“”Ziklein and his brother are the same person. I just used a prop to confuse everyone’s common sense.”

Urrutia suspected that he had heard it wrongly:”Are you kidding me? They are obviously two people, how can they be the same person? Even if there is a problem with my memory, there must be something wrong with Hades’ memory, right?”

“He possesses the strength to destroy a country. Can that machine change the cognition of even such a strong person?”

“.()Of course, no matter how powerful you are, as long as it is not too outrageous, all cognition can be changed. Now Uru is also a member of the Council. Haven’t you visited it for such a long time?”Xiao Yang showed a puzzled expression.

Urrutia scratched her face with her hand embarrassedly, and her face was slightly red:

“At that time, I firmly believed that my mother was no longer alive and it was just a person with the same name, so I didn’t pay much attention to her.”

“So you want to come to Fairy Tail?”

Urutia’s eyes widened and he pointed at himself in disbelief:”Me? But I am…”

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly smiled and said,”Of course I do. I’m very happy to live in the same guild with my mother.”

[Since he can get Zekelein to join the Council, it would be a piece of cake for him to let me join Fairy Tail.

Suddenly, Xiaoyang thought that he could ask Urrutia directly about the evil thoughts 340. She is the leader of the seven followers of Purgatory, and she must know these things.

“Urrutia, is there anything in Hades that can emit such a huge evil?”

“Evil thoughts?”Urutia was a little confused, but she still closed her eyes and carefully recalled everything related to this word.

A minute later, she opened her eyes:”Yes, he has a key, and that key is used to awaken Zeref.”

Speaking of the key, the expression on Urrutia’s face became guilty again:”The key is something we got after killing tens of thousands of lives. If there is anything related to evil thoughts in Hades, it can only be this. It was created by the fear, resentment and anger of those dead people.”

She hugged her arm with one hand, looked down at the ground, and did not dare to face the two people in front of her:

“I used to call the present time the first round of life, my magic time arc. As long as the great magic era comes, it will evolve into time and space magic. By then, I can reverse time and return to my childhood when I didn’t resent my mother, and I can see my mother again.”

“So I only wanted to awaken Zeref and start the Great Magic Age. In order to achieve this goal, I was willing to do anything cruel or inhumane, because I knew that when I started my second life, everyone could be happy again. But now I hesitated, because I was already with my mother, and I was afraid that I would be separated from my mother again after restarting my life.”

Urrutia’s face was full of pain. She suddenly felt a little disgusted with herself, like a person who stepped on corpses to reach happiness, and continued to live shamelessly after she got happiness.

“If Yang… Xiaoyang hadn’t asked me to join Fairy Tail, I would have created a guild on my own, an independent guild, fighting against darkness or helping others to wash away my sins from morning till night.”

Seeing her daughter in such pain, Uru felt bad. She slowly walked to Urrutia, hugged her in her arms, and gently patted her daughter’s back.

“These things are not all Urrutia’s fault. Mom, I am also responsible. If mom had been more careful, Tia would not have suffered those pains. If mom had found a regular hospital, Tia would not have experienced those things. If I had noticed you when you came home, you would not have returned to that horrible place.”

The more Urrutia talked, the sadder she became. She began to blame herself for not protecting her daughter. Her nose was sore and two lines of tears suddenly slid down her cheeks.

“Don’t blame yourself too much. Tia is a good child. It’s just that the way she did things was not right. Although she made mistakes in the past, you have woken up now. It doesn’t matter. You still have a long life ahead of you. Mom can make up for these mistakes with you. Don’t regret what you have done. Look forward. Mom will always stand behind you.”

Feeling the warmth in her mother’s arms and the warm hands on her back, Urrutia’s shoulders began to tremble. The tears in her eyes fell like beads from a broken string. At this moment, she truly realized that she was no longer the helpless and lonely little girl.

She now has someone she can rely on, that is her relative, her mother who is connected by blood and flesh and blood. In an instant, all the grievances and pains in the past came to her heart.

“Mom… Mom”.

Hearing her daughter calling her, Urrutia subconsciously replied:”Yes, Mom is here”.

This sentence (chch) was like a valve, venting all the emotions in Urrutia’s heart. These emotions turned into tears in her eyes. She hugged her mother tightly, and the tears in her eyes kept pouring out.

“”Mom, Mom, Mom.”

Urrutia kept calling her mother, and every time she called, her mother would respond to her gently.

“Mom is here, Mom is always here.”

Uru stroked her daughter’s black and smooth hair, her eyes full of joy and love, the joy of regaining what she had lost and the love for the one she cherished.

Watching the mother and daughter meet, Xiaoyang walked away silently, not disturbing them anymore. He continued to look for the Arc of Manifestation, while thinking about what happened just now.

[Urrutia’s thoughts are very similar to those of a game player. She believes that the world can be restarted and everything can start over again, so she kills recklessly in the original work, just like a player treats NPCs. Because of this, when she learns that everything can never be restarted, she feels so regretful and thus creates Witch’s Sin.

[The key. When she said that, I remembered that in the original story, Urrutia wanted to use the key to wake up Zeref. What could wake up a person who knows the value of life? Of course, it is the indifference to life and the resentment of life itself.

Xiaoyang suddenly remembered a point.

[Curse, curse is also a kind of negative state, can I use purification to directly erase the curse of God?

Xiao Yang thought for a while and felt that this plan was not appropriate.

[No, it’s risky. The original novel didn’t mention whether there is a god in this world. If there is a god, he will definitely know if I lift his curse, and I will be in danger. Pass. Damn it. Why does the author dig a hole and not fill it?

“”Shua la la” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There was a sudden sound from the bushes not far away, and this sound attracted Xiaoyang’s attention.

A silver airplane head poked out of the bushes, and the airplane head looked up and looked forward. This person was a man. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and there were some green leaves on his head.

Xiaoyang’s eyes met with this person’s.

“I found you”x2

The man was stunned, then a wild smile appeared on his face:”You must be Yang Ming Doraemon, I didn’t expect that you, who only know star magic and auxiliary magic, would dare to act alone. I heard that you have a very important position in Fairy Tail, so as long as we catch you, everyone will be obedient.”

He put his hand on his forehead, an intoxicated look on his face:”The meeting of the devil and the angel, this is an inevitable fate. My name is Lastiros, you will always remember this name”

【Belfast, the guardian of the sacred beast Gale]

A black monster appeared, with many strange features mixed together, it looked like a dragon, a human, and a lion.

Xiaoyang’s eyes turned green

【[Magic Spirit Possessed Doll]

Circles of green halos emanated from Xiao Yang’s eyes and shot towards the monster in front of him. The moment the two came into contact, the monster began to break into pieces, and three seconds later the monster collapsed.

The airplane head watched in horror as his most proud magic was shattered.

Then Xiao Yang’s eyes turned blue again, and these eyes were like two sapphires embedded in his eye sockets.

【[Reversal Warlock He]

A red sphere appeared at Xiaoyang’s fingertips. The sphere expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye it became as tall as a person.

Then the sphere rushed towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed. Although the magic was still 1 meter away from the ground, a gully suddenly appeared on the ground.

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