Happy rubbed his eyes, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, he asked curiously:

“How come this is a red key!? Lucy, didn’t you say before that the Star Spirit Key only comes in silver and gold?”

Lucy was so surprised that she was a little confused. After a while, she replied:

“To be honest, I don’t know much about it, but I heard from Loki and others before that there are 12 red constellations among the 88 constellations in the sky, but the corresponding star keys have all been lost, so now people are most familiar with the gold key and the silver key.”

“But what I didn’t expect was that it would appear in this way. Maybe the keys were not lost, but scattered in another world.”

Xia Lulu:”What constellation is this key?”

Lucy:”The key to Perseus. This is the first time I’ve heard of this constellation.”

Hearing that he could get skill rewards again, Natsu’s body was ignited with flames:

“”Great! My strength will grow rapidly again. As long as I find that clock in advance, my strength will be many times stronger than Gray’s. It will be easy to defeat him then.”

After saying that, Natsu turned around and was about to run out. At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed his collar. Because of the excessive force and the speed of the sprint forward, he fell to the ground with a”bang”.

“It hurts! Who pulled me?”

He turned his head and looked behind him.

“”Elsa, what are you doing! Humph, I get it, you must be afraid that I will find the key in advance and gain more power than you to defeat you.”

Elsa covered her forehead with her left hand, looking helpless.

Gray sneered disdainfully:

“Idiot, that thing is called the Infinity Clock. Besides, you know where the other parts are, so just run out and find them.”

Natsu was stunned with anger:

“Hey, I don’t seem to know where that thing is.”

But the next second, a smile appeared on his face again:

“But if you look for it, you will definitely find it.”

Xia Lulu crossed her arms:”Should I say he is optimistic or stupid?”

Michelle was a little confused. How come they knew that this was a part of the infinite clock without her saying anything, and they were so anxious to find other parts.

Mira put her index finger on her chin and asked curiously:

“Why did Lucy get the first reward? Is it because Lucy’s father gave the pointer to Xiaoyang?”

Wendy:”That should be the reason. Lucy’s father didn’t make a contract with Xiaoyang, so the reward went to Lucy who made a contract with Xiaoyang.”

Lucy didn’t join the chat. After she calmed down from the excitement of getting a new key, she suddenly felt that the name of Infinite Clock was very familiar. She used memory magic to search her memory, and soon she made some new discoveries.

“Everyone, I think I know the exact location of the rest of the Infinity Clock. I read books about it when I was a kid.

“”- -Lucy, why do you always read some weird books? The last time you cheered, it was the same. Normally, when you are a kid, you should read some books like The Tortoise and the Hare.”

“Haha”, Lucy touched her head a little embarrassedly

“Because I was so bored at that time, my father was always working and had no time to accompany me. I had read all the books you mentioned, but I still felt bored after reading them, so I read some weird books.”

“I remember this book because of its ending. Those who collected all the infinite clocks can realize certain wishes. At that time, I wanted someone to accompany me so much that I figured out where the parts of the clock were little by little.”When

Michelle heard her sister talking about her childhood, she held her chin with her left hand and showed a nostalgic look on her face.

“When I was a kid, I still remember sister Lucy playing with me. We played games together in a big castle. Sister even made clothes for me with flowers and grass. I miss it so much.”

“Flowers, clothes made of flowers and grass!!” Elfman’s face flushed.

A bubble appeared above Gray and Natsu’s head. In the bubble was Michelle wearing clothes made of flowers and grass.

The next second, Erza stepped forward and waved the bubble away.

“You two idiots are thinking of something rude.”

Lucy frowned, recalling her past experiences.

“Michelle, you said you played with me when you were little? I made you clothes out of flowers and grass.”

“This is impossible”

“When I was a kid, I didn’t even have a playmate named Michelle, let alone using flowers and grass to make clothes for you.”

Happy:”Really? Maybe Lucy has forgotten because it’s been so long.”

Lucy shook her head:”Impossible.”

She said in a firm tone:

“I have practiced memory magic for a long time, and I can guarantee that I definitely didn’t have a playmate named Michelle when I was a child.”

Xia Lulu:”So Michelle is lying to everyone.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Cobra came in front of the crowd:”No, her heartbeat is very stable, she should not be lying.”

Mavis:”Besides, the joy that Michelle exuded when she said those words just now didn’t seem fake.”

Everyone was in a state of confusion, and they all turned their eyes to the protagonist of this incident.

Feeling the gazes of so many people, Michelle did not show any nervousness or embarrassment, and she still maintained a gentle smile on her face.

Seeing that Michelle was not panicked, Lucy began to test her memory again.

“If I had really made clothes for others out of flowers and grass when I was a child, it would definitely have left a deep impression on me.”

“.Wait… clothes made of flowers and plants?”

A doll suddenly appeared in front of her. Lucy looked up suddenly.

“My favorite sister…”

“You are Gonzalez.”

Hearing her sister calling her by this familiar name again, Michelle’s expression finally began to change. With tears in her eyes, she spoke in a trembling voice:

“So, my sister still remembers me.”

After being acknowledged, Lucy covered her mouth in astonishment:

“It’s really you, but…how could you”.

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly saw Michelle’s body in front of her emitting a black light.[]

Michelle raised her hand and looked a little confused:”Eh? What’s wrong with me?”

【[Black Flame]

A black-haired little man appeared in the air. The moment he appeared, the light on Michelle’s body overflowed from his body, gathered into a ball of light and rushed towards him.

Soon, the light flashing on Michelle’s body disappeared.

The little man absorbed all the light and returned to Xiaoyang’s forehead. Xiaoyang smiled and looked at the girl.

(Zhao Liaohao)”Michelle, the magic you have is puppet magic, right? This kind of magic can give objects personality, life and memory.”

“But this kind of magic is not cast out of thin air, it requires a certain price.”

After the truth was revealed, Michelle was not at all panicked, she was only deeply relieved now.

“Yes, you are right, I made a wish, so I can stand here as Michelle.”

After saying that, she turned her head and looked at Lucy with a bright smile on her face.

“Nice to see you again, sister, it’s been a long time since we talked like this”

“I still remember the first time we met. I was given to my sister as a birthday present. That time was the happiest time ever.

“We lived in a big house that looked like a castle. My sister played games with me every day, made clothes for me with paper and flowers, and made food for me with stones and soil. We were always together, always smiling, until……”

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