Soon Wendy returned to the guild with a pink crystal bottle. Xiao Yang observed the half bottle of pink liquid handed to her.

“Unbelievable magic, it was a potion that could make people’s skin smooth at first, but after it expired, it could make people lose their sense of existence.”

Lucy tilted her head, she was a little confused:

“What does it mean to lose your sense of existence?”

“No one can sense your existence. As time goes by, you will disappear, and all memories related to you will disappear from this world.”

“Σ(OД”It’s so scary! Why did you take it? Just throw it away.”

Xiao Yang handed the bottle to Lei Bi beside him.

“Leibi, please restore the production process of this potion and see if you can make a potion with a similar effect.”

“”Okay, leave it to me”, Leibi took the potion, put on Fengyong glasses and began to study it.

Lucy was a little surprised:”Why does”707″ want to make a similar potion again? Even if it can erase the sense of existence, as long as we can find the antidote, it will be fine.”

Xiaoyang raised his eyebrows:”What if we can’t find it? What if I trap a person in a cage and then pour this potion on him?”

“Eh?” Lucy began to think.

“If the person is trapped, he will definitely not be able to move. Wait, then he can only stay in the cage forever. After being deprived of his sense of existence, will the person still be conscious?”Xiao Yang showed a bright smile on his face:”Of course, but there is no one in this world who can see him anymore. He can only stay in the cage alone forever. Even if he can get out of the cage in the future

, he can no longer do anything.” Such a description made Lucy shudder. The more she thought about it, the more scared she became. If a person really stayed in a cage forever and could not communicate with anyone, it would not take long for him to go crazy.

What’s more terrifying is that even if he goes crazy, no one will know, or no one can pay attention to him. Lucy rubbed her arms and forced herself not to think about it any further.

Soon, Lei Bi walked to Xiao Yang with a happy look on her face:

“I have restored the production process. The herbs used here are shy flowers, dark ferns, leaves of curled trees and some magic water. It happens that these are all available in the guild, so I also prepared a bottle. Xiaoyang, you can try it and see if it works.”

Lisana:”There is a cuckoo chicken for soup in the kitchen, let’s experiment with it.”

After saying that, Lisana walked to the kitchen and took out a stupid animal that looked like a hen.

Xiaoyang dripped the potion on the cuckoo chicken’s head, and soon the cuckoo chicken disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“How come it’s so fast!” Lucy widened her eyes

“My original medicine took 20 minutes to take effect, and I only applied a few drops, how could it be so potent!”

“Hehe”, Leibi looked proud

“I improved the formula a little bit. Now the potion is not only more effective, but also more stable.”

“”Lu, your previous potion was not very stable. The effect of my improved potion will change.”

Lei Bi felt that it might not be enough to explain it by words. She went to the kitchen, took out two eggs, and held them in front of her.

“Got it, got it. This is the egg that the Cuckoo Chicken laid accidentally. If the Cuckoo Chicken disappears after using my potion, then its chicken coop will also disappear, but the creatures related to it will not be affected.”

“If I use your potion, then after a while the egg will disappear. My potion won’t have this problem. Others will just think that the egg is reasonable and won’t pay attention to how it came from.”

“Oh! I see, Rei-chan is amazing.”

Suddenly, Lucy noticed that Rei seemed a little different. She leaned over to Rei’s ear and whispered:

“Leibi-chan, has yours… become bigger? I remember it wasn’t this big some time ago?”

[Σ(OДO I am too greedy.

Levi quickly put the eggs on the table to divert Lucy’s attention away from herself.

“Haha, no, no, it’s your illusion, I have always been this big”

“Really?” Lucy looked thoughtful.

“Yes, yes, maybe I am a little older. After all, I am still in the growth stage. Girls change a lot when they grow up.”

[Next, I have to slow down the process. It will take 3 months for it to fully grow bigger. One month is still too hasty.

Lucy nodded slightly:”That’s right. I remember it was the same for me. It didn’t take long for it to grow two full circles bigger. Congratulations, Leibi-chan.”

Leibi gave a forced smile:”Thank you, thank you Lu-chan, I’ll go over there to research.”

After that, she ran away.

Three question marks appeared on Lucy’s head:”Why does it seem like Leibi doesn’t seem particularly happy?”

20 minutes passed like this. Xiaoyang looked at the place where the Cuckoo Chicken was originally and felt a little puzzled.

“How come I still have memories after such a long time? Did Rebi’s potion fail?”

Mira, who was wiping dishes behind the counter, was a little confused:”What memories? Didn’t Rebi’s potion still not be used?”

“o O What are you talking about, Mira? It’s the hen that Lisanna brought over just now. The medicine was used on it.”…

Lisanna came to Xiaoyang with a plate of fried fish:”What hen? I didn’t hold anything just now.”

“It’s not a hen, it’s a cuckoo chicken, the one you’re going to use to make soup.”

Lisanna stood there and recalled carefully:

“I didn’t use any cuckoo chicken to make soup, I was planning to make tamagoyaki.”

Suddenly she saw the eggs on the table.

“”Huh? Who left the eggs outside? I have to take them back to the kitchen.”

Lisanna put the fish in front of Xiao Yang, then picked up the eggs and walked to the back kitchen. The others in the guild continued to do what they were doing before, but Xiao Yang was still thinking.

[Judging from their performance, there is no doubt that the potion was successful, but why did I not forget it at all?

【It’s because of me】

[Black flame? Is this a curse?

【It is a kind of negative state, a branch of the curse. When it appeared in the master’s mind, it triggered my protection mechanism. I spontaneously absorbed it, so the master will remember this incident.】

[So that’s why, then why didn’t anyone remember it after I called it out by its name?

Xiao Yang began to think about the original work:

[I remember that Natsu called Lucy at the end so she could return to her original state. Lucy is a name, and Cuckoo Chicken is a general term, so the memory cannot be restored. In addition to 5.9, it may also be related to the memories of other people.

[Lucy took up too much of the memory, and the cuckoo chicken was just an ingredient for making soup, that’s it. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He cast a purification spell on the place where the cuckoo chicken was originally, and the next second the cuckoo chicken reappeared.

“Chicken soup! I remembered, I thought that just making tamagoyaki is not enough”, Lisanna strode out from the kitchen and picked up the cuckoo chicken.

The other people in the guild gathered around.

Mira:”Amazing, I have no memory of what happened just now”.

Levi:”The medicine was very effective, but I have no idea when it started to work”. Gray

:”It’s terrible, my memory disappeared without me noticing, and I don’t even have any impression of it, as if it never existed in the first place”.

Just as everyone was discussing fiercely, Romeo suddenly walked up to them.

“Sister Lucy, someone is waiting for you outside the door”

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