“The abyss of the devil is incredible. This should be the devil’s heart and the magic of heavenly punishment.”

Xiao Yang raised his hand, and a ball of flame emitting scorching temperature appeared in his hand.

“The Fire Dragon’s Brilliant Flame can now be used without reciting the name of the move. Not only that, the power of the magic will become greater after reciting the name of the move.”

The magic in his hand kept changing.

“It’s such a strange feeling, like the little girl next door who used to respond only when called has turned into a puppy. She will come running over with her tail wagging at the slightest glance, and even if I move, she will come around me.”


Hearing someone calling him, Xiaoyang looked up and looked forward

“”Elsa!? Why are you here? Didn’t I tell you that you can return to the camp after defeating the enemy?”

Elsa trotted over to Xiaoyang:

“No one came to destroy the Sirius Tree. I stayed there for several hours and there was no one. I was really bored and wanted to play games but didn’t dare.”

Xiao Yang was full of questions:”? You didn’t defeat the enemy, so who killed the person who used the Arc of the Tree?”

Elsa shook her head:”I don’t know either. I saw the message you sent and met you after leaving the Sirius Tree.”

“Forget it, the enemy has been defeated anyway, let’s go back to the camp now.”

The three of them walked towards the camp together. When they returned to the camp, Xiaoyang was surprised to find two familiar people tied up on the ground, one of whom had a sapling on his face.

“Why are the two of them here! And it seems that the Seven Dependants of Purgatory are about to turn into a tree.”

Mira smiled and walked towards Xiaoyang with a bowl of soup:

“That Azuma wanted to come over and challenge me, but he attacked Lisanna and the others first, so I couldn’t help it and used a little more force.”

“Urrutia said this was a side effect of his magic, and if he overused magic his body would turn into a tree.

Xiao Yang took the soup and smelled the rich aroma. He immediately felt a little hungry. He picked up the bowl and drank half of it in one breath. After finishing it, he let out a long sigh:

“Ah! It tastes good. Mira’s cooking skills are great. No matter what you cook, it tastes good.”

Hearing Xiaoyang praising herself, Mira held her face with her left hand and smiled even brighter:

“Xiaoyang is always so good at talking. By the way, what should we do with Meister? He saw me using Lalabai’s reception. Should I kill him?”

【If the memory magic is seen through, the memories implanted in other people will also be removed.

Before Xiao Yang could reply, Makarov, who was holding a bowl of soup, changed his expression drastically. He hurriedly ran to the two of them, spilling the soup on the ground:

“No, absolutely not!! You can’t kill him”.

Mira looked at the president with a puzzled look on her face:”Why?”

“Eh?” Makarov racked his brains to think of how to explain.

“Well, we don’t know which side he belongs to yet, right? If, I mean if, he comes from the Council, wouldn’t we be labeled as the attackers of the council?”

Mira’s face showed a cruel look:”In this case, we must kill him. Lalabai is still in the Council. If we let him go, it would be like letting a tiger go back to the mountain, and it might even implicate the guild.”

Mira felt more and more that it made sense, and she couldn’t stop the murderous intent in her body.

Feeling the murderous intent in Mira, the villain in Makarov’s heart kept biting his fingers.

[What should I do? I have to speak it out, but if I speak it out, Mest’s magic might be lifted, and then all his previous efforts would be in vain.

Seeing the anxiety on Makarov’s face, Xiao Yang smiled evilly, and he deliberately said loudly:

“Anyway, the Demon Heart came to attack us, and then we would tell the public that Mest was killed by the Dark Guild, and we tried our best to save him but failed, and he eventually sank into the sea.”


Mira nodded:”Xiao Yang is really smart, this is a good idea, I will do it now.”

Mira was about to kill him.

Makarov hurriedly stopped her:”Wait, wait, Mira, don’t do it yet, Xiao Yang and I will do it.”

Xiao Yang raised his eyebrows:”President, you want to say that Meister is a member of the Council, and he is a comrade-in-arms with us.”

“You know, you just…”

Makarov turned to look at Mira and found that she was also looking at him with a smirk on her face.

“()! Damn it, you two actually teamed up to deceive an old man like me, Mira, when did you know about it!”.

Mira put her hands in front of her, tilted her head slightly, and still had a smiling expression on her face:”When Xiaoyang talked about the corpse sinking into the sea, this was the plot in a novel we read before.”

“The cooperation is very good,” Xiaoyang stretched out his hand

“Thank you for the compliment,” Mira came to him and happily high-fived him.

“You two little bastards actually teamed up to deceive me.” Makarov walked to the table angrily with white steam coming out of his head, wanting to vent his anger by drinking soup.

Then Xiaoyang walked to Mest and used the memory magic he had obtained. He was a little surprised when he modified his memory:

[Memory is really interesting. As long as you give it a general framework, the brain will automatically fill in the rest. I only gave him a concept that failed, and he can fill in the rest by himself.

[Oh! You can also add additional points to prevent accidents. How convenient! The brain can sometimes deceive people.

After modifying the memory, Xiao Yang turned to look at Laxus beside him:

“”Laxus, please help me throw him on the beach and wake him up in 5 minutes.”

Laxus nodded, then walked up to Mest and picked him up, shaking him hard like drying clothes.

[Just in case, in case he carries explosive crystals or explosives that will destroy both of them. Shaken by the powerful force, Mest still didn’t wake up. At this time, a magic crystal fell from his arms, rolled on the ground, and finally touched Xiaoyang’s feet.

Xiaoyang picked up the magic crystal. He recognized that it was a magic crystal used for recording. He input magic power into it.

Mira’s voice rang out:”What I received was Lalabai”.

Xiaoyang raised his eyebrows:”Yo, this guy is quite careful and knows to record evidence.”

Laxus saw this scene and began to search him. After making sure that there was nothing, he left the camp with peace of mind.

A few minutes later, he threw Mest on the beach and stared at him intently.

[Will the old man have his memory implanted? This guy is not an undercover agent at all, but he thinks he is an undercover agent. But Xiaoyang also admitted it. Forget it, just in case, let’s put a guarantee. I hope this guy is not a pig teammate.

Laxus condensed a golden diamond crystal in his left hand and put it in Meister’s head. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“”Okay, now it’s done.”

After confirming that everything was done, he left the beach with peace of mind.

At the same time, Wendy on the other side smiled as she watched the guild members playing and fighting in front of her:

“I don’t know why, but I feel inexplicably happy when I see everyone making noises.”

She picked up the bowl and drank a mouthful of soup, squinting her eyes happily:

[It would be nice if Xia Lulu was here too. She would definitely like Sister Mira’s soup. This soup is really delicious. I’ll ask Sister Mira for the recipe later.

“Wendy, Wendy.

Wendy was startled when she heard the familiar voice:”Lulu?”

She looked up at the sky and found that Xia Lulu and Lili were flying towards her at the fastest speed. When they came to her side, Wendy asked in surprise:

“”Xia Lulu, how come you came here with Lili, and so fast?”

Xia Lulu ignored the question and looked at Wendy anxiously. She was relieved when she saw that Wendy was fine.

“Wendy, that Mister is a fake. Lili told me before that Mister Lan would never accept a disciple. I was a little worried, so I came here with him.”

“The more I think about it, the more I feel that this person’s identity is questionable. He didn’t do anything to you.”

Wendy suddenly realized:”So it’s this matter. It’s okay. He was knocked unconscious by Sister Mira.”

[Sister Mira? []

Xia Lulu was a little surprised to hear Wendy addressing Mira in such a familiar tone.

“By the way, Xia Lulu, you came just in time. Sister Mila’s soup is very delicious. You must try it.”

Wendy said as she picked up a spoon beside her, scooped out a bowl of soup from the basin and handed it to Xia Lulu.

Xia Lulu took the soup and subconsciously held it in front of her nose to smell it:

[It seems a bit salty? But the one Wendy gave me should be delicious.

Seeing Xia Lulu holding up the bowl, Wendy suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong. She quickly turned her head and looked at the bowl she had just scooped soup from. She suddenly found that there was another bowl next to it. She turned the bowl she had scooped soup from and found a picture of Xiaoyang on it.

“Σ(OДO Xia Lulu, wait…”

“So salty!!”(Zhao’s Zhao)

The moment her tongue touched the soup, Xia Lulu felt as if she had drunk a mouthful of highly concentrated salt water. She stuck out her tongue, her face full of pain.

Wendy frantically fetched a glass of water from the side:

“(⊙﹏⊙)Ah, sorry, I scooped the wrong soup, that’s Xiaoyang’s.”

Xia Lulu took the cup of water from Wendy’s hand and drank it in one gulp. After drinking the whole cup of water, she came to her senses:

“He actually eats such salty food? Why does the taste seem so strange”.

Wendy scooped another bowl of soup and handed it to Xia Lulu:”It’s okay, I’ve tasted it before, it’s just a little salty.”

Xia Lulu took the soup suspiciously, smelled it several times, and drank it after making sure it was not that salty.

[This is much better. Although it’s still a little salty for me, the freshness of the soup is enough to cover up its shortcomings.

Wendy was a little confused:”Why didn’t Xia Lulu send me a message directly? There are other people in the guild, right?”

Xia Lulu paused, and the bowl was in front of her face, just covering up her embarrassed expression:

[Oops, I was so worried about Wendy that I completely forgot about it.

Xia Lulu put down the bowl in her hand and coughed lightly:

“Well, there was no one in the guild at that time, and I was worried about you, so…”

Wendy was touched:”Thank you, Xia Lulu, I will tell you……”

Wendy told her about her experiences on the island.

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