completely enveloped the two of them, but this was not the end, the ball continued to expand, 1 meter, 3 meters, 5 meters.

The top floor of the ship was directly blown up, revealing the warm orange sun. The two spheres were placed together, and it was hard to tell which one was the real sunset.

Laxus was about to continue his roar when Xiaoyang’s voice suddenly appeared in his mind:

[Wait, now is not the time.

The magic power that had gathered at his mouth slowly dissipated. Laxus stood in place and turned his attention to the big pit in front of him. Hades was lying on the ground in the pit, his body was charred. His long beard had completely disappeared, and the helmet on his head was knocked aside.

Laxus was wondering why he didn’t give the enemy the final blow. Hades, who was charred like a dead man in the pit, suddenly spoke:

“I didn’t expect you to hide your strength. I was really surprised. I thought it was amazing that you had the power of the Ten Saints at such a young age, but your power is far beyond my imagination. You actually have the magic power of a nation-destroying level. It’s unbelievable. If someone else came here, they might really die here.”

Hades slowly stood up. The charred skin on his body began to fall off, revealing the smooth new skin inside. His injuries also began to slowly recover. Soon he returned to his original appearance, and even the beard on his chin recovered.

He jumped lightly and landed on the ground, taking off the eye patch on his right eye.

“”I originally wanted to give you the position of vice president, but your strength is too strong and may pose a threat to my future plans. In order to prevent any accidents, I can only let you and the kitten die here.”

Hades suddenly opened his right eye. Surprisingly, there was no eyeball in his eye socket, just pure bright red. At the same time, a huge black and purple magic burst out from him, filling the entire space.

“I will let you experience the abyss of the magic path. Feel honored, because this is the closest you have ever been to the source.”

Seeing the magic power in the power room begin to flow, Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes: (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Sure enough, the defense of the power chamber will only be weakened when this guy uses the magic power of the heart. I originally wanted to destroy the heart directly, but I didn’t expect that the power of the Black Shadow Corps could not destroy the unity layer outside the heart.

[I can only say that he is worthy of being the second-generation president. The light power room has at least five defensive barriers, not to mention the glass outside the heart. Maybe only the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception can destroy it….

[But the moment he took off his blindfold, all the barriers in the power room began to weaken. If I’m not mistaken, the magic power in the heart was originally used for defense. Hades would immediately sense it if someone attacked him.

[However, when he uses this magic power, all defensive barriers will be weakened, and the magic power will be given priority to Hades to fight against the enemy.

[In the original work, Natsu and Happy are really indispensable. Without Natsu attacking Hades, Happy and the others would not be able to break the protective shell outside the heart.

He immediately shouted in Laxus’ mind:

[Laxus used his strongest force to attack the position 60 degrees underground in the northwest.

Laxus pointed his head at Hades and began to gather magic power in his mouth. A huge magic circle appeared beside his mouth, and four different colors continued to surge on the magic circle.

Hades smiled when he saw this scene:”You haven’t given up yet, well, I’ll let you see what the real abyss is.”

【Heaven’s Executioner Heaven’s Punishment]

The dark purple magic power on Hades’ body suddenly began to vibrate, which was like a signal. All the magical objects around began to vibrate at the same frequency.

When the vibration frequencies of the two were consistent, creatures suddenly emerged from the scattered dirt on the ground. These creatures were all black, and they were demons emitting huge magical power.

At the same time, the magic in Laxus’ mouth was also charged, and he turned his head to the position Xiaoyang said.

Seeing Laxus move the attack away, Hades followed his line of sight and was shocked to find that it was where his heart was.

“Bastard, devil…”

[Damn it, there’s no time to use other magic.

Hades quickly directed 5.9 these demons to rush to the location of the heart.

【Thunder Flame Dragon’s Wind-Smashing Iron]

A 10-meter-thick red-gold light column attacked the direction of the power room. The light column was composed of lightning, fire, wind, and iron.

The wind strengthened the fire, making it more fierce. Lightning flashed around the flames, as if it would explode in the next second. There were many iron blocks in the flames, and the iron blocks were wrapped in wind and lightning. These two elements prevented the iron blocks from being melted by the high temperature and made the power of the iron blocks even stronger.[]

Demons kept using their bodies to block the fierce roar, but they were all futile. The moment they came into contact with the roar, they were melted immediately.

The roar moved forward at an unstoppable speed. Soon it came to the power room and easily broke the barrier outside the heart. This was not over yet. The roar continued to sprint downwards, and the land and sea water below were all vaporized. After 1,000 meters deep underground, the roar slowly weakened and disappeared.

Hades fell to the ground with his hand on his heart and a face full of pain.

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