Everyone turned to look at the door, and a woman carrying a rectangular suitcase gradually walked into the guild.

The woman had beautiful long wavy golden hair, a light pink hat on her head, and a purple flower pinned to her ear, like an elegant young lady.

Romeo pointed at Lucy and said,”That’s Miss Lucy over there.””

“”Thank you”, the girl said to Romeo with a smile, her voice was very gentle.

The male members present stared at her blankly.

Habib pulled Lucy’s pants:

“Nalucy, who is that girl? She looks so pretty.”

“Hey, Lucy began to recall the past.

“I don’t know her, maybe she’s the client?”

The girl came to Lucy:

“Are you Lucy Heartfilia?”

Lucy nodded gently:”Yes, I am, that is, may I ask who you are…?”

“Who am I?”The girl’s nose felt sore when she heard Lucy’s voice, and tears slowly appeared in her eyes.

“I am Michelle Robster”.

The girl’s eyes burst out like fountains, and everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Habby:”Wow, Lucy made people cry, what a vicious woman.”

“Hey! o O This matter has nothing to do with me anyway!!”

After crying for a while, Michelle finally recovered. She wiped the tears from her eyes with her fingertips and smiled again:

“I’m sorry, it’s been a long time since we last met, so I can’t blame you for not recognizing me. Let me introduce myself again, I’m Michelle Roberts.”

Michelle tilted her head and looked at the familiar yet strange person in front of her with gentle eyes.

“Long time no see, Sister Lucy.”

The whole audience was silent for three minutes, then exclaimed:

“Lu, Sister Lucy!!”

Harpy raised his left paw with a serious face:

“Shocked, Lucy’s father actually has an illegitimate daughter. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?”

Hearing such a big misunderstanding, Michelle hurriedly explained:

“That’s not the case. The Roberts are distant relatives of the Heartfilias. Something happened to my family, so I came to seek refuge with Uncle Jiude.”

Michelle raised the suitcase in her hand:”Uncle Jiude asked me to come and help give this thing to Yang Ming. Duoleah, saying that this is the magic prop that was promised before.”

Wendy looked at this beautiful woman, she was a little confused:

“So Miss Michelle is a distant relative of Sister Lucy, but why is she the elder sister? Miss Michelle obviously looks older.”

Mavis thought for three seconds and gave the answer:

“Have you forgotten that you spent four years on Tenrou Island? Lucy’s time has stopped, but the time of others is still moving forward. Taking Lucy’s real age into account, it is not strange for Michelle to call Lucy sister.”

Lucy nodded, and her doubts were answered:”That’s true.”

“Wait a minute,” she suddenly felt something was wrong

“When I went to see my father some time ago, he didn’t mention your existence. When did you find him?”

Michelle put the suitcase on the table beside her.

“”I found Uncle Jiude the day before yesterday. I came too suddenly and scared Uncle Jiude. I should have told him in advance. Now I think my behavior was really rude.”

She covered her mouth, and her face was obviously guilty.

Seeing her like this, Lucy waved her hand:

“It’s okay, it’s okay. You must have done this because you had no choice. I believe Dad won’t blame you.” Habby:”She is so polite and gentle. She is obviously a sister of Lucy, but there is a world of difference between them.”

Lucy clenched her fists tightly after being humiliated again, and in front of distant relatives.

“(“What do you mean, Habby?”

Habby spread his hands and said casually:

“It’s nothing, I just suddenly felt something. Lucy, don’t think too much, but if you insist on getting yourself involved, I won’t stop you.”

After saying that, Habby tilted his eyes to the side and whistled in a cool way. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

[You bastard, just wait for me.

Lucy adjusted her mentality and after a while, she smiled and looked at her sister.

“Haha, let’s not worry about that silly cat. But Dad is really a fool. You’ve only been here for two days and he asked you to come to such a far place to deliver something. I would have gone to pick it up if you had told me.”

Michelle shook her head gently:”It’s okay. Uncle Jiude is very busy at work. I’m very happy to help him share his worries.”

Lucy looked helpless:”Dad is still the same as before. I clearly told him to have a good rest.”

Michelle waved her hands quickly:”No, no, Uncle Jiude has three normal meals now, and he also does some exercise from time to time to maintain his health. He listens to his sister very much.”

Lucy sighed:”He told you this, let’s not talk about this. It’s difficult to make him change all of a sudden.”

She took Michelle’s hand and walked towards the bar.

“Come here, Xiaoyang is here. Oh, Xiaoyang is Yang Mingduole, but we are used to calling him that.”

Michelle walked in front of Xiaoyang and raised her right hand:

“Hello, you are Yang Mingduo, I have heard of your name for a long time.”

“This is the magic way…”

“Huh?” Michelle raised her hand and suddenly found that the suitcase in her hand was gone.

“Σ(OДOWhere is the suitcase?”

Xiao Yang was speechless:”Didn’t you just put the suitcase on the table next to you?”[]

[This girl is really reckless. I thought she was just pretending in the original book, but now it seems that she should have two personalities. Maybe this silly Michelle is her true character.

Xiaoyang raised his hand and used telekinesis to drag the suitcase in front of him.

Others also came over one by one.

Natsu:”What kind of magic item is this?”

Erza:”Judging from the personality of Lucy’s father, it should be a very valuable thing.”

Xiaoyang opened the suitcase, and inside was a stick wrapped in bandages. There was a lot of money under the stick.

Leibi’s eyes widened. She suspected that she had seen it wrong.

“That’s a lot of money. It’s probably about 1 million yen. Lucy’s father is really generous.���Can give so many gifts”.

Happy:”Is this thing a stick? How strange, the bandage on the outside is a seal, Michelle, did Lucy’s father tell you how to use it?”

Michelle shook her head:”No, Uncle Jiude just asked me to give this thing to Yang Ming. Duo Le, and didn’t say anything else.”

Lucy touched her chin:”How strange, it stands to reason that my father would definitely explain when he gives something, why didn’t he explain anything this time.”

The stick slowly floated out of the suitcase and fell into Xiao Yang’s hand, and then the voice of the system suddenly emerged.

【Ding, I touched the infinite clock parts, and started the infinite clock collection task. The current collection progress is 1/6].

Mira walked out of the counter and cheered in surprise:”It’s finally my turn this time, the ability of the other world.”

Wendy looked puzzled:”Will there be rewards for this collection?”

“Yes,” Lucy said in a particularly loud voice.

“Just now a voice sounded in my ear. Because I was the first person to collect the infinite clock parts, I was given a Star Spirit Key. At the same time, my magic power consumption will be reduced by 5% when using magic.”

Lucy took out the reward key. It was a key with a different color from everyone’s cognition, a scarlet key.

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