“Can we build a huge statue of God and place it in the center of the kingdom?”

After hearing what Xiao Mi said, everyone looked at Mistlan.

“Of course,” Mistran replied with a smile.

“Great! I’ll go make a draft now,” the middle-aged man who had said before that he wanted to be an architect shouted.

Seeing the energetic and passionate people discussing the future, Mistran’s eyes flashed with a trace of relief.

[Xiao Yang said that he couldn’t be a good god at first, but now he is doing a perfect job. In the end, it was even more successful than I expected. Thank you very much, Xiao Yang.

Thinking of this, Mistra rolled up his sleeves and looked at the Fairy Tail guild emblem on his right arm with a bright smile on his face.

[I’m glad that I joined Fairy Tail and met all of you.

“”My Lord Prince, the King said he wants to see you.”

A soldier came to Misterlan and interrupted his memory.

Misterlan put down his sleeves and nodded to the soldier:”Okay, I’ll go right away.”

After that, he walked towards the castle in the center of the capital. Halfway there, Misterlan suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“”Hello everyone, we are Fairy Tail. We are ready to accept commissions at any time. You should know that we are recognized by the gods.”

Mistlan turned to look at the person who was speaking, and he found that this person was Lucy from this world.

She was holding a lot of papers in her left hand, and her right hand was constantly distributing these papers to the people around her.

“You said you are recognized by the gods, how do you prove it?”An old lady asked curiously.

Hearing someone ask such a crucial question, Lucy put on a proud smile.

“Of course it’s because of this——Inner Force”

【Nine Yin Bone Claws]

Lucy stretched out her left hand, slightly bent it, and waved it towards the stone beside her. Five dark blue gas appeared from her hand and flew towards the stone beside her.

“With a”bang”, the hard stone was chopped into pieces.

Seeing this scene, the people around exclaimed:

“Oh!! This is indeed similar to the internal force that the prince used at that time, but why are your words different from the prince’s?”

“Yes, yes, I remember that the prince spoke in an incomprehensible language, but I understood your words.

Lucy explained to everyone:”Of course it’s because the prince is the messenger of God, and he was taught the orthodox divine skills, while we are people recognized by God, and we are taught the improved divine skills. Of course, the two cannot be compared.”

After hearing Lucy’s explanation, people thought it made sense, so they sent out commissions one after another.

“” Great! Since you are recognized by God, you must be very reliable. I want to ask you to help me build a house.”

A middle-aged woman said as she took out money from her pocket and handed it to Lucy without thinking. (cadh)”My puppy accidentally ran away. Can I ask you to help me find it?”

A little boy looked at Lucy with his big watery eyes, pleading.

“I want to ask you to help move bricks and cement. You look very strong.”

A muscular middle-aged man looked at the broken stones and said with satisfaction.

Seeing so many requests, Lucy’s smile gradually became abnormal.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, we can take anything, little brother, leave your dog to us.”

After some conversation, Lucy successfully won more than 50 large orders and more than 20 small orders. She looked at the orders that were almost too big to hold in her arms with a gleam in her eyes.

“Wow, there haven’t been so many commissions in a long time. We’re going to make a fortune now. Fairy Tail will become a super big guild in the future.” After seeing the crowd leave, other Fairy Tail members came to Lucy.

Levi crossed her arms and looked disdainful:”Lucy, you are really boastful. It’s obviously a secret book, but you turned it into a magical skill and it was recognized by the gods. How come I didn’t know that you were recognized by Xiaoyang?”

“, Ha! Bastard Levi, what are you talking about? Do you even need to ask this? Xiaoyang is a member of Fairy Tail, and I am also a member of Fairy Tail, so of course I am recognized. Besides, we are the first people in the world to have inner strength. How can we get rich if we don’t seize this opportunity?”

“.()So, a woman who is only good at tinkering with machines is not smart either.”

Leibi:”Who are you saying is not smart, you bastard, you bad woman who is full of lies”

“(,)I am called wisdom, but some stupid women with straight minds will only understand it as a lie. How sad!.)”

Natsu walked slowly to Lucy and asked with a worried look on his face,”Small things are fine, but can we complete so many physically demanding commissions?”

Lucy looked at the man beside her as if it was a matter of course.

“No, it’s you. The hard work should be left to men”.

The other male members couldn’t believe what they heard,”Then you just do the work of finding puppies!!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing that this matter was looked down upon, Lucy said with a fierce expression:”What do you mean by finding puppies? Do you think finding puppies is easy? Do you want us, a group of weak women, to move bricks and carry cement?


[Weak woman…

The men turned their heads to look at the stone that was shattered by Lucy’s claws and fell into deep thought.

Natsu suddenly thought that Lucy might be disliked by the prince for making such a big fuss. He looked at Lucy timidly.[]

“Lucy, is it not a good idea for us to take on commissions here by using the prince and Xiaoyang’s identities?”

Lucy looked at him with dismay.

“I say to you, why are you so timid? You should learn from your other self and become stronger. Don’t be so timid.”

Hearing Lucy praising his other self, Natsu turned his head away and muttered in dissatisfaction:

“Learn from him, a weakling who is afraid of transportation, hum”.

Although she couldn’t hear the specific words, Lucy felt that Natsu was refuting her, so she shouted:

“Were you refutating me just now? Well, you are the one who is rebellious. You actually dare to say that I am wrong.”

Hearing Lucy say this, Natsu shuddered subconsciously, but he remembered what Lucy had said just now, walked a few steps to Lucy, gathered his courage, and patted her shoulders heavily with both hands:

“That Natsu is no better than me, the wimp who gets dizzy when using transportation.”

Lucy was shocked by Natsu’s sudden strength. Her heart beat violently when she saw him like this, and her face turned slightly red.

[Strong Natsu seems to be good.

She turned her head to the side, lowered her voice, and explained to Natsu:

“Actually, the prince’s words before were meant to make people recognize inner strength, to shift people’s attention from magic to inner strength, so that people would not be too afraid of losing magic.”

“What I said before was also to improve the prince’s status in people’s hearts. He will definitely not blame us.”

Leibi noticed Lucy’s abnormality at the first time. She showed a sly smile on her face and walked to Lucy with her mouth covered:

“”Oh, oh, let me see who is shy, oh! And they are blushing, so cute.”

Hearing her enemy teasing her like this, Lucy instantly turned from shy to angry.

“You, you are talking nonsense, go to the side and fix your machine.”

Listening to the inexplicably familiar conversation, Mistran couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

[As expected, Fairy Tail is Fairy Tail no matter where it is.

Hearing this laughter, everyone turned to look at the person who laughed.

When Natsu saw the person’s face, his heart instantly rose to his throat. He screamed loudly:”Prince!!”

Lucy and the others also stopped making noise, thinking about how to explain to the prince.

“Come on, everyone!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the prince say this, and then their hearts fell to the ground.

Lucy nodded vigorously, raised her thumb and replied with a smile:”If we all work together, we can definitely make this world a better place.”

“I will definitely do it,” said Mist Lan, then turned and walked towards the castle with a smile.

Lucy and the others were excitedly discussing their future plans.

On the other side, the Fairy Tail members who returned to Asland were teleported to a forest not far from the guild. They were walking on the way back to the guild, chatting as they walked:.

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