“Why didn’t Xiaoyang and Elsa answer the phone? It would be embarrassing if I sent a message to other people.”

“No one should be able to see me around.”

Lucy walked stealthily on the way to the guild.

“Damn it, why does the magic liquid I prepared expire after 4? Although I think invisible people are cool, it doesn’t mean I want to become an invisible person.”

She looked at her non-existent body and sighed. She was scared when she thought of the experience of being discovered on the road just now. In order to prevent accidents, she prepared to speed up.

Finally, five minutes later, Lucy successfully arrived at the guild.

“Finally here!”

She breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she pushed open the door and was about to speak, she suddenly heard someone in the guild talking about her.

Xiao Yang:”Since you didn’t do anything to make Lucy angry, why did she~throw you out?”

Habby held the fish in his hand and ate while complaining:”Because she is very rude. In the final analysis, it is because of this that Lucy has never had a boyfriend, and no one looks at the sexy underwear in the closet.”

Lucy: [(皿) No balls, bastard Habby is spreading rumors about me here, and I am so popular.

After hearing the conversation of this group of people, Lucy planned to find Xiao Yang to remove the magic later. She wanted to hear what else these people said about her.

Stinger was full of curiosity:”Is that so? But I heard that sister Lucy has had several boyfriends and is very popular?”

After finishing the last bite of fish in his hand, Habby spread his hands with an expression on his face that said I know everything:

“That’s impossible, that must be a rumor, Lucy has never had a boyfriend.”

Habib said seriously:”Another point, Lucy is a woman who has failed to use the honey trap three times, three times.”

His fist hardened, and veins appeared on Lucy’s head:

[Habi, this gossipy woman (gritting her teeth)!! Why do you spread everything? I finally spread the news that I am very attractive, but now a few words have ruined all my efforts for so long. Those few honey traps were all caused by the other party, okay? And my underwear, this stupid cat who stole other people’s closets!!

Wakaba had a cigarette in her mouth and showed a Noi smile on her face:”By the way, even if you have a boyfriend, he will run away soon.”

Makao crossed her arms:”Although she is a young lady, she is actually very strong.”

Lucy became even more angry: [There are so many newcomers around, and they actually said these things directly, how embarrassing! This group of people thought I was not here and talked about me casually, damn it, you are ready to accept the punishment from God!

Lucy first observed the surroundings, and after deciding the route she wanted to take, she began to act. She first quietly moved to Makao’s side, picked up the wine glass on the table and poured all the wine on Makao.

The wine suddenly splashed on Macao’s upper body, and he looked to the side in disbelief, and found that all the wine in Wakaba’s cup had disappeared. He immediately understood who had splashed the wine just now. Macao stood up, grabbed Wakaba’s collar angrily, and lifted him up.

“Bastard, what are you doing?”

Wakaba was picked up and looked confused:

“Ah, what are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb, you were the one who poured the wine on my head just now.”

Hearing this man talking nonsense for no reason, Wakaba didn’t let him go. He grabbed the collar of the man opposite him with his backhand:

“What nonsense are you saying, you bastard? Are you looking for trouble on purpose?”

Seeing that this man not only did not apologize but also attacked him again, Makao got angry and punched him in the face:

“You are the one who is looking for trouble, so just say so if you want to fight.”

The two began to fight, and while they were entangled, Wakaba’s elbow accidentally poked Lidas’s painting. Seeing that the painting he had worked so hard on for so long was destroyed, Lidas angrily threw out the stool at hand.

The stool hit Natsu exactly, and the excessive force made the unprepared Natsu bury his head in the bowl in front of him. He was furious and turned around to throw the stool out.

The stool flew towards Gray who was watching the excitement on the side, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

Looking at this scene in front of her, Lucy suddenly felt something was not good. She was about to speak to stop it, but her attention was attracted by Happy who was sitting at the bar eating fish and watching the excitement.

Lucy looked at Happy, and her anger was ignited again when she thought of what he had just said. She forgot about any attempts to stop the fight:

[This cat is still leisurely watching the fun, but he is the one who should be punished the most. No, I have to teach him a lesson.

Lucy suddenly remembered that Daphne left some Digestive Disinfection in the guild yesterday. Those seemed to be vegetable flavors, with celery, coriander, spinach and other vegetables. They were the type that could eliminate people’s appetite. Because they were new products, she put them in the guild for other members to try.

Lucy slowly moved to the Digestive Disinfection, picked it up and smelled it. This made her retching.

“Ugh, what a disgusting smell, it smells like both vegetables and fish, no wonder it can eliminate people’s appetite.”

She paused for a while and quietly came to the harpy’s side. At this moment, the harpy raised the fish in his hand and was about to bite it.


Lucy’s eyes lit up, she raised the digestive tract in her hand and threw it towards the harpy, the food rushed into the harpy’s mouth at a very fast speed.


The whole thing was not difficult to digest because of the excessive force. It all rushed into the harpy’s mouth. Suddenly, there was something extra in his mouth. Harpy subconsciously began to chew. After just two bites, his face turned green. He covered his neck and wanted to spit out the food in his mouth, but Lucy’s force was too great. It was not difficult to digest and it was too thick. He couldn’t spit it out at all. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He had no choice but to swallow it while resisting the nausea. After swallowing it with difficulty, Harpy lay down with a pale face:

“Ugh! It tastes terrible.���How can there be such disgusting food in this world?”

[Hehe, this is the price of being too talkative. Now that I feel comfortable, I will ask Xiaoyang to help me undo the magic.

She turned her head and looked at Xiaoyang. The next second, she saw a scene that made her scalp tingle.

Xiaoyang stared at her with a smirk on his face, and his tail swung back and forth from time to time.

Lucy subconsciously hugged her naked body and squatted on the ground, her face flushed:

“Ah! Xiaoyang can actually see me, so embarrassing”

“Wait, what is Xiaoyang saying?” Lucy squinted her eyes and observed carefully.

“What’s happening behind me?

She suddenly heard a sound of breaking air. Lucy turned her head and looked behind her. She found a huge wooden barrel flying towards her.

“Wait wait wait, ah!!”

The barrel crashed into the wall behind Lucy.

“Well, bad luck…”

The loud scream stopped the others from arguing, and they all turned their eyes to where the sound came from.[]


Then Lucy stood up and used the dress-changing magic to put on a set of clothes. After changing clothes, she explained the whole story to everyone. After Xiaoyang used purification, Lucy’s body also appeared. Wendy was asked by Xiaoyang to get the bottle of medicine.

Happy complained with a painful face:”Lucy is too much. She threw such a big and disgusting thing into my mouth.”

It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t complain. Once she complained, Lucy remembered what he did before. She walked to Happy and pinched Happy’s face with a smile on her face and pulled it to both sides.

“Oh, I’m too much! Who said that no one pursued me? Who said that I was not gentle? I cooked fish for you with good intentions, but you not only complained about my poor cooking skills, but also secretly read the novel I wrote and my inner……”

The more Lucy talked, the angrier she got. She clenched her fist and hit the harpy on the head.


A big bump appeared on Habby’s head. Seeing that Lucy was about to hit him, he covered the bump on his head, his eyes turned into poached eggs, and he cried and apologized to Lucy.

“Sorry, I know I was wrong.”

[I’ll dare to do it again next time.

Seeing Habby crying so miserably, Lucy’s anger gradually disappeared.

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