“This sound appeared directly in my head, so strange”

“I also don’t understand this sentence, but I can understand its meaning.”

“I feel like the atmosphere of this transcendent has changed. If he was a friendly neighbor before, now he is a high and solemn god, giving people an inexplicable feeling of fear.”

“Yes, I have the same feeling, but I can’t put it into words. You describe it very well.”

The people below were discussing in a low voice.

Mistran knelt on one knee, raised his head and looked at Xiaoyang with pious eyes.

“God! I beg you here, please talk to us in a human way! You are too majestic for us, and people may be afraid of you.”

Xiao Yang nodded slightly to indicate his permission.

【After saying this word, Xiao Yang’s godlike majesty disappeared, and was replaced by a sense of intimacy like a kid next door.

Xiao Yang waved his left hand lightly, and six boxes of lighters appeared on the ground.

“This is a treasure from another world, which can help you get through the difficult times.”

After returning to human nature, Xiao Yang’s words also became the language of this world and entered everyone’s ears.

Mistra walked forward, took out a lighter from the box, and introduced it to everyone.

“This is an item from another world, it is called a lighter, it is a treasure that can produce flames out of thin air.”

Mistlan lightly pressed the button on the lighter, and with a”click”, a ball of blue-red flame appeared on the lighter.

“”Oh!!” the crowd exclaimed.

This lighter that could produce flames out of thin air without any magic was a miracle in everyone’s eyes.

“Let us thank this selfless God. To thank you, I voluntarily offer these tributes to show my gratitude.”

Mistra asked the soldiers beside him to bring boxes of magic tools and put them in front of Xiaoyang.


After saying these two words, the magic props in front of Xiao Yang disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the people below offered Xiao Yang the magic props that they were told to bring by Mistran.

One or two of them had doubts in their minds.

[Didn’t the gods say they would give it to us voluntarily? Why do we still have to offer tribute?

[What use does the Lord God have for these non-magical tools?

As soon as these doubts arose, they were interrupted by the actions of others, and they did not delve into the matter any further.

[Forget it, since the prince said so and the god agreed, who cares?

Everyone kept repeating the two actions of taking magic props from home and placing them in front of Xiaoyang.

Soon, a pile of magic props as high as a hill was piled up in front of Xiaoyang.

After making sure that everyone’s magic props were placed here, Xiaoyang waved his left hand and placed all the magic props in the space.

“I am very satisfied with your tribute. In return, I will give you other treasures.”

As soon as he finished speaking, seeds, stainless steel knives and some medicines appeared on the ground.

“This is a seed that can produce 1,000 kilograms of food per mu, a steel knife that can cut stones, and medicine that can treat human diseases.”

Seeing the great god take out such a great treasure, everyone thanked the prince for his previous decision and the generosity of the god.

At this time, a child looking at Xiaoyang floating in the air suddenly asked a question:

“”What kind of god is God?”

This sentence confused everyone.

Xiaoyang had thought about the question that others might ask her, but she never thought that someone would ask this question. You know, this is a world without gods. Charlotte only said that she was a god before, but she never thought about or said what kind of god she was.

Seeing that Xiaoyang didn’t speak for a long time, people thought that God was angry.

A middle-aged woman with a plump figure came to the child who asked the question, and whispered angrily:”God is God, how can there be any gods?”

After that, she pulled the child to the God and explained to the God in panic:

“”God, children know nothing. Please don’t get angry because of an ignorant child.”

Xiao Yang came back to his senses after hearing the woman’s words. He smiled and looked at the woman.

“It doesn’t matter, this is a good question, it’s not ignorance, but a manifestation of the child’s intelligence.”

Xiao Yang’s face was full of smiles, he looked at the little girl:

“What’s your name, kid?”

The girl was so excited when she heard the great god praise her intelligence that she replied excitedly,”My name is Amy, you can call me Xiaomi.”

Xiaoyang descended from the sky and touched the child’s head with his palm.

“Xiao Mi’s name is very nice. I am the god of freedom. I represent all freedom.”

“What is freedom?” Hearing the unknown word, Xiao Mi once again exercised her curiosity. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Freedom, freedom means being free from restraints, without any restrictions, without any conditions, without any cost, infinity is freedom”.

The little girl’s face was full of confusion, she shook her head in confusion,”Xiao Mi still doesn’t understand, Xiao Mi is not too stupid”.

The girl said here, her expression became depressed

“No, no one is stupid. Infinity means infinite possibilities. Just like Xiao Mi may become anyone in the future and do all kinds of work, what does Xiao Mi want to be in the future?”

When the girl heard the Lord God say this, her expression on her face became excited again. Her eyes lit up and she began to imagine the future.[]

“”Xiao Mi wants to be a person who can cook a lot of delicious food, just like her mother. The food her mother cooks is super super delicious.”

Hearing her daughter praising herself like this, the woman couldn’t help but show a look of pride on her face. She was very satisfied with her cooking skills, and she also liked to cook delicious meals for the people she loved.

A cake appeared out of thin air in Xiao Yang’s hand, and he handed the cake to the little girl,”This is a dessert from another world. It’s a reward for the brave Xiao Mi. You will definitely become your ideal self in the future.”

“Well, Xiao Mi will definitely become a very remarkable person.” The girl nodded vigorously and took the cake with a smile.

“Thank you, God.” The girl stood on tiptoe and kissed Xiaoyang’s left hand.

Feeling the warm touch on the back of his hand, Xiaoyang showed a helpless smile on his face.

[What a brave little girl.

Seeing that the god was so kind and did not get angry even after the little girl asked so many questions and did so many little tricks, a man in the crowd began to make his own request.

“”God, can you stop the loss of magic power?”

Xiao Yang shook his head after hearing the man’s words.

“Although it was Muzan who made the magic power drain away, this was also the decision of this world. Before this, this world had been engaged in endless struggles because of magic power. The world did not like people killing each other, so TA made this decision.”

“.It is the decision of the world and the freedom of this world. I am the God of freedom and I will not interfere with the freedom of others, not even the world.”

Hearing what the god said, the last obsession in the man’s heart disappeared.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly emanated from Xiaoyang’s body, and he slowly floated from the ground to the air.

The crowd below was stunned to see this scene. They did not expect that the gods would leave like magic.

Amy watched the Lord God leaving with tears in her eyes and stretched out her hand to keep him,”Lord God, don’t go. Xiao Mi doesn’t want you to leave.”

“The gods are leaving too. The world is about to end.”

Seeing their only hope leaving, people once again fell into a huge panic.

When people were worried about the future, Xiao Yang’s voice suddenly appeared in everyone’s ears:

“Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean the end of things. On the contrary, it’s the beginning of something new. You now have unlimited possibilities.”

“What the world will become in the future is decided by all of you. As the God of Freedom, I am looking forward to your future possibilities. If you have any questions, you can go to your prince. I have given him some knowledge of the other world. I believe in the possibilities of mankind. Let’s work together for a better tomorrow.”

Hearing these words, everyone’s eyes were filled with hope again, and everyone began to radiate vitality.

“”Okay! I will definitely make a lot of delicious food in the future, and maybe the Godly Ming will come over quietly to have a bite.”

Amy stood there. Although there were still some tears on her young face, her expression was full of determination and her tone was full of confidence.

Hearing Amy’s words, others also began to shout:

“In that case, I want to become a great inventor and create all kinds of treasures for God to see,” a little girl wearing glasses raised her left hand and shouted.

“Then I want to be an excellent engineer. That bastard Muzan destroyed many buildings before. I want to make these houses more beautiful. Then the gods will praise my houses.”

A middle-aged man who is a little fat raised the wrench in his hand and shouted excitedly.

Seeing that everyone has such a beautiful aspiration, an inconspicuous boy was a little flustered. He didn’t know what he would do in the future. At this time, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Then…then I want to be a great sculptor, I want to carve a handsome god, and offer different things to him every day.”

The boy’s words were like the flush button of a toilet, which made everyone suddenly enlightened.

“Yes, we can make a statue of the god to commemorate him. Although he is not here, he should still be able to hear our voices.”

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