Seeing the magic about to attack him, Feijitou wanted to dodge, but the huge fear made his mind blank and his body could not move. However, his long combat experience told him that he should resist this magic now. He stretched out his left hand tremblingly.

【The left hand is a golden shield that can repel everything.

His left hand turned into a golden shield with patterns.

The moment the ball hit the shield, the shield melted instantly like ice meeting the sun.

“My arm!”

Feitou screamed miserably, and the moment the shield disappeared, he quickly used all his magic power to cover his body.


The plane head flew backwards, and the ball rushed towards the woods behind with undiminished power. Wherever the ball passed, everything was instantly vaporized, and a huge gully spread out 50 meters away.

“I’ve clearly reduced my magic power to a very low level, but I didn’t expect it to still be so powerful. Although I have experience using it, there will still be discrepancies in actual use.”

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining���[

Xiao Yang heard the system’s voice and slowly walked towards the airplane man. When he got to him, Xiao Yang found that his left arm had completely disappeared. He was still bleeding all over his body. His mouth was open, and he fainted on the spot with fear on his face.

Xiao Yang touched his chin and said,”I’m only one breath away. I have to kill this guy.”

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yang injected a red diamond crystal into his body, and then used telekinesis magic to throw him far away.

“I’m in a good mood. If you can survive a fall from a high altitude, you’re lucky.”

“And if he really survives, the news that I have the magic eye will also spread, so I won’t lose out anyway.”

Xiao Yang smiled and rubbed his hands like a fly:”Hehe, the next one is the Arc of Manifestation. I liked this magic very much in the beginning. Let’s try it now.”

“Come out, Sword of Contract Victory.”

A minute later, nothing happened.

“()What’s going on? Why do I feel a sense of lack? If the magic I usually use is the girl next door, she will respond as long as I call her.”

“Then this magic is a cold and arrogant lady. No matter what you call her, she won’t respond, or she will just look down at you and snort.”

Xiao Yang was thinking about the process of the person using magic just now.

“He seems very childish? Isn’t that a character setting, but a condition for using magic?”

“Ahem.” Xiao Yang cleared his throat, thinking about the appearance of the sword while thinking about the lines used for summoning.

【The sword of light given by the spirit of the lake, symbolizing domination and destruction, please show me your greatness.】

【The symbol of hero power, the sword of victory of the contract.

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light suddenly appeared on Xiaoyang’s body. Golden particles gathered in his hands and gradually formed the shape of a sword.

“This magic actually requires sweet talk (secondary words) to work. No wonder this guy only has a few magic spells. After a long time of working on the lines, you still have to think of them yourself. It only works when you are pretending to be cool.”

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Fire God-killing Magic】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Chou Hour】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining human subordination.

Xiao Yang came back to his senses after hearing the system prompt:

“This time, all the elite monsters are gone, leaving only Hades, the big boss.”

Xiao Yang spread his wings and flew north to meet Laxus and defeat the boss directly.

Halfway, he suddenly met Kana, who was walking on the road swaying from side to side, holding a bottle of wine in her hand and taking a sip from time to time. After drinking the wine, she wiped her mouth with her hand and a silly smile appeared on her face.

“Kana, you have……”



Kana held her swollen forehead with her left hand. There was a circle of stars floating above her head. She slowly stood up and looked at the person in front of her with a dazed look.

“You are…hiccup, Xiaoyang, why are you here?”

“I should be the one asking this question. How much did you drink?”

Xiao Yang cast a purification spell on Kana while speaking. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As the alcohol disappeared, Kana’s consciousness gradually became clear. She touched her head embarrassedly:

“Haha, I was so happy that I drank a little more unconsciously”

“Three barrels?”

Kana gestured seriously,”Six barrels.””

“…You are really a big shot, why are you so happy? Did you defeat the enemy?”

Kana became more energetic when she mentioned this, she stretched out her right arm:”Xiaoyang, you will never guess what I got!”

Xiaoyang looked at Kana’s arm and suddenly found an elongated guild emblem on her arm. His pupils shrank and he shouted in shock:

“This is the Fairy’s Shine! How did you get it?”

After hearing Xiao Yang guess the magic so easily, Kana’s excitement faded a little:

“”So you knew it. I wanted to show off to you. I found it in the grave of the first generation. By the way, the second test is to find the grave of the first generation.”

Kana showed a sly smile on her face:”Hehe, what will Natsu’s expression be like if he knows that I finished the test ahead of time? I’m really looking forward to it.”

Asking for flowers

Xiaoyang was puzzled: [How can Kana still get this magic? Why would the first generation give it to her when no one is in danger.

Kana enthusiastically recounted her experience of getting magic:

“After Lucy left, I met Levi. We were about to go back to the camp, but we suddenly encountered a dog that used word magic. Although we easily dealt with him, a chicken appeared and attacked us at the last moment.”

“I fell into a tunnel, and Rebecca fell into the bushes beside me. After sending a message to confirm that Rebecca was okay and killing the chicken, I walked forward along the tunnel. At the end of the road was the grave of the first generation.”

“There was a ball of golden light in the center of the tombstone. My intuition told me that this thing seemed to belong to me. Then I reached my hand into the ball of golden light, and then I got this magic.”

Xiaoyang’s eyes widened: [o O What kind of protagonist template is this? Being attacked by the enemy and falling into a cave, and then getting a peerless magic skill?

Kana shook the bottle in her hand. After confirming that there was nothing, she took out a card, reached into the card and took out a bottle of wine. She held the wine with a look of regret on her face:

“It’s a pity that this magic has a cooling time and cannot be released continuously, otherwise I could surpass my dad directly.”

“O! You used it!!”

The birds on the surrounding trees were frightened by the sound and flew away.

Kana covered her ears and said,”Xiaoyang, your voice is too loud. What’s so surprising? If you get a new magic, you must test it once. Otherwise, how can you know how powerful this magic is?”

“But this is a one-time thing…”

Xiaoyang suddenly felt something was wrong?

“You just said that it can’t be used continuously, so you learned this magic directly?”

Kana looked puzzled:”What else?”

Then she showed an expression of sudden enlightenment on her face and pointed to the tattoo on her right arm:

“You are talking about this. This is an auxiliary device. A voice told me that this magic is difficult to control at the beginning, but it will disappear automatically after you become proficient in it.”

[I’m tired, forget it, as long as the first generation is happy.

Xiao Yang waved his hand:”Okay, then you go back to the camp first, I’m going to defeat the final boss this time.”

After that, Xiao Yang spread his wings and left.

Kana looked at Xiao Yang’s departing back and shouted:”I will wait until you come back to tell Natsu about my promotion. You’d better hurry up, I’m afraid I can’t hold it back.”

“OK”, Xiaoyang waved his hand with his back to her.

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