Two days later, in the evening, Mistlan stood on a high place and looked at the people below.

“Everyone, I called you all here to tell you a piece of news.”

He paused, took a deep breath, and said with a heavy face:

“In the future, magic may disappear.”

Hearing this news, a huge sense of fear struck everyone’s heart. The disappearance of magic is like the disappearance of air for the people in this world.

“What should we do? Are we going to die?” said an old man in his 60s with a panicked look on his face.

“I have just become an adult and have a bright future ahead of me. I haven’t found a wife yet and I don’t want to die so early.”

A handsome young man covered his head and screamed in pain. He didn’t want to accept this fact.

“Please rest assured, no one will die. The loss of magic power does not mean that anyone will die. I have another good news. I have received a gift from God.……”

Before Mistran could finish his words, he was interrupted by a deep voice.

“God, ridiculous, the so-called God is just a creature with power.”

Everyone looked at the place where the sound came from, and saw a tall figure gradually coming from a distance.

As the figure approached, his appearance became clearer and clearer. This was a man. He wore a white hat, and two tufts of curly black hair covered both sides of his temples. His exposed skin was as pale as paper.

He was wearing a white suit and holding a black scepter in his hand.

“”You, a prince like an ant, want to stop my plan, how ridiculous.”

He raised his head, and his blood-red eyes looked at everyone present. Anyone who was stared at by these blood-red eyes shivered involuntarily.

He raised the scepter in his hand, and a blood-red magic circle appeared from the top of the scepter. Several liquids like blood gushed out of the circle and attacked Misterlan.

Misterlan jumped back and dodged the attack.

“With a”bang”, the podium was smashed into powder by the attack. The powder was blown to the crowd below by the wind. Some people suddenly began to sneeze after inhaling the powder.

Mistlan pulled out a magic wand from behind.

【Double Magic Circle Explosion]

Two red magic circles appeared above the man’s head and under his feet.

“With a”bone” sound, the man was enveloped by a fierce flame.

Seeing this scene, the crowd not far away shouted:”Great, the prince defeated the enemy, we are safe now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from the flames:”Defeated, which of your eyes saw me being defeated, just by him, hum.”

After the flames disappeared, the man appeared in the same place without any damage, and his clothes were still as white as before.

The man raised his cane and pointed it at Mistlan.

【[Night Demon Attack]

Endless black and red bats emerged from the staff, and these densely packed bats completely covered the surrounding sky. Looking around, the sky was full of bats.

Seeing the horrifying scene in front of them, people not far away trembled and hugged the people around them tightly.

“”Good, so amazing, so many creatures I’ve never seen before, each of them exudes huge energy.”

These bats merged together to form a bat-shaped energy wave, which rushed towards Mistralan.

Mistralan made three gestures with his hands, and three magic circles of different colors appeared in front of him.

【Triple Magic Circle Jingshui Modified]

The bat-shaped energy wave was strengthened after contacting the magic circle and rebounded towards the man opposite.

The man smiled as he watched this scene. He was about to jump to the side, but when he was about to move his feet, he suddenly found that both of his feet were tied up with countless black bandages.


Before he could react, the energy wave hit the man.

The sound of the explosion echoed in the air, and a big pit was blasted out where the man was before. Most of the people behind were blown away by the energy aftermath. Only some people who looked very strong stayed where they were.

The man was covered in blood and slowly climbed out of the pit.

“Yes, you are very powerful and you are qualified to know my name. My name is Muzan Kibutsuji. All of you will remember this name. This will be your nightmare in the future.”

As he said this, Muzan stretched out his left hand, forming a claw shape, and pointed it at a beautiful woman not far away. His left hand curled up slightly. There was obviously nothing on the woman’s neck, but she covered her neck with a face full of pain.

Suddenly, several blue-red blood vessels appeared on the woman’s white face. These blood vessels began to”split” and finally spread all over the woman’s beautiful face like earthworms. These earthworms began to wriggle and gradually spread all over the woman’s body like living things.

“With a”pop”, the blood vessels in the woman’s body burst open, and a large amount of blood flowed out of the woman like a fountain. The blood did not flow to the ground, but instead seemed to be controlled and floated towards Muzan.

All this happened so fast that no one could react. A handsome man suddenly rushed in front of the woman. He looked at his lover who became like a dead tree, and tears could not help flowing down his face.

“”Aili, what’s wrong with you? Ai Li, didn’t we agree to be together? Open your eyes and look at me.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

The man picked up the woman on the ground and cried heartbreakingly.

No one expected that Muzan could kill someone so easily. Everyone felt sad for the innocent couple from the bottom of their hearts.

The blood wrapped Muzan, and in the blink of an eye, his injuries were healed.

“Humans are nothing but my blood food.”

Everyone was shocked and angry when they heard this.[]

Just as Mistra was about to cast a spell, there was a sudden noise from the ground, and then a stream of golden ribbons flew from the ground to the sky.

This was a signal, a signal of magic exhaustion, and endless golden ribbons floated into the sky from all directions, even the magic wand in Mistra’s hand was no exception.

“”Magic, the magic disappeared. Didn’t they say that this would happen in the future? Why did the magic disappear now?”

A middle-aged man looked at the magic tool in his hand with disbelief, where the magic kept leaking out. He covered the place where the magic flowed out with his hands, trying to keep the magic in the magic tool, but it was in vain. The golden magic passed through his hands and slowly floated into the sky. Muzan looked at this scene with excitement on his face. He raised his hands and shouted loudly:

“Humans, be afraid, be terrified, you will all become my blood food”

“The magic power is gone, and you can’t… Wait, why is there no magic power flowing out of the scepter in your hand?”

The middle-aged man showed a surprised look on his face.

“Of course it’s because I caused all this. Your stupid king thought Anima was created by him. All this was my plan. I will have infinite magic power and endless food, hahahaha.”

After hearing Muzan’s words, the crowd behind him were filled with despair. Some people with weak minds even knelt on the ground, wanting to end their lives early.

【”A thousand miles without leaving any trace”

A phrase that had never been heard before suddenly appeared in everyone’s ears. Everyone looked up and found that two breezes suddenly appeared under their prince’s feet.

In the blink of an eye, Mistlan came in front of Wuzan. Wuzan looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him with a look of horror in his eyes.

“How do you…”

【Dragon-Shaped Fist Charge]

Mistlan raised his arm, his arm muscles tensed, and each muscle bulged like a hill. At this time, a deep blue dragon-shaped gas flowed from his arm to his fist, and in the blink of an eye, this energy was hit in Muzan’s chest.

After the dragon-shaped energy came out of Muzan’s chest, it rushed straight up like a flying dragon.

“How can it be……”

Muzan looked down at the big hole in his chest, opened his eyes wide, and fell backwards.”Bang”, the dust on the ground began to fly everywhere due to the impact of his fall.

After the dust settled, Muzan’s body began to emit golden light, and then his body began to turn into golden particles from his feet and flew into the air.

Seeing this reversal, everyone was stunned. There was silence on the field, and suddenly a child’s voice rang in everyone’s ears.

“Wow! The prince defeated the bad guys.”

After hearing this, everyone realized that they were saved. Their prince saved them, and everyone cheered.

“It was the prince who saved us.”

“Thank you, Prince.”

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly floated out from Mistlan, and it slowly condensed into a ball of light and flew into the air.

The ball of light stopped in the sky, and then it turned into a golden cat.

Seeing this familiar cat, the people who were in the square before exclaimed:”I know him, he is the transcendent who stopped His Majesty the King not long ago.”

Mistlan said to everyone:”This is the Lord God I mentioned before, he saw that the king was controlled by Muzan, so he stopped the king. It was with his help that I was able to defeat the enemy just now.”

“The power I just used was given by this adult. This power is called – inner force”.

After hearing the lines, Xiaoyang began to emit strong light. Everyone was blinded by the white light. After the white light disappeared, everyone slowly opened their eyes after adapting for a while. They found that the cat just now disappeared, replaced by a black-haired young man.

The young man slowly opened his eyes, and the people below were frightened by his eyes.

They had never seen such a pair of eyes. These eyes were like the vast universe, and they seemed to be able to accommodate everything.

【I am a god, and I came here to follow the will of the world and help those in need.]

Xiao Yang said this in Chinese, and it was like a system sound with reverberation, appearing in everyone’s mind.

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